Christmas traditions in poland

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INGREDIENTS: 2 kg of beet 1/2 kg of apples, 200 g of carrots, 4 large cloves garlic, 10 g marjoram, 4 bay leaves, 4 grains allspice, A few grains of pepper, 100 grams of dried plums slightly smoked 50 ml balsamic vinegar, 4 liters of water, 500 g flour, 120 g dried podgrzybk贸w, 2 medium onions, Salt and ground white pepper, Rapeseed oil


BEFORE WE START Dried mushrooms thoroughly wash, then soak them in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes. Mushrooms cook until soft (about 30 minutes) in water in which they soaked. Then ground them.

BORSH To 4 liters of cold water thrown into 4 bay leaves, peppercorns and allspice. Add the plums, peeled, without coring and cut into smaller pieces of apples, cut into bars carrots, peeled and sliced beets and cut into slices of garlic. The whole seasoned with marjoram. Pour balsamic vinegar. We bring to boil. Shortly after boiling, take off the heat. Cover with a linen cloth and leave for 1 day. Before serving borscht Drain, season with a little balsamic vinegar, white pepper and salt. We bring to boil.

In a bowl pour the flour, add salt and hot water (about 100150 ml). Using a spoon earn dough. Sprinkle top with a little flour and knead the dough thoroughly. We add a little rapeseed oil and knead again. Put dough into a bowl, cover with a linen cloth. Let stand for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. On a hot pan fry chopped onions. Add a pinch of marjoram, ground white pepper, salt, mix, the whole watered a little rapeseed oil and add cooked and ground boletes. The whole smothering, stirring constantly. The dough for a while Knead and divide into 3 equal parts. We rolled them on the counter floured a thickness of about 2 mm, and cut off the edges, giving the dough a rectangular shape. We turn them over. The top smear using a brush with water. We arrange small spoon stuffing balls in a row at intervals of 4-5 cm. Fold the dough, trying to wrap them very evenly, a button exactly when stuffing. Wine glass cut out circles with conglomerate stuffing, then turn the brim, firmly vice, leaving a finger in the middle. Tortellini little semi-dry before cooking, then throw them into a pot of boiling, salted water. Boil 3 minutes from the moment of rising to the surface, using a slotted spoon ears translate into a container with cold water for 2 minutes, remove the on plates. Serve with previously prepared borsch.



250g salted herring Flaps, 4 onions, 0.8 liters of water, 150-120 ml of vinegar, 2-3 heaping Tablespoons of sugar, Allspice, Bay leaves Salt

Salted herring flaps open the packaging and wash under running water. I pick onions and slicing. In a saucepan boil water with sugar, leaves, herb and a pinch of salt. I add onion and cook about 1-2 minutes. When the onion is soft, I turn off the gas, add vinegar and quickly cools the brine by putting the pot in a bowl of cold water. The jar herring put alternately with onion and add the brine vinegars. I close and leave for at least 24 hours.

INGREDIENTS 1 large fish (carp 1 kg), 2 onions, 10 carrots, Tomato paste, Oil, 1 egg, Bread crumbs, Salt, Pepper, 1/2 cup beef broth

PREPARATION Clean the fish, filter, remove the bones. Fillets cut into medium-sized pieces, add salt them and spices pepper, then dip in breadcrumbs, made of in beaten egg and bread crumbs. Fry until golden brown in hot oil (attention: oil should not be too hot). Cut the onions into cubes, fry in a pan for 1-2 tablespoons of oil. Add grated carrot on a coarse grater, simmer until tender, watering from time to time, spoon the broth, and if necessary oil. Add 1-2 tablespoons of tomato concentrate a lot, seasoning to taste with salt and pepper. Arrange on a platter a few pieces of fish, cover part of the vegetable sauce. Then again place the fish and sauce, and so on, until you run out of ingredients. Insert overnight in the refrigerator. Serve cold with bread.

PREPARATION INGEDIENTS 400 g of herring fillets in oil, 2 onions, 4 potatoes, 5 carrots, 3 hard-boiled eggs, Mayonnaise, Oil, Vinegar, Ground black pepper

Peel the potatoes and carrots, wash and cook until soft and leave to cool. Herring and onion into small cubes, mix and translate into a glass bowl. We pour oil to the amount of herring, fucking and sprinkle with a little vinegar. On so prepared herring we treat on large mesh boiled potatoes which we cover with a layer of mayonnaise. Then we treat carrots and apply another thicker layer mayonnaise. Grated sprinkle top with egg and put in the fridge to chew flavors.

INGREDIENTS DOUGH 4 cups flour, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 tablespoon oil, 2 cups hot water

STUFFINGS 1 liter jar of dried mushrooms, 1 kg sauerkraut, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, Salt and pepper, 3 tablespoons oil, 3 onions

PREPARATION Rinse mushrooms, cover with cold water and let stand for 6 hours or overnight. The next day, boil, add peeled carrots, parsnips and cook until soft. At the end of cooking, season with salt and pepper. Cook until tender cabbage with salt, thoroughly pressed. Mushrooms, carrots and parsley drain, keeping decoction (used for eg. The mushroom soup). Very good squeeze out the water and together with cabbage grind in a meat grinder with a very large mesh, about 1 cm in diameter. If you do not have a razor, mushrooms and vegetables can also finely chop on board. Oil in a frying pan fry the onions, add to stuffing. Stuffing ingredients knead well, combining all the ingredients and season with salt and pepper. Sift the flour on a pastry board, make a hollow in, add salt and oil. Gradually adding hot water knead, scooping flour inside the cavity. Knead dough until it is soft and flexible, for about 15 minutes. Cover with a cloth. Set the water in a pot for cooking, season with salt. Divide the dough into 4 parts, respectively pin out pancakes. A small glass to cut circles, at the center put the stuffing, fold in half and conglomerate edges of the dumplings. Cook until soft for about 3-5 minutes. You can check whether the dumplings are already soft, trapping one on a slotted spoon and touching his finger. Serve with fried chopped onion in oil.

INGRIEDIENTS 1 carp (1.5-2 kg), 4 lemons, 5 tablespoons bread, Crumbs, 3 tablespoons flour, Salt, Oil

PREPARATION Carp slicing and dividing into the ring. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons. One lemon slicing. Carp tossed in lemon juice, arrange the slices of lemon in a container or bowl and leave for 30 minutes to chew. Ringing dry up. I warm up the oil in a frying pan. In a deep plate mix the flour and breadcrumbs. Carp sole, tossed and fry on both sides until golden brown.


INGRIEDIENTS Sauerkraut (1 kg), 1 kg of peas, Three onions, 3 tablespoons butter, Salt, Pepper, Teaspoon sugar

Peas soak for an hour in cold water, which pour enough water protruded above the surface on three fingers. When a soaked peas, cabbage lightly on colander, rinse in cold water. Tight squeeze, make sure it is very acidic. If you are very, rinse again and again tight squeeze. It is to be noticeably sour but not tight. Cut into fairly fine on board, toss it into a larger pot, pour a glass of water and cook, covered with salt until soft (half an hour). Onions cut into cubes, add to the pan and zezłocid on a spoon of butter with a little oil, add to boiling cabbage. Pour off the water from the peas, pour fresh (approx. 2 cm above the surface of a pea), bring to a boil. After boiling, it should be stir often to not be burnt. It will take approx. 20 minutes - half an hour if well-soaked peas, sometimes a little longer. When a portion of peas fall apart and other grains are soft, turn off the fire.

INGRIEDIENTS Processed carp (1 kg), A bunch of carrots, 2 onions, Allspice, Pepper, Bay leaf, Salt, Sugar, 2 egg whites, 2 tablespoons Vinegar, 2 teaspoons gelatin, Dill, Green peas

PREPARATION Vegetables with carrots and onions to clean up, put into the pot, add salt, add a little sugar and cook stock. Add the bay leaf, seeds of allspice and pepper. Then the brew carefully insert the ring fish and cook on low heat 15-20 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon. Strain the decoction. Carrots with a decoction habit, use to decorate dishes. Gelatin soak in a small amount of cold water. Add to the broth, add lightly beaten protein and vinegar. Stirring all the heat to simmer until broth August clarifies. Strain again. At the bottom of the dish pour a little brew. Leave in a cool, make froze. Then place a layer of vegetables and fish. Decorate. Pour the remaining brew. Put in the fridge and leave to solidify.


INGRIEDIENTS 700 g of ground pork, 100g rice, 2 medium onions, White cabbage, Broth (1,5l), 600g tomato puree, 1 tablespoon flour, Salt and pepper, 1 teaspoon dried oregano, 1/2 teaspoon paprika, Fresh thyme

Meat add to a larger bowl. Boil rice, pour cold water in a sieve, drain and add to the meat cooled down. Peel, grate, add to meat with rice. Season with salt (about half a teaspoon), pepper (1/4 teaspoon). All mix and knead well hand. Shape into small oblong cutlets. Cut out deep into the center of the cabbage, then insert it into a large pot of boiling water (cut side down) and cook for about 8 minutes on low heat. Remove the cabbage with boiling water, cool, pour boiling water. Disassemble the cabbage with leaves, cut slightly thickened with each leaf, then impose cooked portions of meat. Wrap as croquettes (first attach leaf meat with one hand, then submit the sides in, then roll like tightest to end the remaining part of the leaf). Not all cabbages must be used. The bottom of a large and well wide of the pot put some cabbage leaves (eg. Such that a kidnapped). On top lay doves. Boil the broth in another saucepan and pour over the cabbage. Put on the gas, cover and cook for about 45 - 60 minutes until cabbage is tender. Decoction of lovebirds pour into another pot. Add the tomato paste and flour, stir it before with a few tablespoons of cold water. Bring to a boil, season with salt, pepper, dried oregano and paprika. Cook for 5 minutes, then - if we use - we add fresh thyme (about 1 - 2 tablespoons of detached leaves) and cream (be it gradually spread with the sauce, adding it a spoonful of cream while stirring). Pour into a pot of doves and cook all for about 10 minutes, uncovered, over low heat, occasionally shake the pan to the sauce evenly distributed.


INDRIEDIENTS Cake 3 cups flour 180 ml of milk, 150 g melted and the cooled butter, 6 egg yolks, 45g fresh yeast, 6 tablespoons sugar, 1.5 tablespoons oil, half a teaspoon of salt, Spirit, Vanilla sugar (16g)

MASS 6 proteins 500g flour 250g sugar 100g raisins 50g chopped walnuts 1 tablespoon honey almond oil pinch of cinnamon 1 tablespoon soft margarine

FROSTING ½ cup powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons hot water, A little poppy

Poopy seed pour 500ml boiling water and cover that swelled. Then uncover and allow to cool. Poopy seed twice grind. Dissolve yeast and sugar in milk summer. Leave in a warm place to rise for about 15 minutes. Leavened grout to add the remaining ingredients, at the end by adding melted butter or margarine. Knead the dough. Cover with a cloth and leave to rise. To add the remaining ingredients poppy mass. Proteins beat stiff. Add weight and gently mix. Divide the dough into preferably three sections. Roll out each portion into a rectangle with a thickness of approx. 3mm, put 1/3 of the weight, leaving approx. 2cm from the edge and roll the roulade. The ends of the rolls glue and tuck underneath. The finished roulade translate into greased with oil baking paper and roll in the form of a tube twice, leaving a 1cm clearance between the dough and the paper (no more). The ends of the paper left open. Poppy seed transfer to a baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven 30 to 40 minutes. at 180 ° C. Allow to cool. Prepare the frosting. Powdered sugar rub with hot water until smooth. Pour poppy seed cakes with icing and sprinkle with poppy seeds.


INGRIEDIENTS 1 cup wheat (without scales), 1 cup poppy blue, 1/2 cup liquid honey, 10 grams of walnuts, 5 grams of raisins, 1 vanilla pod, Blanched and peeled almonds, 4 dates, 4 figs

Wheat rinse, soak in cold water overnight (or for at least 6 hours), to relent. The next day, pour boiling water (at least 2 liters, otherwise the wheat it burns) and cook about 1 hour, covered, over low heat. Grains should be soft but not overcooked. People who have trouble chewing wheat can cook longer. Drain the cooked wheat and peel. At the same time you can deal with poppy seeds, raisins and nuts, because also require soaking. Poppy rinse and pour boiling water, bring to the boil again. Allow to stand for several hours. Drained and cornered poppy should be grind 2-3 times in a meat grinder with a fine-mesh sieve. Raisins rinse and pour warm water. Allow to stand for 20 minutes. Then carefully encirclement. Nuts put into the oven until they have a golden color, then chop. Almond pour boiling water and peel. Chop. If you are adding dates and figs, cut them into strips. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise and the tip of the blade, select grains. The end of rinsing, soaking, grinding, cooking, roasting, hollowing. Now the most enjoyable part of the job - mixing all the ingredients.

INGRIEDIENTS 1 dried pear, 1 dried apple, A handful of plums, A handful of dried apricots, A handful of raisins, 3 pieces of cinnamon, A few cloves, 5 tablespoons of sugar cane, 1 l of water

PREPARATION Dried fruits put into the pot, I add cinnamon and cloves. I fill up with water and cook on low throttle for 40-50 minutes. At the end of sweetened to taste, mix and I give hot.

The name Eve comes from the Latin word meaning vigil. In the Christian tradition is the last day of Advent. Traditionally, Christmas Eve begins with the first star in the sky. It is a symbolic reference to the Star of Bethlehem, denoting the birth of Jesus, which according to the Bible, on the eastern side of the sky they saw the Three Kings. Dinner, the Polish tradition of fasting, prayer and begins reading from the Gospel according to St. Matthew or Luke concerning the birth of Jesus, and then breaking the wafer with simultaneous submission of each other's wishes. On the table, covered with a white tablecloth with a bundle of hay underneath, set one covering more than participants supper. It is symbolically designed for unannounced guest. Depending on the region and the family tradition, set of Christmas Eve dishes varies, but normally on the Christmas table should include all products of the soil, and there should be twelve dishes on the table. Each try, which is to ensure happiness throughout the year. Christmas Eve is rich in customs and superstitions having magical powers. Some leave in your wallet scales of a carp, which are expected to bring good luck. Another custom is Christmas Eve caroling. Under the Christmas tree there are gifts that brings the holy infant, a star, an angel, Father Christmas or Santa Claus.

According to the Christian faith hay under the tablecloth is a reference to the manger in which the baby Jesus was born. It is credited with magical power, which provides household prosperity. In the old days, even hay tied to fruit trees, fed it to cattle to eat, even buried in the ground in a field. All this, in these places visited abundance and fertility. For Christians, hay is also a symbol of simplicity and modesty. It reminds us that Jesus Christ was born in a shed, away from the glamor and wealth. Hay under the tablecloth symbolizes modesty, that every Christian should carry in her/his heart.

Christmas Eve table covered with a white cloth, under which there is a bundle of hay on the cross, candlestick, wafers, nuts and dishes around the table. Mandatory with one place more. For whom? For a stray, unannounced, lone newcomer, who in this special evening should not be alone. An empty place at the table is an expression of solidarity with the people surviving the holidays alone and willingness benevolent acceptance of an unexpected guest at the Christmas dinner. In Silesia custom is, moreover, contrary to another tradition, ordering that under no circumstances get up from the Christmas table during supper, even when someone knocks. In this way there is virtually no chance that a potential wanderer could take an empty seat at the table. Moving away from the table during a meal is to herald the death in the family in the next year. The duty of respecting the principles of Polish hospitality is to feed an unexpected stranger and treating it on a par with other family members sitting at the Christmas table.

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