Climate Changes Campaign

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a social environmental awareness campaign

do you live in a coastal city?

are you worried about how climate change will affect your daily life?

does your community need to be more aware of the drastic impact ocean level rise will have on your coastal city?

use this social awareness campaign to show your community how the rising ocean water level will not only inconvenience daily life, but also drastically change your coastal city.

the cause The cause of this campaign is to increase social awareness about how Global Climate Change is raising ocean water levels and how that will affect coastal cities in the very near future. The focus is on daily life, specifically the movement and public transportation within the city. The goal of the campaign is to showcase how dramatically sea level rise will alter both the physical aspects of the city and how people utilize space. Dictated by scientific evidence, the location of the campaign graphics is based off of accurate flood predictions. By using graphic elements within the environment, people will literally be placed within the altered future, and therefore will be forced to face the reality that Global Climate Change’s ocean level rising will change daily life within their city.




The intended audience for this campaign are those who use public transportation and move throughout their city in a usual pattern. While this audience may seem general, it is because the specific placement of the graphic elements in popular locations is crucial and a scientifically selected part of this campaign and the overall message.

The angle of this campaign is to use simple graphics and typography amongst displays (both two-dimensional and interactive) to convey the drastic change that rising ocean levels will have on daily life, and specifically public transportation. This campaign is not meant to be depressing, hence the use of bright colors and simple designs.

The call to action is to raise awareness on how sea water level rising will dramatically affect Boston. This campaign speaks towards the grassroots aspect of the environmental movement. There are phases which require volunteers and participants. It is intended to get people talking about ocean level rising, as well as Climate Change in general. 56 12

the design The design of “Climate Changes” is simplistic and bright with the intent to capture attention as well as quickly inform the viewer who is interacting with a campaign installation. This campaign is meant to be installed in different phases. Because the design of “Climate Changes” is more than just the posters and graphic elements, the order and timing of the installations within the city is very important. The reliance on the placement of the elements is a key aspect, because these sites were chosen by how much impact ocean level rise will have and how often the public interacts with that area. The design is meant to reference the city with it’s straight lines while also showing the importance of the ocean with the colors used: this brings the two environments together, as they will be in the future.



The darker blue is used as an iconic representation of the ocean. The lighter blue adds depth to the wave element. White is used in contrast with the deep blue to add clarity and keep within the overall simplistic design. The logo is usually written in black to convey directness and create a stark contrast that will capture the public’s attention.

The fonts utilized throughout “Climate Changes” are Avenir and Helvetica. As two very similar san-serif typefaces, their use adds to the idea of using simplicity to raise awareness about a heavily scientific and scary topic of city life drastically changing. Other graphic elements used on the posters are meant to help convey information.

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

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“Climate Changes� is based off of scientific predictive data. This data determines the specific places for the campaign to be installed. Having the phases in these places emphasizes the reality of the message. The graphics are relaying accurate information about how that specific location will be affected in the future by ocean levels rising.

The wave graphic is repetitive throughout the campaign. While simple, it is very direct in conveying the message that water will be taking over the space in which it is placed. The height references the possible future height of the water level, and the span of the wave helps to envelope the viewer within the installation and the message. 56 16

Boston Boston, Massachusetts was the birthplace of the “Climate Changes” campaign. Located on the east coast, Boston’s future will be drastically changed if ocean levels actually rise to the current scientific predictions. Boston is a great example of how a few feet of sea level rise will greatly affect the pattern of daily life within the city. Public transportation is used widely within Boston, which is where this campaign provides emphasis on how impactful the water rise will be. As a walking city, the grassroots elements of “Climate Changes” are very useful in relaying the message to the general public. The following pages outline the order, timing, and locations of the installations with examples from the “Climate Changes Boston” campaign.

climate CHANGES


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installation The first installation is the informational posters. These visual aids would appear in bus stops, train stations, and other public transportation waiting areas. These sites would allow the public to have time to read through the informational, but dynamic poster. This placement starts to indicate the importance of locations, especially with the iconic examples provided on the poster. The posters are meant to give a detailed account of the threat of ocean level rise to the city.


The poster within the bus stop on the previous page is shown here to the left. Two other options for different headings of the informational visual aid are pictured here at the right. A detailed example of the fourth heading option is shown over the next four spreads, which allows clear legibility of the various elements that make up these posters.


installation The second installation aims to bring awareness all over the city by putting the wave graphic and other informational elements on public transportation trollies, buses, and trains. By placing the campaign on moving vehicles, the information is spread to a vast amount of people–but is still conveying the message of how ocean level rising will change those specific areas of movement throughout Boston.



installation The third installation connects the first two phases. By bringing in the large graphic elements into the physical space and being accompanied by the posters, the campaign starts to truly relay how impacting ocean level rise will be in Boston. The wave covering the floor and continuing up the wall, along with the measurement increments, literally places the public within the changed city environment.



installation The fourth installation addresses the other locations in Boston besides public transportation. Known for being a walking city, busy sidewalks and specific buildings are covered with the wave graphic as well as the written indication of the potential sea level height in a certain year. This phase uses the available walking space of Boston to share how the rising ocean levels will dramatically change that specific aspect of the city.



installation The fifth installation brings the message of campaign home, literally. This is the grassroots element of “Climate Changes�. Volunteers will paint the roads and sidewalks of residential streets that are at high risk of being drastically altered by rising ocean levels. Using paint color, placement, and people, this installation attempts to create the difficulties that a rising sea will have on those in the at risk neighborhoods. Not only will the graphic elements help relay the message, but also the increasing presence of people will too.


The first five days, volunteers would paint a light coating on the road during the night. During the next five days, the volunteers would move the wave up the road, paint heavier coats and work more into the morning. The last five days, the wave would continue high up the street, the coats would be dark, and the volunteers would work during the day.


installation Technology becomes incorporated into the campaign with the sixth and final installation. Photobooths are set up around the city within the locations that already feature the posters and the physical wave graphics. Using the touchscreen, people can pick a backdrop from the pre-made list of iconic Boston sites or their own location. They then have their picture taken, and receive a strip with four altered pictures. This gives people physical evidence of the change that Boston will undergo at these specific locations.


This is the interface of the photobooth touch screen. It will take you through a stepby-step process of selecting an iconic Boston landmark or the actual location as a background. Once the picture is taken, a strip is printed with the original picture on top and three with the wave graphic showing the predicted water level rise for the near future.

bring this campaign to your coastal city!

the next city This campaign is designed to be adaptable for any city that is at risk of being dramatically altered from Global Climate Change induced ocean level rising. Because Climate Change will affect the entire world, this campaign was meant to be flexible enough to be applied in various cities, but also is specific and strong in its message and content. Rising ocean levels will transform cities that relay on the movement of people (through public transportation and walking). This campaign targets those important aspects. Each city will receive a personalized logo and posters, as well as specific locations for the phases to be installed. To bring this campaign to your city and raise awareness about how ocean level rising will affect your home contact the campaign designer.



Campaign Designer and Manager: Anna Driscoll

Anna Driscoll designed the campaign and collateral piece. Imagery is attributed either to Driscoll or morguefile. com, which contains free high resolution stock photos for corporate or public use.

Questions? Call: 860.315.3555 Want to be the next city? Send an email to:


disclaimer: all paint used in this campaign is biodegradable and will eventually wash away. All the advertisements are printed on recycled materials and will be reused or recycled when the campaign is no longer installed. While this campaign is designed to showcase change and disruption, it is very careful about not creating intentional harm (maybe just some slight inconveniences).

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