10 Most Effective Tactics to Fix a Golf Swing Slice The slice has come to be known as the most common mis-hit in golf. Amateur golfers and some high handicap players alike are plagued by it. The problem of not consistently hitting the ball correctly is truly frustrating. The ball travels towards the fairway, quite alright, but somewhere along the line it diverts, heading towards another direction until it eventually lands on some hazard or rough. Trying to compensate for slices by hitting the ball left/right may not be the solution as two things could happen. It’s either your attempt adds excess side-spin to the ball or it lands it in the rough to the left. Quite self diagnosing your golf swing errors all the time. What you need to better your beginner golf swing and lower your handicap is a good instructor who can diagnose exactly wrong with your swing. The best way to improve golf game is to minimize slices. If you are to improve golf shot accuracy and improve golf shot consistency then you need to understand how to practice golf effectively using the right golf swing improvement products as well as the fundamentals on achieving the perfect golf swing. This starts with identifying what kind of slice you produce. Is it a straight slice? Could it be a push slice? Or is it just a pull slice?
Once you complete the diagnosis of the slice, proceed to eliminate it. It’s not enough to ask; how can I reduce my golf stroke? Or how do I fix my golf swing