1 minute read
1 Whack with a folded newspaper, say 5 Nile serpents 9 Kama __ 14 Number of Greek Muses 15 Owl's call 16 Fireplace glower 17 Teatime 20 Contraption 21 The Stooges, e.g. 22 Shailene's "Divergent" role 23 Track on a DVD 25 What might be granted after begging one's pardon? 27 Triangular sail 30 Soft mineral 32 Secret advantage "up one's sleeve" 33 Twistable cookie 35 Singer Anthony 37 Common sprain site 41 Tee time 44 Big glitch 45 Captain Hook's right hand 46 For experts, as a game 47 __-cone 49 "Doubtful" 51 Certain sib 52 Lustrous sheet fabrics 56 Treble __: music symbol 58 Turkish military leader 59 Bachelor ending 61 Wake up 65 T-time 68 Fable writer 69 Take for a __: scam 70 Musical pitch 71 Minuscule 72 Prince William's school 73 Auto pioneer Ransom __
1 Surprise problem 2 Coffeehouse amenity 3 1998 film with talking bugz? 4 Swarms 5 Wheat bristle 6 Pony in a bar 7 Destitute 8 Justice Sotomayor who swore in Vice President Harris 9 "What did I tell you?" 10 Latest in an endless series of occurrences 11 Some ski lifts 12 Convene again 13 Like craft shows 18 Tooth anchor 19 Capital of Italia 24 "__ it": "Whatever you want" 26 Sweet Sixteen org. 27 Runs leisurely 28 Steel, mostly 29 "Romanian Folk Dances" composer Bartók 31 Espresso topper 34 Winter at the Jersey Shore, say 36 Increase in loudness 38 Korean exports 39 "Queen of QVC" Greiner 40 What means may justify 42 Mystical old letter 43 Bride's face cover 48 Harry Styles' band, to fans 50 Dread 52 1978 Peace co-Nobelist Anwar 53 Concur 54 The ones here 55 Mall unit 57 Corn chip 60 Silly goose 62 Cher or Adele, e.g. 63 Beach cover
Answers to 04-27-22 Crossword Puzzle.

64 A mantis has five of them 66 Secret agent 67 Swampy area