Healthcare mobility solutions for the millennials

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Healthcare Mobility Solutions for the Millennials Mobility solutions for Healthcare become the second skin these days especially with the fact that the mobile apps are steadily and increasingly leveraging technologies in trend. Apps for devices like watches, fitness bands, commonly used appliances and manufacturing devices are taking solutions to a different level altogether giving an unimaginable push to healthcare mobility solutions. An increasing use of sensor based medical devices at home has resulted in a decreasing number of people going to the medical center for minor checkups. The data from these devices are then transmitted to an app on the smartphone. Innovative mobile apps offer new tools that make up a holistic healthcare system to ensure that patients are given better facilities, treatment, personalized services and care which has also resulted cost reduction and improved treatment. There is huge avenue that wellness promoters and hospitals can break into through optimal use of resources and automated workflows.

The Push Through Mobility Software for Healthcare The push healthcare gets through innovative healthcare mobility solutions and customized healthcare solutions is a huge thrust to the practices. Improved Treatments Health care solutions that are connected to cloud computing or other virtual infrastructure gives the service provider the ability to access information that is real time thus helping to make well-informed decisions, understand if a particular treatment is responding as required and thus course of action can be taken accordingly. This helps in treating in a timely manner and thus offering better treatment. Reduced Cost With the use of healthcare solutions, patients are monitored on real time basis reducing the need of actual visit to patients. Home care facilities that are well equipped will reduce hospital visits and admitting in the hospital for check-ups. Better Disease Management As the patients are monitored on continuous basis, the health care providers are able to access real time data and the disease are treated on time. Minimal Errors IoT allows collecting accurate real-time information and the automated workflows helps making decision with minimal risk or error coupled with mobile solutions. Better Drug Management The huge amount of real-time data can help predict the current trend, also analyses the medical needs of their regular patients and accordingly maintain their inventory. Better Patient Experience Connecting the health care system creates an environment that caters to the patient’s medical needs. Treatment options and procedures based on the patient history and current medical condition helps provide better patient experience.

Words of Caution Healthcare mobility solutions handle critical and sensitive information about the patients, so it is important to design the dataflow and system with utmost care. Employees use mobile devices with different approaches. Device Ownership This is decision the health care services should take diligently. For example if healthcare executive leaves the business, it would not be fruitful, that the customers contact him even after quitting his job as this could result in a bad customer service. There needs to be formal policy around it and there are four common mobile strategies that are widely used and reflected in enterprise mobility solutions. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Employees use their personal devices to do their official activities. The main advantage is low hardware cost, higher user convenience and minimal carrier responsibility from the organization’s behalf but this can have security related implications. Choose Your Own Device (CYOD) The employees chose from the list of pre-approved devices. Like, BYOD the employee is purchases the device but the company generally owns the SIM and the right to the data. Streamlined procurement, support and management, more control over application makes it more secure and also results in lower upfront cost for the business. The employee has less freedom with regards to device options. Company Issued, Personally Enabled (COPE) In this employer provides the device but employees also have the flexibility to use it for their personal use. COPE approach allows businesses have more control over the devices which results in lower security issues. Procurement, repairs and maintenance are streamlined and makes it easier execute but because of processes might be time consuming. However not choosing the right device for employees might hamper the employee productivity so to implement this strategy effectively it important to keep pace with the changing technology.

Company Owned, Business Only (COBO) This approach though is relatively uncommon for hand held devices but viable option for laptops and notebooks. The company selects and pays for device and its configurations but it is strictly to be used for office purpose only. This reduces the security hazards but like COPE it is necessary to have the right configuration and device to make sure the employees can use it productively. This is quite a high cost strategy because along with the device there needs to a process in place to monitor unauthorized use of the device.

Enterprise Mobility for Healthcare There are three important strategies and approaches to enterprise mobility management for healthcare. Mobile Device Management MDM is a type of security software that is used to control, manage and secure the mobile devices of employees that are deployed across multiple mobile service providers and multiple operating systems being used in the organization. It is a way by which the organizations make sure the employees are productive and break any corporate policy breaches Mobile Application Management MAM allows to enforce control on specific corporate apps and limit sharing of the corporate data. This enables the separation of enterprise apps from the personal apps and content. This granular level control and restriction is more important in the BYOD era otherwise like MDM approach the employees may suffer stringent rules and control on the complete device. Mobile Information Management MIM has data encryption, authentication and authorization processes in place to allow secure access and movement of data regardless of the device and the application. It includes data management and data monitoring features. It has multi-level authentication and password protection with geographical level restrictions on the flow of data. The type of EMM systems that works for an enterprise may vary from organization to organization and their needs. Some may want to control the employee device completely some may want control on only some specific enterprise apps and others might feel the need of securing only their data.

Observations for Healthcare Mobility Software in 2018 2018 sees the adoption of the millennial technologies like IoT, block chain, cloud computing, big data, robotics and artificial intelligence into the healthcare mobile software which will revolutionize the way we see healthcare today. Digital transformations enable better patient monitoring and also expose current inefficiencies in the operational functions and medical practices. Personalized medical services and treatment might be on the horizon on account of analysis of the large amount of data available. Big technologist players are investing and researching in the healthcare sector to reshape, simplify and revolutionize the healthcare sector. With drastic changes in the healthcare and technological world, the onus is on the healthcare leaders to be more engaging and proactive to provide improved patient service while meeting expectation of the next generation tech savvy customers.

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