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KINDNESS starts YOU with
She very much enjoys Pajama Day, so she wore a pair of pj’s that she wore going to Eastern Washington. Genesis Holdaway’s (‘25) third favorite spirit day is, in fact, Pajama Day; and she was lucky enough to have teachers that allowed her to nap in her cozy pj’s. “I enjoy pajama day think more than most spirit days,” said Holdaway, “but that would rank third [before bring-anything-but-a-backpack day and stuffed animal day].”
For the school’s Bring-Anything-But-a-Backpack day, he walked carrying his things in a cargo net from the mines. Keldon George (‘25) went by his initial plan for the eccentric spirit day by borrowing from his dad a large net used to transport supplies by helicopter to the mines. “I felt cool,” said George, “because nobody else has a cargo net, and do.”
After she discovered that her and a former student had a similar t-shirt, bought around the same time, they both decided to twin for Spirit Week. Ms. Chappel and Ms. Herman bought their shirts, which both almost identically say “Good Vibes”. “It was weird that we both bought them without talking to each other,” said Chappel, “and then on Twin Day, we got to wear our shirts.”