How important is training Over the Off Season? Off season is that time of year when competitive or professional golfing is not going on. At such a time, training is something that will be of immense benefit to golfers of all ages. This will help you return prepared the next season. So, as the golf season wraps up and summer gives way for the cold winter, remember that you need to remain in top shape for the next season. Off season should be seen as a time to identify areas where you can make improvements; not a time to rest on your oars. It is the time to find ways to stay sharp and focused, improve your skills and overcome your weaknesses. Importance of off season training The off season can be divided into two major parts namely; the rest and recuperation phase and the pre-season stage. First Phase: The rest and recuperation The first phase is self explanatory. This is one of the most important things to do during the off season. It should be topmost on your priority list. The off season will give you enough time to visit your doctor and address all injuries as well as carry out a thorough medical check up. Injuries impede progress and slow you down. You have to treat them and hope for complete and speedy recovery before the next season. Wounds need to heal properly to be able to unleash the pro in you and realize your full potential as a golfer. Avoid the activities that cause you pain, especially the ones that affect your muscles. Some of the tips that can help you gear up for the next season are: 1. It is time to get rid of those extra kilos if you are overweight. Sure, there are good
golfers that are overweight, but that does not justify being overweight. At the end remember losing weight will improve muscle toning and help you play better. 2. Identify your shortcomings and try to improve on them. Start by enhancing your
balance for the proper stance. If necessary, change your approach towards the game that may have led you to make mistakes or choices that did not favor you during the season. Consider enlisting the assistance of a coach or golf pro to help you improve on your shortcomings. 3. Eat right and drink a lot of water. Eat a lot of nutritious foods, fruits and
vegetables; they contain a lot of fiber and necessary vitamins that help repair your body tissues and muscles. It is ok to have a sweet tooth and guess what? You don’t have to give up all that delicious stuff like your favorite pizza, burger, cakes and so on. However, you need to reduce the quantity and minimize your intake for a healthier you.