via Alba
During the course of my studies, my in terest has gradually turned towards an approach aimed at restoring and enhan cing monumental and minor historical Inbuildings.thisfield, I find it very fascinating to discover the pieces of history hidden in the stratifications of the built environ ment and the social value that restora tion can take on when it is aimed at re turning an asset to the community and results in the generation of spaces for sharing and collective growth. At the moment, having completed my studies, I would like to explore this field and, if possible, have the opportunity to gain experience on a building site to as similate certain concepts in depth and because I have always taken great sati sfaction in “getting my hands dirty”.
It would also be a great opportunity for me to be able to learn issues related to green building, slow and participatory construction, respectful of the environ ment and promoting a local and circular economy. DOVETTA 2E,
EXPERIENCESEDUCATION AND SKILLS LicenceSKILLSCOMPUTER 09/2011-07/2016 Scientific High School Arimondi-Eula Savigliano 09/2016-09/2019 Bachelor degree in Architecture, Politecnico di Torino (108/110) •including:A.Y.2017/2018: YOUNG TALENT PROJECT • A.Y. 2018/2019: ERASMUS PROJECT (E+/EU Programme Countries) ULG Université de Liège (Belgium, duration: 10 months) 09/2019-in progress Master Degree in Architecture Heritage Preservation and Enhancement, Politecnico di Torino B licence, achieved on 19/02/2016 International volunteer workcamps through French association APARE (Sustainable development in the Mediterranean: protection and development of the built heritage) • summer 2013 (2 weeks) Bedoin, France: stone walls/dry masonry • summer 2014 (3 weeks) Monieux, France: stone walls/dry masonry • summer 2018 (3 weeks) St-Chamas, France: removal and refurbishment of external plaster • summer 2021 (3 weeks) Venasque, France: stone walls/dry masonry Traineeship • Sep 2021 - Dec 2021: BODA’ Antonini-BertoliARCHITETTI,studio Torino Mother tongue: Italian Other languages: French C1 (OLS Test Erasmus) Inglese C1 (international certification IELTS 7 -C1achieved on 06/04/2019) Certifications ECDL *self-certifiedachievedachievedachievedBASEon19/12/2014ECDLSTANDARDon03/06/2015ECDLFULLSTANDARDon19/11/2015level Autocad MicrosoftGrasshopper*Rhinoceros*Photoshop*Illustrator*2D*InDesign*GIS*SketchUp*Revit*Office SKILLSLANGUAGEWorkshop • 10-19 Sep 2021 Student Team FoRTI in collaboration with Associazione Canova Restoration of a stone building, Ghesc (VB)
Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design Master Degree in Architecture Heritage Preservation and Enhancement Atelier Architecture heritage preservation and enhancement
The approach adopted is based on two fundamental principles: respect for the existing and the mediated insertion of new volumes. The latter is conceived as a tool to facilitate and allow the reading of the building’s layers. To reinforce this aspect, the definition of a path was effective: that is the case of the recovery of the walkway on the top floor of the complex. The most significant consolidation work was carried out at the point where the walkway was interrupted: the insertion of a monolithic metal “tube” structure to restore it and at the same time prevent the outer wall from overturning. The intervention ensures visual permeability towards the environment below. In every design choice, an attempt has been made to ensure that the language of the new building differs from the existing one, always taking compatibility into account. The new staircase blocks are connected by the walkway on the top level; one of them is located at the end of the eighteenth-century volume, while the other provides a direct connection with the environment outside the walls. The choice of materials is based on the concept of transparency: steel, glass and metal cladding make it possible to see through the volumes and, at the most significant points, offer a view of the Castle and its park.
The main goal of the Rivalta Castle project is to strengthen the vertical distribution sy stems in order to guarantee a more fluid accessibility to the building.
01 CASTELLO ORSINI, Rivalta di Torino
Professors: Cesare Tocci e Cristina Coscia Working group: Martina Borgna, Anna Dovetta, Bingqi Liu A.Y. 2020-2021
The project seeks to promote sustainable tourism, integrated into the city context. It is developed in two areas: the “borghetto”, with a reception function, and the foundry, a place of km0 production and services for residents and tourists. There is a strong synergy between the two areas, as one represents an element of enhancement for the other. In or der to guarantee this interrelation, from a purely physical point of view, a connecting path has been created. On the one hand, it branches out through numerous alleys and hidden passages; on the other, like a funnel, it leads to a vast green area. Also, to avoid the risk of creating an accommodation area restricted for the Sacra di San Michele’s tourists, an offer integrated with the context was conceived to encourage visitors to a form of slow tourism. For this purpose, the courtyards of the village have been designed to be accessible during daily hours by the local population, as a meeting and interchange point. The foundry, on the other hand, is an interesting attraction for both populations. In the hamlet, a mending operation has been carried out, involving the removal of buildings of little interest and the insertion of new volumes, in a settlement system with courtyards that reflects the histori cal consistency of the area. For the foundry, a minimal intervention and a “funnel effect” were chosen: the façade is a showcase of the artisan production that takes place inside, and to access the building, you must head towards the green area.
02 FONDRY AND HAMLET, Giaveno URBAN REDEVELOPMENT OF A HISTORIC HAMLET AND REFURBISHMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design Master Degree in Architecture Heritage Preservation and Enhancement Atelier Urban Design
Professors: Enrico Moncalvo e Andrea Cavaliere Working group: Martina Borgna, Anna Dovetta, Luca Gesmundo A.Y. 2019-2020
The project for the restoration of Agliè Castle concerns specific areas whose functions and accesses have been defined in relation to the other ambiences in the complex. In terms of the masterplan, the studies are focused on two areas: the first one, dedicated to the indu strial theme, envisages an exhibition on Olivetti’s Lettera 22, while the second one is linked to literary culture and, in particular, to Guido Gozzano. The latter includes a bookshop, a reading area, a literary café and an open sheltered area for the sale of used books. The motto “A lettere d’oro” (“In golden letters”) was born from the union of these two themes, which have in common the writing aspect and derives from a common idiom that means “something that lasts over time”. Each area has its own independent access in order to guarantee accessibility even outsi de the Castle’s visiting hours and to encourage the use of the rooms for activities other than simply visiting. There are also itineraries that extend to points of interest on an urban scale. The lighting design envisages an external lighting system common to all areas from the bottom to the top, to highlight the verticality of the facades. As for the interiors, the lighting is specific according to requirements. Finally, internal views are shown of the bo okshop, the point of arrival at the end of the tour. The long, narrow room adjacent to the sales area has a small interactive exhibition on Guido Gozzano.
Ex-Marxer ComprensorioOlivetti EX StabilimentoOlivetti Villa “IlGozzanoCascinaMeleto”
-8.40m chiesaScalaalla INQUADRAMENTO A 49.5 km B 36.7 km D 6 km C 5 km B 3.5 km A 3 1,5032,50kmh6min.60min.1,40h6min.39min.hh2,30h1,30h ITINERARI ITINERARICOLLEGAMENTIOLIVETTIGOZZANO 20 ComprensoriominOlivetti16min EX Stabilimento Olivetti 6 min 6 min Chiesa di San Gaudenzio 5 min 2 min GalleriaAccessotribune 01QJUPV_Atelier Progetto di restauro Architettonico A +0.00m Visitatori del castello Visitatori delle mostre culturaliOrganizzatoritemporaneaAllestitorimuseoPersonaletemporaneedelmostraeventi Esposizione temporanea “Lettera 22” AnnualeAnnualeEsposizione permanente collezione ottocentesca Visitatori del Vcastelloisitatori delle mostre eventiOrganizzatoriAllestitoriManutentoricastelloPersonaletemporaneedelculturali temporaneaEsposizione 70° anniversario “Lettera 22” di ottocentesca)presentipermanenteEspozioneOlivettiquadri(collezioneEsposizionetemporanea/architetturaolivettianaearcheologiaindustrialeAccoglienzaeventiculturali(workshop,laboratori,proiezioni)
03 CASTELLO DUCALE, Agliè RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE CASTLE THROUGH THE THEME ‘POETRY IN THE CASTLE’: MASTERPLAN AND BOOKSHOP PROJECT Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design Master Degree in Architecture Heritage Preservation and Enhancement Atelier Architectural Restoration Project
Professors: Monica Naretto, Paola Palmero, Ilaria Ballarini Working group: Anna Dovetta, Paolo Mamino, Chiara Tirico A.Y. 2019-2020 ITINERARI GOZZANO ITINERARI OLIVETTI
Chiesa di San GaudenzioCastello ducale di Agliè Officine ICO
Visitatori MuseoPersonaleVmostra)V“SalaFrequentatorimuseoPersonale(castello-mostra)VmuseoPersonalemostra-sala(castello-lettura)delisitatoridelVisitatoridelcastelloFrequentatoridella“Saladellalettura”VisitatoridelmercatoBaristadelladelleletture”isitatori(castello-enditoredelVenditoriambulantiVisitatori(mercato,mostre,castello)VisitatoridelcastelloPersonaledelmuseo Ambiente del percorso di visita Sala percorsoAmbienteletturadeldivisitaAtriodiaccessoalbookshopAmbientediserviziopereventualieventiall’esternoAmbienteterminaledipercorsodivisitaVenditalibriegadgetMercatolibri/antiquariatoEsposizionesemi-permanentesuGuidoGozzano A ACBDEA Galleria alle tribune B Maniscalcia C Sala etrusca GF 1h30 MistaMista1h I LegendaUTENZAQUADRO ESIGENZIALEEVENTIFUNZIONI CRITICITÀ ESIGENZE +13.00m +9.00m+9.00m +0.00m +0.00m -8.40m -15.40m 11.60m 1.60m +13.00m +0.00m percorsoAccesso-8.40mdivisitaGalleriaScalaalleTribune Ascensore B G F EI H D C Esposizione temporanea “Lettera Esposizione temporanea architettura LaboratorioOlivetti di scrittura Letture al Esposizionecastellopermanente collezione Eventiottocentescadipromozione culturale Circolo del PresentazionelettorelibriAttivitàdidatticheEsposizionesemi-permanenteGuidoGozzanoMercatinolibri/antiquariato eventiOrganizzatoriAllestitoriculturali culturali ( laboratori,workshop,proiezioni) Scarsa IlluminazionemotiviPavimentazionecondizionamentoAssenzacalatapresenzaImpiantocondizionamentoAssenzaarchitettonicovalorizzazioneimpiantodididallaimpiantoconservativiAssenzaimpiantocondizionamentoPavimentazioneMancanzadidall’esternoAssenzaimpiantocondizionamentoMancanzadiconsistenzaMancanzadiMancanzadiambulatiAssenzadiGiardinieriAssenzaimpiantocondizionamentoAssenzadiVisitatori
Illuminazionevalutare)ControllovanoDemolizioneilProtezioneregolazioneImpiantoResistenzadegliIlluminazioneinterno/esternoidoneaall’osservazioneoggettiinvenditaoinesposizionedelpavimentodiclimatizzazioneconindipendentedell’apparatopittoricosopracaminoIlluminazionediservizioall’attivitàdiesposizioneevenditaValorizzazioneefruizionedelporticoancheinorarioseraleAccessibilitàecorrettapercezionedeipassaggiedegliingombriContenimentodeiconsumienergeticiPresenzadiserviziigieniciinprossimitàLuogodisosta/parcheggiopergliambulantievisitatoridellatamponaturadelportaesistentedeiparametriambientali(daidonea MuseoPersonaleVmostra)V“SalaFrequentatorimuseoPersonale(castello-mostra)VmuseoPersonalemostra-sala(castello-lettura)delisitatoridelVisitatoridelcastelloFrequentatoridella“Saladellalettura”VisitatoridelmercatoBaristadelladelleletture”isitatori(castello-enditoredelVenditoriambulantiVisitatori(mercato,mostre,castello)VisitatoridelcastelloPersonaledelmuseo presenti ottocentesca)(collezioneEsposizionetemporanea/architetturaolivettianaearcheologiaindustrialeAccoglienzaeventiculturali(workshop,laboratori,proiezioni)
Ambiente del percorso di visita Sala percorsoAmbienteletturadeldivisitaAtriodiaccessoalbookshopAmbientediserviziopereventualieventiall’esternoAmbienteterminaledipercorsodivisitaVenditalibriegadgetMercatolibri/antiquariatoEsposizionesemi-permanentesuGuidoGozzanoABCCCCDEA Galleria alle tribune B Maniscalcia C Sala etrusca D Serra mosaico E Sala delle Panchine F Sala dei Giardinieri G Portico est H Portico sud GF GGHI LegendaI EVENTI Anno Accademico 2019/2020 Castello di Agliè Carla CONTI, Maria Claudia CORTESE, Anna DOVETTA, Paolo MAMINO, Giuliana SERRA,Chiara TIRICO / A LETTERE D’ORO Tema B,N +0.00m -8.40m-8.40m -15.40m G F EI H D C Organizzatoritemporanea eventi culturali Esposizione temporanea “Lettera 22” Esposizione temporanea architettura LaboratorioOlivetti di scrittura Letture al castello UnAnnualeAnnualegiorno a AnnualeAnnualepomeriggioSabato/DomenicasettimanaUngiornoasettimanaOrariostabilitoinbaseallenecessitàOrariostabilitoinbaseallenecessitàAnnualeSabato/DomenicapomeriggioEsposizione permanente collezione Eventiottocentescadipromozione culturale Circolo del PresentazionelettorelibriAttivitàdidatticheEsposizionesemi-permanente su Guido MercatinoGozzanolibri/antiquariato Visitatori del Vcastelloisitatori delle mostre eventiOrganizzatoriAllestitoriManutentoricastelloPersonaletemporaneedelculturali
Assenzadell’ambitoimpianto di riscaldamento e/o condizionamento dell’aria Assenza di servi igenici Impianto di illuminazione obsoleto con il Assenzacastellodiimpianti di illuminazione, riscaldamento e climatizzazione Mancanza di illuminazione notturna Mancato riconoscimento dell’ambiente esterno della piazza Scarsa valorizzazione del sistema Assenzaarchitettonicoimpianto di riscaldamento e/o condizionamento dell’aria Impianto di illuminazione anni ‘30 - ‘70 presenza di un’unica presa di corrente calata dalla canna fumaria Assenza impianto di riscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Pavimentazione non calpestabile per motivi IlluminazioneconservativiassenteAssenzaimpiantodiriscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Pavimentazione irregolare Mancanza di un accesso direttamente Assenzadall’esternoimpianto di riscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Mancanza di valorizzazione della consistenza architettonica Mancanza di illuminazione notturna Mancanza di prese elettriche per gli ambulatiAssenza di ingresso dalla Sala dei AssenzaGiardinieriimpianto di riscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Assenza di impianto di illuminazione alla Galleria Nuovo impianto di illuminazione per l esposione permanente e Miglioramentosemipermante accessibilità e di fruibilità Illuminazionedell’ambienteesternaadatta alla fruizione dell’ambiente esterno Accessibilità nelle ore serali Servizi adeguamentoigienici di quelli esistenti Comfort visivo e acustico Presenza di prese elettriche in posizione idonea Controllo dei parametri termoigrometrici Presenza di deposito per stoccaggio Sistemiarredo di protezione per rendere vistabile la Illuminazionesalache valorizzi la pavimentazione ed il bassorilievo Presenza di servizi igienici in prossimità Impianto di climatizzazione con regolazione indipendente Risposta alla possibilità di fruire dell’ambiente anche in orario serale rapporto Illuminazionevalutare)ControllovanoDemolizioneilProtezioneregolazioneImpiantoResistenzadegliIlluminazioneinterno/esternoidoneaall’osservazioneoggettiinvenditaoinesposizionedelpavimentodiclimatizzazioneconindipendentedell’apparatopittoricosopracaminoIlluminazionediservizioall’attivitàdiesposizioneevenditaValorizzazioneefruizionedelporticoancheinorarioseraleAccessibilitàecorrettapercezionedeipassaggiedegliingombriContenimentodeiconsumienergeticiPresenzadiserviziigieniciinprossimitàLuogodisosta/parcheggiopergliambulantieivisitatoridellatamponaturadelportaesistentedeiparametriambientali(daidoneaMuseoPersonaleVmostra)V“SalaFrequentatorimuseoPersonale(castello-mostra)VmuseoPersonalemostra-sala(castello-lettura)delisitatoridelVisitatoridelcastelloFrequentatoridella“Saladellalettura”VisitatoridelmercatoBaristadelladelleletture”isitatori(castello-enditoredelVenditoriambulantiVisitatori(mercato,mostre,castello)VisitatoridelcastelloPersonaledelmuseo della lun ghezza, possono essere percorsi a piedi, in bici, in auto o, in periodi da defi nire, con la carrozza.
Ambiente del percorso di visita Sala percorsoAmbienteletturadeldivisitaAtriodiaccessoalbookshopAmbientediserviziopereventualieventiall’esternoAmbienteterminaledipercorsodivisitaVenditalibriegadgetMercatolibri/antiquariatoEsposizionesemi-permanentesuGuidoGozzanoABCCCCBDEA Galleria alle tribune B Maniscalcia C Sala etrusca D Serra mosaico E Sala delle Panchine F Sala dei Giardinieri G Portico est H Portico sud GF 1h3010-191h301h30 MistaMistaMistaMistaMistaMistaMista1h30a1hesigenza1h301h-3h10-1910-18 / /////GGHI II Deposito 2LegendaLegenda EVENTI Percorso esterno Percorso esterno Percorso interno Percorso interno Castello di Agliè TAV.20 Giuliana SERRA,Chiara TIRICO / A LETTERE D’ORO Tema B,N UTENZA FUNZIONI COLLEGAMENTIEVENTI LEGENDA -8.40m chiesaScalaalla INQUADRAMENTO A 49.5 km B 36.7 km D 6 km C 5 km B 3.5 km A 3 1,5032,50kmh6min.60min.1,40h6min.39min.hh2,30h1,30h ITINERARI ITINERARICOLLEGAMENTIOLIVETTIGOZZANO Ex-Marxer18min 20 ComprensoriominOlivetti16min EX Stabilimento Olivetti 6 min Villa “Il Meleto” 5 Cascina929minminminGozzano5min18min6minChiesa di San Gaudenzio 5 min 2 min Castello ducale di Agliè GalleriaAccessotribune 01QJUPV_Atelier Progetto di restauro Architettonico A Nei dintorni del Castello sono stati individuati nu merosi punti di interesse relativi alla figura di Guido Gozzano e all’Olivetti. Sono quindi stati definiti degli itinerari su territorio che, a seconda
Accessibilità: mancanza di elevatori per Assenzadisabili di un accesso diretto Ambito non incluso nel percorso esistente di Scarsavisita valorizzazione della storia Assenzadell’ambitoimpianto di riscaldamento e/o condizionamento dell’aria Assenza di servi igenici Impianto di illuminazione obsoleto con il Assenzacastellodiimpianti di illuminazione, riscaldamento e climatizzazione Mancanza di illuminazione notturna Mancato riconoscimento dell’ambiente esterno della piazza Scarsa valorizzazione del sistema Assenzaarchitettonicoimpianto di riscaldamento e/o condizionamento dell’aria Impianto di illuminazione anni ‘30 - ‘70 presenza di un’unica presa di corrente calata dalla canna fumaria Assenza impianto di riscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Pavimentazione non calpestabile per motivi IlluminazioneconservativiassenteAssenzaimpiantodiriscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Pavimentazione irregolare Mancanza di un accesso direttamente Assenzadall’esternoimpianto di riscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Mancanza di valorizzazione della consistenza architettonica Mancanza di illuminazione notturna Mancanza di prese elettriche per gli ambulatiAssenza di ingresso dalla Sala dei AssenzaGiardinieriimpianto di riscaldamento e condizionamento dell’aria Assenza di impianto di illuminazione Accessibilità: fruizione degli spazi Nuovo ingresso da Piazza Castello Accessibilità nelle ore serali Valorizzazione della Galleria Inserimento impianto di riscaldamento Inserimento di servizi igenici addiacenti alla Galleria Nuovo impianto di illuminazione per ’ esposione permanente e Miglioramentosemipermante accessibilità e di fruibilità Illuminazionedell’ambienteesternaadatta alla fruizione dell’ambiente esterno Accessibilità nelle ore serali Servizi adeguamentoigienici di quelli esistenti Comfort visivo e acustico Presenza di prese elettriche in posizione idonea Controllo dei parametri termoigrometrici Presenza di deposito per stoccaggio Sistemiarredo di protezione per rendere vistabile la Illuminazionesalache valorizzi la pavimentazione ed il bassorilievo Presenza di servizi igienici in prossimità Impianto di climatizzazione con regolazione indipendente Risposta alla possibilità di fruire dell’ambiente anche in orario serale rapporto
+13.00m +19.80m +9.00m+9.00m +0.00m +0.00m -8.40m-8.40m -15.40m -11.60m -11.60m -8.40m +13.00m +0.00m percorsoAccesso-8.40mdivisita chiesaScalaalla GalleriaScalaalleTribune Ascensore A B G F EI H D C
Sezione f F Sezione g G
Sezione h H
AMBIENTI F ed I Gli ambienti di studio sono destinati ad ospitare il bo okshop e un’esposizione su Guido Gozzano.
Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design Master Degree in Architecture Heritage Preservation and Enhancement Atelier Renovation of the consolidated city Professors: Paolo Mellano e Daniela Bosia Working group: Martina Borgna, Anna Dovetta A.Y. 2019-2020
The project concerning military barracks is located in the Santa Rita district of Turin. First of all, the preliminary phase of the project requested a masterplan for the redefinition of the buildings, as those in a high state of decay were eliminated and new ones were built in relation to the existing environment. Secondly, an attempt was made to make the area a constitutive part of the city as much as possible by knocking down the outer walls, but also by defining crossing paths to ensure permeability and communication with the adjacent park. In this way, public meeting spaces (and buildings related, such as the community center and bars), private spaces and limited-time accessible spaces were generated. The latter case concerns the main complex, the set of pavilions linked by the glass gallery. In response to the request of a large amount of accommodation units for military person nel and temporary residences for their families, a proposal was made to raise the buildin gs. A structure of external pillars supports the upper levels, which are recognizable by their galvanized sheet metal cladding. On the ground floor level there are the family rooms with direct access from the outside and a garden. On the upper levels there are different types of rooms for the military: single, double and mezzanine. On each level there is a common kitchen every four rooms. There are three different entrances for the military, but the top level is shared and offers recreational space for all the residents.
0.00m 6.20m3.30m12.60m9.30m15.90m B Y ZB C’ X D W F’ F’’ C D’ X D’C’ F F F F F’ F’’F’’ F’ F’ B B BB B’ B’ B’B’ BB’’ F’ BB’’BB’’BB’’ B’ Piano Piano 1 e 2 (sopPi Piano 4 e 5 (sopraelev TOTALE: STRUTTURA 3 esternocorridoiodistributiviblocchiFAMIGLIEDISTRIBUZIONE STUDENTI UTENZA pianoultimotipopiano SPAZI COMUNI122 1221 PRIMA E DOPO L’INTERVENTO
Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design Bachelor Degree in Architecture Atelier Building in the Built Environment
The cohousing project is intended for families of three to six people where collective living can be experienced through different types of common spaces. First of all, the collecti ve-connective tubes, at the same time distributive and common elements, which are the heart of the project. The glassed-in areas at their ends create visual telescopes and, at the in correspondence to the “cuts”, sliding glass doors eliminate the boundary between the inside and the outside. Also, the internal courtyard, considered as the project’s green lung, is closely related to the common areas on the ground floor. It is fundamental from a metaplanning point of view as it allows each living unit to have a double facing. The volu mes of the project relate to the surrounding buildings, guaranteeing visual permeability towards the open spaces of the context. The courtyard is crossed by a green corridor, which can be used in different ways depending on whether it is totally open or partially covered by volumes above. As a consequence of the south-east exposure, a ventilated façade has been built. As a matter of fact, this technological solution makes it possible to visually reveal the compositional choice that guided the project, as it is clear of different materials: the collective-connective tubes are made of red opaque panels, while the living units are made of metal. A side cut permeable to view, which gradually closes towards the courtyard to ensure greater intimacy, regulates the interaction with the street.
Professors: Daniele Campobenedetto e Roberto Giordano Working group: Annalisa Bertoglio, Cristina Camurati, Anna Dovetta A.Y. 2017-2018
Université de Liège Bachelor Degree in Architecture Atelier Professors:BétonAloys Beguin, Luc Mabille, Karl Simon Working group: Mouad Ait Hadd, Anna Dovetta A.Y. 2018-2019
In the end, various materials and techniques were tried out for removing the element from the “coffrage” after the concrete had dried, as well as several combinations of materials in different quantities were also experimented for the concrete, until the optimum composi tion was achieved.
The project consists of the construction of a concrete module that can be repeated and assembled. There are two design modules: the basic module and its mirror copy. Each of them is made up of a structural component consisting of the extrusion of a quadran gular shape, to which is associated a plastic component (the two pyramids) which give a three-dimensional value to the element. These modules are designed primarily for clad ding a façade and for creating interior or exterior walls, although they can also be placed side by side to generate simple artistic compositions. Also, they can be arranged as a vertical or horizontal band within the wall, covering a specific area or the entire surface. In addition, the use of the smooth face alternating with the three-dimensional face allows the creation of an even wider range of compositions. The assembly of the various components generates an effect of light and shadow and a sensation of movement. The process, from the design phase of the element to its realization, involved the study and the construction of a formwork that had to be as efficient and reusable as possible.
At the beginning the SiRa lamp was created from an origami.
The initial goal was to create a flexible but unitary object that could be used in different ways, depending on its arrangement in space or through the physical transformation of the object itself. In this way it would have been also possible to obtain different shapes and light effects. All these intentions have been reunited in the concept of the origami “boule”: by changing its shape, in fact, it is possible to obtain a multiplicity of volumes and light effects depen ding on whether the light bulb is enclosed within it or visible from the outside. However, since the model was intended for 3D printing, it was decided to work with a static form, as it was not easy to find a material with the same folding properties as paper. Therefore, an origami paper model was created to understand the development of the object. Then the digital drawing was carried out using a parametric modelling program (Grasshopper, an extension of Rhinoceros). The object was then broken down into 4 parts, each one of them created using radial symmetry (hence the name of the SiRa product).
GRAMMES Université de Liège Bachelor Degree in Architecture Culture
Professors:NumériqueSylvieJancart, Thomas Dissaux, Adeline Stals
In conclusion, here is the project: the origami lamp can be hung, placed on top of a table or on the floor and finally anchored to a vertical wall.
Working group: Mouad Ait Hadda, Anna Dovetta A.Y. 2018-2019