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The Lakefront Neighborhood

Towards a Healthy, Resilient Living

The lakefront community works under concept of “Nurturing Nature,” with the idea that when cities’ environmental health is restored, it improves our individual well-being. A ring road around the lake with radials connecting to the existing network, and the central park serves as a visual and physical link between the neighbourhood and the lake, and thereby the river. With rich retail experiences leveraging the waterfront and the neighborhood’s central community space progammed with senior citizen park, play areas, skating rink, OAT, multi purpose courts and a public park that is accessible from the abutting road, the neighbourhood provides dynamic experiences to the users.


Additonally, park’s retentive landsacpes, rain gardens, sunken plazas, aid in water management during monsoon rains.

The Lakefront Neighborhood

The block gets primary access from the 24m ring road that surrounds the lake and 18 m radials form the secondary access roads, 15 m inner road subdivides the parcel into walkable neighborhoods. All roads are facilitated with bi-cycle track.

The block is distributed with large central private green open spaces, of 30% of the parcel land. The neighborhood park are the green fingers, radiating from the central green lung.

The builtform consists of perimeter blocks , with G+7 mixed residential buildings fronting the lakeside street edge and the inner blocks - G+6 purely residential built, aligned with the airport authority building height rules.

Mid - density residential towers with a central green space and amenities in the lower levels along the park edge. The lakeside street edge is activated by retail ground floor use.

The ROW of the lakeside street is distributed with : extended pedestrian plaza with shaded walkway, onstreet parking, carriageway, cycle track on the lake-side, multi utility zone with seating and stalls, a lush green buffer. The lake edge is protected with a transparent barrier such that the

- 100 % built to line to be maintained along the lakefront road

- Collonade to have clear height of 4 m

- Sectionally inclined columns are to be avoided.

- Retail storefront Diversity - Individual retail sales and service entities shall occupy no more than 75’of ground floor frontage legth.

- Columns to be planned at a min off 6m interval

- Minimum of 30 % of each parcel shall have a central open space

- No street parking for motorised transport shall be given adjoining the neighborhood green space

- Maximum height of the building to be 24m to align with the airport authority regulations.

- Facade to be articulated with balconies as projecting elements, to break into small scaled portions as well as to overlook the park.

- Setback of 3M to be given from the park’s pedestrian path to the development

Lakefront Neighbourhood

Lake-side Street View

Retail experiences leveraging the waterfront, help in creating a dynamic rich experience for the residents and visitors. The ROW of the lakeside street is distributed with : extended pedestrian plaza with shaded walkway, onstreet parking, cycle track on the lake-side, multi utility zone with seating and stalls, a lush green buffer. The lake edge is protected with a transparent barrier such that the visbility is not lost.

Lake-side street with a holistic waterfront experience

Multi-purpose Court

Bi-cycle track

Neighborhood Character

Lakefront Neighbourhood

Neighborhood level Open Space

The neighborhood park progammed with three typology of open spaces : senior citizen park, play areas including skating rink, multi purpose courts and a public park that is accessible from the road abutting the site boundary. The park functions as a community asset with a commuinity hub and sunken plaza, which also acts as retentive ponds during monsoon rains.

The Green Trail

Embedding Recreation in Ecological Regeneration

People’s movement adds energy to city life, and the city provides a series of places where people can move safely and comfortably. The central idea is to incorporate a small city system into this trail and transform it into an urban common as an extension of urban life. The green trail is interwoven through the development to create a strong sense of community. The trail ideates with the context and people’s relationship with it.

The green trail strengthens the links between the city’s Celebrated public space the riverfront and the neighbourhood of Motera. The more than 1kmlong shopping, pedestrian and cycle zone forms a central axis running through the neighbrohood centre and is designed largely as shared space.


The emphasis , on creating a rich pedestrian experience for the community, by retaining an organic character of the green and contrasting it with the simple and functional architecture of the buildings straddling it.

The sport trail, which begins at the aquatic center, is programmed with an unobstructed marathon track, a pedestrian pathway, a cycle track, and plaza seating amidst the landscape mounds.

Central Retail Plaza

Melding of Landscape with Experiential Information

The central retail plaza, connects the regional level public space, the lake park to the city level public space, riverfront and is progammed with interactive displays and exhibits of sculptures of atheletes/ eminent events/ acitivites, commemorating the Olympic Games,. A pedestrian-only and cycling trail extends outside the park in both directions, linking major streets directly to the park’s walkways. The mounds and sunken plazas acts as retentive landscapes and aid in water management during monsoon.

At the confluence of two great public spaces

Central Retail Plaza

Melding of Landscape with Experiential Information

The central retail plaza, connects the regional level public space, the lake park to the city level public space, riverfront and is progammed with interactive displays and exhibits of sculptures of atheletes/ eminent events/ acitivites, commemorating the Olympic Games,. A pedestrian-only and cycling trail extends outside the park in both directions, linking major streets directly to the park’s walkways. The mounds and sunken plazas acts as retentive landscapes and aid in water management during monsoon.

For some exciting art, interactive sculptures experience and Retail therapy!

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