On yOuR MaRks, Get set, GO
Mobility of Youth workers Training Course: 27 August-04 September, Formia 2016
Organizer: NECI Italia 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………..…… 3 Project Summary ………………………………………………………………………..…… 4 Partner Organizations ….……………………………………………………………..…… 5 Project Objectives ……………………………………………………………………….…… 7 Booklet Objectives ……………………………………………………………………..……. 8 Training Course Agenda …………………………………………………………………… 9 Nice Memories .………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Non Formal Learning Suggestions ……………………………………………..……. 35 Dissemination of the Project Results and Outcomes/ Participants’ Reflections …………………………………………..…………….……… 37 Handouts ………………………………………………………………………………….……… 46 The Group ……………………………………………………………………………….……….. 51
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
IntRODuCtIOn The Booklet “Pass the Ball, Score for Social inclusion” is an outcome of the KA1-Youth funded project which was planned, organized and implemented by Network for European Citizenship and Identity (NECI) ITALIA, in Maranola di Formia from 27/08/2016 to 04/09/2016. Board members and Project managers from NECI focused on the issues of Social Inclusion and the use of Non Formal Learning methods that are related to the needs of their own NGO as well as to many other organizations, associations and youth clubs in Europe and beyond. After long and structured discussions between partner organizations a more specific common ground was found that defined the need of implementation of on “Your Marks, Get Set, Go” project. The project was designed to provide training, suggestions and practices to youth workers of European NGOs in order to face effectively current issues in nowadays societies. -Many youths and youthworkers are not aware of the opportunities that European Commission and in general EU offers to them for personal and professional development; The training course as a part of this Project aimed to give participants the opportunity to develop and/or improve their basic key competences. Structured and Non formal methods were applied and the main aim was to facilitate the process to a more inclusive society through attractive tools. Therefore, the learning experience and result on the topic is very important for youth workers, social workers, educators and trainers who constantly interact and transmit knowledge to groups of people, specifically the youngsters. More specifically all partners organizations' Boards and project managers spotted on the following issues that need to be addressed through international cooperation: -Many youths are not aware of the opportunities that European Commission and in general EU offers to them; -There is an increased rise of xenophobia and racism, especially in the youthfield, in nowadays societies, especially after the increase of unemployment; -New trends (the wrong understanding on how to use social network, gadgets, mobile technology etc), in nowadays life lead youngsters to a more inactive life, far away from youth efficient and fruitful participation in society.
Anna Mottola President NECI ITALIA
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
PROJeCt suMMaRy The ''On your Marks, Get set, Go'' is a shared 17 months project from 8 programme countries. All partners will implement activities within their own countries and will meet in Italy as well for a TC in September 2015. Through this project, partner organizations (Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Spain, Romania, Poland, Greece, Turkey) will try to give and propose solutions to the mismatch between the policy and practice of their NGOs in relation to the efficient support of youth workers. More specifically all partners organizations' Boards and project managers spotted on the following issues that need to be addressed through international cooperation:-Many youngsters are not aware of the opportunities that European Commission and in general EU offers to them;-There is an increased rise of xenophobia and racism, especially in the youthfield, in nowadays societies, especially after the increase of unemployment;-New trends (wrong use of social network, gadgets, mobile technology etc), in nowadays life lead youngsters to a more inactive life, far away from youth efficient and fruitful participation in society. Taking all these into consideration, all 8 partners came to the conclusion that youth workers are not enough competent to support and inspire or motivate or even lead all youngsters to a stable positive stage of improvement of themselves, of their community and of the wider society. The suggested solution to the problem is to implement a shared European project under E+ KA1, within an internationally structured framework of cooperation, in order enhance the development of youth workers for improving their role as youth motivators and leaders. So, for this reason all partners designed a project and will deliver an 8 days TC (with 26 pax, in Formia, Italy, 27/8-04/9/2016-arrival and departure days are included) in order to offer opportunities of training to youth workers (among them 11 with fewer opportunities) and to propose, share and promote ideas and solutions to the identified problem. The expected impact on participants: As a direct impact we expect more openness in the attitude of the participants that will help them to understand their status of living and thinking in a more complex way, how they can improve their opportunities they have as youthworkers who face new unexpected situations in society of the ongoing transformed Europe. They will also develop their competence on social and civic skills, managing, suggesting ideas and even solving small scale problems and conflicts that are related to their own life or to their own societies. The expected impact for participating organizations is that they will reform and improve their policy and practice regarding the themes of the project. Moreover, participating organizations might prepared more projects under E+. Moreover, local communities to open themselves to the rest of the world disseminating any effort they are doing regarding the topic of youth participation and social inclusion. Project outcomes and results: Youthpass and EuropassCV for pax, booklet (with nfl tools and experiences), related weblog and newspaper articles, website, new partnerships, small scale local TC.
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
*Partner Organizations are: 1) Network for European Citizenship and Identity – NECI Italia o Anna Mottola – Legal Representative/ Support Staff o Erminia Cicione – Support Staff/participant o Lisa Supino – Participant o Giulia Supino – Participant o Stefano Grieco – Participant 2) Network for European Citizenship and Identity – NECI (Malta) o Desiree D’ Amato – Participant/Trainer o Heather Briffa - Participant o Audrey Agius - Participant 3) Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu (Poland) o Tomasz Olender – Participant o Karolina Angela Czaban - Participant o Paulina Lewandowska – Participant 4) Network for European Citizenship and Identity – NECI (Cyprus) o Renos Georgiou - Trainer o Evgenia Filimonova Christodoulou- Participant o Demetris Michali Christodoulou - Participant 5) Avrupa Vatandaşliği Ve Kimliği Derneği - NECI-TR o Ahmet Karagoz - Participant o Alpaslan Gözelle - Participant o Ejder Akkaya - Participant 6) Backlash (Spain) o Angel Fernandez Sanchez - Participant o José Joaquín García Berenguer - Participant o José Alejandro Rodríguez Márquez – Participant
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
7) Sillogos Filon Xenopouliou Paidikis Vivliothikis (Greece) o Xanthie Chouliara - Participant o Alexandra Saitanidou - Participant o Athanasia Glezaki – Participant 8) Network for European Citizenship and Identity – NECI (Greece) o Andreea Madalina Bucur - Participant o Alexandru-Ioan - Pârva - Participant o Oana Maria Pârva - Participant
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
PROJeCt OBJeCtIVes After a deep analysis we came up to the conclusion that youthworkers from our organizations are not enough competent to support and inspire or motivate or even lead all youngsters to a stable positive stage of improvement of themselves, of their community and of the wider society. The suggested solution to the problem is to implement a shared european project under E+ KA1, within an internationally structured framework of cooperation, in order enhance the development of youthworkers. In other words we aimed to provide them with elements and keys for their improvement in order to support them to: -acquire and implement successful practices of Social Inclusion within their organizations; -promote Social (and Gender) Equity and -be able to assist efficiently youngsters within their society to turn into more Active Citizens and Participants in the society. So, to support our youthworkers we planned, designed, implemented an 18 months project and delivered an 8 days TC (with 26 participants, in Formia, Italy, 27/8-04/9/2016-arrival and departure days are included) in order to propose, share and promote ideas and solutions to the identified problem. Our project managers and trainers: - implemented tools and methods basically from Non Formal Learning (like simulations, debriefing, case studies, Role Plays, Theater based sessions, reflection etc), - inviteed other relevant stakeholders and local NGOs to present and implement practices during the TC week; - promoted visibility and disseminate along with all partner organizations the power of E+ programme and results; - brought and establish a stable and fruitful impact to the participants, to their organizations, to local, regional and wider LLL Society. The objectives of the projects are: *Social Inclusion-Equity: 1.To share and suggest practices of social inclusion and equity; 2.To help youth workers in the planning and implementing of practices for empowering social inclusion; *Active Participation: 3.To develop participants social and personal skills; 4.To increase awareness on the importance of youth participation in the society; 5.To develop basic and transversal skills in all fields of youth work and training, using innovative and youth workers' centred pedagogical and non formal approaches; 6.To improve the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society; 7.To promote NFL as a tool for enhancing active citizenship and social inclusion; *International Cooperation and development: 8.To develop the cooperation among different orgs coming from EU. Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
BOOkLet OBJeCtIVes 1. To promote idea and different aspects (dimension) of non-formal education as holistic pedagogical tool on base of training experiences; 2. To give opportunities to any reader to reflect on training programme (frame), structure, approaches and different training methods - tools; 3. To inspire trainers and youth workers to experience more deepen view of non-formal education and field of action of Sports as a tool for Social Inclusion; 4. To disseminate results, outcomes of the project; 5. To share any experiences of the participants regarding EU funded projects in the youthfield.
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
aGenDa OF aCtIVItIes 27/08 Satur day
28/08 Sunday
29/08 Monday
30/08 Tuesday
31/08 Wednesday
01/09 Thursday
02/09 Friday
03/09 Saturday
04/09 Sund ay
Planning the next steps Flash mob in the square involving people from the village Project Ideas Bazaar: New ideas, new partnerships related to the themes of the project in E+. Pax receive a paper form of quantitative evaluation and evaluate the effectiveness of the tc according to the aims, the transferabilit y and approach of trainers, the facilitators' contribution, the accommodat ion, the collaboration between participants. River of life: self-reflect
Departur e of Participa nts
Every day Morning, Afternoon and Evening energizers Arrivals of particip ants (organiz ers)
Teambu ilding and icebrea king activitie s (all pax) Present ation of the Agenda and logistics (trainers )
Teambuildi ng, Harmoniza tion Clarificatio n of basic principles
Teambuildi ng, icebreakin g and name games (organized by trainers) Harmoniza tion and clarification of principles of “social inclusion”/ Youth Participatio n/Active citizenship/ N.F.Ed/ I.Ed./F. Ed. The session was delivered in two parts. At 1st we aimed to promote mother tongue and social competenc e (work in national groups). At 2nd we
Social Inclusion for an effective collaborati on This was a day full of activities for all pax with role plays, case studies and simulations , to increase awareness on social inclusion (social competenc e, for.lang. competenc e). Several methods of nfl were used: (a)simulati on (Who is in who is out), (b) supportive method (debate line), (c) role play (Asylum seekers), (d) media use (L2L and SDL). Especially on the session on L2L and SDL the purpose was to inspire pax to walk a step further and risk for
Youth participation for social inclusion The attention moved to the importance of youth participation for community progress with many role plays, case studies and other nf.a. (a)The dilemma of youths for ongoing participationto train youth workers how to motivate youths to be more active through debate and problem solving techniques. (b)Opening collaboration s for community development -a simulation/ro le play on how to improve negotiating and compromisin g techniques with diversity with all pax. (c)MandalaTree of competence s- self awareness session for
On your marks, go together Trainers guided all pax to empower themselves with tools for more successful active participation. (a)World Cafe they came across with patterns and trends international practices and they had to operate in the framework of negotiating. (b)Youth participation vs Factor X simulation activity (all pax) which indicated which are the further barriers to successful youthparticipatio n (c)public opinion and public speakingpresentation and role play as a n.f.a. which empowered pax to be more competent to confront daily challenges in their field (civic competence). I am an active youth All pax became active participants. In collaboration they produced
Be ready for the real world Pax had to organize through sessions their skills and competence s into the valid Europass CV. Also Guest speaker presented successful practices, with particular regard to inclusion of children with fewer opportunity or disabilities, in sport team in the National Athletic School. Later, pax received another assignment, related to the topic of the real world. The aim was to get aware through real life interviews into local community about the project themes.
My identity my future 'Let's innovate' video making (outdoors all pax, initiative and entrepr. compet) Presentat ion of Partners' NGOs, Erasmus + opportuni ties (all pax)
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Trainers evaluati on
clarified the principles through a presentatio n (by trainers). Then in mixed groups (first official work in teams) pax implement ed the principles acquired into case study (social and foreign language use) -Defining Inclusion: A simulation (outdoors) at which all pax took part and a follow up presentatio n by trainers
the change or promotion of their entreprene urial idea. (by trainers and interactive with pax)
look through owns merits and potentials and stand on owns feet and competence s. (d)Intercultur al fair- a way to point out aspects (differences and similarities) between countries and bridge the cultural differences in an amusing way.
the Booklet of the project and disseminate it (media, math and digital compet).
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
nOn FORMaL LeaRnInG suGGestIOns eneRGIZeRs anD teaMBuILDInG aCtIVItIes 1.
Energizer Games 1.1
Get into the bottle!
Catch me if you can!
Team Building Activities 2.1 I know Maths better that you 2.2 Angelo brings people together!
1. Energizer Games 1.1 Get into the bottle! Materials: a) Empty Plastic bottles of 1 ltr size. b) robe c) Pens Preparation: Cut the plastic bottles at 10cm from the top. Throw the part of the bottle that remains (the part with the base). You can have as many bottles as the half number of the participants that will play each time. Then use a 10-15cm length robe to tight 1 pen and hung it at the back place of each player trouser (top part). Number of Participants: must be even. Participants must be put in couples. Instructions: In each couple, the player with the pen hang with a rob at the back of his/her trouser must direct the pen to get into the small hole of the bottle which is lying on the floor. The other player is sitting on the floor and is blowing air towards the pen from a distance of 15 cm in order to not let it get into the bottle. The game is played for 2 minutes. The player that achieves his/her target, wins
1.2 Catch me if you can! Materials: 1 handkerchief. If that is not present, then you can use paper Number of Players: Preferred to be more than 8 and can be any number as long as there is space to be placed in a big circle.
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Instructions: All players except one must be placed sited in a big circle. They must be clapping. If they want, they can sing as well. The player that is out, must go around the circle and leave the handkerchief at the back place of 1 player. The player that has the handkerchief must take it and run after the other in order to hit him with that. Rule: The player that was initially out must not be let sit in the empty place of the circle!
2. Team Building Activities 2.1 I know Maths better that you The game is played in couples. A coordinator exists for each couple. Number of Players: multiples of 3. Eg 3, 6, 9, 12 Materials: A set of card numbers from 1 up to 10 for each couple. Instructions: Player 1 must have his eyes closed (you can use handkerchief, paper, etc). The coordinator must mixed the cards and put them on the floor. Some of the cards can be upsidedown. Player 2 must guide Player 1 to get the cards from the floor and put them in sequence from 1 to 10.
2.2 Angelo brings people together! Number of Players: 3 or 4. An extra person is required to act as a coordinator. Instructions: The coordinator says a numeric digit or an alphabetic letter and the team must construct the letter (or digit) by using their body on the floor. The time is limited!. 1 minute.
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
DIsseMInatIOn OF the PROJeCt ResuLts anD OutCOMes PaRtICIPants’ ReFLeCtIOns
At what follows there are some parts from participants’ reflections as they had prepared them in written form by the end of the Training.
Energizers and Team games They helped bring the team together. They also increased the interest and participation of all members. I found them very successful. By the end of the 1st day, everybody already knew all other members’ names, where they come from and personal details. This type of experience gave me some ideas that I will use in my personal life.
Session for Non-Formal Learning The session was very well prepared. It started in the afternoon and continued the next morning. I found that non-formal learning is more flexible than traditional formal learning. Although it has its curriculum, it is more focused on a) learning by experience and doing, b) Sharing of knowledge and c) Reaction I liked the Reaction part a lot: -
Receiving messages and information from the others Interpreting Analyzing Experimenting in future cases in everyday life and work
Will help me improve myself and achieve my targets. Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Session for Erasmus+ This session was successful. It provided me very useful information which I will communicate to other people (local community, work, etc) Personally, l learned various things that I did not know before. The fact that Erasmus+ has 17Billion budget for the period 2014-2020 was amazing for me. I learned a lot of things about the several EU programs that are under the Erasmus+ umbrella. I have started communicating the things I have learned to other people, colleagues etc. (Job Shadowing, European Voluntary Service, Youth Exchange, Training Courses, etc
Mandala This session helped me go into myself, and understand who I am. We had to draw ourselves in the center of a bigger circle and then start drawing shapes of different size and colour describing important parts of the life we have already lived. I am very positive for this session. I have learned about self-awareness by trying that in practice.
Tree of competences We had to draw a tree and express our fears, growth, targets, and personal successes in different parts of the tree. I found this exercise very interesting. It is a tool for identifying self-development, competence, selfawareness and one can use it to improve himself, put new targets etc This experience helped me understand who I am, what I have achieved and also pushed me to put new targets in my life. I am very happy for that.
Group exercise with Young Gangsters leaving in a small Community where xenophobia & racism exists Each member of the team had his/her own opinion, idea on how to deal with this problem. The exercise was about critical thinking and entrepreneurship ideas. We had to find a solution to the problem and design a Policy for it. This experience helped me work with others in solving a difficult problem under a small time frame. I am positive for it as it helped me improve myself when working in groups. Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Group Exercise for hiring 6 Employees We were split in groups of 4 and we had to decide in hiring 6 Employees based on a bigger list of candidates for whom we had very little info. After that, 1 member from each team had to discuss his choices with representatives from other teams, and then answer questions from the “Press Office” During the exercise, I felt that we had very little info for the candidates, thus I could not have a clear picture for their strengths and capabilities. During the process, I felt a lot of responsibility. Overall, the experience was very good. I have learned that we should not be biased against other people.
Exercise with 3 Different Groups that must build a shelter The exercise was about Different Cultures, different countries We had very little time to build communication among us and build a shelter. Lesson learned: We must -
Understand Others Accept them Collaborate with them Change Improve our society.
The main objectives of this exercise were easily perceived by the audience.
Exercise with Group Simulation with Civil Asylum Seekers, emigration officers, Secret National and international Observers This session was learning at the same time. The civil acylum seekers should play their role well in order to save their lives. On the other hand, Officers had to choose only 2 persons. During Reflection for this exercise, I understood the basic meaning of the exercise, ie -
Be patient See, Listen and Understand other people Develop our Mandala Educate
I am more than positive for this exercise.
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Social Inclusion vs Factor X Communication: I liked the game with the puzzle, where 1 member was blind and the other could not use his hands, but they had to effectively communicate in solving the puzzle Stereotypes: Saw the video with the woman hit by car and the blind man that ran to help her. Culture & Norms: Played the game with the 2 societies dancing in circles. The big society was not letting the members of the small society to join. Perception: Listened the story in the park, with the security guy, young couple, kids and the icecream seller. Will: Saw the video with the Butterfly circus
The whole session was very well prepared and presented. I liked all parts of it.
By Demetris
Non-Formal Learning This session was introductory to the training course. It was very good, as we got prepared for how the training course would look like: Learning by experience and doing, sharing knowledge, reaction.
Reaction I liked this session as lot as it explained the whole process in a very structured way: -
Receiving messages and information from the others Interpretation Analysis Experimenting
I will use this technique in my everyday life
Erasmus+ I am happy that I had the opportunity to attend this session. I now know a lot about this program and its aims. Prior to attending this course, I knew about Youth Exchange and Training courses, but I was not aware of the following: -
Job Shadowing & European Voluntary Service Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Mandala & Tree of competences These 2 sessions were very well prepared and delivered so that the participants improve their selfawareness, get over their fears, put new targets in their lives, aim for new successes, selfdevelopment and self-competence
Invent new Energizers and Team games I liked this activity as we had to become very creative, invent new ideas, realize them in practice and document them. I found the whole concept very interesting and innovating.
Group Simulations & Team Activities All relevant activities in Group Simulations were very well prepared. I Observed and used Reaction for the following: -
How others think and feel Be patient Understand and Accept other people Collaborate with them Change and Improve.
Group simulations helped in improving myself!
NGO Bazaar This activity helped in -
Being creative Inventing new ideas Discussing other’s ideas and finally propelling the most innovative ideas Building new partnerships for NGO
By Evgenia
Purpose of the Meeting: A week training course. The main aim of this training course was to create awareness on social inclusion and discuss best practices amongst social/ educational practitioners. Participant/s: Name/s of participant/s and Title.1 Heather Briffa Social Support Worker, St Thomas More College Report drawn up by: Heather Briffa, Time: Training commenced at 9.30am and finished at 7.00pm for a span of 1 week.
If person who normally attends could not attend, state reason for non-attendance. Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Purpose of the mission For this training course, around 25 professionals from different European countries gathered to discuss their current practices and explore new ideas how to increase social inclusion in their respective countries. Besides Malta, the participating countries were; (Poland, Romania, Italy, Spain, Greece and Cyprus). Through non formal learning the aim was to challenge our current cultural barriers and competences and explore ways how to implement a more inclusive service. Hence, all the non-formal activities and discussions aimed to evaluate our way of thinking and acting in different situations that most of the time exclude certain sub groups in society.
Objective/s of the mission or general overview of the mission Agenda Item number and Agenda item title On your Marks, Get set, Go The list of topics and items covered throughout the training course are highlighted in the attached time table.
The first day focused more on getting to know each other and use energizers to start overcoming the initial barriers. Team building games were also applied to help participants get out of their comfort zone.
The second and third day focused on self-awareness, learning our own limits and intercultural competences. Theory was also applied to practice through various simulation exercises
During the following days, various group activities were done. Most of the tasks had also to be carried out amongst the locals to practice inclusion vs integration. Through these non formal activities we had the opportunity to work on our personality and also on our team player skills.
A speaker from a local school academy in Formia also presented the work being done to enhance active participation through sports. Through sports a small community like Formia managed to get included even on a European level.
Non formal learning was used throughout the training course. Participants were able to explore how the professional can be the tool to challenge and motivate social inclusion in our community and institutions.
The link between practice, policy and theory was explored and critically discussed. Moreover best practices across Europe were shared and new project ideas were listed during a brain storm session.
Impact upon respective sector
As a social support worker with in my college I am now more aware of my intercultural competences. I was also able to overcome some existing prejudice especially related to our current multicultural environment at schools. This training has provided me with new and innovate ideas how to overcome current excluding practices due to the formal setting that schools at times might unconsciously create. Officials to be alerted immediately
College Principle
Psychosocial team
Principle social worker Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Issues to be followed up by Malta or follow-up activities with tentative time frame (Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4) Activities related to social inclusion and personal development will be carried out according to the need of the students on individual basis during the conducted home visits. There is no specific time frame but will be part of the next scholastic year personal care plan. Moreover this learning experience will be presented in next month’s psychosocial team meeting. In the coming scholastic year the knowledge and competences acquired will be transferred to other educational professionals. Ongoing support will be provided to the College SMT to encourage a more inclusive school environment.
By Heather
The main aim of this training was to address situations of social exclusion while creating awareness on social inclusion and equity while discussing how youth workers and other practitioners can help in the planning and implementation of practices to empower this concept. This training was a service learning approach that offered promise in facilitating youth workers, teachers, educators and myself personal growth and a profession value development. Participants from different countries namely Poland, Turkey, Cyprus, Romania, Greece, Spain, Italy and Malta were gathered in this training project to facilitate discussion and a way forward to the best practices to increase awareness in social inclusion while sharing the ideas of the respective countries. Getting to know each other through ice-breaking games and energizers helped us as the participants to overcome the motives and barriers on the first days of the training sessions. Other simulation exercises and team building games helped us as participants in the group to understand how to interact with different inclusion groups/persons, regardless their religion, ethnicity, abilities, skin colour, education level, appearance and the language we speak. Reflecting on this characteristics will contribute towards supporting positive response to diversity and equity where ultimately will help people with less opportunities and their inclusion in our society. Through non formal learning we emphasised that youth workers or practitioners in the field must have practical guidance by means of information about social inclusion and equity measures which need to be more accessible and user-oriented. Exploring the idea that professionals and workers in the area of youth work can help and motivate the future cooperation and increase the visibility of European Union programmes and projects (Erasmus+) was taken into dialogue and consideration. The work with inclusion, equity and diversity under Erasmus+ also fits into the wider framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy that aims to generate smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the European Union countries. Moreover, discussions and the links between the theory or what theorists said, the policy and the actual practices regarding the concept of social inclusion were explored in non formal activities and in innovative future projects (our projects which we think are appropriate) as a tool to manage inclusion. A Way Forward As a youth worker throughout the training project different characteristics and socio-cultural motives as regards to diversity alongside inclusion felt challenging for me. One has to focus on the way he/she thinks and how we perceive issues or what is going on around us. These issues helped to Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
strengthen my knowledge, skills and how I behave, to fully accept being a supportive person while promoting our differences in society. The brain storming sessions and activities relating to social inclusion and equity will be practiced continuously throughout the year at my place of work and at the youth centres. From this training project in Formia the knowledge and key competences gained will be practiced in my profession while investing in intercultural and social skills to work with inclusion and diversity in all its forms. By Audrey
During the last days of August and first days of September 2016 I took part as a a participant in the training course “On your Marks, Get Set, Go” that took place in the wonderful Maranola di Formia in Italy along with participants from Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Poland, Spain, Turkey and, of course, Romania. Having people from different countries share and increase knowledge, practice and understanding and learn together through non-formal ways really helped point out a key element involved, you need active participation from all participants in a team – like members in a society - to reach the goal of social inclusion. Besides the information gathered from the training course, it was a very interesting and pleasant experience to work in a more inclusive setting on the activities and share practices and examples with others. The way of experiencing through roleplay and acting is, in my opinion, one of the most effective ones on experiencing the subject of inclusion, intercultural comunication and stereotypes. It really helped me (and I think a lot of the participants) have a better perspective on the subject, find the real issues and try to inspire the ideas for fixing them. Also, the activities that involved reflection and self understanding (like drawing the tree of competences and mandala) were very useful – after all, you cannot even understand others if you can't understand yourself. Going outside and experimenting on social inclusion was, for me, one of the highlights of the TC, along with the video clip making. It helped me notice how easy it can be sometimes to reach the goals if you are really involved with the subject. By the time we prepared our own project ideas, there were a lot of common ideas and goals – through different means (music, art/photography, sports, etc.) mostly hovering around the same ideas: that we can think outside the box, communicate more and use social inclusion to try to be better people and try to live in a better world.
By Alex
I was a participant in the Traning Course: “ On your Marks, Get Set, Go ”, that was a Mobility of youth workers of Erasmus + program. It took place in the citadel of Maranola (Formia), Italy, 27 August-04 September 2016. For me it was lovely experience, I enjoyed talking and exchange ideeas with people from different countries: Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Poland, Spain, Italy, and Malta. It was good and surprising to see that we have some similar ways of thinking, but on some aspects we disagree. Each person / country has its own difficulties towards social inclusion. I think that most of the participants, after this traning Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
course, changed a little bit their point of view about social inclusion. Each activity (teoretical / games / energizers / practical) had an impact on me: it made me question some of my old beliefs and made me think about other aspects of some particular cases of social inclusion. By Oana
The Training Course held Maranola di Formia reached the planned objectives. Our Greek group is very satisfied with the topic, the organization, the distribution of activities during the day and the week. We could share and suggest practices of social inclusion and equity with participants, besides Greece, from Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Poland, Romania. We participated in all the activities with great enthusiasm. Theoretical sessions were alternated with practical activities. We were asked to create new energizers or team building activities, in order to let the participants know each other and be more confidential. Through collaboration, sharing ideas, work in pair or in group, practicing role plays or theatrical activities, by the end of the week a group of unknown people became a very strong team of youth workers working together, overcoming differences related to age, sex, origin, physical impediments, opinions. In very short time the inhabitants of the small village considered us part of their community and didn’t avoid to take part in the interviews about social inclusion or activities like the final flash mob. All the sessions were very well presented, ranging from lighter activities in order to not make the day (8 hours) too heavy. One of the most interesting sessions for us was the one about “Non Formal Learning” very useful in our daily life as a tool for effective and successful realization, considering that we all belong to organizations of youth workers that work in the field of education but outside the formal educational system. Very clear and useful was also the session about Erasmus +, it provided lots of interesting information to share with the people in our organization and in our local community. During the week there was the intervention of an academic from National Athletic School in Formia who illustrated the how it is possible social inclusion though sport especially for children with fewer opportunity or with handicap. During these days I learned a lot about the others countries cultures, costumes and traditional food (traditional dances, interesting information, intercultural nights). In this TC I learned a lot of activities / games that I will use in my daily work with youthworkers, share with them my new thoughts according to some situations in my country. I think I can help others to be more inclusive persons and open minded.
By Xanthie
All outcomes have been sent to the NA IT and all partners’ Organizations. We published them also in applicants website and disseminated to social media and network. 1) We created a website for the project where we kept it updated for whole project period and make it visible in wider lifelong learning community: https://neciitalia.wixsite.com/neciitalia More results (videos, PPTs, links, ..) are visible at the following: Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
NECI ITALIA FB page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013518759132
NECI CYPRUS http://necieu.wixsite.com/neci/tc-on-your-marks-get-set-go
NECI MALTA https://issuu.com/necimalta/docs/dissemination_on_your_marks.docx
SPAIN http://www.aprovechaeuropa.com/experiencia-de-jose-en-formia-italia/
TURKEY www.neci-tr.org
POLAND http://wolontariatzamosc.pl/
APPLICATION FORM On your Marks, Get Set, Go Formia August 2016 Please complete this form and send it to: Anna Mottola annamottola71@gmail.com
PART I: First name Middle name Surname
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
Date of birth Gender E-mail addresses Home address Mobile phone English abilities
Fluent 5
Poor 4
Organisation E-mail address Address Webpage Contact person E-mail Telephone number
PART II Please take your time and answer the following questions. They are of a great importance so that the team can design the final programme and content with your needs in mind.
Q Please describe your organisation (aims, activities, target group(s), structure,...) A Q Please describe your role, position and experience in your organisation A Q Describe what kind of practical experience do you have in the topic of the training? Q What are the special interests and needs, as well as any health problems, (personal, family, group) you would like to mention to the Organizers? A–
Q What is your motivation to join this activity, both personally and professionally? What are your Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
expectations towards this activity? A
Q How are you going to contribute with to this activity? A Q Is there anything else you would like to share about your work, skills, experiences, etc. which would be useful to know? A–
PART III: Special dietary needs (vegetarian, no pork meat etc.)?
Please indicate us the name and full contact details of a person to be contacted in case of emergency during the training course Name Complete address Phone number e-mail
Please take note of the following conditions that will apply if you are selected to take part in the activity: I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including I will: 1. prepare myself carefully for the Seminar and the Training course and to do all remote preparation work the team will ask for, 2. participate in the whole evaluation process 3. be aware that photos and videos will be taken during the training and will be published in wider social media and publications 4. attend all sessions and activities during the Activity weeks 5. be punctual on my arrival at each session everyday 6. promote visibility of the project during the Seminar and TC week 7. work on the production of dissemination products during the Seminar and TC week 8. be active on dissemination of the results as a multiplier of new experiences, info and knowledge when back to my country by organizing a small scale local presentation within my organizations Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
9. I will also send photos of the event to the Organizers of the TC. 10. Prepare a reflection diary (1-2 pages) with photos of the Seminar and the TC and share it in the Lifelong learning community , as well I will send a copy to the organizer 11. take part in the Mobility Tool+ assignment (a questioner that will be sent through email by EU Platform after the TC) 12. provide all necessary documents (invoices, visa expenses, travel reservations, ID copies etc) 13. read thoroughly the Infopack that the Organizer has sent to my organization 14. I will be reimbursed according to infopack description. And I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
aGReeMent wIth PaRtICIPants Mobility of Youth Workers: 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Go On Your Marks, Get Set, Go Formia 27/8 - 4/9/2016 Date: 27/8/2016
Agreement between participants and organizers I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including I will: 1. prepare myself carefully for the training course and to do all remote preparation work the team will ask for, 2. participate in the whole evaluation process 3. be aware that photos and videos will be taken during the training and will be published in wider social media and publications 4. attend all sessions and activities during the Activity week 5. be punctual on my arrival at each session everyday 6. not arrive at the hotel-training meeting later than 27th August and not depart earlier than 4th September 7. promote visibility of the project during the TC week 8. work on the production of dissemination products during the TC week 9. be active on dissemination of the results as a multiplier of new experiences, info and knowledge when back to my country by organizing a small scale local TC within my organizations (between 15thSeptember and 15th November) 10. prepare a reflection diary (1-2 pages) with photos of the TC and share it in the Lifelong learning community , as well I will send a copy to the organizer 11. take part in the Mobility Tool+ assignment (a questioner that will be sent through email by EU Platform after the TC) 12. provide all necessary documents (invoices, visa expenses, travel reservations, ID copies etc) 13. read thoroughly the Infopack that the Organizer has sent to my organization at 02/07/2016. 14. I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health. 15. Respect the rules of accommodation and my obligations as a resident to the hotel. Participant’s name:…………………………………………………………………………. Sending Organization:…………………………………………………………………………. Signature:…………………………………………………………………….. Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy
the GROuP
Booklet on “On Your Marks, Get Set, Go” 2016-1-IT03-KA105-007627 Mobility of Youthworkers Programme countries TC 27/08/2016 ÷ 04/09/2016 – Italy