Angularjs development services climbing charts of popularity for enterprise web applications

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AngularJS Development Services – Climbing Charts of Popularity for Enterprise Web Applications In the busy world of web development, one of the popular names, gaining popularity over the years, is AngularJS. AngularJS development services have proven their mettle by offering optimum contribution to the developer community. Many multi-sized enterprises are going in for AngularJS for their forthcoming developments and to act as an apt replacement for the internal processes being followed by enterprises. As the latest tech jargon in the web app development arena, AngularJS has been well recognized as a fine, secure JavaScript framework. Built and managed by Google resources, it has a large audience following on the GitHub community, the highest number of contributors than any peer JS framework. As such, for all kinds of web application needs, AngularJS has been considered perfect with each size of organization but there has always been a question on it being suitable for large enterprises, since enterprise web applications involve multiple pages, need swifter loading with lots of data being involved and need high amount of security. But, AngularJS has successfully been able to achieve each of these requirements through its beneficial features for large sized enterprises. One of the most interesting reasons why AngularJS has been a developer’s choice is because of its seamless integration and compatibility with NodeJS and also its advantageous participation in MEAN Stack development.

Key Basics of AngularJS – A Developer’s Delight Powered by the technology global giant Google, AngularJS is a client-side technology that is a powerful framework to build enterprise web apps that are effective, secure and extends to the HTML, CSS and JavaScript technology. As an open source JavaScript framework, it is totally extensible and gels seamlessly with other libraries. Its significant features can either be updated or replaced to fit the requirements of the enterprise’s workflow and needs. This makes it an easily understandable, readable and learnable framework, increasing in popularity against its peers.

Spreading its wings amongst major domain areas like travel & hospitality, sports, transportation, health & fitness, lifestyle, weather and more, AngularJS development services has been contributory in simplifying the development and testing of enterprise apps with MVC and MVVM architectures. AngularJS has been enhancing its features each time a new release comes up, offering the finest to its developer community. With its entire gamut of test frameworks and tools, it also offers the testing community a lot of added benefits. AngularJS 2.0 was all set to revolutionize UI/UX development and it did so, in a seamless manner. And then came Angular 4, offering a new angle to the Angular story so far. And then there is no looking back for this innovative JavaScript framework since then.

5 Prime Reasons Why Enterprises Look for Angular Development Services, For Web Apps Though there are many more reasons why AngularJS development companies are garnering a lot of profitability and increased business revenue, here are the 5 major reasons to it: •

AngularJS Offers Enhanced Security to Web Applications One of the major points of concern for enterprises is security – of its data, applications, technology all put together. The Angular technology uses a HTTPS interface to talk with its servers. Hence, to ensure that there is complete security, all you need to do is abide by the security measures that are already being followed.

AngularJS Facilitates Making the Most of Existing Data This wonderful framework lets you use your existing data management system to its optimum and uses RESTful APIs to do so. Server-side security can also be utilized with ease and speed. This improves the website performance to a large extent offering a great deal of performance boost along with enhanced security.

Enterprise Web Apps Built with AngularJS Are Highly Sustainable One of the major advantages of AngularJS is it is supportable when it comes to implementing web applications for enterprises. Maintaining the web application becomes an easy work for developers. It supports the object-oriented designing model for the client side that encourages easy maintenance for web apps.

Testing AngularJS Web Applications Is an Easy Task Dependency injection, being the essential of AngularJS, makes it simple for the enterprise web applications to get tested with comprehensive coverage and possible combinations. For any web app to function smoothly, regular testing is a must and at such time, ease and simplicity of testing is a great advantage.

Web Developers Can Garner Expertise in AngularJS Easily Being very similar to other JavaScript frameworks, learning and gaining expertise over AngularJS is an easy task for developers. It fastens the entire process of web application development along with stringent reduction in expenses and time. Developing in this framework is similar to other frameworks like jQuery, jQuery UI, Backbone.js.

Be it for enterprises or for large organizations, AngularJS web app development @ SPEC INDIA has been effective, lucrative and classy. Our accomplished developers have made the most of this brilliant technology and all because of the characteristic that it has, AngularJS has been the developer’s delight as well as the client’s delight too. As one of the foremost AngularJS development company in India, SPEC INDIA has garnered a lot of knowledge in developing and implementing all-inclusive AngularJS development services across a multitude of industry domains spread across the globe. Our expert pool of developers has unleashed the potential of this wonderful technology, by implementing leading-edge and robust AngularJS application development solutions, achieving utmost customer satisfaction, fulfilling business requirements.

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