Comptia a 220 801 Exam Study Guid

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CompTIA A+ 220-801

CompTIA A+ 220-801 Questio & A swer s QUESTION NO: 1 Which of the following helps law enforcement show accountability for evidence as it was gathered? A. Drive hashing B. Chain of custody C. Drive image creation D. Court subpoena Answer: B Lets start our e a

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CompTIA A+ 220-801 QUESTION NO: 2 Which of the following memory types is used exclusively in laptops? A.DIMM B.DDR3 C.RAMBUS D.SODIMM Answer: D

CompTIA A+ 220-801 QUESTION NO: 3 Ann, a technician, is sent to a chemical company to troubleshoot their server. She is concerned about what types of chemicals she will be e posed to. Whi h of the followi g do u e ts would address A s concerns? A. Inventory spreadsheet B. Statement of work C. MSDS document D. Incident report Answer: C

CompTIA A+ 220-801 QUESTION NO: 4 Which of the following connectors from a power supply should be used with a graphics expansion card? A. 8-pin 12 volt B. PCIe 6-pin C. 20-pin D. SATA Answer: B

CompTIA A+ 220-801 QUESTION NO: 5 Which of the following 802.11 standards has a MAXIMUM bandwidth throughput of 54Mbps and uses 2.4GHz frequency? A. A B. B C. G D. N Answer: C

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CompTIA A+ 220-801 QUESTION NO: 6 A user, Ann, states that her laser printer has a smudge that repeats itself every couple inches down the center of each page. Which of the following components MOST likely needs replacing? A. Rollers B. Fuser C. Toner drum D. Pickup assembly Answer: C

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CompTIA A+ 220-801

CompTIA A+ 220-801

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