Common Pharmacy Reimbursement Strategies to Calculate Insurance Payments
The current fee-for-service reimbursement model places the incentives on volume over value, lacking any scope for preventive care and care coordination among providers. In order to lower down the cost and improve medical outcome the payment structures need to be redesigned to focus incentives on results and overall value of healthcare. Here are some research backed Pharmacy Reimbursement strategies targeting the payment and payer systems: Strategy I: Health Insurance Exchanges Health Insurance Exchanges are most generally formal structures that are regulated by government. They try to pool in the insurance buyers offering them unrestricted access to a number of competing health insurance policies. Individuals enroll into the plan of their choice after accessing the standard benefits offered by plans, comparing features of competing plans, doctors; clinics and hospitals associated with plans, premiums required to be paid and the whole enrollment process. Exchanges decide and set the regulations for collecting premiums deciding if it will be on per-person or family basis or whether it would be adjusted based of age or other such factors. Exchanges have been praised for lowering healthcare costs and improving healthcare quality. The arrangement provides health insurance companies with a pool of potential enrollees. On the other hand, enrollees in the pool have a clear economic interest to select the health insurance plans that submit the lowest risk-adjusted bids, by requiring enrollees to pay most of the extra cost of plans whose risk-adjusted bids are higher. Strategy II: Bundled and Fee-For-Episode Payments Healthcare circles today are a constant observer of the debate around quality improvement of services by providers at reduced cost. Fee-for-service structure and capitation style model of reimbursement lay focus on volumes rather than on value-driven care. Bundled Payments on the other hand lay emphasis on the entire procedure for a given condition instead of an episode. Call now 888-357-3226 (Toll Free)
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