India electronic security market report 2020 |India CCTV Market

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India Electronic Security Market Report – 2020 : Ken Research

• How India Electronic Security Industry Is Positioned? The ele tro i se urity arket i I dia has re orded re e ue orth INR ~ illio i FY’ , hi h gre at a rate of ~% duri g FY’ , a ou ti g to INR ~ illio . The pri e reaso behind this growth has been the security measures which were undertaken post several terrorist atta ks hi h o urred o er the ourse of FY’ 9-FY’ . This i ludes the Mumbai and Pune attacks post which huge budgets were allotted by the government and large industrial sector for the installation of electronic security equipments, leading to massive growth of the industry. Number of burglaries and robberies surged over the period FY’ -FY’ . Nu er of property ri e ases aug e ted fro ~ i to o er K during 2014. Moreover several major government tenders were released over the period FY’ -FY’ . The re e ue of the i dustry as reported at INR ~ illio i FY’ hi h as further i reased to INR ~ illio i FY’ .

The India electronic security market is highly fragmented and consists of various small and unorganized players. Although the share of unorganized sector in India electronic security arket has de li ed o er the period FY’ -FY’ , the seg e t has gro at a sig ifi a t rate of ~% during the period. Due to lack of entry barriers in the market, the small players are easily able to enter the industry and offer products at comparatively low prices than that of organized players. The presence of such players offering low priced products has resulted into stiff competition especially in the low power range segments. Use of cheap quality raw material allows smaller companies to cut down on cost and quality and thus pose significant threats to large manufacturers.

• How Has Video Surveillance Market Evolved? Video surveillance systems have been the largest product category in India electronics security produ ts arket o er the period FY’ -FY’ . It has a ou ted for a re e ue share of ~% i FY’ . Video sur eilla e syste s are used to pro ide a d store isual data of people a d relative surroundings. Video surveillance systems include a range of security systems such as CCTV cameras, infrared (IR) cameras, IP cameras, megapixel cameras and others. The various components of these video surveillance equipments are processor chips, sensor chips, optical sensors, server, software, surveillance camera, switches and storage.

• How Are Players Positioned In The Market CP Plus has ee the largest player i the do esti ideo sur eilla e arket duri g FY’ . The company is a global leader in security and surveillance products having a presence in more than 40 countries such as Hong Kong, China, India, Taiwan and others. CP plus Teknologix Labs is the testimony to its commitment towards quality and performance. CP Plus products pass through strict quality management and carry international certifications such as UL, CE, FCC and others. CP Plus India provides product solutions and services across almost all the segments, including banking, finance, retail, commercial, education, healthcare, home security, public and private security, infrastructure, hospitality, education, safe city, government institutions, civic bodies, power companies, real estate and transportation.

• What are New Changes in Fire Alarm and Detection Systems Market The fire alarm market has been witnessing surge in demand for advanced multi-criteria fire detector systems which incorporate four different types of detection methods including photo-electric, electro-chemical, infrared (IR) and thermal detection. These detection methods automatically adjust themselves according to the changing environment conditions. Multi-criteria detector systems are able to sense fire in every type of environment situation helping them provide better security and protection. Indian fire alarm market is well established and with the arrival of new and innovative technologies, the market has achieved an increase in the electronic security market in India. Fire alarm systems registered a o tri utio of ~% duri g FY’ , hi h as the se o d largest i o erall re e ue of ele tro i se urity arket i I dia. I FY’ , the fire alar arket had ge erated re e ues worth INR ~ million.

• Which Sectors Contribute To Fire Detection Systems Market Revenue? The commercial buildings and offices contributed the highest share of ~% in the overall revenue of I dia fire alar syste arket duri g FY’ . De a d fro the o er ial offi es a d buildings has been propelled by the government legislation and regulations, which have mandated the use of fire alarm systems in buildings and complexes. The government sector on the other hand, accounted for a significant share of ~% in the total revenue of Indian fire alar syste s arket i FY’ . The go er e t se tor eeds to e sure o ti uity i operational activities by avoiding occurrence of fire accidents in the premises. Therefore, installation, maintenance, and upgradation of fire alarm system become inevitable. This has facilitated growth in demand for these fire alarm systems.

• How Access Control Market has Grown in Last 5 Years? Access control systems have been the third largest segment in the overall electronic security equipment market as they accounted for a revenue share of ~% during FY’ The electronic a ess o trol syste s arket i I dia registered re e ue orth INR ~ illio i FY’ as o pared to INR ~ illio i FY’ , gro i g at a rate of ~%. Biometrics has a huge pote tial to gro o er the period FY’ -FY’ . The gro th of Bio etri s i I dia is projected to be huge on account of the proliferated uses of biometric devices in public as well as private sectors. . Which End User Contributes The Largest To The Market? The electronic security market has witnessed active construction activities in Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III cities. These endeavors have led to huge investments for the installation of electronic security systems inclusive of electronic access control systems in the commercial offices and buildings in major cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Baroda. Commercial buildings and offices commanded a contribution of ~% in the total revenue in access control systems in FY’ .

With a contribution of ~%, government sector has been the second largest consumer for access o trol syste s i I dia duri g FY’ . The e tities ithi the go er e t se tor are highly fragmented. For instance, central government manages the purchases from defense, highways and railways, and on the other hand state government manages the demand traffic control, city surveillance and local police. Tyco, Honeywell, UTC products, Lenel, Siemens, Johnson Controls and Other companies such as Bosch, Kaba, HID, Zicom, ESSL are the major players in this space. Unorganized sector contributed ~% to the revenues of the access o trol arket of I dia duri g FY’ . • How Dynamics In Intrusion Alert Market Has Changed In Last 5 Years? Integration of intruder alarms with other security systems such as video surveillance, access control systems, and fire alarms which can be monitored, controlled and accessed with smart phones is gradually gaining momentum in the country. Systems integration technology combines the functionality of various security systems which work together as a single solution.

These systems allow seamless communication between intruder alarms and other security systems. Furthermore, they also provide improved security against burglary and theft, maximized efficiency, and simplification of operations, thereby lowering the overall cost of installation and maintenance. Users can perform remote monitoring of integrated security systems through web based devices, enabling them to self-monitor their systems.Tyco, Honeywell with Lyric home security, Zicom, Bosch, Siemens Intrusion Detection Products & Systems, UTC, Securens and Diebold are the major players operating in this category. • How Competitive Intrusion Alarm Market In India? Tyco offers a range of intrusion detection solutions including intrusion detection sensors, systems and services surrounding layout, installation, intrusion detection testing, intrusion detection inspection, service and intrusion monitoring. Tyco systems further possess investigative capabilities which have been known to prevent crimes and support cost reductions. Supported by this, Tyco has captured the largest revenue share of ~% in the intrusion detection market during FY’ . Ho ey ell has garnered the second largest revenue share of ~% i FY’ . Ho ey ell has re e tly i trodu ed Lyri ho e se urity hi h features awareness cameras, motion, and smoke and intruder detectors.

Zicom has been one of the largest domestic manufacturers of electronic security products over the period FY’ -FY’ . Zi o ’s i trusio dete tio syste s ha e ge erated sig ifi a t demand from small and large retail outlets around the country over the past five years. Revenue share of Zicom in intrusion detection systems market of India has amounted to ~% i FY’ . • What Are The Future Opportunities In Electronic Security Market The revenue of India electronic security market is projected to increase from INR ~ million in FY’ to INR ~ illio y FY’ at a CAGR of ~% duri g FY’ -FY’ . The arket ill also grow on account of a strong inclination of upper-class population and high-end customers such as the government and industrial sector towards innovative and advanced technology security solutions which act as a tool for gathering business intelligence.

The electronic security market in India is apprehended to grow on account of rapid urbanization of tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 cities. The second and third tier cities are marked by lack of awareness level, slow technological development and small establishments which deploy traditional security solutions. There is a window of opportunities in these regions, since both small and big establishments are swiftly moving towards more efficient and effective security solutions technologies such as IP video surveillance, biometric, wireless intercom systems, and multi-criteria fire detectors thereby leading to improved revenue for the electronic security market in India.

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• Contact: Ken Research Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications +91-9015378249

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