In MATLAB Succinctly, Learn the essential skills needed to use the flexible MATLAB system. You will be able to apply the highly modular system. Towards the purposes you need by harnessing the power of its different toolboxes. MATLAB happens to be a highly modular system. What this means is that instead of just getting one application, you get the core MATLAB installation. And then purchase one or more toolboxes depending on what your needs are.MATLAB is typically version with a year-letter scheme. So for example, the R2013a release number (this is the revision use for this book) indicates that the release happen in the first half of 2013. MATLAB is available on many platforms, including desktop/laptop platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux). As well as mobile platforms (Android and iOS). Mobile versions of MATLAB are not standalone. Instead, these apps connect either to your desktop MATLAB installation or to the MathWorks Cloud. For downloading click the link .