Using the concept of modularity, allowing a space to grow by adding that allows us to create flexible spaces for different programme and activities. Modularity becomes efficient when we are working on a larger scale. Usually charging station and amenitiy spaces are seen as two separate units. By incorporating both of these spaces under a single roof a lively as well as functional space is created.


EVs are essential for future transportation so are charging stations . Hence, charging stations must be designed in such a way that it can respond to given demand and site conditions.


Excercise bikes that also generates kinetic energy to bring about green energy.
The provision of solar panels to power the charging station and green roof to compensate the built-up area.

Modularity, a concept that allows a space to grow in a multiple addition promoting flexibility of programme and activities Allowing growth of buildings in a horizontalandverticalwaycreatesinbetweenbuildingspaceslikealleys.Thiscloseproximityofspacedemandsaqualityspaceforpeopletobein. Modularspacesareefficientwhenmakingthemonalargerscale.Futureofelectricvehiclesthrivesformorechargingspace.
Vertical timber structural columns with beam and joist allows for addition of charging space, utility space and socializing space. Indoor spaces areenclosed throughbrickwallscreatingaconnectiontothealley.
Charging EV is not like fueling gas, it takes valuable time which needs proper utilization. Spaces like library, gym, cafe workspace adds for socializing and personaldevelopment.Otherprogramsandchargingspacecanbeaddedaccordingtodemandandavailabilityofland.Sitesupportsforholdingcars,seating, playgroundsandpublicactivities
EVs are a new step towards sustainability. For thesustainablepartofbuildingtimberstructureisused.Thestructuresupportsaroofwhichfacilitatesgreenery anduseofphotovoltaiccells.AdditionalenergygeneratingelementslikeexercisebikescyclingingymsandPavegen(pavementsthatgenerateelectricity)are usedforgeneratingelectricity..