Things You Didn’t Know About Chipping Technique Improvement Frankly, golfers would prefer to just strike a long drive or get that crisp shot for birdie rather than struggling to save par with a chip. This is probably the reason why most people just don’t bother to practice new techniques that can improve their chipping. Chipping may not be your kettle of fish, but it is almost unavoidable. With improved chipping, you stand a good chance of saving your par in case you missed the green. Chipping may just be the fastest means of lowering your scores. Just like for everything, even for golf the regular practice is the only solution to overcome poor chipping. So, instead of getting frustrated about it, try finding out the right techniques to apply in order to improve your chipping. Your rounds of golfing and overall golf game will be the better for it. Here are certain things you didn’t know about chipping techniques that are probably responsible for mis-hits such as fat chips and thin chips. The knowledge obtained from these common mistakes can be applied to improve your chipping techniques and improve your golf game: 1. Shorter backswing is not helpful:
Accelerating through impact is vital for the perfect chip. Only problem is the fear golfers have of hitting the ball farther than necessary. This fear leads them to slow down the club head just before impact leading to fat chip. Swinging too far back during the backswing or hitting the ball in an attempt to lift it off the ground and into the air are the major causes of poor chipping. The key is the right calculation and control of acceleration and distance of the ball. Precision is a necessity. You can even watch a number of golfing technique videos to improve your game.