A Detailed Reimbursement Process for Medicare Pharmacy Claim
The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003 created the Medicare Part D, prescription of drug benefit program and implemented it on January 1, 2006. Pharmacy reimbursement under Part D is based on negotiated prices, which is usually based on the Average Wholesale Price (AWP) minus a percentage discount plus a dispensing fee. There are two Components of Pharmacy Reimbursement: 1) Dispensing Fee A dispensing fee compensates the pharmacy for transferring the drug/medication from the pharmacy to the patient, stocking and storing medications and patient counseling. Under the Medicare drug reimbursement system, the pharmacist is paid $2.27 per prescription. 2) Prescription Drug Cost The prescription drug cost component of reimbursement is still in process of being reformulated. Currently, most third-party payers pay for prescription drug costs based on a fixed discount from the AWP, for example: AWP minus 10 percent. How are the reimbursements processed for Medicare Pharmacy Claim? The pharmacy reimbursement process can be broken into the following steps: Receiving the prescription: Whenever a pharmacy receives a prescription, it is important to track its source (i.e. from where the prescription is coming). This is tracked using a prescription origin code (POC). The prescription origin codes are:
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