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MONICA SIMPSON | SUN Players from both teams chase down the soccer ball at The Center last week. Zade Khan for Progressive Cabinetry takes the lead, with Bria Pietsch close behind. Progressive Cabinetry’s Raegan Kesten and Leo Tyler follow Khan’s lead.
Gitt Team, Moss Builders best the rest

ANNA MARIA – On the small soccer pitches, the 5- to 7-year-old players matched up in their third week of play. Progressive Cabinetry played Mac Parkman Foundation, while Surfing Coconuts AMI matched up on the field with Adrian Griffin Interiors.
For many of the players in this league, the end of this season leads to a future in the youngest competitive recreational league at the community center, the 8- to 10-year-old league.
After two weeks of youth recreational soccer at The Center of Anna Maria Island, two teams are on top with 2-0-0 records. The Gitt Team tops the charts in the younger age group of mostly elementary school-aged athletes.
For the 11- to 14-year-old league, the Moss Builders team goes into week three undefeated, also with a record of 2-0-0. The season is still young with four more games in the regular season for both teams in both leagues.
Last week’s game for The Gitt Team was a close one, with the final score 1-0 against team Tidy MD. Thanks to Izabella McGraw, who scored the only goal in the game, The Gitt Team solidified its place at the top of the ranking for the week.
McGraw’s teammate, Karson Davis, had four goals in the victory against Tidy MD. Tess Bolognone is credited with the assist, making the McGraw goal possible.
On the other side of the field, Aidan Guess and Owen Purcell each had a single save for Tidy MD, keeping their team in the battle for the entire game.
In the older league, the Shady Lady squad kept it close against Moss Builders. Goals by Savanna Coba, Jesse Zaccagnino and Victor Albrecht made the Moss Builders defense work. Coba scored two points against Moss Builders’ goalie, Charlie Serra.
Serra finished the game with two saves, while his counterpart on the Shady Lady team, Albrecht, had three stops. The power leg of Jack Mattick put four points on the scoreboard, with additional goals by Mason Moss and Gabriella Gilbert.
With plenty of games left to play, the top seed in both youth soccer leagues is still up for grabs.
Three teams in the youth soccer program at The Center seek their first win of the season: Beach Bums, Tidy MD and Miz & Hiz Biz. It is anyone’s season to win.

Cindy Jones-Burkeke
Realtor/Staging tCertified Residential Specialist mCindy@CJonesRE.com Direct: 941.773.9770
4/22, 2:30 a.m., assist other agency, 200 Bridge St. While on patrol, the officer was approached by an unknown male subject who reported a man getting into his truck near the Bradenton Beach Pier appearing intoxicated and bleeding from his head. The officer caught up with the suspect in his vehicle and observed him swerving in both lanes and hitting the curb. As the suspect pulled onto the Cortez Bridge, the officer activated his lights and siren but the suspect sped up, refusing to stop until 127th Street in Cortez, where the officer observed the bleeding and smelled the strong odor of alcohol. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office traffic unit was called to conduct a DUI investigation. The suspect was arrested for DUI.
4/24, 3:25 a.m., retail theft, 2513 Gulf Drive N. Officers were dispatched to the Circle K at the listed address after the clerk on duty reported that two subjects tried to buy some Fireball liquor after hours. When the clerk told them to put it back, one subject said no, and he walked out the door followed by the second subject, whom the clerk said looked like he wanted nothing to do with the theft. The subjects got into a black SUV and turned south on Gulf Drive. Police were unsuccessful in locating the vehicle. The clerk said she would turn video footage of the incident over to Bradenton Beach Police to aid in their investigation. 4/24, 9:56 a.m., grand theft, 5806 Gulf Drive. The officer was dispatched to the listed address in reference to a stolen E-bike. The complainant said the bike was locked to a pole downstairs below her condo. While leaving the condo in the morning, she noticed it was gone and the bike lock had been cut. Upon investigation, the officer noticed two security cameras in the area below the condo where the bike was stolen. Police are working to retrieve the video footage to assist in the investigation.
4/25, 10:24 p.m., driving with revoked/suspended license, 600 Manatee Ave. After performing a traffic stop on a vehicle that did not stop for a flashing red light, the driver told the officer his license was suspended, but he would be getting it reinstated on Thursday. The officer found the license had been suspended for three months and records showed nothing to prove it was in the process of being reinstated. The driver was cited for driving with a suspended license.
4/26, 9:25 a.m., trespassing, 103 51st St. A caller told police he attempted to enter his property and was confronted by an unknown man who was inside the residence. The man said he rented an Airbnb and there must be some kind of mistake. When the owner told the man he was calling police, the man fled in an unknown direction. The trespassing man had given his phone number to the owner before he fled, so the officer called the number and spoke to a male subject who said he was on the trolley headed to Coquina Beach. When the officer asked the man for the trolley number, he hung up the phone. The phone’s owner was tracked down by police, who left a message for the owner of the phone to call them. So far there has been no response.
310 Pine Avenue • Anna Maria, FL 34216 teamduncan.com

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Adalynn Beno takes a corner kick for team Mac Parkman last week against defender Zade Khan for Progressive Cabinetry.

SPORTS: Gitt Team, Moss Builders best the rest
FROM PAGE 30 SUN SCOREBOARD TUESDAY, APRIL 26 8- TO 10-YEAR-OLD LEAGUE WEEK 2 The Gitt Team (2-0-0) Tidy MD (0-2-0) 1 0
Beach Bums (0-2-0) 0 Flip Flop Candy Shop (1-0-0) 2
Solid Rock Construction (1-0-0) Bye Week
11- TO 14-YEAR-OLD LEAGUE WEEK 2 HSH (1-1-0) Miz & Hiz Biz (0-2-0) 4 2 Shady Lady (1-1-0) Moss Builders (2-0-0) 4 6
THURSDAY, APRIL 28 ADULT CO-ED SOCCER WEEK 5 The Gitt Team (1-3-1) 2 Progressive Cabinetry (2-3-0) 4
Moss Builders (5-0-0) Shady Lady (1-2-2) 5 4
Gulfview Windows & Doors (3-1-1) 7 Sato Real Estate (2-3-0) 5
Servis First Bank (4-1-0) 5 Salty Printing (0-5-0) 4
Key Royale golf scores
April 25 - Modified Stableford 1st Place - Herb Clauhs with a score of +7 2nd Place - Bill Sweeny with a score of +5 3rd Place - Ron Buck with a score of +3

April 26 - Low Net Score
Flight A 1st Place - Linda Dorsey, 29, with birdies on holes 1 and 2 and a chipin on hole 2. 2nd Place - Jenny Huibers, 30 3rd Place - Marcia Freisen, 31 4th Place tie - Mary Wilke and Phyllis Roe, 35
Flight B 1st Place - Terry Westby, 30 2nd Place - Sue Christenson, 31 3rd Place - Jan Turner, 32 4th Place - Beth Lindeman, 34, with a chip-in on hole 2.
SUBMITTED David Johnson, of the Key Royale Club, made a hole-in-one on April 3. Using a 6-hybrid, he aced the third hole, playing 141 yards long.
April 28 - Shamble - counting three scores from the foursome 1st Place - Tim Donnar, Scott Mitchell, Bob O'Brien and Larry Pippel at even par

MONICA SIMPSON | SUN With Jade Ptak ready to take away the soccer ball from Progressive Cabinetry’s Zade Khan, the Mac Parkman’s defender stays in stride with her opponent in last week’s game. Pacing closely behind are Progressive Cabinetry’s Raegan Kesten and Ptak’s teammate, Bria Pietsch.