7 Smart strategies to improve your ball strike
A good golf ball striker is a golfer that is consistent when it comes to hitting the ball straight.Getting tips to improve golf game is goodon your journey to reduce your handicap. A golfer’s ball strike (if not executed properly) to a large extent is the major cause for most mis-hits. However, a good ball striking golfer scarcely has the problem of fat shots or thin shots.The fat shot is a shot that goes nowhere because the club hits the ground first, raising sod. It even puts the golfer’s wrist at risk of sustaining injuries not to mention the embarrassment it causes. Without consistent ball strike, shots will lack distance. Improving golf strike is an easy way to improve golf game quickly. It is a golf shot improver for sure.
A lot of amateur golfers and beginners try to improve theirbeginner’s golf swing by hitting the ball hard. Sadly, exerting so much power to execute a swing won’t necessarily produce the right strike neither will it cover desired yardage.Most golfers focus on how to improve golf swing speed rather than paying attention to how to improve golf swing consistency. Don’t get me wrong. To improve golf shot consistency is one of the numerous ways to get better your overall golf game. And of course, gaining swing accuracy and power are also very important aspects to improve but the basic thing in my opinion is the improvement of ball strike. In as much as it is good to improve golf swing consistency and also improve golf shot accuracy, it is also expedient to improve ball strike consistency. Off plane ball strike is another frustrating and embarrassingmis-hit that plagues amateur golfers.There has to be a synchronisation between all aspects of your swing in order to achieve a solid ball strike with power at impact.This will accordingly produce the perfect golf swing. Following are seven super smart