My name is Olena Panasiuk. I was born on April 18, 1976. I live in beautiful Ukraine. Having finished school I entered Odessa Theatre and Art College majoring in “Make-up Artist”. I discovered a history of costume and hairdo at this educational institution. I love works of old masters that showed us beauty and elegance of ladies and gentlemen living in past epochs. Having graduated from the College I worked on television.
I participated in painting of temples in Odessa, and I had been painting icons for more than fifteen years. Iconography is a whole world. It has its own laws, technique, and means of artistic expression.
I was studying at Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture majoring in “Master of Fine Arts” from 2010 to 2014. This education institution cultivated my love to architecture. I discovered beauty and poetry of old cities. Now whenever I am, whatever country I visit, I go to the old part of a city to see frozen history. I travel a lot and have visited many museums of the wo