5 easy tricks to improve short irons alignment Short irons have a short shaft and are used on a ball that is about 150 yards to the green. Due to the way they are, some golfers have difficulty swinging them faster compared to say, a driver. Short irons play a critical part in putting greens and consequently lowering scores. If you are looking for an answer to the commonly asked question, how to improve your golf score? Then the answer is, short irons are the tools you need to lower scores. The pros shoot such incredible, flag knocking shots with their short irons and make it seem so effortless. When it comes down to it, an excellent command of your short irons is all that stands in between you and lower scores. However, without good alignment this is near impossible. So, do you want to know how professional golfers get lower scores? That’s simple; they are exceptionally good with their short irons. Alignment is an important, if not the most important thing in golf. If you are looking for the answer to the question how to improve my Golf Score, gain mastery of alignment. Alignment is essential for every shot during rounds of golf not just for short irons. Consistency in short iron alignments is sure to fast track your improvement in golfing. It is for this reason that you have to always address the target the same way. You too can be outstanding on the course with your short iron. Swing consistency, proper stance, weight coordination and great aim are indispensable tools to putting holes. Your aim will be directly affected by your alignment. These tricks can help improve your short iron alignment. Adopt pre-shot routine The high lofts on short irons make proper alignment a tricky business. But mind you, it is not impossible to achieve. To play the game of golf and play it well, you need to take a cue from the pros. Pro golfers don’t just start shooting balls the moment they get to the driving range. What they do most times is warm-up with short irons; pitching the ball with a three quarter or half swing. This is their preshot routine. A couple of stretches can also go a long way. Pre-shot routines are meant to relax golfers, ease any tensions and calm the nerves and muscles before the round begins. Jumping right to it may well be a recipe for mis-hits and we don’t want that do we? In that case, develop a pre-shot routine that works for you, something that relaxes you and eliminates tension. A routine that helps you improves your short iron alignment. A consistent pre-shot routine will put you in the best frame of mind to take that score lowering shot with your short irons.