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A service to make reading on the beach easier


RESEARCH AND CONCEPTUALIZATION 1. Research process 2. Concept definition process 3. Explainiing our service concept

SERVICE DEFINITION 4. Business canvas 5. Personas 6. Customer Journey 7. Blueprint



- Visual Identity - Website - Liflets - Advertisements - Direct contact with the service


Introduction to the service

Introduction to the service

A service to make reading on the beach easier


Advertisement: - Liflets at the public libraries - Advertisements near the dispenser

Public service: Ajuntament de Barcelona

Comunication Social Medias: - Own website - Public libraries websites - Videos on YouTube


Background Book publishers and ebook supliers

How it works Before using the servise

Register at www.llegeixb.cat

Receive your card

Using the servise

Identify and choose a book

Take the ebook and connect to the wi-fi system


Return the ebook

Methodology & Tools

Explanation of the creative process developed

1. Research Process WHAT DID WE DO? Process and development of the tools

WHY DID WE USE THESE TOOLS? Reason of their uses


1. Research of the types of beaches related to the enviroment and the culture. Research of the users and the non-users of the beach.

Introduced us to the beach and increased our knowledge of the beach.

There are a lot of types of beaches and users that we need to have in mind for our service.

2. Mindmap of the beach services. Mindmap of the beach in winter. 3. Context exploring: Barceloneta Beach. 4. Interviews to the winter users of the beach.

Moreover this tools help us to discover the beach in winter and understand its users and the activities they do.

Often the beach in winter is forgotten but we have seen that it provides a lot of good things to its users.

1.1. GLOBAL Research Process. Type LIVING of beaches related to the enviroment and the culture. PROJECTE I- SEMINAR CLASSLA PLAYA


[D1] - Anna Hernández_Berta Fernández

TYPE OF BEACHES RELATED TO THE ENVIROMENT, CULTURE, ETC... DESCRIPTION & GROUP CONCLUSIONS We can see that there are clear differences between beaches that have been manipulated by the human kind, and natural, virgin beaches. Virgin beaches don’t have as much “accessories” than the others, and usually are protected by law to keep them like this. Still it is very difficult and almost impossible to find a beach without elements introduced by the human kind. The increasing tendency of aquatic sports have lead to the fact that beaches are usually easily accessible and have some commodities for them. It is obvious that, depending on what zone and sea you are, the water and structure of the beach will vary, such as temperature, material, type of sand etc. The beach has been evolving to place where people have all kind of commodities and can do, buy and rent almost everything you can imagine on a beach. This has changed mostly because more people spend more time on the beach than before, so they need to have all they need on the same spot.

Basic Cleaning and Security Bins, Cleaning Services, Walkway access, LifeGuard Size Caleta, Cala, Extens Beach

Sediments Fine sand, Thick sand, Rocks

Facilities for People WC, Showers, Material Rent and Nautic Club

Dog Beach


Related to the enviroment

Accesible Beach

Related to the human interventions


Water temperature Warm, Cold, Very cold Water depth Increasing depth, Inmediate depth EVALUATION SPACE

Access to the beach Walking, by car, by public transport, by boat ...

Type of sealife A lot and exotic, big fishes (shark, sting rays...), a lot of jellyfish, harmless ans reduced number...

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Activities - Fishing

Activities - Sailing Kayak, Sailboat ...

Activities - Under the Sea Snorkeling, Scuba diving...

Activities - Wind Surf, Windsurf, Kiresurf...

Nudist Beach

1.1. Research Process. Users and the non-users of the beach. PROJECTE GLOBAL I- S1

LIVING LA PLAYA Users and no-users B1: Marta Serras Maria Massó Mar Solé Sergi Casero

USERS: As users must be considered everyone who does any type of activity in the beach. During summer, there are three difference types of users: the workers, the sportsmen and the leisure users. On workers we can find two kind of typologies: the legals, those who work for our safety and comfort -for instance policemen, lifeguards or snack bars workers-, and the illegals, who offer services along the beach -for example, the commonly known as lateros-. The leisure users are those who spend the day at the beach either chilling, sunbathing, socializing or having fun. This users are: old people, families and friends. Both of them can be found as tourists or local people. The older ones, use the beach as a place to swim or to have social relationships, you can find them during the morning. The family group use the beach usually on weekends, due to half of them usually work during the week, they habitually spend all day on the beach having a picnic at mid-day. As friends are concerned they have similar schedules as the other groups, but during all week and adding night, when the beach becomes a social space. Another kind of users are those who use the beach as a sport point. There are all kinds of sportsmen doing different activities like jogging, surfing, volleyball, working out, etc. These group of all people can be found during all year, not exclusively in summer. Apart from summer, when the beach it’s extremely crowded, the rest of the year this place becomes somewhere to reflect and to avoid the pressure of the city, it’s always empty and only few people go there. You can find some stroller (usually old people) and pet promenades.

NON-USERS: Non users are those who can use the beach due to physical, psychological or cultural problems. Some examples, are the asians who prefer to avoid the sun light, or the muslim women who have to wear a burka and can not enjoy the sun. Also there are a huge group of people that prefer to go to the swimming pool instead. May be the reason is the long distance or also the uncomfortable that features the beach.

1.2. Research Process. Mindmap of the beach services.

1.2. Research Process. Mindmap of the beach in winter.

1.3. Research Process. Context exploring: Barceloneta Beach.

1.3. Research Process. Context exploring: Barceloneta Beach.

1.4. Research Process. Interviews to the winter users of the beach.

Interview 1

Interview 2

Noi, 19 anys. Juga a futbol

Dona, 30 anys aprox. Relax

Perquè vas a la platja en època no estival? Per jugar a futbol i desconectar de la universitat. És un espai molt gran i al no haver-hi gent es pot jugar sense problemes. Quanta estona t’hi estas? Depén del dia però aproximadament entre una hora o dues. A quina hora hi vas? (matí, migdia, tarda, nit...) Matí o migdia, aprofitant el temps lliure entre classe i classe. Hi vas quan plou? Hi vas quan fa fred? No no si plou no hi vaig. En ple hivern tampoc, acostumo a anar-hi al voltant de l’estiu, quan no fa gaire fred. Primavera i tardor. Vas sol o acompanyat? Anem amb els company de la universitat i a vegades fem partits de futbol amb altres grups de nois que estan a la platja. Vens expresament a la platja? No del tot, tinc la universitat molt a prop i en el temps lliure aprofito per anar-hi.

Quins inconvenients hi ha d’anar a la platja a l’hivern? El fred i el fet que t’embrutes amb la sorra. A l’hivern es bastant més molest que a l’estiu. També després de fer exercici te’n tornes a casa o a la universitat tot suat. Quan fa molt de fred no hi vaig. Quines avantatges hi ha? La desconexió de la vida rutinaria, és gratis anar-hi i el fet de que sigui un espai molt gran i lliure. Lo millor de la platja a l’hivern són els primers dies de sol de primavera. Encara no fa tanta calor com a l’estiu però després de tot l’hivern de fer fred, és genial, T’hi sents segur/a a la platja? Et sembla bé la seguretat que hi ha? No molt, sempre has d’estar pendent de les motxil·les. A ser un espai gran i poc concorregut a l’hivernl no hi ha massa seguretat. Que t’agradaria fer a la platja que no fas? Còrrer, però com que visc lluny de la platja no m’és comode anar fins allà.

Perquè vas a la platja a l’hivern? Después de dejar mi hijo en el colegio y luego doy un paseo en bicicleta y muchas veces paro y vengo aquí a la arena. Hi vas quan plou? Hi vas quan fa fred? No no si llueve no vengo. Y aunque haga frio si hace sol también vengo. Vas sol o acompanyat? Normalmente vengo sola, però alguna vez suelo quedar con gente. A quina hora hi vas? Por la mañana, a las 9, después de dejar al niño en el colegio. Quanta estona t’hi estas? Lo que me de el día, media hora una hora. Que canviaries perquè l’experiència a la platja fos perfecte? No cambiaria nada. Ya se esté bien. Con el sol y que te puedas relajar ya está bien. Incluso que haya menos gente, sobretodo por la diferencia entre invierno y verano. En invierno se está muy bien.

1.4. Research Process. Interviews to the winter users of the beach.

Interview 3

Interview 4

Dona, 30 anys aprox. Fa esport

Dona, 60 anys aprox. Passeja el gos

Viene a la playa en invierno? No, acabo de empezar ahora a hacer ejercicio en la playa. No tengo proyecto de venir todos los dia. Más que nada vendré quando me apetezca. Yo me levanto y digo: hoy si! Que es lo que viene a hacer? Ejercicio en este circuito. Correr no que no me gusta sudar. Has topado con una vaga, tienes que buscar a un deportista autèntico. Suelen venir más temprano. Antes de que amanezca, todavia de noche. Hay gente que viene todos los dias, gente mayor además y algunos jovenes también. Yo soy de las espontàneas. Igual que nosotros hay mucha gente que usa estos juegos para hacer ejercicios. Este es infantil, però el otro normalmente siempre está cogido. Cuales són las ventajas de venir a la playa? Jo, el sitio es fenomenal, es privilegiado. Y aunque haga un poco de frio, como además con el ejercicio entras en calor el frio ni lo notas. Casi que lo agradeces. Es peor cuando hace calor. Ahora es mucho mejor que en verano cuando viene la gente, que esto se pone muy loco. A las diez de la mañana ya hay gente con la sombrilla y pegando voces.

Cuando viene normalmente? Cuando hace calor hemos estado viniendo de madrugada, de noche todavia, 6 y media de la mañana o así. Por eso se que hay gente que está aquí siempre. Vemos amanecer que es super bonito. Esque vivimos aquí mismo, no nos tenemos que levantar tan temprano, no tiene mérito. Son cinco minutos, nos caemos de la cama y ya estamos aquí.

Vé durant tot l’any? A l’estiu no vinc perquè no es pot deixar el gos “suelto”. Vinc normalment durant l’hivern un o dos dies a la setmana. Al gos li agrada molt perquè aqui es molt gran i el deixo suelto, com que no passen cotxes ni res... Hi ha molta gent que vé aqui a passejar el gos? Ui si, tot el barri. Sempre hi ha gent del barri que passeja el gos durant l’hivern. Tots viuen aprop d’aqui. Vé normalment al matí? Si, sempre al matí, m’he acostumat aixi. Li canviaria alguna cosa a la platja? Si, menys gent a l’estiu perquè aqui no si cap. I.. menys porqueria perquè hi ha escombraries però la gent és molt marrana. Als que som del barri això ens empipa molt, perquè si no vens a les 8 o a les 9 del matí ja no tens lloc. Quan els meus fills eren petits aqui només hi havia la gent del barri i ara... és una bojeria. Hi ha molta gent a l’hivern? No, no hi ha gaire gent... més o menys com avui. Alguns que es banyen tot l’any però no gaire més.

1.4. Research Process. Interviews to the winter users of the beach.

Interview 5 Dona, 46 anys. Mestressa de casa. Ses Salines (Mallorca). Perquè vas a la platja en època no estival? Per passejar i banyar me i per gaudir de la natura amb poca gent i poca/gens de calor. Fas aquesta activitat a un altre espai? Sí, a la muntanya i a altres pobles. Què és el que més tagrada de la platja a l’hivern? Veure el mar i la platja solitàries i la solitud en si. Quines subactivitats fas a la paltja? Conversar amb la gent que m’acompanya. Creus que s’hauria de potenciar l’ús de la platja a l’hivern? Sí però respectant la natura, sense grans aglomeracions. Quanta estona t’hi estas? No més de 2 hores. A quina hora hi vas? Al migdia i al final del matí. Hi vas quan plou? Hi vas quan fa fred? No, només a vegades m’hi acosto a mirar 5-10 minuts. Fa temps que acostumes a fer-ho? No, des de que viu al poble (més o menys 1 any). Vas sol o acompanyat? Sempre acompanyada.

Vens expresament a la platja? No, és que la tinc a prop. Vius a prop de la platja? Sí. Treballes/estudies a prop de la platja? Sí. Quins inconvenients hi ha d’anar a la platja a l’hivern? No pots banyar-te perquè l’aigua ja està massa freda. Quines avantatges hi ha ... ? Estàs en contacte amb la natura, veus pocs edificis i desconnectes de la vida urbana. Que fas respecte el fred? Abrigar-me i caminar, mantenir-me en moviment. Fas servir roba especial per anar-hi? Botes de caminar per que no m’hi entri sorra. T’hi sents segur/a a la platja? Et sembla bé la seguretat que hi ha? Sí, l’únic perill de que sóc conscient és el de la natura (el vent, ones molt fortes i altes...). Crec que si hi hagués molta seguretat la platja ja no seria el mateix. Quina ha sigut la teva pitjor / millor experiència a la platja a l’hivern? Totes les experiències són bones i no es diferencien gaire, només canvia l’experiència depenent de com és la platga.

Que t’agradaria fer a la platja que no fas? Poder informar-me sobre la flora i la fauna i observar els ocells des de un punt amagat amb prismàtics. Que canviaries perquè l’experiència a la platja fos perfecte? Tenir aigua fresca en qualsevol moment, un lloc còmode per seure i mirar sense passar fred, poder tenir prismàtics sempre que els vulgui i estar a un lloc elevat. També m’agradaria que hi haguessin passarel·les per anar fins els illots que hi ha a prop de la platja sense mullar-me. De nit m’agradaria tenir algú que m’expliques les constel·lacions i sobre la astronomia.

1.4. Research Process. Interviews to the winter users of the beach.

Interview 6

Interview 7

Home, 70 anys aprox. Passa els matins

Dona, 40 anys aprox. Relax and read

Viene durante todo el año a la playa? Todo el año. Pq viene a la playa? Porque no gana uno mucho y aquí se gasta uno menos. Para que llegue uno al mes. Es un entretenimiento barato. Como somos socios aquí, bueno, jubilados. Entonces bueno lo máximo nos compramos un agua pues con un euro te llega. Y esto nos lo dio el ayuntamiento. No pagamos nada. Nada más que tenemos este espacio con mesas y sillas y todo. Diferencia entre verano e invierno? Yo llevo viniendo casi 25 años. Poníamos las sillas por aquí hasta que nos las sacaban. Al final el ayuntamiento nos dejaron este espacio. Normalmente entramos en el agua si hace buen tiempo y, si no, estamos aquí en las mesas jugando. De correr yo ya no, hay muchos que corren pero nosotros ya no… Aquí estamos todas las mañanas hasta la una o dos de la tarde. Venimos durante todo e año y si hace mucho frio nos metemos dentro. Aquí llevamos un montón de años. Porque la verdad es que aquí se gasta uno menos y la vista es muy bonita. Y si no te gusta algo pues

miras para otro lado y ya esta. Venimos por la mañana porque por la tarde esta cerrado. Hay un chico que se encarga de abrirlo y cerrarlo y de lo que gana se saca un pequeño sueldo. Es un espacio únicamente para los jubilados. Normalmente no hay muchas señoras, pero normalmente hay pocas. Yo vivo aquí a la calle Escudillers, cerca de correos. Y vengo en autobús porque tiene uno la tarjeta roja para todo el año pues así vamos viviendo. A mi me da igual si hay mucha gente en verano. Si hay mucha gente mejor, más se distrae uno. Venimos durante todo el año.

Are you here on vacation or do you live here? On vacation! And what do you like to do when you are on the beach? Sunbath, go for a walk, relax, swim sometimes... And read? Yes, and read. Why do you come here and not to another place? To this part of the beach? No, to the beach and not to a park or something Probably because I find it more relaxing, i like to see the water And do you come every day or...? Not every day, maybe 2 or 3 times a week And when it’s colder do you still come? Yes, but I will only go for a walk What would you like to have on the beach that’s not already here? Nothing I can complain about, it’s all okey

1.4. Research Process. Interviews to the winter users of the beach.

Interview 8 Home, 78 anys. Passa el matí Jo vinc tot l’any. Vinc a banyarme i a donar de menjar a aquestes criatures (coloms). Jo només vinc de 10h a la 1h o les 2. Ve encara que faci fred o plogui? Igualment vinc quan fa fred i plovent!! Oh clar!! També entro a l’aigua a l’hivern perquè l’aigua no està freda. Mira, ara acabo de sortir de l’aigua. Jo vinc aquí cada día. El que mes m’agrada és l’aigua i els coloms. M’agrada mes venir ara quan no hi ha masses turistes, magrada més venir quan hi ha menys gent. Sempre vinc sol. I vinc cada cada dia. Encara que plogui. Viu per aquí a prop? Visc a la Plaça Espanya i vinc caminant desde allà. Normalment el que faig és això, donarlis menjar als coloms (i compro el pa aqui mateix, en un forn) i banyarme. Està vosté jubilat? Sí, estic juvilat. Tinc 78 anys. Veu algun inconvenien a la platja? Per mi l’unic inconvenient que hi ha són els gamberros que venen i sho emporten tot el que pillen. Roben a la gent de fora. I ho roben tot. A

mi perquè com que no porto res… però a la gent de fora els hi roben tot. Hi ha molts policies però quan més hi ha més roben. No serveix per res. M’emprenya que els hi robin tota la documentació.. els calers, normalment no en porten gaire. El que més li agrada? L’aigua.. el que més m’agrada és l’aigua. Sobretot quan hi ha onades molt grans. Em tiro direcament desde aqui, desde les roques. Quan més grans son les onades més m’agrada. Li ha passat algun problema greu a la platja? Normalment no em passa res perquè no em fico amb ningú. Jo vaig a lo meu. I si veig que hi passa alguna cosa extranya m’en vaig. Qui hi ve a l’hivern a la platja? Aqui la gent ve a pescar, a caminar i a fer la pirula, a prendre el sol.. encara que sigui a lhivern. Mai veig a ningú que corri, normalment estan caminant o prenent el sol. De quantitat de gent, doncs més o menys el que veus avui.. tot l’hivern és aixi. No hi ha casi ningú. Però vine demà, com que és festa, demà la platja estara plena. Però a mi el que mes m’agrada és quan no hia ningú, m’agrada que no em molestin. Com ara. És el millor que té aquest lloc, que ningú et

crida i estic aquí a la meva. T’agradaria fer algo que no pots fer? Però si aqui ja esta tot fet, nena. Aqui ja no necessitem res. Venim aquí a passar l’estona i prou. I si vas preguntant por aí.. doncs igual. Aqui ja fem tot el que volem, no necessitem res més.

1.4. Research Process. Interviews to the winter users of the beach.

Interview 9

Interview 10

Boy, 25 years aprox. Swim

Home, 70 anys aprox. Fer algo d’esport

What do you normally do here on the beach? Umm I just got here, this morning

Viene todo el año Hace ejercicio en las barras, antes corría Más o menos se está dos horas, y siempre por la mañana Más tarde siempre viene más gente (jóvenes nini) Querría que arreglasen las máquinas de ejercicio porque vienen los gamberros y las rompen y lo deja todo hecho polvo Hay muchos ladrones también, que se organizan para robar (en equipos de dos) Antes era marinero, por eso le gusta venir a la playa Viene de 9 – 12 más o menos Hay alguna gente que se tira al agua haga el tiempo que haga Él no viene cuándo hace muy mal tiempo Vive en el paral·lel y viene con bus No va al gimnasio porque le gusta estar al aire libre, donde no nota el olor a sudor de los demás Siempre están limpiando en la playa Viene solo pero siempre hay más gente que conoce un poco

Only swim? Yeah And why do you come here? Umm I don’t know… Or do you come all the time? No, we just got here last night Ah you’re on visit here Yeah we are on vacation Okey. Where are you from? New Zealand And do you swim there in New Zealand? Um yeah but it’s too cold Do you run also or something? No

2. Concept Definition Process WHAT DID WE DO? Process and development of the tools

WHY DID WE USE THESE TOOLS? Reason of their uses


Identify patterns of the insights from the transcriptions and mindmaps.

We used this tools to identify the most important insight of the beach in winter and to view how we could relate them to find or to create opportunities areas.

If we had not followed those steps we would have taken into account many opportunity areas.

1. Insights to understand the beach in winter. 2. Creating opportunity areas 3. Brainstorming 4. Storytelling

In the brainstorming we listed all the ideas we have following the slogan: quantity more than quality. This allows us to have a lot of ideas and finally relate them. Finally we did two storytelling in order to understand the problem we want to solve, better.

Making a brainstorming allows us to have a lot of ideas. If we had not set a maximum number of ideas we would not have achieved.

2.1. Concept DeďŹ nition Process. Insights to understand the beach in winter.

ORGANIZE INSIGHTS TO UNDERSTAND THE BEACH IN WINTER Groups made: Who Exterior Relations What Sports Other Activities When Areas Pros Contras

2.1. Concept DeďŹ nition Process. Insights to understand the beach in winter.

RE-GROUP INSIGHTS Groups made: Who Exterior Relations What Sports Other Activities When Areas Pros Contras

2.1. Concept DeďŹ nition Process. Insights to understand the beach in winter.

CHOOSE THE MOST INTERESTING INSIGHTS Insights Choosen: Alone Relax Be in movement Water From all the city All Year Free No Aglomeration Solitude Isolated from Urban Space Nature Sand

2.2. Concept DeďŹ nition Process. Creating opportunity areas.

LOOK FOR CATEGORIES. RELATING IDEAS. Groups made: Retired Women Ecologic Sources Sport for Jubilees Readers Natural Spa Dog Walkers Good-Bye Writers Photographers Studing


2.2. Concept DeďŹ nition Process. Creating opportunity areas.

SELECT 3 GROUPS Groups selected: Retired Women Ecologic Sources Cultural Space: Readers, Writers, Photographers, Studing.

2.3. Concept Definition Process. Brainstorming

Una biblioteca a la sorra de la platja Taller de pintura a la platja Classes de música a la platja Dormir a la platja Prendre el te a la platja Taller de costura -> retired women Taller de artesania Miradors, punts específics per estar sol -> al mig del mar? Servei per dissenyadors -> idees, brainstorming, procés de disseny Gimnàstica animal Lloc d’estudi tipus biblioteca Aguas termales y salades a la platja -> per la salut Clases de yoga (sense profe?) individuals Classes de naturals per els nens Caminades per àvies Lloguer música Petanca per avis Bici per avis Conferències culturals Mural per escriure pensaments, records, cites... Punts de mira per fotògrafs Instruments de música Taller d’estels Telescopis Espais per canviar-se de roba

Servei de pesca Classes in the open air Workshops in the beach Panels all around the beach informing ecological success (like a little permanent exposition) Create activities for doing in group Speaking groups Walks once a week in different beaches Create beach routes Relax point Viewpoint for the photographers Rent a book point Sand wars (paintball) Sand massage (i les seves virtuts) Sand Castles Professional Sand Furniture Water Canals construction Wind chargers How to stay warm course Old wood floater Microscopes – Sand Water – Sand Coast Slide Sand Iglu building Survivence courses Chemistry on the beach Simulacre tormentes de sorra (com protegir-se) Indentificació petgades Cotilleo explicat en movement

Legend: Best Ideas Potential Ideas Discarded Ideas

Club només per veins, amb gimnàs circular Entrenador musculat Walks amb estacions de cotilleo sobre famosos Work outs with celebrity names Sand-Bicycles for 2 (Bici per avis) Dog walking with dog trainer who gives tipps Batuka Curs express cuina per gossos Pelu a la platja (cadires al voltant per poder parlar) “Cineforum” sobre notícies (cotilleos) passats Recreation of movie scenes on the beach Social library (deixes el teu relat I tel valora altra gent) Photograph tips with photographers (curs) Comfy seats for sunny days looking to the sea Wall to write little reviews of books/movies Lectures per nens Cadires d’aïllament, vistes al mar Cavallets per dibuixar a l’espai lliure Cadires/Sofas i lloguer de mantes Random chat cabines with theme to discuss (Chat roulette) eBooks for rent only on the beach (digital)

2.3. Concept DeďŹ nition Process. Selection of the best ideas

IDEAS SELECTED A library in the beach, on the sand Chairs or Sofas and a blanket rental eBooks for rent only on the beach (digital)

2.4. Concept DeďŹ nition Process. Storytelling

Lucia is a college student and has the mornings free. She likes to take this time to do things that she likes. She went to the beach, because at this time of the year it is a very quiet place where nobody bothers you. But what she likes to do most is to read on the beach. She has brought her eBook with her and lays on some rocks that are near, because she does not want to get sand all over her things. But unfortunately the book is not what she thought, she doesn’t like it. She decides to stop reading on the beach and goes back home with a big disappointment.

2.4. Concept Definition Process. Storytelling

Nuria is a french teacher. She loves reading. She trys to read in all her free time, specially in the underground or at her home. She doesn’t like reading in the underground because of the noise and she doesn’t like reading at her home because she has a lot of distractions. She wonders if there is some place where she could read calmly.

3. Explaining our service concept WHAT DID WE DO? Process and development of the tools

WHY DID WE USE THIS TOOL? Reason of their uses


Explain our service concept. For this we wanted to explain the good things of the beach in winter, the benefits of a reading point in the beach, what type of intervention we wanted to make and in what it consisted.

This is not a proper tool but we used this to clarify what we wanted to do and to start the definition service process.

Maybe we didn’t explain exactly what we wanted to do but we knew what was necesary to solve and the benefits of the beach we wanted to exalt.

3. Explaining our service concept big natural space empty space no algomeration good views

relax point isolated from urban space solitude freedom

The beach in winter ... Minimal intervention ...

good views relax point natural space

Reading Point A service to make reading on the beach easier

no changes on the space integration take advantatge of the space

ebook rental free virtual library wiďŹ system

fresh air no external distractions neutral place to imagine

A reading point ... Simple, practic and ecologic ...

Service DeďŹ nition

Four tools to explain and develope the service

4. Business model canvas WHAT DID WE DO? Process and development of the tools

WHY DID WE USE THIS TOOL? Reason of their uses


We defined the important points of our service and divided them in diferent groups following the business model canvas.

This service tool forced us to define some aspects of the service. It is the first step to start defining the service.

Obviously we had to develop more what would be the operations.

- Key Partners - Key Activities - Key Resources - Value Proposition - Customer Relationships - Channels - Customer Segments - Cost Structure - Revenue Streams

- What will be exactly the structure of our service? - Where will be the dispenser? - How the users would use the dispenser?

4. Business model canvas KEY PARTNERS

Book publishers

eBook supliers





eBook rent Personal assistance Online storage managment

A reaging point in a privileged place


People who like reading

Diputació de Barcelona KEY RESOURCES Members of the public library network

Wi-fi system

Improve the experience of reading


Online storage (server)





Readers who have an eBook

REVENUE STREAMS Dispenser and other material

Maintenance Infraestructure

Diputació de Barcelona


5. Personas WHAT DID WE DO? Process and development of the tools

WHY DID WE USE THIS TOOL? Reason of their uses


We defined what would be the profile of the users of our service. In this way the personas assume the attributes of the groups they represent, so we defined 4 personas:

This service tool forced us to define four users profiles of the service.

We included a new persona profile to cover all aspects of the service.

- Rosa Carreras Planas - Aina Rosselló Robert - Montser Sabaté Moreno - Consuelo Sánchez Teruel

The next step was to define how we would adapt our service to this personas.


31 years old Teacher Non-beach user ebook owner


24 years old University Student Beach user No ebook owner


User Context

Rosa is 31 years old and works as a teacher at a highschool. She lives in the Barceloneta neighborhood. The highschool where she works is in the same neighborhood. In her free time she likes to read. She doesn’t care what type of book she reads as long as she can spend some time isolated from the people, enjoying what she loves the most. Last year she got an eBook as a present and from that day she only reads with her eBook. This way she doesn’t have to carry books with her all the time.

It’s October and Rosa just finished eating lunch and went to the beach to finish the book on her eBook. When she finishes it she still feels like reading. Unfortunately Rosa will have to leave the beach, go back home, look for a new book, buy and download it and then transfer it to her eBook. She wishes this process was easier and shorter to do.


User Context

Aina is 24 years old and is currently studying Business Managment in Barcelona. Her classes are after midday so she has the whole morning for herself. Aina is a big fan of reading bestseller type of books. Aina likes to read at places where there are not very much people, because she likes to imagine the scenes from the book with herself in it. In order to make this easier she always picks reading places where there is nobody. Her favorite place is the beach in fall, because it’s not too cold and still there are only very few people.

Aina has eaten breakfast and is on the beach where she goes to read books at least once a week. Today she started a new book she bought at a library. She thought she would like it, but it is a very boring book and stops reading it. She feels a little bit disappointed because she expected a wonderful morning reading a nice book on the beach. Instead she wasted her free morning in realizing that she doesn’t like the book she bought.


50 years old Psycologist Non-beach user No ebook owner


73 years old Retired Hairdresser Beach user No ebook owner


User Context

Montse is a 50 year old women, who works as a psychologist. She has lived in Barcelona her entire life, in the neighborhood of Sants. Her favorite hobby is reading, mostly psychology related books, because she wants to expand her knowledge even more. Every book she reads is on paper, even though this means she has to carry it with here all the time. She has never really tried to read in open spaces, she prefers the commodities of here house.

Montse has read a lot of psychology books and has some trouble in finding new good books to read. Last week she saw the advert of the digital library of the beach and thought it might be a good idea to test it. Today she decided to try the service, goes to the beach, and finds the display with all the instructions in order to rent an eBook and download a book. She had never read on the beach, but now she is a big fan of it, because it’s a very quiet place where she can concentrate on her book.


User Context

Consuelo is 73 years old, is a retired hairdresser. She lives in the Guinardó neighborhood and always loved reading. Since she has a lot of free time, she spends most of it reading novels. She also enjoys going for long walks on the beach in winter, in order to make some exercise. All her life she has read only paper books and loves to share this passion with her daughter and comment the books together.

Consuelo wakes up at 9AM and decides to go for a walk on the beach, as she does each Wednesday. Although the beach is a bit far away from her home, she enjoys the bus ride and the calmness of the beach in winter. After walking for while she decides to sit down and rest a little bit by reading her book. Sadly, she has difficulties to read in spaces that don’t have enough light. The book she’s reading has very small typography and her advanced age means that her vision is also worse and has difficulties to read it. If only books had bigger writings!

6. Customer Journey WHAT DID WE DO? Process and development of the tools

WHY DID WE USE THIS TOOL? Reason of their uses


In this service tool we defined how the interaction of the user with our service would be. To do this we listed the touchpoints that related the user with the service. Then we defined other aspect related with the service, for exemple the advertisements the users would see before using the service or how the user would communicate through the social media how their experience with the service was.

This service tool forced us to define some aspects of the service.

This tool allowed us to develope a lot more our service and we defined in which way the user would contact with the service.

We wanted to represent this in a visual way, so you could see the users experience and emotions.


6. Customer Journey

Aina Rosselló Robert and Montser Sabater Moreno Persona

ADVERTISEMENT / PUBLIC RELATIONS How is the service proposition communicated by the service provider?

- Videos on Youtube

-Advertisements near the Reading Point


SOCIAL MEDIA Which pre-service information can people access through social media?

- Own web service

-Leaflets on the public libraries


LlegeixB Service

- Public libraries web







- A lot of word-of-mouth

- Book rent on public libraries

- Is the most effective way to publicize the service

- Bicing



9 EN



Receive the Go to the Identify with the identity card Reading Point Card Reader

Choose a book

5 3






Take a rent Connect with Identify on the EBook the Wifi System eBook

Start reading


Finish reading




Go back to the Reading Point

Identify on the display

Return the eBook

Leaves the beach

- Go more times in the beach and enjoy this space. - Read the book the customer wants without having to bring them from home


14 11


EXPERIENCES What are the individual experiences customers have with the service during the service period?

- Customers will read with an ebook for the first time.



6 4


EXPECTATIONS What are (potential) expectations towards the service and/or service provider?

- A service that allows to read in a privileged place without distractions.










PAST EXPERIENCE Which experiences do people have with (similar) services and/or service providers?




WORD-OF-MOUTH What do friends, colleagues and family actually communicate about the service and/or service provider?



- Information about new books and appropriate books to read at the beach



CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT How does the service prodiver follow-up with customers?

SOCIAL MEDIA What do customers communicate about the service and/or service provider through social media?

-Through updates on the website.

-Photos using the service in social networks -Customer comment on how good the service works in social networks

WORD-OF-MOUT What do customers tell their friends, colleagues and family about the service and/or service provider?

-Customers say that eBook is very easy to use -Customes say that it’s a fast, easy sercice

SATISFACTION / DISSATISFACTION Customers individually assess the service by comparing service expectations with their person experiences

- Customers will be satisfied with the service


6. Customer Journey

Rosa Carreras Planas Persona

ADVERTISEMENT / PUBLIC RELATIONS How is the service proposition communicated by the service provider?

SOCIAL MEDIA Which pre-service information can people access through social media?

- Own web service

-Leaflets on the public libraries

- Videos on Youtube

-Advertisements near the Reading Point


LlegeixB Service

- Public libraries web







- A lot of word-of-mouth

- Book rent on public libraries

- Is the most effective way to publicize the service

- Bicing



7 EN


Receive the Go to the Identify with the identity card Reading Point Card Reader

Choose a book







Connect with Identify on the the Wifi System eBook

Start reading

Finish reading




Go back to the Reading Point

Identify on the display



Leaves the beach

12 9

EXPERIENCES What are the individual experiences customers have with the service during the service period?

- Customers will read with an ebook for the first time.


5 4


EXPECTATIONS What are (potential) expectations towards the service and/or service provider?

- A service that allows to read in a privileged place without distractions.










PAST EXPERIENCE Which experiences do people have with (similar) services and/or service providers?




WORD-OF-MOUTH What do friends, colleagues and family actually communicate about the service and/or service provider?

- Go more times in the beach and enjoy this space. - Read the book the customer wants without having to bring them from home


- Information about new books and appropriate books to read at the beach

WORD-OF-MOUT What do customers tell their friends, colleagues and family about the service and/or service provider?

SATISFACTION / DISSATISFACTION Customers individually assess the service by comparing service expectations with their person experiences



CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT How does the service prodiver follow-up with customers?

SOCIAL MEDIA What do customers communicate about the service and/or service provider through social media?

-Through updates on the website.

-Photos using the service in social networks -Customer comment on how good the service works in social networks

-Customers say that eBook is very easy to use -Customes say that it’s a fast, easy sercice

- Customers will be satisfied with the service


6. Customer Journey

Consuelo SĂĄnchez Teruel Persona

ADVERTISEMENT / PUBLIC RELATIONS How is the service proposition communicated by the service provider?

SOCIAL MEDIA Which pre-service information can people access through social media?

- Own web service

-Leaflets on the public libraries

- Videos on Youtube

-Advertisements near the Reading Point

- Public libraries web



LlegeixB Service





WORD-OF-MOUTH What do friends, colleagues and family actually communicate about the service and/or service provider?

PAST EXPERIENCE Which experiences do people have with (similar) services and/or service providers?

- A lot of word-of-mouth

- Book rent on public libraries

- Is the most effective way to publicize the service

- Bicing





- A service that allows to read in a privileged place without distractions.





Identify with Go to the credit Reading Point your card





Choose a book















Insert the secret number

Take a rent Connect with Identify on the EBook the Wifi System eBook

Start reading



Go back to the Reading Point

Return the eBook


Leaves the beach

12 9

EXPERIENCES What are the individual experiences customers have with the service during the service period?

- Customers will read with an ebook for the first time.



5 2

Finish reading


EXPECTATIONS What are (potential) expectations towards the service and/or service provider?

- Go more times in the beach and enjoy this space. - Read the book the customer wants without having to bring them from home


- Information about new books and appropriate books to read at the beach

WORD-OF-MOUT What do customers tell their friends, colleagues and family about the service and/or service provider?

SATISFACTION / DISSATISFACTION Customers individually assess the service by comparing service expectations with their person experiences



CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT How does the service prodiver follow-up with customers?

SOCIAL MEDIA What do customers communicate about the service and/or service provider through social media?

-Through updates on the website.

-Photos using the service in social networks -Customer comment on how good the service works in social networks

-Customers say that eBook is very easy to use -Customes say that it’s a fast, easy sercice

- Customers will be satisfied with the service

7. Blueprint WHAT DID WE DO? Process and development of the tools

WHY DID WE USE THIS TOOL? Reason of their uses


In this service tool we define all the service. Not only the contact of the user with the service but also the suport processes and the back-of-stage interaction.

This service tool forced us to define all the aspects of the service.

This tool allow us to develop a bit more our service and forced us to relate all the aspect we had developed before.

To do this we took into account all the profiles of the users and the moment before they use the service.

Service Blueprint for a Reading Point

Physical evidence



Users actions

Website Liflets Word-of-mouth




Card Reader









Personal Number

Credit card slot

Became a member

Receive news

Receive the card

Ebook Wi-fi System


Choose a book

First contact

Registred Users



Connect to the wi-fi system

Id. number


Download the book of the net


Card Reader




Return the ebook

Take a rent ebook

Users without ebook

Non Registred Users

Insert the card

Identification number


Front-of-stage interaction

Marquee, liflets, sigpost...


List of books


Credit card integrated terminal

Verification of the number

Deliver the ebook

Collect the ebook


Back-of-stage interaction

Process of registration

Process of log in

Database of books

Registration system

Book publishers

Ebooks Storage

Upload the book on the net

Wi-fi infraestructure

Process of log out

Ebook Storage

Registration system

Maintenance service


Suport processes

Team of publicists

Registration system

Registration system

Mail service

Banking system

Ebook Supliers

Computer equipment

Registration system

Service Development

Service touchpoints. Design proposal.

Visual identity. Logo WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

WHAT DID WE DO? DeďŹ nition and description We created a visual identity to promote and communicate our service. We tried to transmit a simple image of the service.

Website. Home page WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

WHAT DID WE DO? Definition and description We created a website where the user could find all the service information and his user area.

Website. User Area WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

Advertisements. Liflets WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

WHAT DID WE DO? Definition and description We depeloped the graphic identity to promote our service in some kinds of advertisements. For exemple: liflets at public libraries, posters in banderoles and marquees, and signposts.

Advertisements. Posters in banderoles

WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

Advertisements. Posters in marquees

WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

Advertisements. Singpost

WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

Direct contact with the service. Card

WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

WHAT DID WE DO? DeďŹ nition and description We designed all the material touchpoint which the users would take contact to during their experience using the service. The user card, the dispensers, the wireframes and the indicator of the ebook display.

Direct contact with the service. Dispensers

WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

Direct contact with the service. Dispensers WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

This is a dispenser that can be applied at some points of the city. Points where, like at the beach, people could read calmly without distractions and around nature. These points could be Barcelona parks, squares... places where reading would also be perfect.

Direct contact with the service. Wireframes WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal
















USUARI Nom Usuari








Info de com fer-te usuari Info de com funciona si no ets usuari



USUARI: Nom Usuari





CERCADOR Nada, Carmen Laforet 1944 Idioma: Català i Castellà Nada es una novela escrita por Carmen Laforet en 1944, que ganó el Premio Nadal el 6 de enero de 1945; más tarde, en 1948, obtuvo el Premio Fastenrath de la Real Academia Española. La obra llamó la atención no solamente por la juventud de la escritora


USUARI: Nom Usuari

Cercar per autor












Usuari amb ebook: USUARI: Rosa Carreres

ESCOLLEIX EL TEU LLIBRE Resultats de la recerca:

CONFIRMES LLLEGIR? Nada, Carmen Laforet

Cercar per categories


Gràcies per utilitzar llegeixB! Tens 20 dies per gaudir d’aquesta lectura!

Mercè Rodoreda


Fins aviat!



No usuari:


Usuari sense ebook: USUARI: Aina Rosselló

El pagament s’efectuarà en uns segons. Segueixi les instruccions de la pantalla.

No usuari:

RECULL L’EBOOK Gràcies per utilitzar llegeixB! Recorda que té dues hores per gaudir d’aquest ebook.

RECULL L’EBOOK Gràcies per utilitzar llegeixB! Tens 20 dies per gaudir d’aquesta lectura! Recorda que tens quatre hores per gaudir d’aquest ebook.

ESCOLLEIX EL TEU LLIBRE - Arquitectura (10)

- Literatura (116)

- Cinema (55)

- Museus (40)

- Circ (8)

- Música (71)

- Còmics (43)

- Novel·la (54)

- Dansa (8)

- Pintura i dibuix (27)

- Disseny (2)

- Teatre (49)

- Filosofia (5)

- Viatges i turisme (5)

- Fotografia (5)

Fins aviat!

Usuari sense ebook: USUARI: Aina Rosselló


ESCOLLEIX EL TEU LLIBRE Resultats de la recerca: Llibres d’Arquitectura


Gràcies per utilitzar llegeixB! Recorda que tens quatre hores per gaudir d’aquest ebook.

Fins aviat!


Fins aviat!


Gràcies per utilitzar llegeixB! Fins aviat!



USUARI: Nom Usuari

USUARI: Nom Usuari


902 34 45 56 Servei d’atenció amb operador de dilluns a divendres de 5:00h a 02:00h. Dissabtes, diumenges i vigílies de festius: les 24h del dia. TORNAR

Nada, Carmen Laforet 1944 Idioma: Català i Castellà Nada es una novela escrita por Carmen Laforet en 1944, que ganó el Premio Nadal el 6 de enero de 1945; más tarde, en 1948, obtuvo el Premio Fastenrath de la Real Academia Española. La obra llamó la atención no solamente por la juventud de la escritora



USUARI: Nom Usuari PRÒRROGA DE PRÉSTEC Nada, Carmen Laforet Tens 5 dies més per poder llegir aquest llibre! En uns segons et redigirem a la pàgina inicial.


Direct contact with the service. Wireframes

WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal


llegeix millor


Hola, AinaAina Rosselló Hola, Rosselló

llegeix millor

Cercador de de llibres Cercador llibres Cercar per títol

Si ja ets usuari, apropa la teva

Si ja ets usuari, apropa la teva targeta d’abonat al lector targeta d’abonat al lector

Nosóc sóc usuari usuari No

Més informació

Tornar Ebook



Si confirmes, al següent pas t’entregarem el teu EBOOK


Hola, Aina Rosselló

llegeix millor

Nada, Carmen Laforet

Petita descripció:

Nada a la vista,


Carmen Laforet

Jens Rehn

Autora: Carmen Laforet Títol: Nada Editorial: Edicions destino

Any: 1999, septembre



Confirmes Confirmes llegirllegir Nada, Nada, Carmen Carmen Laforet? Laforet?

llegeix millor

Lloc d’edició: Sant Andreu


llegeix millor

Recull el teu EBOOK! Gràcies per utilitzar llegeixB! Tens 20 dies per gaudir d’aquesta lectura. Recorda que disposes de 4 hores per utilitzar aquest ebook.

Llegeix ara!



llegeix millor

Si jaSiets usuari, apropa la teva ja ets usuari, apropa la teva targeta d’abonat al lector targeta d’abonat al lector

Andrea parteix a Barcelona amb l’esperança de trobar les bases per a una nova vida amb tal de lliurar-se dels lligams que li han estat imposades durant la seva estada al poble. Aquesta esperança es veu dissipada en contemplar el panorama que assola la casa en la qual va a residir. Durant l’any en el qual resideix a Barcelona i malgrat la seva tancada personalitat, la protagonista aconsegueix establir una gran amistat amb Ena, una noia de família adinerada i de radiant personalitat.

Prorrogar préstec


llegeix millor

Fins aviat! Tornar


Carmen Laforet




Sí, llegir ara a l’EBOOK!

Els meus llibres: Resultats recerca: Nada Manchette, Jean-Ptrick

Cercar per categories

Hola, Aina Hola,Rosselló Aina Rosselló

Hola, Aina Hola,Rosselló Aina Rosselló

llegeix millor

Ja pots desar el teu EBOOK Gràcies per utilitzar llegeixB!

Nosóc sóc usuari usuari No

Més informació

Tornar Ebook


Fins aviat!

Direct contact with the service. eBook

WHAT WAS THE RESULT? Design proposal

Aina Rossell贸 Robert

time of use: 00:22:35


Information used in the development process

References. VĂŠlib, rent bicycles in ParĂ­s

We studied this system of renting for our service.

References. Biblio-mat, book dispenser

This dispenser helped us to deďŹ ne the visual part of the dispenser.

References. Dispensers in general

We looked for a lot of diferent dispensers to understand how we could make our dispenser work.

Link to the auto-run Vimeo

LlegeixB a Vimeo https://vimeo.com/54718150

llegeixB Anna Hernรกndez Trilla, Berta Fernรกndez Silvestre, Maria Massรณ Cros

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