Anxiety And Panic Attacks Guide

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Getting Help






How To End It


OVERVIEW Anxiety strikes everyone at some point in today’s stressful way of life, but it does not become a clinical disorder until it interferes with daily life. Anxiety disorders are more common than any other mental illness. 1 in five Americans will be diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder ever year. On the positive side, anxiety and panic disorders even have the highest cure rate. Anxiety and panic disorders cost the United States over $2 billion each and every year according to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Nearly a 3rd of everything spent on all mental disorders goes to anxiety and panic disorders. Ruling out physical illness when a patient presents with anxiety or panic costs the country nearly $21 billion each year. Symptoms of anxiety and panic often resemble much more serious physical illnesses. A panic attack looks nearly identical to a heart attack. Doctors often have to rule out heart attack many times before panic disorder can be diagnosed. Pain or tingling in the extremities, shortness of breath, plus heart palpitations occur in both panic attacks and heart attacks. Indigestion, insomnia, headaches, plus stomach issues are also frequent symptoms of panic and anxiety disorders. Patients having a panic attack for the 1st time often end up in the emergency room. Panic disorder patients often need to go thru many diagnostic tests to rule out physical disease. Anxiety disorders and panic attacks cost businesses and workers lots of time and lots of money. The cost of anxiety and panic disorders can be measured in lost productivity, pain and suffering, lost wages and lost profits, addiction problems, and more. In the worst case, the person suffering with an anxiety or panic disorder becomes housebound. The panic attack victim lives in fear of another attack. Anxiety and panic can be very effectively treated. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis, NLP, plus prescription medications all can be used to cure anxiety plus panic rather quickly and usually permanently. 1

In therapy, patients learn to prevent future attacks and also learn how to manage their current symptoms. Too often panic attack victims delay treatment out of fear and shame. Many people fear being labeled crazy. Ironically, anxiety plus panic disorders are both common and easy to treat. Medical professionals no longer use terms like insanity and don't see anxiety plus panic as shameful. The terms anxiety plus panic don't refer to specific diseases. Anxiety plus panic are symptoms of a large group of psychological disorders called anxiety disorders. When a long period of stress peaks in a panic attack, an anxiety disorder has developed. Panic attack becomes set as a habit known as a conditioned response. The anxious person lives in fear of having another panic attack. The fear of another attack actually causes another attack. The fear of having another attack has got to be removed in order to interrupt the panic attack cycle. Chronic forms of anxiety plus panic disorder can sometimes require ongoing treatment but can be managed. Depression, anxiety, and panic can all occur together. Medication for depression may be a element of anxiety and panic treatment in some cases. Sometimes medication can be a brief measure that's combined with therapy and then discontinued. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and panic disorder are all common forms of anxiety disorders.

Discover How You Can Stop Panic Attacks And End General Anxiety With This One Breakthrough Approach


Causes Panic attacks sometimes have an obvious cause. They can be a reaction to a very stressful situation, like driving in rush-hour traffic, or arguing with a family member. But other times, panic attacks can appear to come out of thin air. When panic strikes, it is all too easy to get caught up in trying to figure out what caused to attack in the first place. But actually, this is probably the least productive thing you can do. Why? Panic attacks themselves are not the real problem, but only a symptom of the real problem. I have coached enough panic attack sufferers to know that panic and anxiety attacks don't happen in a vacuum. Whenever someone is dealing with these problems, the first question that entered my mind is exactly what else is going on in his or her life? Because even though panic attacks may appear to come out of nowhere, they are always a symptom of a larger issue in your life. Panic and anxiety represent an imbalance in your life, and very often this imbalance is based on unreleased anger and/or resentment. Sometimes the anger is directed at a family member or spouse, but just as often, the anger is actually directed inward. Anger and resentment turned inward can be devastating, robbing us of initiative, healthy self-esteem and acceptance. None of us can afford to go through life that way; it extracts a great toll on both body and mind. It is not difficult to find out how you really feel about yourself. Just ask this question: What reason do I have to feel hateful or resentful toward myself? If any answer comes to mind, you got some work to do. Admit And Forget It 3

To move past this anger and resentment, you will need to resolve the conflict. If there is anything you have done in the past that is haunting you, apologize to yourself for it and then let it go. The past is gone, and it is not coming back at least not anytime soon. So make peace with yourself about past transgressions. If you were wrong, admit it and forget it. Other times, you are not angry because of anything you have done. But because you have inadvertently been programmed to be hyper-judgmental of yourself. And 9 times out of 10, it is because a parent has been over-judgmental and withheld acceptance. By establishing this pattern early in a child's life, the parent practically sets up the child for self-hatred and failure. If that sounds like a lousy thing to do to someone, I completely agree. But here is the kicker: almost no parent does this on purpose. It is extremely rare for a parent like this to even be aware of the damage they are doing. They are not evil. They are just doing what they THINK is best for their children instead of discussing and listening to their opinions that mattered. Now that is a BIG difference. I don't mention any of this to beat up on parents. Most parents are good at the job but not all. That is simply a fact of life. When a child grows up in this kind of environment, they only have one recourse but luckily it is a powerful one. They must give themselves the unconditional love and acceptance they want and deserve, and refuse to waste any more time seeking these things from the parent or anyone else for that matter. What we are talking about here is self-love. Real self-love and acceptance; NOT conceit, not arrogance or narcissism, but a healthy respect for both your strengths and weaknesses. I recommend the following simple exercise: single out the one thing you consider to be your biggest weakness. 4

Then make it a point to love that weakness as if it were a long, lost brother. This may not come easily at first, but you certainly CAN do it! And when you can love your greatest weakness, even a little, you are well on your way to healthy self-respect and acceptance. As you begin to make peace with yourself, those strange and annoying symptoms like panic attacks will become less and less a part of your life. As a side benefit, you will notice that the more you learn to love and accept yourself, the better your relationships with others will be.

Discover How You Can Stop Panic Attacks And End General Anxiety With This One Breakthrough Approach


SYMPTOMS The panic symptoms are a sudden access of intense fear or anxiety that causes concern symptoms. But they don’t threaten life as in accented beats of the heart, difficulty breathing, and feelings of loss of control or imminent death. During a panic encounter, the nervous system reacts like when it has to do with a life-threatening situation. This response can cause worrisome physical symptoms and feelings. Panic disorder is diagnosed when a person has repeated panic encounters, is worried about the possibility of a new one and avoids places that can cause another panic attack. A person can have attack symptoms without developing panic disorder and these attacks are associated with anxiety disorders. The panic encounter lasts up to approximately twenty minutes from its start to its intensity decrease. During a panic encounter, fear or discomfort is accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms, which occur in an abrupt manner and reach maximum intensity in less than ten minutes. Some issues you may experience are strong irregular and fast heartbeats, sensation of difficulty and inability to breathe, choking sensation, chest pain or discomfort. Also you may have sweating tremors, muscle contractions, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dizziness, feeling of instability, faintness, feeling of unreality challenge of self-perception, fear of losing control, getting mad, fear of dying, tingling and chills or heat waves. The first panic encounter is very spectacular and produces negative feelings like I'll have a

new one.

The feeling of that first panic attack is perceived as being awful, followed by the sensation that something bad is going to happen or I'm going to die. Often people interpret in a wrong way panic strike symptoms, being seen as evidence of serious life-threatening diseases. Environmental changes, a telephone call, a strong noise or very cold air can interrupt it. After a panic attack, the person looks for a familiar environment and takes refuge, the world being perceived as a hostile place. 6

Panic strikes manifested by catastrophic thoughts and images; it gets that feeling of lack of control or I'm going to get mad which intensifies those feelings of fear and physical sensations associated with anxiety and fear. Among the causes of a panic attack symptom there are: heredity, biological factors, stressful life events, a catastrophic way of thinking or which exaggerates normal body reactions, but also excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco or caffeinated drinks.

Discover How You Can Stop Panic Attacks And End General Anxiety With This One Breakthrough Approach


Getting Help Many people worldwide suffer from extreme anxiety conditions. In fact, anxiety disorders are among the known psychological conditions that commonly trigger individuals who are experiencing intense pressure and stress. In most cases, anxiety disorders are oftentimes mistaken as mere stress and pressure that do not necessarily need to be concerned about. There are even times when some individuals only become aware that they have extreme anxiety conditions only after they have consulted a physician. Basically, a person who is experiencing intense feeling of anxiety and worry for more than 6 months is most likely suffering from a severe type of anxiety disorder. Cases of anxiety that involve excessive worrying and stress from relationships, work, environment, or situations are also sure indicators of anxiety disorders. With this, doctors and health practitioners always recommend immediate recommendations whenever anxiety becomes extreme to the point that it is already affecting a person's daily activities and productivity. Fortunately for those who are suffering from anxiety disorders, these forms of health condition are highly treatable. After thorough examinations and the confirmation that a patient is indeed suffering from anxiety disorder, doctors and health practitioners will then recommend the treatments that will best aid the patient's condition. These treatments may be in the form of medication, therapy, and natural or herbal remedy. Apart from the three common treatments recommended by physicians, there are other forms of treatments that people can try as means to stop anxiety attacks. Treating anxiety does not necessarily require one to spend a lot of money on medications and expensive treatments. As such, below are a couple of self-help tips that can aid one in managing and coping with anxiety and stress: 8

1. Maintaining A Healthy And Balanced Diet Eating right is probably one of the simplest and the most rewarding ways to cope and manage anxiety attacks. This not only keeps the body fit and healthy, but it also helps reduce and control stress. 2. Eliminating Caffeine Since caffeine is known to trigger tension and anxiety, avoiding too much coffee or soda consumption can really decrease one's susceptibility to experience anxiety, sudden panic attacks, as well as mood swings. 3. Building A Strong Support System Support from family and friends is a very important aid for those who are experiencing extreme anxiety conditions. Spending time with people who are emotionally supportive and understanding can really help a person from coping and dealing with anxiety attacks. It is said that the more a person seeks comfort from trusting family and friends, the lesser chances of experiencing sudden anxiety and extreme worrying attacks. 4. Practicing Different Kinds Of Relaxing Techniques Patients diagnosed with anxiety disorder are oftentimes advised by doctors or health practitioners to try practicing different types of relaxing techniques such as yoga, controlled breathing, and guided imagery. These modes of relaxation really help in reducing stress and anxiety. 5. Meditating Regular Meditations This is also a good way of reducing one's susceptibility to experience extreme anxiety and stress. Many people suffering from anxiety disorders prefer to adapt meditation methods like walking meditation and transcendental meditation in their everyday activities.

Discover How You Can Stop Panic Attacks And End General Anxiety With This One Breakthrough Approach


Medication Panic attack is the state of fantastic anxiety and fear. The causes which trigger these attacks differ from person to person. Moreover, the signs and symptoms of such attacks are various in different people. These attacks are harmless, but nonetheless they have quite a bit of influence on the psychology of an individual. Thus, you will need to cure it. To learn what the very best panic attack medication is, one has to understand the causes and symptoms of these attacks. You can find numerous causes for a panic attack. In some instances, it occurs as a result of household history. Many folks get this state as a result of the heredity material referred to as genes. In some situations, the reasons are biological. Like if the person is suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, hypoglycemia or Wilson's disease, then he or she could possibly have problems with panic attacks. Phobias are also the primary reason for such attacks. One of the most prevalent cause which is observed throughout the world is because of some emotional loss. All these reason triggers unique responses among diverse people today. The relevant factor would be to recognize these causes and their response to find the most beneficial way of managing panic attacks. The distinctive responses of panic attack differ in their lasting. Probably the most evident symptom of a panic attack could be the rapid breathing. This response from a body is triggered because of the release of adrenalin. Besides, the rapid breathing, fast heart beat in yet another popular symptom to this attack. In the majority of the circumstances, people confuse a panic attack having a heart attack due to the chest discomfort they feel. 10

These chest pains are felt due to the rapidly hearth beat as soon as the breathing is controlled the heart beat goes to standard and discomfort is evicted. Other symptoms are feeling dizzy, nausea tic, and light headed. All these circumstances are since the body feels to become threatened by a thing and releases a hormone named adrenaline. Immediately after understanding about the symptoms and causes of panic attacks, the subsequent essential step is always to get knowledge regarding the finest medicines. Panic attack medicines are commonly prescribed by the specialist to manage the symptoms of the illness. Though this illness does not affect an individual physically, however it causes a lot harm to the psychological state from the individual. Panic attack medication not only reduces the number of time the attack takes location, but also decreases the intensity of the attacks. The best panic attack medication that is mostly prescribed by the specialist is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), this can be the generic name with the medicine. It is accessible within the market with the name of other brands. This medicine stable the chemical presents in the brain by initiating the production of a substance known as serotonin. This in turn decreases the intensity from the panic attacks. This medicine not just affects the intensity and number of occasions a panic attack occurs, but also decreases the intensity of depression and anxiety, that are associated to panicking attacks. A different popular panic attack medication used by several people is Benzodiazepines. This medicine is typically taken orally within the type of capsules. This medicine assists in decreasing the anxiety through the panic attack. It calms the brain cells and gives the individual much more hold on his or her responses. This medicine is finest if an individual wants to take instant relief from a symptom of panic disorder. Tricyclic Antidepressants is another widely used panic attack medication. This medicine directly functions on the brain chemicals and minimizes the intensity of panic attacks. All these medicines are prescribed by the medical specialist when the intensity and timing of panic attacks are too severe. Even though these medicines are beneficial, but the medical specialist will not prescribe them until the condition becomes serious.


Panic attack medication should really only be taken if the situation will not be in control with the individual, and if he or she is suffering badly from the symptoms of panic attacks. The panic attack medications are made use of in mixture with other medicines, so to decrease the negative effects of such medicines.

Discover How You Can Stop Panic Attacks And End General Anxiety With This One Breakthrough Approach


HOW TO END IT Anxiety can be so depressing and turbulent that anyone who has experienced or seen a loved one go through this hell - can only pray and request viable methods to end anxiety and panic attacks. Anxiety disorder is a condition which usually surfaces from intense involvement in a particular thing or event; and can gradually get promoted to anxiety attacks. Most people who have had sudden bouts of panic attacks - maybe in an airplane, in a business meeting, in a restaurant or anywhere outside the comfort zone of their home, generally tend to withdraw themselves into a shell and seldom socialize. That is however not the solution to the problem, as we look out for enduring ways to end panic anxiety. How To End Anxiety And Panic Attacks Amongst the many ways practiced to end panic anxiety, lifestyle changes, cognitive behavioral therapy, aromatherapy, music and dance etc are known to have given proven results in healing anxiety problems to a great extent. Researchers have elaborated on lifestyle changes by inculcating healthy eating habits, following the right diet, avoid binge eating and adhering to strict exercise regimen. Moreover, meditation, yoga along with music is known to have unique healing power to treat and end anxiety and panic attacks. Apart from that, aromatherapy and spa massages are now considered to be innovative treatments to end panic anxiety. Another, most common method followed worldwide as the ultimate cure is medication. Medication no doubt can numb your responses to a sudden panic and anxiety attack; however, that cannot be the cure to the problem as there are chances of revival of anxiety or panic attack. Apart from that, the side effects and drug interaction theories also need to be tested for long-term compatibility. Innovative Anxiety Release Method To End Anxiety And Panic Attacks You may be searching for means to end anxiety and panic attacks from doctors, psychologists and alternative medical practitioners. 13

However, nothing can be compared to self-help anxiety methods drafted by someone who had passed through this horrendous experience and triumphed over it. There are exceptionally well coordinated self-help methods that can not only end anxiety, but also prepare you to be tough mentally and physically so that you can accept the end anxiety challenge and succeed. One such interesting method is breathing and relaxation methods. It is known that during an anxiety or panic attack, the breathing rate recorded is very fast or irregular. Here, meditation and proper relaxation have a significant role to play in dealing with this disorder and putting an end to panic and anxiety attacks. Facts Vs Myths Of Anxiety One of the main challenges faced by all suffering from anxiety and panic attacks is to understand the reason that leads to panic attacks. In most cases, the fear of experiencing another panic attack is more acute than actually going through the ordeal. Therefore, it is very important to unravel the truth that knowingly or unknowingly is triggering panic attacks. Another very important aspect required to end anxiety and panic attacks is complete control of your mind and self-belief in your ability to gain control over the attacks. As you chalk out your plan to end panic and anxiety attacks, you must also remember that anxiety, even though an unpleasant situation is by far the most basic of all emotions. However, strong exceptions are taken against the myths which refer these attacks as a life threatening condition. The best way to end anxiety and panic attacks is to make you aware of the upcoming intricacies in life, build up the ability to fight any odds and succeed. So are you ready to learn how to end anxiety and panic attacks forever? Panic Away was specially designed to help people overcome their fear, anxiety and panic attacks completely.

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