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Anna Cashin
Currently... I'm suffocating rainbows, raining on birthdays, murdering halos, vetoing sun rays, laughing while crying, silently screaming, listlessly trying, and dying while dreaming okay? and tonight........more saving a dragon and slaying a maiden..... haven't seen enough dragons around lately, I need something to run distraction while I slip incognito I am getting even with life by murdering zeros those who accuse me of lies must have the most to hide I like little baby ducks and fire trucks but I love YOU, and.... >poetry & lyrical rhyme: the more original the better. >ella fitzgerald >mia angelou >featherbeds >soda >elephants and monkeys >people who smile at me >shoes >comfortable in silent places >poetic license >reading >writing >art or crafts: not of the granny kind! >creativity >unexplored terrain