● Editorial ● Return to Normalcy ● Foreign Policy-Is America Safe, and is War Over? ● Has Deregulation Benefited America? ● The Red Scare ● Bibliography
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EDITORIAL When WWI ended, Americans were excited to return to life as it was in prewar America, and elected President Harding who won with his famous phrase, “return to normalcy”. However, Republican presidents have found that is much easier said than done. Many problems have arose as the government tries to use deregulation and isolationism to return back to prewar America. The rise of fear from the Red Scare also adds to the list of economical issues the U.S. continues to face today. In conclusion, we are still trying to overcome the wave of economic problems that have come up since WWI. ¨Return to normalcy. This was President Warren G. Harding’s promise to America when he was elected. During the war, life for American citizens had been greatly affected, and people were ready to return to the much more calm, isolationist, prewar America. Over the Past few years, Republican presidents have aimed to return back to traditional American life, but has this actually been good for America? Part of our return to normalcy has been deregulation. Overall, deregulation has not been beneficial. Taxes are being reduced, however the government now has less money to pay for things for American citizens. Another negative effect of deregulation is how income has become more unevenly distributed among the population. The 27 thousand U.S. families with the highest income now earn as much as the eleven million families with the lowest income.
Foreign policy is another area in which recent Republican presidents haven’t had much success. Since the end of WWI, the Republican presidents have been trying to return back to isolationism. However, their attempts have never been fully carried through. America is still involved in conflicts in Central America, and have huge amounts of unpaid loans from Germany, Great Britain, and France. Along this with this, their attempts at world peace have done barely anything. America was denied entry into the World Court, and is ignoring our own efforts for disarmament despite our part in the Washington Naval Conference and Kellogg Pact. Other countries are increasing the size of their navies, including Japan who continues to grow their control over the pacific. Now we ask our presidents, is war really over? The Red Scare continues to increase fear in Americans. The Red Scare is the issue of communism, socialism and anarchism threatening our government. Some of the actions taken to combat this issue have been good and vital. However, this situation has raised questions about people's’ freedom and rights. Some people wonder, has the government done too much? Do they really need to consider doing more to stop the reds? Overall, America has had a lot of new issues since the end of WWI. Problems with attempts at deregulation and isolationism have came up along with rising fear from The Red Scare. In conclusion, is it possible for America to return to how it once was?
U.S. Naval Warship U.S. Naval War Ship
Nicaraguan Rebels Marines in Central America
Calvin Coolidge The Political cartoon is that taxes are being reduced and there isnt enough money for citizens to pay for there needs because of the unevenly incomes they had in 1920
Presidential campign