bikram project book

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BIKRAM Transforming Lives

Project Book

Breathing, Stretching, Healing

Transformation begins on the mat

contents Research 1.0 intro 1.1 abstract 1.2 conclusion 1.3 swot 1.4

Creative Development


toolbox 2.1 moodboard 2.2 imagery 2.3 logo development 2.6 typography 2.7 ads 2.8 web 2.9

Style Guide


Final Designs


color palette 3.1 font usage 3.2 logo’s do and don’ts 3.3 print ads 3.4 website 3.5

apparel 4.1 outdoor ads 4.2 motion graphics 4.4


Research 1.0

intro 6 abstract 8 intro 1.1 conclusion 10 abstract 1.2 swot 12 conclusion 1.3 swot 1.4




Bikram yoga is a specific yoga routine created by Bikram Choudhury. It was created with the purpose of healing Bikram’s knee pain. This paper will educate you on the countless benefits that one can receive from practicing Bikram Yoga regularly. Bikram Yoga is practiced in a room of temperatures from 95-105 degrees and 40% humidity. Why all the heat? It protects the muscles and allows for a deeper stretch, opens the pores so toxins can leave the body, thins the blood to clear the circulatory system. It improves strength by putting muscle tissue in the optimal state for reorganization. This heat is what makes Bikram yoga unique among the yoga disciplines, and has also earned it the name “hot yoga” in popular culture. You do 26 postures in all 2 of which are breathing exer-

cises, one in the beginning of class to warm the body and one in the end to cool the body off. Although Bikram is well known all over the world there are still many that have never heard of it or they’ve heard of it but don’t know what it involves. The focus will be to re-brand Bikram Yoga that currently doesn’t put any money into advertising. The current website need to be revamped to inform the readers giving them an explanation of what one would experience in a class and to also find ways to promote it in print and on social media. Creating a new branding identity and logo. Everyone needs to know what Bikram yoga is all about and it’s benefits. Letting them know It’s life changing.


Bikram Yoga is well known, but yet there are many people that have never heard of it. The intent of this paper is to educate the community on the many benefits of this beneficial yoga practice. There are many people that are suffering from neck, back and knee injuries some having to have surgery. Many others suffering from depression, fibromyalgia, high cholesterol with bodies that are filled with toxins with no way out. Going out into the community and letting people know that yoga is wonderful, and it is for everybody and they need to come and try it. Be active and don’t just do all your stuff on the mat. Go out into the community and spread the word. (Stephanie Pope Caffey, August 2010, Ebony p.27) Using different types of media plays an important

role in promoting any business. Social media is the next big wave. Everyone has some sort of online activity, which makes it the fastest way to communicate with your target market. Communicating through the use of video, talking to them and saying something. People will listen if what you have to say has substance. Creating an advertising campaign using real people that can share their testimonies within the community of how bikram has significantly changed their lives. Educating the community on the health benefits will result in there being a shift in the way people think and feel. They will become focused and more in touch with who they are and the people around them. The result will be an abundance of blissful people.

The history of Bikram yoga involves the life of Bikram Choudhury, the Hatha Yoga Master who developed Bikram Yoga over thirty years ago. Born in Calcutta, he began studying yoga at four. At the age of thirteen, Bikram won the National India Yoga Contest. He was undefeated for the next three years. Bikram became a marathon runner and a champion weightlifter, setting world record lifts and competing in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. After a serious weight lifting knee injury accident at the age of twenty, doctors told Bikram he would not walk again. He went back to India to find his yoga guru, Bishnu Ghosh, who put him through yoga therapy. Six weeks later he was healed. This is how Bikram Yoga began. Bikram Yoga is practiced with certified Bikram Yoga Teachers. They are trained for nine weeks under

Bikram and Rajashree Choudhury and their staff of senior teachers. During the training they learn asana (poses), anatomy, therapeutic applications and the health benefits of yoga, nutrition, philosophy of yoga, Bikram’s Posture Clinic, and the Bikram Yoga dialogue. The first Bikram studio began in India, then expanding around the world. In Japan working alongside doctors at the Tokyo University Hospital, Bikram was able to prove the medical benefits of his yoga system. These findings were presented in 1972 at the International Medical Conference in Kyoto. Research has shown that consistent yoga practice using the Bikram method may stop bone loss in women. It has shown that it lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, helps hypoglycemia, diabetes, fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis and brings peace of mind .




The name and reputation of Bikram The knowledgeable training the teachers receive The room heated to 105 degrees The effectiveness and potency of the experience Mental and physical benefits Affordability

Brand identity Lack of marketing The room heated to 105 degrees Safety in the room Spirituality

Bikram is well know in the yoga world. There are those that know him and those that don’t have a clue. Bikram or one of his lead teachers leads each teacher training. In order to teach Bikram yoga, you must go through a 9 week yoga training. They must take 2 ninety-minute classes 6 days a week, attend posture clinics, and study courses on the body. One may struggle through a practice but after class you are completely energized and the feeling is euphoric. Physical changes begin to become apparent in your body and all the sweating cleanses your system and you feel changes in your health. People with illnesses like fibromyalgia notice the pain in their body has subsided.

Bikrams brand has no consistency. Currently the Bikram brand allows each studio to have their own logo or they can use the Bikram logo. There should be one strong logo that is used acro the board. The experience of Bikram is non-spiritual but meditat having the client very focused and grounded during a 90 minut class. There is the controversy of wether Bikram is safe with th high temperature of 105 degrees.

d e oss tive te he

opportunity Helping people heal The ability to target specific illnesses Increase client enrollment Changing lives The brand has the opportunity to help many people heal their bodies and minds. The brand can focus on a specific sickness when marketing using testimonial advertising. This in turn will increase clientele. Having the ability to healing many different illnesses gives the brand the opportunity to change many lives.

threats Debate over the heat Debate over doing the same 26 poses every class Copyright issues Bally’s Green Monkey Studio Corpo Yoga There’s an ongoing debate over the heat in the room and if doing the same poses is really beneficial. There are Copyright issues over the fact that Bikram claimed rights on the poses and the sequence can’t be taught unless you have been the a Bikram training. Immediate threats to the Bikram Studio are Bally’s, Corpo Yoga and Green Monkey. They all offer a variety of classes. Bally’soffers classes like Spinning, Aerobics, Weights and yoga. Corpo Yoga offers Ashtanga, which is a series of poses that are connected fluidly, called Vinyasa. They offer a Vinyasa flow, gentle flow and much more. Green monkey offers a variety of classes as well.

2.0 Creative Development toolbox 2.1 moodboard 2.2 imagery 2.3 logo development 2.6 typography 2.7 ads 2.8 web 2.9


toolbox The toolbox and moodboard is the thread that sows the design together. Here is where a designer can find all the resources needed to complete a design. Images color, fonts and textures giving the designer all that’s needed for inspiration. Both started with bright vibrant colors, ending with soft natural earthy tone. The images are strong and straight to the point showing you what Bikram poses are all about.


R-96 G-185 B-154

C-62.07. M-4.26 Y-49.35 K-0

R-241 G-239 B-165

C-6.71 M-.57 Y-44.06 K-0

R-211 G-206 B-61

C-20.87 M-9.65 Y-92.64 K-0

R-247 G-120 B-37

C-0 M-65.68 Y-96.94 K-0

R-85 G-120 B-54

C-52.3 M-62 Y-70.17 K-46.46


Alien League

Susanna headline, Calibri body copy

Transform Your Mind, Body and Spirit Bikram Yoga will change your perspective on life




images Images can tell a story without words. The old saying is a picture is worth a thousand words. The images you see here are clear in conveying their message. They are bold and tell the truth in showing the reader just what goes on in the yoga room.






. changing...


logo development The logo needs give the viewer essence of the brand. They needed to look and understand what Bikram was about. The intention was not to scare them into thinking that this practice was something that was unattainable. This is a practice that is super beneficial for everyone that partakes wether you have health issues or not.




typography Typography is inspiring to a designer. Here are a couple of inspiring pieces found during the typography research section.



Alluring and drawing the viewer in by convincing you to use the product. Headline and images should be strong and eye catching. Here you will find the step taken before coming up with the final advertisement.




3.0 Style Guide


intro 6 abstract 8 color pallette 3.1 conclusion 10 font usage 3.2 logo’s do and don’ts swot 12 3.3

Style Guide print ads 3.4 website 3.5


color palette Print


C-62, M-4,Y-49, K-0

R-96, G-185, B-154

C-7, M-1, Y-44, K-0

R-240, G-239, B-165

C-21, M-10, Y-93, K-0

R-211, G205, B58

C-21, M-66, Y-97, K-0

R-247, B120, B37

C-52, M-62, Y-70, K-46

R-86, G-66, B54

The palette is earthy yet vibrant

font usage CALIBRI- BODY, COPY-12/14PT abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Typography is one of the most important things in design.




logo do’s BIKRAm SYMBOL The symbol can be used in any of the colors in the palette. SIZE The symbol with the type can not be used smaller than 5px6p TYPE The font used in the logo looses its essence when it gets to small and becomes unreadable. When coupled with the symbol it shouldn’t be smaller than 19 pts. The color of the type should always be C-52, M-62, Y-70, K-46, it is the only color that will hold as a base for the symbol.

Logos are

used to

logo don’ts

identify a product.


the reader to

use it.

Choosing a color outside of the color palette

Changing the font used

Placing any effects on logo such as drop shadows

Distorting the logo in any way



Images should be 300 dpi 4c or black and white. Final format of images used should be eps or tiff.


Website images although low resolution 72 dpi still hold the same strength as the hi resolution images used in print. Calibri and susanna are the fonts used on the website.


Final Designs



intro 6 abstract 8 apparel 4.1 conclusion 10 outdoor ads 4.2 swot 12 motion graphics 4.4

Style Guide



The Bikram logo will be placed on t-shirts, yoga bags and yoga mats to keep the public aware.

outdoor ads Ads will be place at bus stops and billboards in addition to newspapers and magazines.

4.2 BIKRAm

Hot Bikram?

You don’t have to be a yogi to take a Bikram class. Come practice and transform your life today.


motion graphic Bikram Saved My Life

with consistent practice in a room heated to 105 degrees





Stretching Balance Your Life With Bikram Today


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