Campaign Planning Study Final Report

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Campaign Planning Study Final Report St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish November 20, 2017


Contents •


Study Overview


Study Participants

Study Findings

Strategic Recommendations

Next Steps

CCS thanks St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish for the opportunity to work together on the planning study for the parish’s vision for the future. We express special thanks to: • Anna Quinones, Director of Development; • Marc Poirier, Steering Committee Chair We acknowledge the time and insight of St. Catherine clergy, staff, donors, and other key parish leaders who participated in study conversations.


© 2016 CCS Fundraising

Introduction In October 2017, St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish retained CCS to provide insights regarding the Parish’s capacity to raise significant private philanthropic support toward a campaign to renew the current church building.

Create a spiritual home that will nourish future generations of Catholics in Morgan Hill

Provide additional capacity


Enhance the beauty of the church building

Adhere to current liturgical requirements

Meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements

Upgrade the building according to current technology and engineering standards

Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

Study Overview CCS followed the steps listed below to conduct the feasibility and planning study in preparation for a proposed $12 million campaign.

Identify and research prospective donors Conduct strategic conversations with supporters and parish community

• Partner with parish leadership to choose a select group of St. Catherine’s current supporters and members of the greater parish community with potential interest in the renewal • Prepare background statement, table of gifts, interview request letter, and conversation guide • Conduct strategic conversations

Complete in-pew survey

• Work with parish leaders to conduct an in-pew survey, gaining insight from the greater parish community

Propose opportunities and next steps

• Aggregate observations and findings • Present recommendations to the Building Steering Committee


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Methodology •

CCS conducted 53 strategic, private conversations with key stakeholders focusing on the following topics: –

General attitudes regarding the parish, especially as they would affect fundraising efforts

Specific attitudes and reactions to the vision as outlined in the background statement

Suggestions and advice regarding key features of the campaign: prospective leaders and donors, financial goals, and any potential issues and obstacles

Personal attitudes regarding the campaign, including potential involvement as a leader, donor, and advocate.

CCS also developed a parish survey that was administered during Masses on the weekend of November 4 & 5, requesting feedback on the same topics. Over the weekend, 910 families completed the in-pew surveys. Responses include some overlap with the 53 in-person interviews.


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Study Findings


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Involvement with St. Catherine’s Parish What is your overall perception of St. Catherine Parish?

Representative Quotes •

The community is the most important aspect of our parish – it’s active, vibrant, and faithful.

We’ve had a long history of involvement, and have seen lots of changes. There are always ups and downs at all churches.

This is home. This is where I want to be.

51.0%, 26

21.6%, 11

21.6%, 11

2.0%, 1

Very Positive 8



3.9%, 2


Unsure © 2017 CCS Fundraising

Core Strengths Representative Quotes

30.6%, 15

What I love about the parish is the community. It’s warm and welcoming.

The church does a lot to support all of the groups and ministries; it’s a very active community.

We have devoted people who are incredibly generous with their time, talent, and treasure.

26.5%, 13

18.4%, 9 16.3%, 8






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Areas of Opportunity Representative Quotes 28.6%, 14

It would be nice for us to come together as one parish and be a more cohesive community.

How do we get more people engaged? It seems like the same people are always involved with volunteerism and giving.

I want to see the church building match the warm community that we have. Right now the building doesn’t reflect who we are as a parish.

22.4%, 11 18.4%, 9


Community Cohesion


18.4%, 9



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Reaction to the Background Statement Representative Quotes

41.9%, 18 37.2%, 16

This is a true renewal. I envision a faith-centered community that is welcoming and acknowledges the diversity of our parish.

It’s exciting, but there is a lot we can do in a fiscally responsible way with the current building.

To do something so grand, we will need to get all members of the parish involved, and not just the same people.

9.3%, 4 7.0%, 3 4.7%, 2

Very Positive






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Prioritization of Case Components Infrastructure

ADA Compliant



Liturgical Revitalization

High 12

79.2%, 38

8.3%, 4 4.2%, 2 8.3%, 4

Representative Quotes

28.9%, 13

22.7%, 10 9.1%, 4 9.1%, 4

53.3%, 24

You cannot start one thing without doing the others.

I want to know more about the liturgical requirements –what they are, why we need them, and if they will change again.

I would like to understand the need for increased capacity.

59.1%, 26

69.8%, 30

9.3%, 4 11.6%, 5 9.3%, 4


The bathrooms don’t need to be fancy, but they need to be functional. I cannot imagine if I had a wheelchair.

77.6%, 38

8.2%, 4 6.1%, 3 8.2%, 4

11.1%, 5 6.7%, 3


Unsure © 2017 CCS Fundraising

Campaign Questions | Private Conversations Do you believe St. Catherine’s Parish should consider a campaign to address some or all of these needs?

Yes 68%

No 7%

Unsure 25%

Is now the best time for the parish to launch a capital for some or all of these needs?

Do you believe the parish can raise $12 million through a capital campaign for the priorities?

Yes 70%

Yes 31%

No 7.5%

Unsure 22.5%

No Unsure 15% 54%

Representative Comments

Representative Comments

Representative Comments

There is no other way. We have been putting band aids on the building for so long.

I don’t thin there will be a better time than now. There are always lots of commitments that people have outside of the church.

Thinking about weekly collections, and all who don’t contribute, it will be really hard.

It has to be intentional; there needs to be a plan to get all people involved.


Better sooner than later; it’s not going to get any easier.

There is wealth in the community, but are those people connected to the church?

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Campaign Questions | In-Pew Survey What is your overall reaction to the proposed renewal?

Is renewing our church a priority for our parish?

39.2%, 357 38.2%, 348

0.9%, 8



No 5%

Need Info





Do you believe St. Catherine’s Parish should consider a campaign to address some or all of these needs?

14.2%, 129

Very Positive

Yes 73%


2.5%, 23



Yes 68%

No 5%

Need Info




20% Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

Leadership Indications One-hundred fifteen (115) families were mentioned as potential campaign leaders. Ten of those were mentioned five or more times. Of those ten families identified, all participated in study conversations. Five indicated they would consider a leadership role.







Solicit others

Open doors

11 indications

Give a gift

Serve as a leader


Host a reception

40 indications

10 indications

17 indications

7 indications


11 indications

Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

Campaign Involvement – In Pew Results Would you volunteer in some capacity?

Would you attend a meeting to learn more about the campaign?



Need Info



Need Info







224 responses

345 responses

255 responses

364 responses

254 responses

217 responses


Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

Gift Indications Study indications are directional, but offer a glimpse of the fundraising potential from a set of key stakeholders. The broader context is important to keep in mind.

3,500 Parishioners

Private Conversation

In-Pew Survey





40 indicated a willingness to give

8 indicated they might give

2 said they would not contribute




489 indicated a willingness to give

212 indicated they need more information

104 said they would not contribute

Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

Comparative Analysis Question


St. Catherine’s



Overall perception of the parish

Very Positive/ Positive




Reaction to the case

Very Positive/ Positive




Realistic Goal





Move forward with campaign





Give to the campaign





Serve as leader





Solicit gifts






Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

$12 Million Table of Gifts and Indications Table of Gifts Prospects Needed

Gift Level

Gifts Needed

Gift Indications # Gifts Indicated




Providing (Low)

Providing (High)


































































$500,000 $250,000

As a result of the in-pew survey, 552 familied indicated $3,547,071 in potential support of St. Catherine’s proposed plans. Please note there is often overlap of indications so CCS weighs more heavily the interview results. 19

Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

Strategic Recommendations 20

Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

Strategic Recommendations To be successful, CCS believes every campaign should include four key components:

Case for Support Leadership Prospective Donors Campaign Plan


• Persuasive, emotional appeal and compelling rationale to give

• Ample pool of prospective financial supporters

• Strong and influential leaders who can articulate the case and request support from prospective donors

• Deliberate, strategic approach to execute the campaign

© 2017 CCS Fundraising

Strategic Recommendations – Summary 1.

Embark on a campaign with a working goal of $6 million, executed in multiple phases over the next year


Capitalize on momentum created in the feasibility study by launching immediately into campaign planning


Further develop and refine the case for support based on study participants’ feedback


Consider creating a campaign theme that embodies the vison of parishioners to come together as one parish


Recruit parish leaders from each of the parish communities early on


Empower pastoral leadership to serve as spiritual leaders for the effort


Develop personalized engagement plans for each high-priority potential donor


Develop a detailed and comprehensive fundraising plan to prepare for a successful campaign


Create a campaign timeline that sequences requests for support and builds momentum early


Š 2017 CCS Fundraising

$6 Million - A Working Campaign Goal CCS believes $6 million is a challenging, yet achievable goal for St. Catherine’s Parish. It is critical to demonstrate success to raise the sights of donors, rather than chip away at a much larger campaign target. There is a mixed reaction concerning the parish’s ability to raise $12 million. Sixteen individuals (31% of respondents) believe this target is achievable, 8 individuals (15% of respondents) consider it too high, and the remaining 28 (54% of respondents) are unsure. Concerns presented by those who believe $12 million is too high, as well as those who are unsure what the goal should be, include: •

There is uncertainty about whether the case for support reflects the true needs of the parish, or if it includes priorities that are perceived as “nice to have”

The parish relies on a small number of donors who contribute annually

Parishioners with perceived high capacity may need additional engagement with the parish and lay leaders before they are ready to make a gift

While CCS can confirm the above comments, it also considers the following tools when setting the goal: •

Gift indications

Year over year fundraising and offertory data

Wealth screening results


© 2017 CCS Fundraising

$6 Million - A Working Campaign Goal continued A successful $6 million campaign will depend on:

Table of Gifts Gift Level

Gifts Needed






























Extraordinary parish leadership, coupled with a wide-network of campaign volunteers

A well developed case that clearly articulates the vision, benefits, and opportunities for families to prayerfully consider making sacrificial gifts for their parish

Carefully constructed strategies to motivate additional lead gifts and encourage the St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish community to think in broader terms about their giving

© 2017 CCS Fundraising

One Parish, Our Church – A Refined Case for Support •

Based on the feedback from study participants, the parish should consider reshaping, scaling back, or value engineering the current plans to adjust to the recommended campaign goal. The current case supports a $12 million goal, which the parish community has indicated is above their capacity.

Communicate additional details around each of the needs and their long-term impact. Participants requested more information regarding the specific needs that were outlined in the case for support. They want to learn more about why each of the priorities were identified, and the long-term implications of deferred maintenance or renovations.

Create campaign materials that tell the story and show the benefits. Finalized campaign materials and renderings will help St. Catherine’s better envision its proposed plans with the parishioners. For instance, some respondents mentioned that while they understand that occasional Masses or special events may warrant extra capacity, this priority did not resonate as strongly as others.

The campaign theme and project rationale should reflect one parish, one church, one community. Several participants felt as though a campaign of this nature would be an opportunity for all parish communities to work together toward a common goal – one that would benefit all members of the parish and affect all aspects of parish life. 25

© 2017 CCS Fundraising

Extraordinary Vision and Spiritual Guidance – Leadership at its Finest Lay Leaders The study identified excellent potential for volunteer leadership. Campaign leaders will determine the campaign’s potential for success. •

In addition to Campaign Co-Chairs, a Campaign Executive Committee should be recruited to assist with fundraising, strategy, and oversight. The Committee should represent the parish’s demographics (age, ethnicity, etc.) and should be prepared to play a significant role in fundraising, especially with major and leadership gifts.

It will be critical to identify and recruit lay leaders who represent each of St. Catherine’s Parish communities, as they will be essential in helping to design campaign strategies that recognize cultural identities and motivations for supporting the parish.

Spiritual Leaders During the campaign, Msgr. Jeronimo should serve as the spiritual leader and participate in specific areas that require his personal involvement. His campaign responsibilities should include: •

Endorse the campaign as a philanthropic priority of the parish

Advocate for the campaign’s goals, strategies, plan, timetable, and methodology

Join lay leaders, as appropriate, in cultivating and soliciting select prospective donors 26

© 2017 CCS Fundraising

Extraordinary Vision and Spiritual Guidance – Specific Roles Lay Leaders Campaign Co-Chairs and the Campaign Executive Committee should be recruited to: •

Review and approve the case for support

Approve a campaign name and theme

Assist with the identification, cultivation, and solicitation of leadership and major gift prospects

Review the campaign plan and strategies presented by fundraising counsel

Take action in identifying and recruiting for campaign positions

Review campaign progress reports from campaign counsel

Personally support the campaign with a sacrificial gift commensurate with each member’s leadership in the campaign and financial ability

Pray for the success of the project

Spiritual Leaders Campaign responsibilities should include: •

Endorse the campaign as a philanthropic priority of the parish

Advocate for the campaign’s goals, strategies, plan, timetable, and methodology

Join lay leaders, as appropriate, in cultivating and soliciting select prospective donors 27

© 2017 CCS Fundraising

A Prayerful Approach to Donor Engagement St. Catherine of Alexandria should implement a strategic donor engagement plan using the following principles:


• With prayers and God’s blessings, the campaign will be successful. Prayer is a vital component of this campaign and the key to overall success. We will ask everyone to pray for the success of the campaign. We ask that every parishioner prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift.

Personal Visits and Requests

• The most effective method to raise funds in a capital campaign effort is through personal visits. Details of the case and plan can be explained and parishioners may be invited to join the campaign in a very personal way.

Proportionate Giving

• Parishioners may find themselves in different situations both in the blessings they have received and in their commitment to the church. The campaign subscribes to the principles of Christian stewardship and calls for equal sacrifices, not equal gifts. Specific and targeted gift requests should be implemented throughout the campaign.

Phased Approach

• To succeed, the campaign focuses on a phase-by-phase approach, which includes volunteer orientation and offers guidance from professional counsel. The approach seeks to raise a significant amount of funds from relatively few early donors, thereby raising the sights of all subsequent donors, generating campaign momentum, and creating excitement.


• Any commitment is easier to make if a parishioner knows they can do it over time. Pledges over a period of time allows congregants to consider a greater gift that they might not otherwise be able to consider.


© 2017 CCS Fundraising

Strategic Planning for Success •

St. Catherine of Alexandria has the capacity to raise a minimum of $6 million (and potentially more) through a well-conceived and thoughtfully-executed campaign effort.

Active campaign fundraising can be completed successfully in five to six months.

The challenge of raising $6 million over a pledge period of five years should not be underestimated. This effort will take extraordinary commitments of leadership and financial support.

The success of the campaign will depend on a handful of early leadership gifts that set the pace for giving. Initial phases of the campaign should focus on cultivation and engagement of these campaign leaders and prospective leadership donors.

It will also be critical for St. Catherine’s to work with lay leaders to develop strategic cultivation and fundraising plans for each of the individual cultural communities, while emphasizing the need to come together as one parish to achieve this large goal.

St. Catherine's should capitalize on the momentum built during the feasibility study and begin fundraising efforts in January 2018.


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Preliminary Campaign Timetable Month(s)

Snapshot of Activities

January-February 2018

• • • • •

Campaign organization Material development Initial leadership recruitment & training Prospect list development Begin leadership and major gift efforts

March-May 2018

• • • • •

Continue leadership and major gift efforts Begin cultivation and parish-wide project education Volunteer recruitment and training for community phase Campaign announcement and launch community gifts phase Conduct parish-wide mailing

Conduct phone-a-thons and continued parish project and campaign education Host commitment weekends

June 2018 •


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Effective Planning and Execution •

CCS recommends that St. Catherine of Alexandria hire a campaign director to oversee day-today planning, coordination, and management of the campaign. The campaign director should be responsible for both tactical and strategic aspects of the campaign, including: –

Developing the campaign plan and timeline

Working with the Campaign Executive Committee to refine the case for support and develop additional campaign materials

Guiding and training staff and volunteers, and resourcing them with supporting materials

Managing the prospect pipeline and coordinating all fundraising activity

Identifying, researching, and prioritizing prospective donors

Overseeing personalized engagement plans in coordination with lay and spiritual leaders

Planning, preparing, managing, and following up on gift requests with campaign leadership

Collaborating with parish staff and lay leaders to maximize engagement opportunities and develop the most appropriate and effective campaign messaging

Coordinating all campaign plans, meetings, talking points, collateral, and events


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Next Steps


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Immediate Next Steps •

Provide the parish community with an overview of the study results and expected next steps

Approve a working goal and scale the project to be inline with the priorities that will be addressed in this campaign

Identify key leaders for immediate recruitment: Co-Chairs and Campaign Executive Committee

Consider retaining CCS for campaign counsel to launch the planning phase and begin developing campaign materials, such as: –

Campaign plan and detailed timeline

Case for support •


FAQ sheet

Campaign Prayer

Communications plan


Talking points and strategies to guide volunteer recruitment

Leadership and volunteer training guides

Bulletin inserts

© 2017 CCS Fundraising

Thank you!


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