Ken Tate
The Architect/Artist I see space, shape, structure, order as an architect would; but when I’m in the “making” process, I really do “become” an action painter and in the “doing”, I am neither artist nor architect but rather an energy force with no vocation.
Visual images that come forth in the “making” process, that I have never seen, but which speak clearly to me, are what drive me. I’m also drawn to the raw nature of paint and the way it looks and “feels” when it’s squeegeed, smeared, finger-painted, brushed, squirted, thrown, splashed, dripped, etc. Some of the impetus for the work comes from the writings of the beat poets and writers (Kerouac, Ginsberg, Ferlingetti), but I’ve also been influenced by the abstract expressionists, jazz musicians, the automatic writings of Masson and early Henry Miller (“Black Spring”), outsider artists, and current painters like Albert Oehlen, Christopher Wool, and Julien Schnabel. But, in the end, it’s just me trying to paint “some” truth that I’m unaware of.
Back To Black Nina
Back To Black Amy
Back To Blue Jeff
Back To Blue Nick
Back To Blue Brian
Blue Study
Blue Study 2
Vertical Blue
Square Blue
The Deconstructed Series
Paintings that I’ve previously done on Yupo paper (which is a kind-of Japanese Watercolor paper), are cut-up and rearranged – deconstructed and then reconstructed in a completely unrecognizable, yet mysterious, arrangement. However, I’ve discovered, or perhaps I just instantly know, that the subconscious mind does see the order, or some order, in the new seemingly chaotic composition. When working on these pieces, there is a cutting and editing that goes on that I can only akin to film editing. The original paintings are done with a squeegee and they end up having a kind-of photographic appearance quite often, so that this technique, along with the cutting, editing and rearranging ends up having a cinematic effect, or at least a kind-of subconscious reference to film making.
I Get My Kicks On Route 66
Knock Hard, The World is Deaf
Serene Green
The Luminous Series The luminous paintings are an offshoot of earlier squeegee paintings. But, something different happened (happens) when the luminous paint is squeegeed across the canvas and especially when a color is squeegeed over and into another color. The color suddenly becomes all pervasive, and starts to reference the early Color Field Paintings by Frankenthaler, Paul Jenkins, Sam Gilliam, Morris Louis, Dzubas, etc. However, these paintings, due to the luminous paint and the squeegeed technique, do not resemble the earlier movement in which most of the paint was poured or brushed. These have a vibrancy, an energy that pushes the image out in front of the picture plane. I find that aspect to be exciting, interesting and surprisingly “New�!
Black Orange
Blue Green Red
Blue Orange Pink
Yellow Green Blue
Orange Blue Yellow
Green Pink Orange
Warhol’s Confusion
Warhol’s Muse
Sonic Boom
Sonic Joy
The Intervention Series Magazine covers, that I am particularly interested in because of the artists, musicians or celebrities that grace them, as well as their graphic compositions, seduce me, invite me to intervene on them……and in my case, this means painting on them. The painting adds another layer of “meaning” to the composition and, for me, also adds a certain excitement to the magazine cover. At this point I have the covers photographed and enlarged. The new scale and the photographic paper inspire me to go even further with the painting – a new intervention to my own intervention. The final painting/photograph says something even “more” about these celebrities and even perhaps about me!!!
Sam Smith, Rolling Stone
Patti Now, Uncut
Basquiat’s Hands, The New York Times
Malkovitch, Interview
Taraji P. Henson, W
Double Orson, W
Double Emma, Wall Street Journal
Double Paul, The Hollywood Reporter
Gerhard Richter, Sotheby’s at Aucton
Double Kate, The New York Times
Double Pharrell, W
Triple Clooney, W
Double Jake, W
ANN CONNELLY FINE ART 4221 Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 225.927.7676