City staff praised for recovery efforts, flood insurance discounts
Holmes Beach property owners become eligible for 25% flood insurance discounts on Oct. 1.
HOLMES BEACH – The city’s hurricane recovery efforts earned praise from FEMA representatives, and property owners will soon be eligible for 25% flood insurance discounts, perhaps increasing to 30%.
Director of Development Services Chad Minor made these announcements during the March 11 city commission meeting. He said as of that day the building department had issued 1,900 building permits since Hurricane Helene struck in late September. The city also conducted 4,344 building permit inspections to date, with Joe Payne Inc. assisting with those efforts.
Minor said permit revenues are only down about $6,600 dollars from last year
even though the permit fees have been waived for hurricane-related repairs. Minor said the city’s fee waiver program will remain in effect at least until June 1.
“The building department’s doing an incredible job. There’s a lot of people that still have work to do and the mayor agrees we need to extend the fee waiver program,” Minor said.
He then noted FEMA representatives visited the building department the previous week as part of their post-hurricane auditing process and focused on building permits and the city’s permitting policies and procedures.
Minor said that Building Official Neal Schwartz and Building Department Office Manager and Emergency Operations Coordinator Kim Charron did a fantastic job preparing for the FEMA meeting, which he noted can be a daunting task.
Annie’s Bait and Tackle given 30-day notice for demolition
Annie’s co-owner, Bruce Shearer, offered to repair Manatee County’s docks and the building at his expense, but was declined by the county.
CORTEZ – Manatee County has issued a 30day demolition notice for the removal of Annie’s Bait and Tackle Shop.
“We haven’t received the letter yet, but I was told it’s coming,” Annie’s co-owner, Bruce Shearer, said on March 15. He doesn’t know the final date yet.
The Manatee County Commission voted 6-1 on March 4 for the demolition of the 70-year-old Cortez landmark, which is sited on the Seafood Shack parcel that was recently purchased by the county for $13 million and is slated to become a SEE ANNIE'S, PAGE 15
Report identifies cause of pier walkway failure
Mayor Mark Short is pursuing several pier repair funding options.
ANNA MARIA – The combined impacts of Hurricanes Helene and Milton caused the Anna Maria City Pier walkway to fail, according to an inspection report provided by the George F. Young engineering firm.
Mayor Mark Short shared this information during the March 13 city commission meeting after receiving the requested report the previous week.
Short said the engineering firm concluded that during Hurricane Helene, the waves and storm surge under the pier walkway pushed the walkway upward and stressed the
walkway and the concrete pilings supporting it.
“That loosened everything up and when the winds of Milton came two weeks later, that was all that was needed to blow it down and knock it over,” Short told the commission. “It was a combination of the two. It got stressed from the surge pushing from the bottom up and the winds came from the top down and caused the failure.”
Short noted the hurricane-damaged walkway was built to different specifications than the T-end of the pier occupied by The City Pier Grill and the Mote Marine Science Education and Outreach Center. Completed in 2020 after Hurricane Irma badly damaged the T-end buildings, the T-end decking and the wooden pier walkway in 2017, the T-
The historic Annie’s Bait and Tackle Shop in Cortez, a victim of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, is slated for demolition within 30 days.
Mayor addresses building permit applications
Homeowners seeking building permits will now get a copy of the city’s correspondence with their contractors.
ANNA MARIA – The city has imple mented a new process that addresses recent social media comments questioning its ability to review and issue hurricane-related building permits in a timely manner.
contractor) and the property owner is not part of that process.”
Short said the city received a large number of permit applications in February: “I suspect that’s in part due to property owners finally getting commitments from contractors that are becoming available.”
Short feels the city is processing building permits in a timely manner.
“We now have four permit techs here at city hall working to process those applications, and statistically, 40% of the permits applied for get denied initially because of incomplete paperwork,” he said.
Absolutely, and that’s why we have four people here now. We’re doing this chronologically as they come in. If your permit is applied for today, it may be a few days before we get to it.”
On March 13, Mayor Mark Short spoke to The Sun about the permitting efforts that now include direct correspondence with property owners.
“My broad statement about anything on social media is that a significant amount of the time, it’s not factually correct, or it’s factually incomplete,” he said.
“When a permit is applied for in this city, it typically comes from a contractor. Any correspondence from that point forward from our building department goes to the applicant (the
When that happens, the homeowner/property owner may not be aware that the permit application was incomplete and delayed because the building department requested additional information.
“You need to correct that before we will process your permit and my guess is the contractors are not telling the property owners what’s really going on. So, this week, we implemented a new step in our permitting process: Every homeowner seeking a permit will get a copy of our correspondence with their contractor,” Short said.
In accordance with a new contract that took effect in February, all of Anna Maria’s building department functions are now outsourced to Joe Payne Inc., a firm that’s assisted the city in the past.
“There’s no longer any employees of the city of Anna Maria that are part of the building department,” Short said.
As for who approves a permit, Short said, “The project dictates who has to sign off on the permit. In some cases, it could be one person and other cases it could be three or four. I think we are processing permits at a good speed. Can it be better?
Regarding the city’s annual vacation rental registration inspections, Short said, “Our vacation rental inspection process will start in April and people are registering now. If I was a vacation rental owner, I would have eyes on my property to make sure I’m going to pass that inspection. I better make sure my pool’s enclosed and my pool alarm’s working. I would encourage our vacation rental owners to be proactively doing their own evaluation of what might need to be done to their properties. If they don’t pass the inspection, their registration will not be approved,” Short said. Short said the third-party-contracted vacation rental inspections conducted by a different company have no impact on the building department’s ability to process building permits.
City Pier parking lot reopens
The parking lot near City Pier Park, the Anna Maria City Pier and the free trolley stop reopened on March 14. The post-hurricane restorations include a new 57 stone surface with filter cloth below and new parking bumpers.
Bean Point beach access reopens
The Bean Point beach access in Anna Maria is open again. During the March 13 Anna Maria City Commission meeting, General Manager Dean Jones said the hurricane-damaged beach access at the intersection of North Bay Boulevard and North Shore Drive reopened the previous week. He said the recent hurricanes destroyed about 30 feet of the dune walkover that’s now been rebuilt. He said five or six mature Australian pine trees were also removed. “It’s open, it’s usable and we hope everybody can enjoy it,” Jones said.
Scan this code with your smartphone to go there.
Pine Avenue liquor store decision delayed
The proposed liquor store requires commissioners to approve a special use permit.
ANNA MARIA – City commission approval of a special use permit to operate a package liquor store at 501 Pine Ave. has been delayed for at least two weeks.
Ryan Quigley and Jack Parsons hope to open a package liquor store in space to be leased from Barbara and Jason Sato.
“There’s some additional information needed from the applicant so we’ll likely discuss that at the next meeting,” Commission Chair Charlie Salem said when removing the special use permit request from the agenda for the March 13 Anna Maria City Commission meeting. The commission meets next on Thursday, March 27.
According to the written request that Quigley and Parsons submitted on March 4, “Both applicants were raised on Anna Maria Island and still live on AMI today. Both applicants are sensitive to the issues that the city is faced with and neither applicant
has any intention to change the charm of Pine Avenue.”
The written request addresses a city law enacted in 2022 that prohibits liquor sales at an establishment located within a half-mile of another establishment already permitted to sell liquor.
“As required by ordinance, this location is not within a half-mile of any establishment that sells liquor that was permitted after June 1, 2022. Furthermore, there are currently no package liquor stores in the city of Anna Maria,” the written statement says.
The written statement notes that Quigley and Parsons have an agreement in place to purchase an existing beer, wine and liquor sales license pending city commission approval of the special use permit. That stateissued license would not allow for the onsite consumption of alcohol.
Located at 10002 Gulf Drive, Bortell’s Lounge owner Steve Rose has long held a 4COP liquor license that allows his establishment to sell sealed bottles of beer, wine and liquor for takeout, and his grandfathered status to do so predates current city code.
Drift-in tiki roof replaced
Workers recently replaced a thatched roof with synthetic materials at the Drift-In tiki hut on Bridge Street as required by the fire marshal. A public hearing on a major development application regarding the tiki hut is pending before the Bradenton Beach Planning and Zoning Board, which will meet on Wednesday, April 2 at 1 p.m.; the city commission will meet on Tuesday, April 8 at 1 p.m. to consider the application.
Commissioners to discuss Drift-In outdoor seating
The Bradenton Beach Commission meeting on Thursday, March 20 at noon will include discussion about a temporary use permit for outdoor seating at the Drift-In, 120 and 122 Bridge St. Also on the agenda will be a discussion of the re-beautification of the 10th Street North City Park area by residents and the community, Bridge Street roundabout landscaping restoration for National Arbor Day and signs for Historic Bridge Street, John Chappie Park and Jan Vosburgh Beachfront Park.
The Bean Point beach access features a new dune walkover.
The restored Bean Point beach access is at the intersection of North Bay Boulevard and North Shore Drive.
This commercial space at 501 Pine Ave. may soon become a package liquor store.
Commissioners support latest Key Royale parking proposal
Commissioner Carol Whitmore opposes both proposed parking solutions.
HOLMES BEACH – Parking along Key Royale Drive from Marina Drive to the bridge will not be limited to the north side of the street as previously discussed by city commissioners on Feb. 25.
When discussing the issue again on March 11, four of the five Holmes Beach commissioners expressed support for an alternative approach proposed by Public Works Director/ City Engineer Sage Kamiya and supported by Mayor Judy Titsworth and Police Chief Bill Tokajer.
“It looks like the best way maybe to handle some of our parking issues is to move the sidewalk on the south side of the road so folks can park on either side,” Kamiya said when initiating the followup parking discussion on March 11.
To create enough space for legal parking along the south side of Key Royale Drive, the existing sidewalk
Commercial vehicles parked on Key Royale Drive reduce the travel lanes available to passing motorists.
will eventually be removed and a new sidewalk will be installed 3 feet further to the south. The new sidewalk will still be located in the city-owned right of way and not on privately-owned property.
The city’s code of ordinances already requires vehicles to be parked with all
tires off the roadway and moving the sidewalk will create more space to park in accordance with that city law. City code also prohibits parking on a sidewalk and currently there’s barely enough space, or not enough space, to park with all tires off the sidewalk and the road along the south side of the street.
During the March 11 meeting, Titsworth said the latest proposal would provide the space needed for landscaping and construction vehicles to legally park alongside Key Royale Drive with all tires off the pavement. To create more space for parking along both sides of the street those who own property between 506/507 and 532/533 Key Royale Drive will receive letters from the city asking them to remove any landscaping or other obstacles placed in the city right of way. Mailboxes and driveways do not have to be removed from the right of way but other items left in the right of way can be removed by the city.
Commissioner Dan Diggins said the proposed solution would impact 28-29 properties and Kamiya agreed with that estimate.
Titsworth said city commission approval isn’t needed to maintain and enforce the current parking allowances and regulations but the sidewalk installation contract will be brought to the commission for future approval of the proposed expenditure. SEE KEY ROYALE, PAGE 11
Got an opinion, a complaint or a compliment? Is there something you need to get off your chest? Send us a letter to the editor and have your say. There are a couple of ways to do it. The easiest and most direct is to email The Sun at Remember to put Letter to the Editor in the subject field. Or you can snail-mail
a letter to us at The Anna Maria Island Sun, P.O. Box 1189, Anna Maria, FL 34216. Letters should be kept to 300 words or less and must contain your name and the city in which you reside. Personal attacks and obscene language will not be printed. The Sun reserves the right to edit letters for length or content.
Visit www.cityofannamaria. com or contact city hall for more information.
March 19, 9 a.m., Planning and Zoning Board
March 27, 1 p.m. City Commission
Roser Church free concert series, The Humdingers barbershop quartet, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, 5 p.m.
Visit or contact city hall for more information.
March 20, 9:30 a.m., Community Redevelopment Agency
March 20, noon, City Commission
Visit or contact city hall for more information.
March 20, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Landscape Best Practices Workshop March 25, 2 p.m., City Commission
March 20, 9:30 a.m., Manasota League of Cities, Longboat Key Town Hall, 501 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key
Annie Silver Community Center fish and chips dinner, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach, 5-7 p.m.
Anna Maria Island Garden Club’s annual flower show, Roser Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Cortez Village Historical Society/Florida Maritime Museum coffee social with coffee, tea and conversation at the Cortez Cultural Center, 11655 Cortez Road W., 9-11 a.m.
Detours, road closures continue
CORTEZ – The Cortez Bridge utility relocation project will necessitate detours and closures to both vehicle and pedestrian traffic, according to an update from Manatee County officials.
East of the Cortez Bridge, a water main will continue to be installed on the north side of Cortez Road between the area of 127th Street West and 124th Court West. To accommodate this activity, the north shoulder of 124th Court West will remain closed through summer.
Beginning in late April and continuing through early summer, 127th Street West will be closed to vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic at Cortez Road West north to 126th Street West as the contractor installs the pipe. The closure and detour will remain in effect 24/7 until work in this area is complete.
materials and traffic patterns when traveling in and near the construction areas. Construction schedules and activities are subject to change due to weather.
Regular construction activities will take place Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians are asked to remain mindful of construction crews, equipment,
The sidewalk and bike lane on the south side of Cortez Road West east of the Cortez Bridge will remain closed between 119th Street West and Avenue B with a detour in place to direct pedestrians and bicyclists. 124th Street West, 124th Street Court West, 125th Court West, Central Avenue, and Avenue A will be closed at
place to direct motorists.
During active construction, travelers may also experience temporary/intermittent lane closures and flagging operations on the eastbound and westbound lanes of Cortez Road West to allow for the moving and delivery of construction materials and equipment. The sidewalk and eastbound merge lane on the south side of Cortez Road West west of the Cortez Bridge will be closed with detour signs in place.
Parade cancelled
The annual St. Patrick’s Day parade scheduled for March 16 in Holmes Beach and Anna Maria was cancelled due to inclement weather concerns. The parade will not be rescheduled.
The Cortez Bridge utility relocation project will cause road closures and detours through at least this summer.
Island Players commit ‘Death by Design’
The murder mystery “Death by Design” continues through May 30.
ANNA MARIA – The Island Players’ production of Rob Urbinati’s “Death by Design” is an entertaining, comedic, ‘whodunit’ that features witty dialogue and unexpected plot twists dispensed by a talented eight-member cast.
Directed by Island Players veteran Preston Boyd, “Death by Design” opened on March 13 and continues through March 30.
The parlor game-like murder mystery unfolds inside a country manor outside of London, England in 1934. “Death by Design” begins with Bridgit, the outspoken Irish maid, cleaning up a mess left behind made by her employers, Edward Bennett, a snobby, moderately talented but commercially successful playwright, and Sorel Bennett, his self-interested and increasingly discontented wife and leading lady.
Portrayed by Island Players veteran Kristin Mazzitelli, Bridgit possesses an impressive knowledge of poisons, loves reading the scandalous and murderous accounts detailed in “The Tittle-Tattle” gossip paper and yearns to be a crimesolver herself.
Edward is played with great enthusiasm by James Thaggard, who has performed in or directed more than 40 Island Players productions. Sorel is wonderfully portrayed by University of South Florida English teacher Valerie Lipscomb, returning to the Island Players’ stage for the fifth time.
Everyone in the room is a suspect and a potential killer.
The couple has unexpectedly returned to their country manor for the weekend after getting into another combative argument triggered by Edward’s latest play and Sorel’s latest performance earning less than stellar reviews in the “Daily Mail.”
Before Edward makes his first appearance, Bridgit is joined by Jack, the likeable and promiscuous chauffeur who drives the Bennetts and their guests around in a Bentley motor car. Jack is played by Minnesota native Travis Cornwell, appearing for his first time on the Island Players’ stage.
As Act I unfolds, a series of invited and uninvited guests appear one by one, each bringing their own ambitions, idiosyncrasies, secrets and personal agendas to the gathering.
Bored with Edward’s writing and marital offerings, the attention-deprived and professionally bored Sorel has invited recently-elected parliamentarian Walter Pearce to join her for the weekend. Walter is played by Jack Watts, a community
theater veteran making his first Island Players appearance after a long, real-life career in law enforcement.
Walter ran on a platform of morale reform yet desires the company of another man’s wife. He also hides a deep secret and a checkered past of his own and has a disdain for government funding of the arts.
Walter and Sorel’s time alone in the parlor is disrupted by Eric, a frantic young socialist who’s escaped from a mental institution and come to encourage Edward to begin writing plays of greater social significance for England’s downtrodden working class.
Returning to the Island Player’s stage, Jeffrey Steiger’s energetic portrayal of Eric is reminiscent of the frenetic comedy stylings and high-pitched vocal mannerisms used by well-known stand-up comedian and actor Bob Goldthwait. Edward and Eric also share an affinity for Sorel’s theatrical rival, the lovely Gertrude Lawrence.
In real life, Steiger is a director and
playwright and serves as artistic director at the FLS Theatre at Florida International University.
Portrayed with great aplomb by longtime performer Ruth Shaulis, the next guest to arrive is Victoria Van Roth, the bohemian, abstract artist, interpretive dancer, musician and martini drinker who shares a secret with Sorel and someone else in the room.
Portrayed by Victoria Raybourn, the last to arrive is Alice, a gun-toting, optically challenged childhood companion of Jack who sets her sights on righting a wrong committed long ago by one of the other guests. Alice’s deafening wails become another source of discontent for Edward, who begs her to lower the volume of her hysterics. Raybourn, a veteran of high school theatrical productions, is appearing on stage for the first time as an adult. Act I ends with the demise of one of the guests and Act II begins with Bridgit conducting a murder investigation in which everyone is a suspect and some suspect themselves. As the plot thickens, the characters’ selfish pursuits, human frailties and hidden secrets are exposed as the list of potential killers narrows and the tale ultimately reaches its unexpected and theatrically inspirational conclusion. Tickets for “Death by Design” are $18-$28 and can be purchased online at Tickets can be purchased at the theater box office, 10009 Gulf Drive, Monday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and an hour before show time. For more information, call 941-778-5755. Opening May 8 and directed by James Thaggard, Tom Ziegler’s Grace & Glorie will conclude the Island Players’ 76th season.
Ferry service expands to five days
To accommodate peak tourist season, the Gulf Islands Ferry service is now operating five days a week, Wednesday through Sunday, between the Riverwalk Day Dock in downtown Bradenton and the Bradenton Beach Pier in Bradenton Beach. The expanded schedule took effect on March 12. Weather permitting, the first ferry departs from downtown Bradenton at 7:30 a.m. and the last ferry to Anna Maria Island departs at 7:30 p.m. The first ferry departs from Bradenton Beach at 9 a.m. and the last ferry departs from Bradenton Beach at 9 p.m. The ferry service currently consists of two 50-foot pontoon catamarans
that travel between the two destinations on the Manatee River and the Intracoastal Waterway.
“As Manatee County welcomes visitors this spring, the Gulf Islands Ferry helps ease the traffic on our roadways,” District 3 County Commissioner Tal Siddique
said in the county press release. There is currently no ferry service to Anna Maria and the hurricane-damaged Anna Maria City Pier. For ticketing and scheduling information visit
The day dock at the Bradenton Beach Pier serves as a Gulf Islands Ferry landing.
State law treats electric bikes the same as bicycles despite their capacity for higher speeds.
HOLMES BEACH – When discussing development-related transportation requirements during the March 13 city commission work session, Commissioner Dan Diggins asked if electric bikes are treated as bicycles or low speed vehicles.
Director of Development
Chad Minor, City Attorney Erica Augello and Police Chief Bill Tokajer simultaneously said e-bikes are treated the same as bicycles and Augello said e-bikes are specifically defined in state law. According to the Florida Statutes, “An electric bicycle or an operator of an electric bicycle shall be afforded all the rights
E-bikes regulated like bicycles
and privileges, and be subject to all of the duties, of a bicycle or the operator of a bicycle.”
State law allows cities to regulate e-bikes: “An electric bicycle is a vehicle to the same extent as a bicycle. However, this section may not be construed to prevent a local government from adopting an ordinance governing the operation of electric bicycles on streets, highways, sidewalks and sidewalk areas under the local government’s jurisdiction; or to prevent a municipality, county or agency of the state from restricting or prohibiting the operation of an electric bicycle on a bicycle path, multi-use path or trail network; or to prevent a municipality, county or agency of the state having jurisdiction over a beach or a dune from restricting or prohibiting the operation of an electric bicycle on such beach or dune.”
State law also provides: “An
electric bicycle or an operator of an electric bicycle is not subject to the provisions of law relating to financial responsibility, driver or motor vehicle licenses, vehicle registration, title certificates, off-highway motorcycles or off-highway vehicles.”
Augello said there’s no minimum age limit for e-bike riders. Tokajer added, “For a lowspeed vehicle, you have to be a
licensed driver. For a golf cart you have to be 16.”
When asked where e-bikes are supposed to travel, Tokajer said they are allowed to travel on the road, in bike lanes and on sidewalks as long as they yield to pedestrians who have the right of way.
“We have so many e-bikes that don’t even look like a bicycle anymore. They’re like little
motorcycles. They have to follow the rules of the road. They have to stop at signs. They have to stop at red lights. They have to stop for crosswalks,” Tokajer said.
He then noted an e-biker recently struck a car in Holmes Beach. Tokajer previously told The Sun that the e-biker failed to stop and was at fault for the accident that resulted in the e-biker suffering minor injuries.
Tokajer said e-bikes are not subject to the licensing requirements applicable to low-speed vehicles.
“There’s no license, there’s no permit needed and you’re going as fast a motorcycle. You don’t need a motorcycle license and you don’t need a helmet unless you’re underage. I think it’s 16 and under you have to wear a helmet. And no insurance; that’s up to you,” Tokajer said.
“What could go wrong?” Diggins quipped.
KEY ROYALE: Commissioners support latest parking proposal
Kamiya estimated the new sidewalk would cost approximately $107,000. He said funds previously budgeted but not spent on a proposed Sixth Avenue sidewalk project could be used to pay for a new Key Royale Drive sidewalk. The parking proposals stem from complaints received from Key
Royale residents concerned about the safety hazards posed by landscaping and construction vehicles parking in the road or partially in the road. Those commercial parking activities narrow the travel lanes and force drivers into the other lane and into oncoming traffic. Titsworth said Key Royale Drive serves as a main thoroughfare for hundreds of homeowners
and can no longer be viewed as a side street in terms of how it’s used and regulated.
Commissioner Carol Soustek said, “I like the fact that they’re doing it on both sides. I heard from at least one member from Key Royale that likes it very much. I had nobody come to me and say ‘I don’t like it.’ ”
As she did during the Feb. 25 discussion, Commissioner Carol
Whitmore opposed the proposed parking solution.
“It could be a potential safety issue but that could be anywhere so why wouldn’t you do it citywide?” Whitmore said. “And now we’re paying for a sidewalk, to move it, which makes no sense fiscally because it’s perfectly fine, so I won’t support this.”
Check out our newly expanded store & private barrel bourbon selection Open at 8:00 am daily COFFEE and breakfast Lunch and Dinner Fresh seafood - Signature cocktails Nightly Dinner specials
This e-biker and his canine companions traveled along Marina Drive in Holmes Beach.
Manatee Tech students make turtle plaques
Students from Gil Burlew's Advanced Manufacturing class at Manatee Technical College donated their time laser cutting over 300 turtle plaques for Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring (AMITW). “The support from the local community is essential to AMITW's conservation efforts,” Turtle Watch Executive Director Kristen Mazzarella said. Sea turtle nesting season begins on May 1.
Annie Silver to host fish and chips dinner
The Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N. in Bradenton Beach will be having a fish and chips dinner on Wednesday, March 19 from 5-7 p.m. A dinner of fish, fries, cole slaw and tartar sauce is being prepared by the Manatee Avenue Market/ Gumbozilla. The center will provide coffee, lemonade, iced tea and dessert. The suggested donation is $15.
Center accepting scholarship applications
The Center of Anna Maria Island is accepting applications for the annual John van Zandt scholarship that assists graduating seniors pursuing careers that require certification, licensing or apprenticeship training. The annual scholarship supports students entering the workforce in trades, healthcare, construction, manufacturing, hospitality and other service industries. Awards of up to $5,000 will be granted to one or more recipients and recipients will be selected by an independent committee based on merit and financial need. Scholarship applicants, or their parents, must live or work on Anna Maria Island. Students receiving full tuition funding from another scholarship are not eligible. Applications are due by May 1. Apply online at
Holmes Beach assists Wildlife Inc.
The city of Holmes Beach donated $5,000 to the Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center Inc. to assist that nonprofit organization’s ongoing hurricane recovery efforts. In February, Wildlife Inc. volunteer and Holmes Beach Planning Commissioner Gale Tedhams encouraged the city and the Island community to support the struggling animal rescue and rehabilitation center that Gail and Ed Straight have operated from their Bradenton Beach home for nearly 40 years. The Straight’s home and property were severely damaged by Hurricanes Helene and Milton at a time when Ed was already dealing with significant health issues. Tedhams encouraged folks to make an online donation at the “Hurricane Relief Fund for Wildlife Inc” GoFundMe page. During the Feb. 25 city commission meeting, Commissioner Terry Schaefer suggested the city immediately increase its annual $750 donation to $2,500. “They are experiencing terrific financial difficulties and most of here are aware of what they do in our community,” he said. Mayor Judy Titsworth suggested con-
tinuing the $2,500 donation in future years to support the area’s primary animal rescue organization. Commissioner Carol Whitmore suggested making a $5,000 contribution now and donating $2,500 in future years. “They’ve lost everything. I really think they
Above, these owls were among the many birds and animals that Wildlife Inc. has rescued and rehabilitated over the years. Left, Wildlife Inc. volunteer Gale Tedhams encourages the community to support the Bradenton Beach-based organization.
need help,” Whitmore said. The commission unanimously supported Whitmore’s suggestion. As of March 16, the “Hurricane Relief Fund for Wildlife Inc” GoFundMe page had raised more than $38,000 and donations are still being accepted.
RECOVERY: City staff
“At the end of the meeting, FEMA said, ‘You guys have done everything right,’ ” Minor said.
According to Minor, the FEMA reps said they’d be sharing some of Holmes Beach’s applications and policies with other communities as an example of how to respond and proceed the proper way.
“It was my first experience with FEMA and I was a little nervous going into it, but the way we prepared – our staff, our policies and procedures – made for quite an easy meeting. We had nothing to hide and we received tremendous accolades,” Minor said, which prompted a round of applause from the commissioners and other meeting attendees.
“Don’t forget about the code compliance department as well,” Mayor Judy Titsworth added.
Minor then asked Code
Compliance Chief James “JT” Thomas to join Schwartz and Charron at the podium with him.
Schwartz said FEMA was impressed with the code compliance department’s efforts and the many violation notices and stop work orders they issued while tracking the repair work to ensure that it was done in compliance with city, state and federal regulations.
Schwartz said the building department is still assisting homeowners and property owners with their permitting processes.
“Come on into city hall and talk to us,” he said. “We’re here for you.”
Minor then addressed the city’s Community Rating Service (CRS) rating that provides flood insurance discounts to any Holmes Beach property owner who
carries a flood insurance policy issued through, or in conjunction with, FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program.
Minor announced that on Oct. 1, the city’s current class 6 CRS rating that provides a 20% flood insurance discount is
ANNIE'S: Given 30-day notice for demolition
public boat launch facility. The vote followed recommendations by a structural engineer, the Florida Division of Emergency Management and fire officials based on damage from Hurricanes Helene and Milton last year.
Shearer took issue with the county’s characterization that the building was beyond repair.
“Their own report says it’s under the 50% damage,” he said. “That building is sold as a rock. It’s an old wooden building. It’s history they’re taking away there.”
Shearer said he felt that the commission’s intent was always to remove Annie’s from the property.
“I think it was a dog and pony show all the way through,” Shearer said.
“They wasted everyone’s time. We were railroaded. Tal (Manatee County Commissioner Tal Siddique) was bound and determined to turn that into concrete.”
Shearer’s daughter, Anna Gaffey, told The Sun on March 13 she felt the hurricane damage was a convenient excuse for the county to have Annie’s removed.
“We believe the plan was to get us out, and the hurricanes were the perfect excuse,” she said.
She said she reached out to Manatee County Commissioner Jason Bearden, the sole dissenting vote against the demolition, to question the less than 50% damage estimate.
“He told me he’d love to bring it back, but he doesn’t have the support of the other commissioners,” Gaffey said. “It was heartbreaking.”
John M Campora, ChFC®, CRPC™ Financial Advisor
improving to a class 5 CRS rating that provides a 25% discount. This prompted another round of applause.
“The city has acquired enough points to be classified as a class 4 but we have to meet a prerequisite of a watershed master plan.
“We gave Bruce a 30-day notice,” Siddique wrote in a March 13 text message to The Sun. “I notified his daughter; we’ve been in close contact. They’re mad understandably, but it’s a lot of misunderstanding.”
“When it’s demolished, I want to invite him (Siddique) and his family to watch my family’s building being torn down,” Shearer said.
Shearer said his offer to make repairs at his own expense was declined by the county.
“I offered to repair the building and the docks to keep going,” he said. “I don’t own the docks, but I was willing to fix them. With the lease payments I would have been making, that would have been about half a million dollars total. And they turned it down.”
We are underway on that. Once that is complete, we will submit for reclassification, which, if approved, will result in class 4 (rating) and a 30% discount,” Minor said.
Minor thanked all the city staff members, including the public works department, who helped prepare the reports that led to the improved CRS rating.
“It shows the hard work pays off. This is a huge one for the city and it really should be celebrated,” Minor said, prompting a third round of applause.
“You guys did great,” Titsworth said.
Commissioner Carol Soustek expressed her appreciation for the staff efforts that will provide additional flood insurance discounts to Holmes Beach property owners and Commissioner Dan Diggins said, “Thank you guys. This is wonderful news.”
He said county workers moved his personal items and restaurant equipment out of Annie’s without his knowledge and the items were placed in storage waiting for his retrieval.
“I’m going to have to go get the things and I’ll probably be selling some of the items,” he said.
Shearer said he has been looking for a spot to open another Annie’s but has had no luck.
“There’s nothing around,” he said.
Shearer said locals are not happy about the demolition order and he half-jokingly said he may fill his truck up with ice to chill the beer for 500 Cortezians who could show up to watch Annie’s come down.
“Nobody has anything good to say about this,” Shearer said.
From left, Holmes Beach staff members Kim Charron, Neal Schwartz, James Thomas and Chad Minor were praised by FEMA and the city commission.
Spring fever? Go for cobia
Reel Time
he first day of spring is March 20, and as local water temperatures warm with the approach of spring, local anglers need to be alert for cobia in area waters. Often mistaken for shark, whose shapes and coloration they resemble, cobia are long and streamlined with a broad, flattened head. Their upper body is brown with a dark lateral line that extends through the eye to the tail. The brown color transitions to white on the belly. Cobia range up to 6 feet long and can weigh more than 100 pounds. While most anglers target cobia in the Gulf, they range widely throughout local bays, particularly near local passes. Cobia spawn in the spring and
early summer and feed on crabs, small fishes and squid.
The recreational and commercial bag limits for cobia in Gulf state waters is one fish per person or two cobia per vessel per day. The minimum size limit is 36” to the fork of the tail.
Cobia have a way of surprising anglers, so it’s wise to have a rig ready should you encounter one. Fly anglers who target cobia opt for at least a 10-weight outfit, although it’s possible to land smaller cobia on lighter outfits. A favorite fly is a black bunny tied to resemble a small eel, one of their favorite foods. Anglers fishing conventional tackle most often use live baitfish and live crabs, another of their favorite foods. Cobia will also hit a variety of plugs and lures that imitate baitfish. When fishing this spring, inspect any floating objects you come across like flotsam and buoys as well as structure including markers and artificial reefs. Cobia are worthy adversaries for local anglers. They
can show unexpectedly and be hard to target but put up a terrific battle. Smaller cobia make great table fare
but make sure you limit your catch and carefully release any cobia you don’t intend to eat fresh.
Capt. Bryon Chamberlin of the Tampa Bay Fly Fishing Club with a cobia.
This is a great month for snook on shallow flats. Reds and trout will also be more active as the water warms and baitfish become more plentiful. You might find Spanish mackerel, blues and pompano in passes or on deep grass flats. Look for Spanish mackerel, false albacore (little tunny), cobia and tripletail in the coastal Gulf this month. Tarpon should also make an appearance in back country areas and in the coastal Gulf later in the month.
Tarpon will become more plentiful this month as resident fish make their way out of rivers and creeks and early arriving migratory fish begin to show along beaches, particularly by the end of the month. Water temperature in the Gulf is a key factor with 80 degrees being an optimum temperature. As the water warms towards that, fish will become more plentiful. Resident fish may be rolling on deep grass flats in some of the same places that you find trout, laid up on edges of
Spring fishing in full swing
shallow grass flats or along sand bars. Spin anglers might score with a DOA Shrimp, Baitbuster or 4” CAL Shad Tail while fly anglers might connect with a black Deceiver or Tarpon Bunny fly. Keep your tarpon tackle rigged and ready this time of year so you’re able to take advantage of any opportunity that arises.
Spotted seatrout have changed recently in southwest Florida to a three-fish-per-person bag limit and a six-fish boat limit. Trout must be from 15”-19” with one allowed per vessel over 19”. In my opinion, it’s important to protect these larger trout, which are usually female breeders. Full regulations and details for all species can be viewed at https://
Snook should be staging on flats, around sand and oyster bars, on points of islands and around docks and bridges close to passes in the ICW. Spin anglers should score with CAL jigs and a variety of plastic tails including the 4” CAL Shad, DOA
Baitbusters or surface walking top water plugs, like the DOA PT. Fish the edges of bars and potholes when the tide is low and mangrove shorelines or points of islands when the tide is high. You’ll also find snook around docks and bridges in the ICW.
Night snook fishing should be productive with small white flies, like my Grassett Snook Minnow fly, CAL jigs with shad tails and jerk worms, DOA Shrimp and Tiny TerrorEyz. Fish peak tidal flows for the best action. Reds will spend more time
feeding on shallow flats due to more plentiful bait. Look for them in potholes, the edges of bars and around docks when the tide is low. You should find them higher on flats over shallow grass or around mangrove shorelines when the tide is high. I like a 1/16-ounce CAL jig with a shad tail or jerk worm for reds in shallow water. They are easy to fish in shallow water, come in multiple colors and are a good way to find reds. My Grassett Flats Minnow is my “go to” fly for reds. It fishes well in shallow water and its bend back design makes it very weedless. You may also find big trout in skinny water in many of the same places that you find reds. The same lures, flies and techniques used to find and catch reds will also work for big trout.
Trout should be plentiful on deep grass flats. I like to drift and cast ahead of my drift with CAL jigs and a variety of plastic
Joe Grassett, of Delaware, with a trout caught and released on CAL jigs with shad tails while fishing with Capt. Rick Grassett in a previous April.
Tax relief on the beach
It’s tax time again and tax time is never fun, but this year could be particularly not fun. In view of the 2024 storms, this tax filing season could be quite a bit different in addition to the normal tax benefits afforded homeowners.
I’m not a licensed CPA or even a tax preparer, so you always need to seek advice from a professional when it comes to finance of any type. I did, however, find a couple of points related specifically to Hurricane Milton. On Oct. 11, 2024, the IRS announced disaster tax relief for 51 counties in Florida. Affected Florida taxpayers will now have until May 1, 2025, to file various federal tax returns and make certain tax payments. In addition, Hurricane Milton was considered a federal disaster, therefore, personal casualty losses can be deducted to the extent the losses are attributable to a federally declared disaster. In normal times for the average taxpayer, your home is still the best shelter from taxes. Mortgage interest
Castles in the Sand
for a first or second mortgage or home equity loan is a deduction for taxpayers who itemize deductions. This deduction is for your primary home and to a lesser degree for a second home.
Local property taxes can be deducted subject to the SALT (state and local taxes) cap, which is $10,000. However, the cap is very controversial and there is an ongoing battle in Congress to get it reversed. SALT is part of the temporary 2017 tax law that is due to expire at the end of 2025 which could affect taxpayers in all states with high property taxes.
Home office deduction is frequently a gray area for people who do a lot of work
from home. The law is if you receive a W-2 from an employer you cannot take the deduction for working from home no matter how much work you do for your employer from your home. The deduction is for individuals who use part of their home exclusively and regularly for business purposes.
There is a long list of expenses you have in running your home that you cannot deduct: Insurance, including title insurance; wages you pay for domestic help; depreciation; utilities and home repairs; internet or Wi-Fi access; and homeowners or condominium association fees.
The government does provide certain credits affiliated with energy-efficient home improvements up to $3,200 a year. The credit is for 30% of the cost of the improvement. Insulation, windows and doors qualify as well as heat pumps, water heaters and biomass stoves. In addition, homeowners who add solar, wind or geothermal power generation, solar water
heaters or battery storage to their homes can claim a residential clean-energy credit.
The biggest tax savings, however, is when you sell your home, particularly if you have accrued a large amount of appreciation in your property. The gain in value in your property is the difference between the selling price and the adjusted base, which includes what you paid for the house, plus renovations or other capital improvements, which could be a long list. In addition, the government gives homeowners a homesale exclusion which further limits your capital gains. The exclusion for single tax filers is $250,000; for married couples filing jointly, it is $500,000. To qualify you must have used the house as a primary residence for at least two of the previous five years.
Good luck with your taxes. Remember to always consult a tax professional, especially this year if you have had home damage. Be happy it only comes once a year.
CAPTAINS: Spring fishing in full swing
tails or DOA Deadly Combos. Fly anglers should score with weighted flies on sink tip fly lines. I tie Clousers with Ultra Hair on long shank hooks so that they are durable and will hold up to toothy and rough mouth fish. Deep grass flats with a close proximity to passes and usually good due to strong tidal flow.
You might also find blues, Spanish mackerel, pompano or flounder mixed with trout on deep grass flats. The same lures, flies and techniques that you use to find trout on deep grass will work for these species, too. You’ll need to tip your leader with wire or heavy fluorocarbon when blues and mackerel are around. I prefer heavy fluorocarbon and long shank hooks whenever possible, since that usually won’t affect the trout bite. Blues and mackerel usually don’t feed on the surface in the bay like they do in the open Gulf, but you may see bait showering or boils indicating fast moving fish, feeding just below the surface. Pompano may “skip” when you run or drift past them giving their location away. When that happens, circle back upwind and drift the area. Flounder are often found in potholes, on the edges of bars or on mud bottom. There should be good action in the coastal Gulf this month with Spanish
and king mackerel, false albacore (little tunny), cobia and tripletail. Look for Spanish mackerel or albies feeding on the surface. You might find tripletail or cobia around crab trap floats. Your tarpon spin or fly tackle can do double duty for cobia and medium spinning tackle or an 8- or 9-weight fly rod will cover everything else. Artificial reefs or natural areas of hard bottom may hold any of these species. When fishing these areas you will need to get your lure, fly or bait down in the water column to the level where fish are located.
April is one of my favorite months. There should be good action in
Sarasota Bay on both shallow and deep grass flats, in the coastal Gulf for mackerel, albies, cobia and tripletail and with tarpon by the end of the month. I like early season tarpon, since they are usually aggressive, but there should be lots of other options, too.
Our natural resources are under constant pressure from red tides fueled by industrial, agricultural and residential runoff, toxic spills and discharges, freezes, increasing fishing pressure and habitat loss and degradation. Please limit your kill, don’t kill your limit!
Mike Perez, of Sarasota, with a snook, caught and released on CAL jigs with shad tails while fishing with Capt. Rick Grassett in a previous April.
PIER: Report identifies cause of pier walkway failure
end of the pier features a con crete foundation built atop solid concrete pilings and supported by concrete bents. The T-end of the pier and the pier buildings suffered minimal damage during Hurricanes Helene and Milton but the missing walkway leaves the end of the pier isolated with no pedestrian access.
For cost saving purposes, the pier walkway completed in 2020 was built to lower specifications using wooden bents, stringers and support beams placed atop spun cast concrete pilings that are hollow in the center.
Short said the next step is the demolition and removal of the remaining walkway to be replaced with a new walkway built to higher specifications using stronger materials. According to General Manager Dean Jones, the new walkway will feature solid concrete pilings. Solid concrete pilings are generally more expensive than spun cast concrete pilings.
Short said the project engineers are about 60% done with the engineering and design work for the new walkway and the demolition and removal of the remaining walkway is the next step. A request for proposals (RFP) will soon be issued seeking proposals from demolition contractors. The RFP is currently being reviewed for full compliance with state and federal regulations.
Short said a FEMA assessment team recently spent two days assessing the damage to the City Pier and is now processing the city’s claim seeking FEMA funds for the pier repairs.
“FEMA will come back to us with their estimate of how much they’re willing to pay to rebuild the walkway. It’s going to take a little time, but we need to know from FEMA what they’re willing to put in. We’re also working with the state and county but FEMA is extremely important in this process. It’s mission critical that we understand where the money’s going to come before we get too far down the path of rebuilding the pier,” Short said, noting he could not estimate how long the FEMA review process might take.
As an alternative or additional funding source for the pier repairs, the city recently requested up to $8 million of the $252.7 million Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grant awarded to Manatee County by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
When offering public input, former Anna Maria Island resident and current Island realtor Linda Moore said her family moved to Anna Maria in 1969 and lived on the property now
occupied by the North Shore Café.
“We lived here for 40 years. We loved the pier,” she said.
Moore said she helped get four benches installed on the old City Pier and when the new pier was built, four new benches were placed in the same locations. Three of those benches survived the recent hurricanes.
Moore said an old newspaper photo of her parents used to hang inside the bar at the Rod & Reel Pier that was also destroyed by the two hurricanes.
“As a realtor here for 21 years
and a member of Roser Church for 50 years, I can tell you the City Pier is very vital to tourism and the memories of all of us that have been here – the newcomers and those of us who are second and third generation,” she said.
Moore said she visited the Mote Marine facility two days before Hurricane Helene struck. Getting emotional on the verge of tears, she said she’d help raise funds from the private sector if needed for the pending pier repairs.
“I want to be involved,” she said.
The back-to-back hurricanes destroyed a significant portion of the City Pier walkway. The Anna Maria City Pier will remain closed until the pier walkway is replaced.
“I think we all feel the same sense of urgency,” Commissioner Charlie Salem said. “I know all of us are committed to get the pier back up and running as soon as we can.”
Salem expressed hope that constructing the new walkway with stronger materials will help it better withstand future hurricanes and storms.
North Shore Café owner Colleen Geller told Moore she could place a memorial bench for her parents at the café that now stands where Moore’s parents once lived.
Former Anna Maria resident Linda Moore offered to help raise private sector funds if needed.
Gary Budnick
Gary Budnick, beloved husband of Sandra Budnick, passed away on March 1, 2025. Gary was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut on April 17, 1945, son of Walter and Helen (Grega) Budnick. He spent his youth growing up in Stratford, Connecticut and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts. After high school he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and married Sandra. They had four children. Gary was very proud of achieving the rank of Chief Petty Officer during his 20-year Navy career. The family came back to Connecticut and Gary became
a vocational education teacher, teaching his students the electronics that the Navy taught him.
After retiring from teaching, Gary and Sandi moved to Florida for the warm weather, boating and fishing. He started an appliance repair business that kept him pretty busy. He loved having family time and pool parties for the grandkids. Gary is survived by Sandi, his wife of 61 years; son, Brian (Julie); granddaughter Jayden; daughter, Deb (John) Blomgren; grandson, LJ (Gina); and greatgrandson, Jack. Gary was predeceased by his son, Jerrad; daughter, Karyn; and brother, Ronald Budnick.
Gary's funeral will take place at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Holmes Beach on Saturday, March 22 at 11 a.m., with interment in the Memorial Garden after Mass.
March 8, Manatee Beach, 5:27 p.m. Vandalism. A man reported damage to his vehicle after a verbal altercation with another beachgoer over a parking spot. When the man returned to his car it had been “keyed” with a scratch that ran the length of the vehicle.
March 6, Holmes Boulevard, 5:17 p.m. Open container violation. A man, who police say is well known to them, was observed asleep on a bus bench. In conducting a welfare check, and upon closer inspection, the man reportedly had a nearly empty bottle of vodka and appeared to be intoxicated. Police said the man had been given a verbal warning a week prior for drinking alcohol in public. He was issued a Notice to Appear for the city ordinance violation of the open container law.
March 9, Holmes Beach Police Department, 4:12 p.m. Fraud. A victim of a gift card scam went to the HBPD to report that he was contacted by email by a person pretending to be his neighbor on vacation. The email stated that the cards were for a donation for veterans. The victim purchased $500 in Target gift cards and responded to the fraudulent email with the card number and code. The victim later learned it was a scam but the money had already been removed from the cards.
Playoffs proceed at Center of Anna Maria Island
Lowry, Nelson, Shorten win Key Royale Club tournament
Winning pitchers
It looked like there was going to be a four-way playoff at Anna Maria Horseshoes on March 12 when Tim Sofran, left, threw a doubleringer to win his final game of pool play to remain undefeated, winning the day’s competition. On March 15, Steve Hooper teamed up with Norm Langeland and entered the winner's circle after posting the only 3-0 record.
From left, Brenda Solleveld, Jana Samuels and Pam Lowry competed in the Key Royale Golf Club Annual Senior Player's Ladies' Scratch Tournament on March 3 and 12. Winning the event on the nineteenth hole was Lowry (96) in a sudden death play-off over Samuels (96). Finishing in third place was Solleveld (99).
From left, John Soler, Tom Nelson, Bob Rowley and Doug Dorsey competed in the Key Royale Golf Club Annual Senior Player's Men's Scratch Tournament on March 3 and 12 for ages 70-79. Winning the division was Nelson (77), followed closely in second place by Rowley (78). Dorsey and Soler tied for third place (80).
From left, Jim Hitchen, Greg Shorten and Quentin Talbert competed in the Key Royale Golf Club Annual Senior Player's Men's Scratch Tournament on March 3 and 12 for ages 80 and up. In the division, Shorten (75) finished in first place and Hitchen (78) and Talbert (78) tied for second place.
THE CENTER OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND | SUBMITTED 11-13 Champions Moss Builder: Front: Parker Svoboda, Aiden Guess, Ruby Kesten, Bryson Frady and Austin Guess. Back: Coach Ryan Moss, Renan Kesten, Tiana Sutton, Mason Moss and Coach Aaron Guess.
THE CENTER OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND | SUBMITTED 8-10 Champions Adrian Griffin Interiors: Bottom: Alex Czajkowaski, Kal Kroth, Jackson Griffin, Asher Patel, Mason Stein and Deacon Bekkerus. Middle: Grayson Hinckle and Phoenix Harwood. Top: Coach Jesse Griffin.
THE CENTER OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND | SUBMITTED 14-17 Champions HSH Design: Bottom: Kyle Castagna. Back: Coach Kris Castagna, Chase Castagna, Sterling Holiday, Jaxon Kagin, Frankie Coleman and Jack Mattick.
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PERICO ISLAND CONDO fantastic water views, new bathrooms, new kitchen, new a/c, furnished, new impact windows. $359,900. Sharon Hightower RE/ MAX Alliance Group 941-330-5054
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priced to sell! 1994 Hy-line
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Turn key, furnished and ready to move in. Located in Sarasota Bay RV Park. This community is a 55+ park designed for snowbirds. Max stay is 6 mo. No sub leasing of any kind. Fun park with tons of activities and super social. Check out sarabayrvpark. com for more information on this community. Lot fees are paid to July 1st with 3 plus month of unused time for you to move in and enjoy. This is included in the price.
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8144 37th AVE CIR WEST
$1,299.000 Bike to beach. 4 bedrooms plus Den. Newer designer Pool home 3900 sqf. Christine RE/MAX 314-440-7574
202 75th, ANNA MARIA
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5708 HOLMES BLVD, ANNA MARIA, $2,400,000 -Like New 4 bedroom home, garage, pool, Great income -in rental program. Christine Re/Max 314-440-7574
236 S HARBOR ANNA MARIA $1,995,000 Big almost 8000 sqf Big View! Zoned weekly rental-Room for BIG dock. Christine RE/ MAX 314-440-7574
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HOLMES BEACH 209 83rd St.: 1BR/1BA efficiency apartment. Small but cute! $1700/ mo. 2BR/2BA private pool, large screened lanai! $3500/ mo. Water, trash, lawn care included. Also pool care. Annual, unfurnished. 1 Year lease. 1st, last & security. Call 941-809-2488
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home 6 min walk to beach on 63rd St. 3BR/3.5BA with private heated pool, office, elevator in Holmes Beach.One year lease available. Tenant must pay all utilities. $5000 per month plus deposit. Call Nedra 352-875-6094.
BRADENTON BEACH two 2BR/1BA apartments available to rent. $2500/ mo. First, last and $1000 security deposit. Renovated/updated. No pets. Adults only. Call 941-7054737
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2BR/2BA Condo in Holmes Beach. Includes all utilities, cable, internet, and trash. Seasonal, monthly or 6-month lease available March 1, 2025. Call Jack at 312-835-2323
TIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455
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