International Migration Law

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New Books Focused on Migration Studies, Refugee Studies and Internal Displacement Efrat Arbel, Catherine Dauvergne, Jenni Milbank, Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre, Routledge, 2016. Stephan Bauman, Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis, Moody Publishers, 2016. Reece Jones, Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move, Verson ,2016. Patrick Kingsley, The New Odyssey: The Story of the Twenty-First Century Refugee Crisis, Liveright, 2017. Elizabeth Ferris, The Consequences of Chaos: Syria’s Humanitarian Crisis and the Failure to Protect (The Marshall Papers), Brookings Institution Publishers, 2016. David Martin, Thomas Aleinikoff, Hiroshi Motomura, Maryellen Fulerton, Forced Migration Law and Policy, West Academic Publishing, 2013. Luca Maveli, Erin Wilson (eds.), The Refugee Crisis and Religion: Secularism, Security and Hospitality in Question, Critical Perspectives on Religion in International Politics, Rowman & Littlefield International; Reprint edition, December 1, 2016. Charolette McDonald-Gibson, Cast Away: True Stories of Survival from Europe’s Refugee Crisis, New Press, 2016. Bogumił Termiński, Migracje, uchodźstwo i wysiedlenia wewnętrzne w świecie doby globalizacji: Studium socjologiczno-prawne, S. Roderer Verlag, Regensburg, 2016. Bogumił Termiński, Wysiedlenia wewnętrzne: Przyczyny, konsekwencje i wyzwania przyszłości, S. Roderer Verlag, Regensburg, 2016. Bogumił Termiński, Migracje ekonomiczne w prawie i współpracy międzynarodowej: Wybrane aspekty instytucjonalno-prawne, CeDeWu, Warsaw, 2016. Sarah Tobin, The Syrian Refugee Crisis and Lessons from the Iraqi Refugee Experience, Boston University Institute for Iraqi Studies, 2013. Helen O`Nions, Asylum - A Right Denied: A Critical Analysis of European Asylum Policy, Routledge, 2016.

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International Migration Law by Anna Fadeeva - Issuu