TEACHER: Hideki Hirahara
STUDENT: Annabelle Lee Peng
Theory Contemporary Architectural
“ Ideas & Phenomenon. ”
trying to explore more about architecture and self central theme.

04 Peek 16 Penetration & Symbiosis 28 Hazy 38 Music 48 Empty/ Daydream

This picture was taken on a train when i was in New York for winter vacation. Me and my sister went to visit our big sister. There are many chances being watch or i will use the word “peek” in life. Some of those experience doesn’t feel well, like you’re been violated. But there are time that might brings joyful just like how i felt in that moment when i saw the little boy and took this photo.
Peek 窺探

nothing over there...

Different kind of people/ objects brings different feelings. joyful, sadness, anger, surprised, relaxing,... positive anergy or negative influence.


What’s the experience of being peek or to peek ?
It might comes from curiosity... a small gap that makes you want to take a look. a holl and you wonder thats inside the other space. a light spread in front of you..., where did the light came from? a laugh from the otherside of the wall...

you felt someone or something is watching you...

It might have the feeling of not being along.
some small things that makebig affect.
Study Model

A space with gaps and windows/holes, it’s all about the action of being seen and seeing out. But what’s also important is the motivation and the result of this action. Curiosity. It’s human innate qualities. When we are kids, we have lots of question about this mystery unknown world. So we go for every opportunity to grab new knowledge.

a living space. In a high-density city, it is even hard to open a window in house causes of the distance between neighbors are so close, and people might felt irrupted.

what do you see?...

be peeked by different object/people.
peek at different object/people.

Notation Of Peek
Project 2
Penetration And Symbiosis 侵入而共生
I took this picture in 2017 summer during internship. It was at Yulin Jianguo village( ). This place is full of history!
The Jianguo Military Kindred Village was divided into the first, second, third and fourth village.
During the Japanese colonial era, this entire military barracks were built.
After the National Government came to Taiwan, they were converted into military dependents. In a period of time, this place also goes through being an American army base.
Once upon a time, with more than 50 years of history, there are thousands of military dependents.
With the changes of the times, the revolution of the armed forces, and the mobility of people. It’s now decline. Nature grows with all the broken, old buildings…

Its about “times”. Between people & nature, overlaping together... rain green lights

Changed By Time green lights windactivities
Overlap +
A(stable) B(changeble)
Kindergarten/ Primary school
stable can be define programed buildings A

flexible can not be define no program nature/ organic changed by time B

Study Model

the original classroom/ school type. separate the classroom by straight walls and hallways.

how to break the rule? from vertical to different angles maybe. separate spaces not by doors...

too create the changeable overlaping, using how the program might changed by time...


Notation Of Penetration And Symbiosis

One winter break, I went to NY with my second sister. We went to visit our big sister. I remember it’s on weekday, and a big snowstorm was coming. Everything went very foggy, and my sister’s friend took us back to Long Island. It was my first experienced from my memories.
Project 3