Big Data Analytics Solutions - The Pulse of the New Age Data Big Data comes as a great indispensable addition to the enterprises in the wake of the extremely high volumes of data expected to be handled, coming in from versatile sources. The Returns on investments realized because of the integration of Big Data Analytics into the enterprise workflow is tremendous as critical data is being effectively captured and analyzed like no other could have. Enterprises are looking into the future with Big Data emerging as the pulse of the new age data.
What Makes Big Data really BIG – the Growing Importance of Big Data Analytics Big Data is a term coined after fathoming the volume, velocity and versatility of data. Different people have different views on why data today is considered big or intricate. And there are interesting reasons, why it is called so and how it becomes important to enterprises today. Most of the people feel that the traditional large data files comprise the most important of the data assets of enterprises and need to be stored efficiently. But, the new age data needs to be handled differently as well. Big Data with its capacity of handling structured and unstructured data, becomes an all important part of the process of collecting and curating data generated by social media. Contemporary techniques putting to use the concept of location based services; powered by the simple sensor based techniques to
the very sophisticated satellite communications, rely heavily on Big Data Analytics Solutions for data capture, organization and presentation. Devices like beacons, smartphones, tablets, and wearables; almost anything under the sun wired by IoT or other niche concepts bank on Big Data.
Advanced analytics is an all-important technique depending on a robust Big Data set up and is instrumental in giving a logical direction to enterprises. Big data is the driving force behind precise analytics and becomes critical to the success of an organization. Data Visualization techniques too depend on the appropriateness of data to measure up and become a relevant concept.
Big Data Analytics -The Concerns Every new innovation comes with its own risks and challenges which need to be attended to. While implementing big data into their organization, companies face some common challenges. Securing enterprise systems from unauthorized access and other vulnerabilities is the foremost concern a company can have. Keeping this data safe is a major task for all. Another huge challenge is to get an infrastructure and the other nitty gritties in place for implementing Big Data, summing up to higher budgets.
Enterprises wishing to integrate Big Data Analytics Solutions into the existing systems need have a better planning and a judicious vision to ensure the correctness of the setup. At times enterprises get into this data handling methodolory without really needing it. Without the relevant applications, they end up having no fruitful advantages for these. Engaging the correct resources for Big Data is a huge challenge for many and can give nightmares to enterprises.
With Cloud based services becoming more practical today, this too can be obtained as a flexible, scalable and a feasible service in the Cloud at least as a step to ease out many of these problems. Big Data Consulting Revolutionizing the Businesses It is more than clear today that Big Data revolutionizes the ways of work in a very similar way that the internet did, decades ago. Enterprises are adopting this technology, blending it in into other contemporary techniques with the help of efficient Big Data Consulting practices. Companies who have already implemented this see a remarkable competitive advantages in big data and are rapidly progressing to make their own data practices. Data specialists predict data driven business outcomes from big data and its compatible technologies. The outcome requires ability to mobilize information across the enterprise. As more and more data becomes available, it requires quick categorization as well.
Big Data Driving Businesses to Success Revolutionizes the ways of work
Injects efficiency into the processes of Businesses
Offers a Competitive Edge
Big Data – The Big Transformation Big Data Analytics is all set to radically change the enterprises want in the experiences they set out to provide to their users with. The users of the system right from the employees, field force staff, dealers, and partners and of course the most important of them all, the customer.
Precision in Manufacturing Prudency in Planning Designing appropriate strategies Optimized Processes Better Team Organizations
Making use of modern day devices and the novel technologies, Big Data extends its benefits to much more transforming every process it touches within the organization.
Focused Data Collection Improved Management of Versatile Data Precise Reporting Conducive Use for Keypersons Supports Self-Service Concepts Insightful Data Presentation Enabler
In a Nutshell Big Data complements Businesses like no other and the forecasts by both GE and Accenture tell a promising story. According to a study conducted by GE and Accenture
87% of enterprises think that Big Data Analytics Solutions are all set to completely change the competitive landscape in the next three years
73% of the businesses invest more than 20% of their total technology budget on Big Data analytics
76% of industry experts believe that Big Data is likely to grow more in the coming years
The Rising Expectations
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