What Happens to Stomach When you Don’t Eat?

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What Happens to Stomach When you Don’t Eat? Our stomach is full of ​digestive juices​ and ​hydrochloric acid​ to mash up our food. These acids digest everything in our stomachs. But when they found nothing to digest they start digesting mucus.

Mucus is a layer of special neutralizing agent that protects your stomach from digestive acids. But acids start digesting stomach when mucus fails to protect it. This cause ​ulcer​. This is why you should not keep your stomach empty. How to prevent Ulcers? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Avoid foods that are not good for your stomach. For example, if chili in food is disturbing you after eating. Avoid spicy foods. If fatty foods are irritant, avoid them. Don’t smoke to prevent duodenal ulcers. Keto Breakfast​ is a perfect diet to prevent ulcers. It is low carb and easy to digest. Say goodbye to alcohol. It grows ulcers. Control stress, anxiety, and exercise regularly. Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Drink ​Master Cleanse​ to remove toxins from your body. Drink ​Chicken Bone Broth​ to heal your gut.

These are some of the ways to prevent and heal ulcers. But consulting a doctor is crucial.

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