Rosenlund Watergate Bridgemarket on floodcontrol, urban self-sufficiency, infrasturcture, aquaponics, transitionary use and appearance of built structures and on adressing public space. A project on water, wood, greenary, buoyant bridging, hydroelectricity and solar cell application. A language of floating, seawaves, forces, reflection, play of light, transparency and public openess.
Transport 01 Recreate
03 Commute
# 01 recreate + transport # 02 transport + commute # 03 commute + recreate
The Archeries of Gรถteborg - Keeping a City Alive
The Archeries of a City Food, labour and liveliness. This City is nurtured through its waterways.
A new City is born to the sounds of dripping, streaming, oars rythmically plowing through the water, irrigation of hydroponic crops and hydrofoil kajaks sliding silently at the surface down stream. The City is fed by food grown at its riversides. No soil is needed, not much space. Roots prosper in water and large yields of vegetables and fruit, wheat and other farming products make the City self-sufficient. Where there is enough space, greenhouses are put up along the river. Rain is harvested, superficially heightened waterlevels in the river are used for irrigation. Crops get warmth from hydroelectricity when sun is rare. Excess of water is welcomed and praised in this City that lives of water. Channels, passages, canals, ducts and races are dug out and connect to the rivers. The City Dams prevent disastrous rains from flooding the City uncontrollably at heightened seawater levels. The rising seawater is no longer a threat to the citizen. The Dams stand as strong visible marks of a civilization living by Sea and Rivers.
London City center
Göteborg City center
Sea levels worldwide have been rising at a rate of 3.5 mm per year since early 1990´s, twice the average speed of the preceding 80 years. This trend is linked to global warming and most predictions say that the warming of the planet will continue and accelerate. We expect the oceans to rice at least between 1 to 2.8 meters by 2100. Numbes cannot today be exactly estimated. Melting of the Greenland icesheet would set the level to +7 meters.
´SOON IT WOULD be too hot. Looking out from the hotel balcony shortly after eight o clock, Kerans watched the sun rise behind the dense groves of giant gymnosperms crowding over the roofs of the abandoned department stores four hundred yards away on the east side of the lagoon. Even through the massive olive-green fronds the relentless power of the sun was plainly tangible. The blunt refracted rays drummed against his bare chest and shoulders, drawing out ihe first sweat, and he put on a pair of heavy sun-glasses to protect his eyes. Hamnkanalen Göta Älv
Göteborg with a waterrise level of +2 meters. Areas around Göta Älv, Mölndalsån, Kvillebäcken, Järnbrott among others will be under water. Hamnkanalen and Rosenlundskanalen will be submerged and wetlands enlarged.
The solar disc was no longer a well-defined sphere, but a wide expanding ellipse that fanned out across the eastern horizon like a colossal fire-ball, its reflection turning the dead leaden surface of the lagoon into a brilliant copper shield. By noon, less than four hours away, the water would seem to burn.
( J.G Ballard, The Drowned World )
Rosenlund Greenhouse Bridgemarket
P L A N 1 : 1000
E L E V A T I ON N W 1 : 200 0
E L E V A T I O N S W 1 : 200 0
G R E E N H O U S E / lighthouse
Archery Gate - Göteborg City Waterline The Archery Gates are part of a larger system of locks and barriers at crucial spots in Göteborg. At one of these gates is now Rosenlund Greenhouse Bridgemarket.
Water Link
The City Archery We are at a time where waterlevels are rising. Flooding is routine. Göteborg is now turning into a City of speedboats, waterbuses, boat time-tables, gliding kajaks, barges and food produced by hydroponics along the river and floated in to the City cores.
Hydroponic farming
Ducts and canals are dug out along existing waterways in order to # use floodwater for irrigation in hydroponic greenhouses # avoid detrimental flooding
Water Stop Water Link
Rivers of Göteborg often submerge due sudden heavy rain and water running down from lakes close by. Rising sealevels at Göta Älv aggravate the situation. Artificial canals are therefore now dug and connected to the larger rivers where water levels are artificially raised. the excess water is used for irrigation of aquaponic farmland/greenhouses. The dams act to avoid brackish water from the sea to join and pollute river water.
Hydroponic farming Hydroponic farming Water Stop
New City
Water Stop
Water Stop
Aquaponic farming and River markets The cycle of flooding and farming is an opportunity taken, just as the early farming cultures at the Nile, Euphrat or Tigris took theirs.
Water Stop Water Market
To achieve a high level of independency, the City gives a lot of landpermission for hydroponic farming along rivers. Inspired by rice-field harvesting, systems for irrigation distribution and water catchment are developed. The greenhouses and ducts permit water to rise and go down while using abundant floodwater for irrigation. Farming products are distributed along waterways and dealt at large River Markets which are part of the Waterline System. One of these is Rosenlund Greenhouse Bridgemarket where aquaponic farmland products are taken by barges and let through by its sluices. People are here introduced to aquaponic growing in the greenhouse, where greenery is sold directly. The market recurs daily at the Rosenlund sluice below the bridge.
New City
New Railwaystation
New City
Old City
Water Terminal
Water Market
Göta Älv Sea water
Water Market
Waterpark Hydroponic farming Rising river water is now directed through canals. The prongs of rivers are lined with greenhouses for hydroponic farming.
Water Stop
The Waterline system The elaborated and expanded Waterway traffic network uses sluice systems connecting rivers and Göta Älv. This elaborated infrastructural system, with stratgic waterstops throughout the city and Water Links that connect to regions outside innercity, allows people to use the efficient and beautiful waterways on a daily basis as public and private transportation to work. The Water Terminal connects the Waterline system to the New Railwaystation for further travelling.
Hydroponic farmland (greenhouses)
The Waterline also invites citizens to recreational dwelling along water. The City Archery is now a system fully developed for effective use of city space for recreation, transportation and commuting at the same time. Such a system contrubutes to a lively City life, dependant and nurtured by its waterways.
Water archery for R ecreation T ransport and C ommuting
Hydroponic farming
# 01 recreate + transport # 02 transport + commute # 03 commute + recreate
Water Stop
Transport 01 Recreate
03 Commute
Water Archery Diagram
Water Link
Transport 01 Recreate
03 Commute
# 01 R ecreate and T ransport Transport barges filled with hydroponically grown food work their ways up and down the river. Some of the farmers are on their way to the Water Market where people gather while buying day´s fresh vegetables and fruit. At the back of the transport barges, small cafés, bars and restaurants have opened and during summer people enjoy top deck for sunny trips on the canal. The smaller local farmers go by narrow tiny boats to the nearest commercial bridge to unload their daily yield. This is where you meet your neighbour and have a chat while waiting for the boats to come. Someone started selling bakery products and next to him one boat has turned into a juicebar, another a bookshop. Establishments proliferate along riversides as these are becoming the important commercial infrastructure of the City. An ambulent gardening center has opened in greenhouses on a barge and a museum of fruits, a concert hall, an iceskating center during winter. A bath is planned. A hydrofoil kajak is passing by, no sound except for speed. It´s a postman delivering urgent letters. Kajaks are used both for weekend trips and delivery. People not leaving town when free, can go on holiday on house-boats. Agencies for various recreational purposes start to flourish.
Barges from the factories on the river Mölndalsån in the 19th century.
Transport 01 Recreate
03 Commute
# 02 T ransport and C ommute
The rivers provide the City with hydroponically grown food and plants, goods and labour. These hydroponic grown vegetables and plants are produced and transported along the rivers. They are sold off at close by smaller neighbourhood markets or taken to one of the four larger markets by the Gรถta ร lv river. Smaller narrow transport boats are used for private transports or smaller commercial loads. Barges are used for larger loads and barge-transports take on commuters at one of the many Waterstops along the Waterline. There are plenty of space to put bikes and other carriage that the passengers want to bring. At the Waterlinks of the end of the Waterline far-distant goods and people can access the system and the Waterlink provide services like ticketsale, bikestations, charging goods on vessels, charging-stations for electricity etc. The Waterline is also easily accessed from the new rearranged open-ended railwaystation that is linked with the City Water Terminal. Commuters from the vicinity of Gรถteborg or far distance travellers can access the Archery here. Watertaxis frequent the rivers.
Water Link
Hydroponic farming
Water Stop
Hydroponic farming
Hydrop Water Stop
New City
Water Stop
Water Stop Water Market
New City
Water Stop New Railwaystation
New City
Old City
Water Terminal
Water Market
Water Market
Waterpark Hydroponic farming
Water Stop
Hydroponic farmland (greenhouses)
Hydroponic farming
Water Stop
Water Archery Diagram
Water Link
Transport 01 Recreate
03 Commute
# C ommute and R ecreate The rivers provide the City center with labour and life. The City has four essential cores all easily accessed by transport on water. Inhabitants along the rivers find it easy and less stressful to commute on the waterways. Private and public boats, hydrofoil vessels, kajaks and waterbuses bring people in and out of the City center. Along Mölndalsån you can connect to the Waterline in the south, go through riverstreams with magnificient surrounding beechwoods and green areas, enter the Hydroponic Farmland where the crops grow in greenhouses and brooks along the river. Further enter the Waterpark area where hydroponic vertical farming and plantgrowing takes place and then connect with the other waterways at the Waterterminal where one of the City´s four dams creates a strong impression of the City´s water resources. The force of water, the sound, the character of this City. People living far away from the water center can by bike connect to the Waterline and bring the bike into the City. Fastspeed biketracks along the western side of the river makes biking into the City a pleasant journey. Commuting on the rivers can also be an adventure, the variety of happenings along the trip give recreational benefits.
The City Dam system Four Dams are controlling water levels at the larger river inlets from Göta Älv.
City Dam system The strategically placed City dams will make waterlevels adjustable in a contolled manner. The four gates control water to # raise river waterlevel to allow larger yields # avoid pollution of riverwater used for irrigation by seawater # prevent flooding
Göta Älv Mölndalsån
While sluices allow passage, the dams allow the four large rivers in Göteborg to set water levels higher in order to serve as daily irrigation asset for aquaponic farming. The dams and gates become a characteristic feature of the new self-dependent City, and a spot where merchandise will flourish due emerging markets. The dams also serve as infrastructural hubs where people pass and meet.
Urban hydroponic farming River water is used for irrigation. Greenhouses for hydroponic farming are set up in former industrial areas in Gรถteborg.
Ducts and canals are dug along the main rivers. Branching out from these canals, greenhouses are set up that use river water for aquaponic growth. Waterlevels are allowed to push and go down. Excess water is taken care of in tanks, while the daily fluctuations are feeding the crops through the greenhouse buildings. Where lots of water flow, hydrolectric turbins are used to take advantage of forces for energysupply.
One advantage of hydroponic cropping is that it allows very precise control and monitoring of plant nutrition which yields good growth. Another is that hydroponic farming uses less space. An average Swede eats about 10 kg tomatoes/year. Gรถteborg would need to grow about 6000 000 kg of tomatoes per year. Hydroponic farming uses about 50 -75 % of the space needed by ordinary soil farming (0.2 instead of 0.3-0.4 m2 per plant).
Aquaponic farmland
Watergates and Markets
Hydroponic crops are transported to the Water Markets where they´re sold off or further distributed. The markets are connected to traveller centers and further transport. Markets are socially active space invigourating the inlets of waterways in GÜteborg. These places become places to meet and hang around, places that injects City with merchandise, people and services. These places celebrate sustainable farming and transport, ocial gathering and activity. They are all served by the waterways of GÜteborg.
// R O S E N L U N D G R E E N H O U S E B R I D G E M A R K E T / / At 7.40 a.m the squirking sounds of the Rosenlund Sluices announce the recurrent happening of the Bridgemarket at the entrance of Rosenlundskanalen in Göteborg. Sluicegates open, barges enter, waterlevels rise to the artificially raised canal level (+13.0) and the goods that traveled across Göta Älv find their way to the Market at the Bridge. Water from Göta Älv is prevented from brackishing the clean canalwater by the Waterpromenade (+13.5) along Göta Älv. Meanwhile the sluices under the Rosenlund Bridge opens up, waterlevels under the bridge raise to + 13.0 and the plants growing on the lower surface, the Hydroponic Plant Growth surface, is flooded by canalwater. The canalwater is directed through the Waterturbines at the far end of quai. The turbines give warmth and light to the various Greenhouses on the Bridge. Smaller barges and private boats, waterbuses, cajaks board the floating Bridge attached to the quai below Göteborgs Energi plant. The mountable narrow bridges are pulled out and connected to the quai and people can start enter the barges to buy vegetables, fruits, plants and flowers, all grown hydroponically. At 8.30 a.m the Greenhouse Market opens up on the Bridge above. Doors of Greenhouses spring wide open, people flow through the Greenhouses buying greenery. Sprinkled by soft, humid waterdrops a passage through the bridge also reveals the hydroponic growing process where plants are brought up from long tubes at the sides of the passages. Canalwater and barges are seen through glimpses through the wooden planks while crossing the bridge. The mounted Waterpromenade outside the various greenhouses allows for people to take a walk close to Göta Älv, have coffee on the edge of the quay and watch the daily turbulence of barges and boats entering and leaving the canal.
Rosenlund Greenhouse Bridgemarket
Rosenlund Greenhouse Bridgemarket - S I T E Housing Developing Area
The site, inbetween Frilagret and Göteborgs Värmeverk is today totally dominated by a trafficated road and low bridge keeping people from the quays and cutting off the inlet of Rosenlundskanalen, and the connection to the harbor, from city life. A new housing development at the north-east of the site is being built and a new tram-line is under way connecting this spot to the north-east area of innercity. Rosenlundskanalen is bordered with newly opened restaurant. Fish is traditionally sold furher down. Kungsgatan is connecting the area to the rest of the commercial city. Järntorget and its neighbourhood, with a cultural display and lively street life, is alongside. Ferry line
Ham nk
gD ev e
lop m
en t
Ar ea
H ou
line ram New t
se Ro
Rosenlund Greenhouse Bridgemarket
Kungsgatan commercial area
New tram line 2015 Ferry line
Frilagret cultural activity
Restaurant area
Rose n
Järntorget cultural area, commercial, travel node
01 03
01 Site view from the quay at southwest.
02 Site view from southwest.
03 Site view from northwest.
Göteborg Frilager, Rosenlundskanalen 1920.
Til 1876 fishmarkets had been held on rafts in Hamnkanalen, but trade was now moved from Stora Torget och Hamnkanalen to Rosenlundskanalen where each boatteam sold its fish by the quays. This was a lively place connecting the citizens to the City inlet, City to Sea. In 1897 fish-trade was no longer allowed from boats but was supposed to take place inside a fishmarket building at Rosenlund. To this market, people were taken by rowing ferries. The canal was kept lively and vibrant. At that time, Rosenlund and Järntorget was at the outskirts of the old City´s boundaries, and here was the port for imports and exports. For the benefit of trade and transoceanic connections, Göteborgs Frilager (a bonded warehouse) was opened for use in 1920 at the former herring port. Goods were taken in from barges at the canal through the building´s huge doors - which are kept - towards the water. When the goods had been weighed and declared inside, they were considered arrived to Göteborg and could leave the building on the opposite side of the house.
Hamnkanalen 1900 century.
When Göteborg got a much larger freeport -´Frihamnen´ - on the other side of Göta Älv, Göteborgs Frilager was used as a warehouse until today. For now, it houses cultural events, publishers, cultural youth associations, cafés and cultural workshops and scenes. This activity would benefit from a lively marketplace with appearent historical roots pointing towards a sustainable future in taking advantage of the waterways of a selfsufficient Göteborg.
Water control mechanisms, market and greenhouse The Rosenlund Watergate Bridgemarket is placed at one of the dams and gates to control water. The Rosenlund canal inlet is enlarged to allow for a sluice which admits passage for transportation and recreation as part of the larger Waterline system.
The bridge is 01 a crossing point of sea and river. 02 a crossing point of the two sides of the canal and city. sea / Göta Älv 03 a public gatheringspot connecting Göteborg citizens to Göta Älv and the harbor. Packhus quay Rosenlund quay river The greenhouse market benefits from being situated at a crucial spot at the access channel. It takes place recurringly on, at sides of and under the bridge. Incoming barges with crops and goods enter the canal, moor at the bridge and quayside and allow customers to enter by passagebridges dealing vegetables, fruit, fish and flowers. The bridge is making an in-between dead space close to water into a vibrant, active place while connecting the housing development area at northeast to the quay and further inwards to Järntorget. While being a vivid marketplace daytime, it makes a safe lit up space at evening where people can enjoy the openess of the harbor horizon and closesness to water.
sea /Göta Älv Watermarkets and watercontrol mechanisms - sluices, locks and dams Rosenlund quay
Bridging the inlet and canal.
Packhus quay river
Site and space - sluice and market area
01 W A T E R G A T E - water control mechanisms Water is controlled to # raise river waterlevel to allow larger yields # avoid pollution of riverwater used for irrigation by seawater # prevent flooding
# raise waterlevels / avoid pollution of riverwater The Watergate prevents river water from being polluted by seawater from Göta Älv. A twinned sluice system makes it possible to reuse river water to heighten the level of water in the sluice and river, letting barges and other boats continue upstreams without letting in brackish water from Göta Älv.
The section in the middle of the Rosenlundskanalen lets water pass to heighten and lower levels.
passagebridge footbridges
sluice sluice
W A T E R C O N T R O L - raising waterlevels, irrigating crops and preventing flush flooding. The inlet at Rosenlundskanalen today.
The canal is widened to allow for passaging barges and boats at a sluice. A section is raised in the middle to part the two passages, and two gates are installed at the inlet and one further down the canal.
The quays are raised by + 50 cm. A wooden deck is mounted around the sluice and gates at both sides of the inlet, as well as an elevated wooden promenade most closely to Göta Älv and towards Göteborgs värmeverk. The wooden floor inbetween the promenades serves as a bassin for flooded water with streamlets letting water out to hydroelectric turbines.
On top of the deck is the metal structure on which the Greenhouse and wooden bridge is resting. Pipes along these lines provide water for irrigation and moisture inside the climatic shelter.
On the metal structure, wooden beams are distributed to allow for the wooden passages.
Wooden passages are creating a flowing movement over the sluice and canal and the market below.
Göta Älv Göteborgs värmeverk
# prevent flooding Similar to the rest of the Selfdependent City, raised waterlevels are incorporated into built structures.
At riverland, greenhouses for aquaponic farming welcome rising riverwater due heavy rain. The water is stored or used directly for irrigation. Rising water levels enter the structures in the same way as rise fields are covered with water in rise agricultural areas. The very old agricultural technique is here translated into aquaponic farming and its structures. At the Greenhouse Watermarket bridge, the embankment is raised by + 50 cm. On top of the concrete, there is now a wooden promenade along the River and around Rosenlundskanalen. A wooden deck between promenades, and on top of the concrete, is making the floor to riverwater for irrigation of greenary at the greenhouse. Channels or streamlets in this floor will allow water to pass out in the Ă„lv when there are flashfloods. Turbins for hydroelectricity are connected to these outlets to take advantage of flooding water energy.
Rosenlund inlet, sluice, gates and marketbridge floating above the wooden floor and bassin.
Channeling flashfloods to hydroelectric turbins.
The structure attaches lightly by metal to the quay and ground, and floats above the waterflooded wooden deck.
STRUCTURA L AND ARCHITECTURAL GRIP In one structural and architectural language, the design embraces the three functions of the bridge. Acting a crossing point of sea and river, and of the two sides of the canal while creating a public gatheringspot close to water in the City, the crossing point is expressed architecturally by the way the forces are treated.
# Directions
and forces
In a wish to allow people to connect to the water in the City, and to open up the City area towards the harbor, the proposition makes a soft transition between city and Göta Älv, softening the prevailing harsh edge by its structure. The directions of the structure stress an outward/inward movement or gesture, while allowing passing along the edge of the Älv. Movement is directed and promoted along these lines as well as across the canal.
The load of water through the canal meeting the sea and Älv is taken care of by the heavy stronger section in the middle of the Rosenlund canal, parting the two sluice bassins and holding the two strong gates. On top of this concrete section, there is a passingbridge to enter the greenhouse and to moor at with boats and barges.
Rosenlund quay
Along this section the Water market occurs. This is where people head for byuing vegetables, fish and other market products taken there by barges. Smaller bridges held by the larger bridge in the middle are attached to the quays when the market opens and people walk freely between barges, greenhouse market on the bridge and quays. The structure is transient. It appears, happens and disappears. Then, reappears.
Göta Älv
Structural gestures.
Packhus quay
The larger bridging towards Göta älv across the canal, bridging the gap between quays, and the construction of the light greenhouse on this bridge, talks of other much lighter forces. This structure is permanent.
A set of structural directions. The inwards/outwards directions are stressed throughout the design, connecting city space to Göta Älv.
Waves, streams, flowing water and people passing, resting, meeting and hanging out. The rythm and flow of water synchronizes with how people will move - a natural rythm where you find your way, as in nature. Like wood floated in water for transportation, the wooden bridge is flowing over the canal. The movement of people is directed by how the wooden beams are laid out on the metal construction below.
Along these lines, structure is set allowing it to open up towards the sea while inviting boats and barges in. The heavy watercontrol mechanisms, sluice and gates and hydroelectric turbins are complemented with a tensile/compression lightweight structure on top that touches the ground gently and welcomes water to flow.
Transparence, play of light over water seen through the structure, reflections and the floating experience of passing from one side to the other on woodpaths mimicking the waves and movement of water settle the structure deeply into its place by the riverside in the City.
Directions translated to structural lines
Compression beams reinforcing inward- /outward directions along tensile structure.
Primary tensile structure (blue) secondary tensile structure (red), reinforcing line (green).
Stabilizing roofstructure (beams to columns)
Stabilizing roofstructure (beams to columns) whole structure.
Whole structural system (compression, tensile, roofplates)
# The
bridge - structure. greenhouse area
Wooden compression beams take the minimal load of the construction. Bridging the canal, the metal ´floor´of the greenhouse /market/ bridge acts in compression and ends are fixed in the ground. Metal trusses take most of the load where the bridge is at its highest, along the middle section of the canal and its quays. A tensile metal structure follows the directional lines and works together with the wooden columns and beams to make a strong structure allowing for strong winds and heavy rain. This structure also transports water for irrigation to the greenhouse area.
The structure talks a language of water, waves, streams, inlets and outlets - flow.
Roof and climatic shelter.
Wooden roof beams take the load and create a structure that directs rainwater into the wooden bassin while stabilizing for a strong structure by the windy GĂśta Ă„lv.
A transparent solarcell-cladded climate shelter create microclimates for the greenhouse. The scale of the roof sheets reappear in outer walls and parting walls, creating a body, a whole.
The roof structure transports rainwater to the bassins below and imitates wavetops. The transparent solarcell coated roof covering mimics reflection of water.
Bridging the canal, the scheme of the roofbeams distribute rainwater fall-off to the wooden bassin and creates an undulating roof layer seen from the higher buildings at its sides.
Roof mimicking top of waves, of movement of a whole, of water. Experienced from inside, it changes appearence and spatial properies by every step taken.
The seamless transcendings between roof and wall contrubute to the feeling of a whole.
Contact with water is constantly experienced when crossing the bridge or strolling the market, both on the greenhouse marketbridge and the watermarket below. The connection with water is further promoted by a windling path along the structure and its elevation towards GĂśta Ă„lv.
Away from wind, the side towards Rosenlund offer windless places to meet close mirrors of water that underly the structure. greenhouse market bridge watermarket
A language of streams, forces, surges and waves.
The inlet to Rosenlund is visible through structure. Contact with water connects the structure to the aquaponic activity of the Bridgemarket, and to the harbor, at this place in the City.
# Water
Reflections, play of light, mirroring, water inside to outside, the structure connects to the activity pursued inside - aquaponic farming. Growing in water, the inside is a space of dripping, streaming wet humidity. This activity is ongoing 24 hours a day, lightening up the area when dark, announcing its prescence in an area hitherto dark and obscure close to the industrial thermal power station. The developing housing area to the northeast gets a safe passway from city to home and city boundary is thereby pushed towards the harbor and City water. Public transport by water - the waterline - is here getting a lit-up entrance to City center as well as transport barges delivering goods.
# Water
The wooden floor laid out on the embankment is reccuringly filled with water and acts as a mirror enhancing the play of light at night.
# Water / Waliking paths.
# Walkingpaths
As wood, floated in water, takes on a natural pattern created by surface tension and forces of currents, the appearance of this bridge is featured by movement of natural flowing passage.
Flowing movement.
This is achieved by the placement of a flow of wooden bridges laid out on top of the structural metal foundation holding the directions over the canal and towards or from GĂśta Ă„lv, opening up the former barrier between city and sea. The placement of passing bridges has a natural rythm and pattern due following structural forces and a wish to create exciting movement trails close water, enhancing the feeling of nature, water, growth, passing by natural footpaths.
directions and head movements
metal structure
passing bridges Finding one´s next step at windling walking paths along the water, mimicking water in movement. Flowing material
# Structural openess and sections / Microclimates. The structure opens up between City and Göta Älv. Structural directions that opens towards Göta Älv and City are fixed, as well as passing bridges spanning the canal. Space inside the climatic shelter can be adjusted along needs for a variety of microclimatic conditions. Walls are easily set up between columns, metal tubes and pipes.
Open space allows a variety of different arrangements inside. Climatic sheltering The structure allows a variety of sections which can be set up between fixed columns, outer walls and roof. Temperature and moisture can thereby be adjusted for differing needs. The roofing with transparent solarcells, and the walls, let light flush spaces from all directions. When hot, the Greenhouse is cooled by chilled air from pipes cooled by water at Göta Älv. fixed - inside non-fixed fixed - outside roof shelter
Four main walls are hung and attached at wooden beams directing the structure outwards/inwards Göta Älv. Except these fixed walls, several partitions can be set up allowing different climatic conditions. People pass and leave these sections where passing bridges run through. Walls towards Göta Älv and City can be opened up at market-time.
The bridge and gate is also a Hydroponic Greenhouse and Market, where food is produced at the same spot as its sold off. Its a bridge which is a place. Static but also in transient condition. It directs passing movement through windling passages while inviting to stay, pause and hang around. Passages are narrow and encourage encountering. The Gatemarket is an urban spot for social gathering. At the market, there´s a flow of people passing, selling, buying, bargaining, spending time by the Göta Älv in contact with water. The Greenhouse Market is a lightweight construction meeting the events of flooding and lowering of water levels.
G REENHOUSE Sequences / Movement / Greenhouse area The hydroponic farmland on the bridge is a repetition of the whole modern hydroponic landscape developed in the City Gรถteborg. Casettes of farming spaces create interesting walkpaths between greenery, over the hydroponic system and over the floating Bridge Market and the sluices, where farming products are taken. The system and design makes the process of growing, farming, selling and buying locally on spot or transporting by water, in an environmentally conscious way, appearent.
Gรถteborg waterways and aquaponic farmland
water management
urban aqualponic farmland Bassin cassettes hold water under the passages, where they are connected to the construction and enforce structural strength. Cassettes can be installed easily and taken away for various plan layouts.
Movement through equence
G R E E N H O U S E / growing
G R E E N H O U S E / movement
Cassettes of growing areas nurtured by water entering the structure in a controlled manner through irrigation pipes and streamlets. The moisture level is taken care of by pipes also acting as structural members. Walking through the structure is inspired by movement in nature - trails, and windling paths.
G REENHOUSE Passing through greenary/ microclimates.
interior openess
G R E E N H O U S E / movement
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (selected pieces) BY JULES VERNES The last week of the month had not arrived when the trunks, classified according to their varieties and specific gravity, were symmetrically arranged on the bank of the Amazon, at the spot where the immense jangada was to be guilt—which, with the different habitations for the accommodation of the crew, would become a veritable floating village—to wait the time when the waters of the river, swollen by the floods, would raise it and carry it for hundreds of leagues to the Atlantic coast. The first layer was entirely composed of trunks laid side by side. A little interval had to be left between them, and they were bound together by transverse beams, which assured the solidity of the whole. “Piaçaba” ropes strapped them together as firmly as any chain cables could have done. This material, which consists of the ramicles of a certain palm-tree growing very abundantly on the river banks, is in universal use in the district. Piaçaba floats, resists immersion, and is cheaply made— very good reasons for causing it to be valuable, and making it even an article of commerce with the Old World. Above this double row of trunks and beams were disposed the joists and planks which formed the floor of the jangada, and rose about thirty inches above the load water-line. The bulk was enormous, as we must confess when it is considered that the raft measured a thousand feet long and sixty broad, and thus had a superificies of sixty thousand square feet. They were, in fact, about to commit a whole forest to the Amazon. This was carefully made of weather-boarding, saturated with boiling resin, and thus rendered watertight throughout.
From the basement to the roof it was literally covered with foliage. A confused mass of orchids, bromelias, and climbing plants, all in flower, rooted in boxes of excellent soil hidden beneath masses of verdure. The trunk of some ficus or mimosa was never covered by a more startlingly tropical attire. What whimsical climbers—ruby red and golden yellow, with variegated clusters and tangled twigs—turned over the brackets, under the ridges, on the rafters of the roof, and across the lintels of the doors! They had brought them wholesale from the woods in the neighborhood of the fazenda. A huge liana bound all the parasites together; several times it made the round of the house, clinging on to every angle, encircling every projection, forking, uniting, it everywhere threw out its irregular branchlets, and allowed not a bit of the house to be seen beneath its enormous clusters of bloom. “It would not take much to make us plant trees on the jangada,” said Benito. “Oh, trees!” ejaculated Minha. “Why not?” replied Manoel. “Transported on to this solid platform, with some good soil, I am sure they would do well, and we would have no change of climate to fear for them, as the Amazon flows all the time along the same parallel.” “Besides,” said Benito, “every day islets of verdure, torn from the banks, go drifting down the river. Do they not pass along with their trees, bushes, thickets, rocks, and fields, to lose themselves in the Atlantic eight hundred leagues away? Why, then, should we not transform our raft into a floating garden?” “Would you like a forest, miss?” said Fragoso, who stopped at nothing.’
# T H E F L O A T I N G M A R K E T / unloading spaces for barges / merchandizing area. The floating market consists of a narrower wooden bridge in the middle of the two-parted sluice, smaller passage bridges and barges entering the sluice with hydroponic goods. Barges enter the Watermarket area at Greenhouse bridge. They enter each side of the long stretched wooden bridge, and the smaller passage bridges can be unfolded and attach to the quay to let people enter the floating market. The market is flowing. It opens with the barges entering, closes and disappears, re-opens, closes. .
adjustment to water levels Footbridges reaching the marketbridge, and the barges carrying goods, are following water levels rising and falling in the sluice. The passage bridge is attached to the bottom and to the sides of the sluice but can move freely up and down with the water. Smaller footbridges can be undfolded from the passage bridge to attach to the quay.
# Facades and openess The structure is clad with a translucent climatic shelter, a glass facade lit up from inside by a LED system. The appearance of the structure is thereby changing by how it´s used over time. Doors, bridges, passages and the roof that spans the whole structure, not only the climatic sensitive areas, work together to give this structure an open, transparent appearance, while responding to the need to create microclimates inside.
Inside and outside are negotiated and space outside the shelter is ment to be used. Here are walkways, wooden decks to enjoy the quay, and view, plants that thrive outside and market area. The connection sea, harbour and city is promoted by creating these places along the structure to hang out and see through.