Preserving our Past, Protecting our Future - Small Brochure

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A Message from Fr. Sergio Ovando

St. Catherine of Alexandria

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Here, at Saint Catherine of Alexandria Parish, we have received, among other gifts, the legacy of faith and a parish church in which we worship the Lord. Those who came before us had a vision of what could be and the opportunity to serve future generations. We are grateful to all of these past parishioners, priests, deacons religious and staff members who have been members of our community, who have provided us with a warm place to gather as a family of faith. Now it is time for us to take our place as part of the history of Saint Catherine. In the last several years, our parish community – together with the pastors who preceded me – identified the need to renovate and enhance our church building. Although the identified need and our response to it has changed over time, this constant remains: we must do something, and it must be done now.

Whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:6-9

After prayer, consultation and research, we have decided to move forward with the Preserving our Past, Providing for our Future campaign to improve our facilities, so as to enhance our liturgical experience and thereby deepen our faith in the Lord Jesus. I am asking you to join me in sharing our dreams and hopes for our parish. We can only do this with the participation of each individual, family and household of the parish. We are convinced that together, with your generosity and collaboration our dreams for the future of our parish can become real. Thanks to every one of you for your support in our common work. Fr. Sergio Ovando Pastor

An $8 million capital campaign to renew and restore the church for the St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish

St. Catherine of Alexandria 17400 Peak Avenue | Morgan Hill, CA 95037 | (408) 779-3959

Preserving our Past, Providing for our Future: A campaign for a stronger, revitalized church .

After much deliberation, conversation, and planning, our parish is embarking on a capital campaign so that we may build upon the beloved elements of the current church building while bringing the existing structure up-to-date.

OUR MISSION We at St. Catherine’s Church are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community called to live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through Worship, Discipleship, and Service.

The Preserving our Past, Providing for our Future campaign aims to deliver upon several key areas of growth for our parish:

Our many individual journeys come together at St. Catherine’s. We seek community and friendship. We seek the wisdom of our Catholic tradition and the inspiration to support others. We seek spiritual direction, comfort, and a place to find meaning during times of joy and sorrow. We seek a deeper connection to the Church and links from our generations to those before us and those yet to come. For all we seek, St. Catherine’s is here for us.

Create a spiritual home that will nourish future generations of Catholics in Morgan Hill.

Just as St. Catherine’s has shaped our individual journeys, when we come together, we can transform the future of St. Catherine’s and the ways in which we worship together. This campaign will enhance the our church, making our worship space a place that enhances our bonds and brings us together in celebration of Christ.

LET’S CONTINUE TO CARE for parish facilities that have served us well, but need to reflect our future potential. LET’S RENEW OUR BEAUTIFUL AND WELCOMING WORSHIP SPACE for St. Catherine’s families of today and new families of tomorrow LET’S REACH POTENTIAL.




The renewal will improve aesthetics to enhance the sacred space. The church is “both the house of God on earth and a house fit for the holy ones of God.” This project will provide a space that will speak to our identity as a warm and welcoming community and be a place of worship that will reflect our commitment to our faith and into the future.

Meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. As a parish, we seek to offer the word of God to all those who seek to worship with us. As such, we provide accommodating facilities to those who need them. The project will enhance the church by modernizing the restrooms and providing access ramps where needed.

The renewal of the church building is about us today, but also about how our children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren will experience Christ in their own lives through our Church and parish community.

LET’S IMAGINE how our church building can better inspire and engage our parish family. LET’S ENHANCE OUR HOME that fosters connection and engagement with all members of our community.

Add more beauty to the church building.

Upgrade the building according to current technology, engineering, and liturgical standards. As we look to the future, we wish to meet liturgical standards by including a baptismal font in the church. We also must remove the asbestos, replace the air-conditioning, and update the electrical and plumbing (MEP) systems.

An Invitation Let us reflect on the many blessings the Lord has given us. Recognizing that all we have are gifts from the Lord, we are asked in the Gospel to give back a portion of these gifts in thanksgiving for God’s generosity and goodness to us. Scripture tells us that Christian stewardship goes beyond giving of our surplus. As stewards of Christ, our gifts should be made from our substance. In this spirit of Christian stewardship, we undertake this extraordinary campaign and ask for your prayerful consideration of a gift to support St. Catherine Church. Together, we can elevate our church for the next generation of Catholics, and ensure our parish remains a strong and vibrant community of faith.

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