The Chesse Monkeys
This project assignment was to create a book cover and layout of the front matter for the book The Cheese Monkeys by Chip Kidd. It was set up in two parts book cover and front matter. It was a fun project that made use of a lot of the stuff we had been learning about in this class up until now.
Book Paragraph while reading this book I had a quirkey feeling throught the book every thing seemed mostly ordinare of what you would expect but with a touch of “what just happende� in the background. because of this I decided to go for a simple but still quirky look to the cover where it was not overetly obvious something was happaning on the cover and there was not a lot of visual stimuli.
After we had created our sketches we had to pick our favorite three and put them up for group critique i chose theses three. The one on the bottom left was choses as the one that best got my message across of the book being quirky while still keeping the cover fairly simple and not visually complex. So i decided to take that cover and push it more.
After the first critique we took the sketches and chose one to refine. And present it for another critique, on this one i still kept the connected letters but tried to add some imagery to the cover. The image i chose was a scene from the beginning of the book when they were entering the bar for the first time and the narrators description f it.
However in critique it was said that the images did not turn out as well and seemed to not bring across the message I was trying to convey. So I scraped that idea and tried to focus more on the actual words in the book about large amoebas.
This idea was closer but still did not seem right so i went to the professor and he gave me some ideas to push the cover more. So i expanded the letters of the title and messed a little with the orientation to brake the rigid grid i had been using. This is the image i put forth during the next critique.
The cover had a good reception however it was pointed out that the amoebas had been a little bit to egg like so i scratched the idea of imagery completely and just kept the text. Throughout this process there was little said about the back cover except that the hierarchy might be a little off so I fixed that for the final piece.
Final Cover
this assignmnt as I said was in two parts, the scond part delt with the layout of the front matter: copyright page, table of contence ect. this part did not have critiquse just work time in class.the following images are my front matter set up. sthe pages are in order if you red them left to right. i have also uploded in another issuu the cover and the front matter.