Architecture 101 my quest

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Architecture 1o1 my personal quest from Nothingness to Place

*__* @ali_lu Anna Amalfi elsewhere

*__* - Part 1 - What I've learned - Part 2 - What I've learned from others - Part 3 - My place


- Part 1 - What I've learned -

- Part 1 -

Week 1

What I 've learned

Taking Pictures

#RelativeSizeOfThing Lots of attempts in looking at myself


*__ *

*__ *

Week 1

Taking Pictures - Part 1 -

#5000YearsAgo It seems that i'm looking deeper

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 1

Taking Pictures

The water under the fisherman stand talks me about the sea

*__ #ThingsWithNoName *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 1

Taking Pictures

Sometimes it takes a while to receive no signal


*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 1

Taking Pictures

#MusicWithoutSound My idea of silence: it does exist, it doesn't last long though: just a little perfect while

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 2

Learning to sketch

*__ Is it Monday again? *


- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 2

Learning to sketch


*__ *

My lemon tree: he knows things

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 2

Learning to sketch

#DayTimeNightTime It's all so quiet, it's all so still....

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 2

Learning to sketch


*__ *

Blind drawing my hand and a pencil, which is supposed to see

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 3

Making collages

#RomanceInManyDirection Well, well.. better move on!

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 4

Observing the weather

#ExcuseMeWhile Clouds Mandalas are capturing me!

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 4

Observing the weather

#MySunMachine Lemons from my tree.

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 4

Observing the weather

#SomePeopleWalk "E piove piove...."

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 4

Observing the weather

#VoyageDansLaLune I've been there, once

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 5

Shaping Diagrams

#YourMindWill This is how it should be: having a purpose, setting boundaries, find a human model that can fit and then look at extrahuman models to gather some inspiration... Eventually your idea will fly! Well, doesn't work that way, not always.

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 5


Shaping Diagrams

loosing time #YouGottaHave yes i should...

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 5


Shaping Diagrams

loosing time #IfYouStartToThink i'm on holiday

*__ *

- Part 1 -

What I 've learned

Week 5

Shaping Diagrams

*__ here we are, clearly stated: 38째 N * 13째E #BeSureYou


- Part 2 - What I've learned from others-

- Part 2-

What I 've learned from others

I wish I would have learned something...

- Part 2-

What I 've learned from others

- Part 3 -

- My Place -

- Part 3 -

My place

Week 6


*__ and i am so........ *


- Part 3 -

My place

Week 6


*__ and so do i........ *


- Part 3 -

My place

Week 6



*__ and so do i........ *

I think I've learned from my very talented teachers and collegues something subtle, dealing with the essence of life.

Stefano Mirti Anne-Sophie Gauvin Claire Bolsen

Thank you!

Apps i used here and there Paper 53



Color Lake




See you!

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