Analog x ray payments set to diminish under medicare in 2017

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Analog X-Ray Payments Set to Diminish Under Medicare in 2017

If the year 2016 was a smooth ride for medical practices, one can’t wait for the upcoming year as several policy changes will be directed towards healthcare providers, physicians facilities, diagnostic imaging centers and medical billing and coding agencies. As far as Analog X-Ray payments are concerned Medicare is all set to cut payments from the start of 2017. As part of a push to prod U.S. healthcare suppliers to receive Digitized radiography (DR), the Medicare framework will start reducing payments for exams performed on analog x-ray frameworks beginning in 2017. The year after that, facilities utilizing computerized radiography (CR) equipment will likewise observe payment reductions. Medicare payments will be lessened by 20% for suppliers submitting claims for analog x-ray studies beginning in 2017 under an arrangement in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, which was instituted into law in December 2015. From 2018, payment for imaging studies performed on CR hardware would be decreased by 7% for the following five years, and 10% after that. While the law's arrangements on analog X-rays are required to have a minor effect because of the small number of traditional systems still in operation in the U.S., the cut in CR payments could have a much more extensive impact: More than 8,000 CR units are still in administration in the U.S. These systems must be supplanted or imaging offices will encounter payment decreases. Also, the accounting staff will thereby need to bill the procedures accordingly keeping in mind the changes in payment policy. Changing the most established methodology The selection of DR in the past two decades has changed medical imaging's most established methodology, empowering bread-and-butter X-ray images to be acquired rapidly and after that effectively moved into PACS for circulation, translation, and registering. Before DR arrived, numerous offices overhauled their x-ray systems with CR, which replaced filmscreen tapes with imaging plates that can be carried to a reader for digital output.

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