Top 5 ecommerce trends that will skyrocket roi in 2017

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Top 5 eCommerce Trends that will Skyrocket RoI in 2017 Bill Gates surely wasn’t lighthearted when he assuredly said – “If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business”. eCommerce is a household name now and with most businesses enjoying success on the internet, it is highly oblivious that eCommerce has also seen a continually rising spree in almost all important industry domains. Online selling and shopping is at its peak right now and as we leave behind a year full of technological happenings and successful ventures on the eCommerce front, there is a huge window opening before us, showcasing the possible and most assured trends that could take the lead in the coming year and upraise eCommerce website development to a totally new level, especially when there is a booming holiday season, to elevate business results by a large margin. With this popular sector progressing by leaps and bounds, the main important thing for any eCommerce entrepreneur is to stay abreast of all the latest technological happenings and keep at par with the peers, to have a value added advantage over the rest, attempting ways and means to convert the entire bunch of visitors into clients. Of course, there are umpteen but here are the 5 golden trends that seem to be sure shot hit and will offer the online store development in a different avatar, altogether. 5 Most Awaited Trends in 2017, for a Prosperous eCommerce Business

Personalized Client Experience

Getting hold of your client’s pulse beforehand continues to work as the key mantra to successful and rewarding eCommerce business. To get information about what your client needs, why and how, is half the battle won. The challenge comes in sticking to the delivery schedule and offering the clients their much desired options. This is surely the apple of each eCommerce marketer’s eye and will continue to increase its importance in the year to come. Needless to say, a personalized and robust experience is bound to spread via the client’s mouth, yielding more and more visitors, RoI, productivity and profitability. The trend is moving towards a minimal friction experience and there are technologically sound elements supporting this move. Apart from the custom-made emails, notes etc., any such way of communication that may seem old and traditional may attract the customer, gaining his trust and loyalty onto your brand. 

Its mCommerce Now

Slowly and steadily, eCommerce is now getting modified into mCommerce, since Mobility has already become and is increasingly becoming a part and parcel of any eCommerce venture and hence Mobile Commerce will be the evident terminology everywhere. Any business that you see today has its own mobile interface and is ready to work seamlessly on any type of mobile device. If you compare proven statistics, usage of mobile devices for such websites is increasing and possibly may see a majority in the coming year. One of the most intricate and important functionality associated with any online store development portal i.e. the payment portal has also seen its interface successfully on mobile devices. Many enterprises have already started using it and there are more in the pipeline. Adding a feather to its cap, yet another technology that could steal the show in the coming year is the wearable devices. It is surely interesting to watch how technology is surpassing its own boundaries. 

Faster Delivery

The only physical interface while shopping online or doing any kind of business online is the product delivery, which may get delayed due to n number of conditions. Entrepreneurs are finding new ways and means to streamline the delivery schedules, make it as short as possible and this surely means their clients are here to stay. One of the most evident reasons of client attrition is the delay in delivery schedule and that is what the New Year shall surely portray in terms of faster delivery. 

Information based Marketing

Till now, marketing was based on mass behavior and likings with communication diverted to the entire group with a single focus in mind. But, now with the information availability becoming easier and deeper, marketers have now become mature enough to study each client group individually and target to market their strategies, based on the group information. The New Year will witness targeted communication reaching clients and no more bulk mails to everyone. Of course, there are certain exceptions to this but on an overall note, marketing will focus on the information associated with customer groups, with detailed analysis and decision making. 

Varying Prices

In order to move with the fast paced globe, any eCommerce website development company will have to keep a fundamental algorithm that allows pricing to vary based on market conditions. Based on the scenario in the market, the prices need to be slashed or increased accordingly. Keeping them the same at all times, may not prove beneficial in the upcoming year. While the business isn’t performing well, we might need to cut down prices and bring in offers to boost business while in situations where peer competition is slack, we could attempt to increase the prices by a margin and attract more customers. All in all, it does take pretty much effort to put up your eCommerce site as one of the sought after, amongst this widely spread pool of peers. But a little more focus and it can be achieved. There is so much to look forward to. It seems magical as we witness almost everything being possible with just a mobile device in our hands. Now, there aren’t many areas untouched by the magic wand of this beautiful world of eCommerce and now mCommerce. Let us wait and watch to experience further developments in mCommerce, making us proud of the manner in which technology is gently fusing into our lives, making itself an indispensable ingredient. We @ SPEC INDIA possess enriched experience in eCommerce website development and are a proficient eCommerce Development Company in India. Request for a Free POC to test drive our services.

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