1 minute read

winning through WELLNESS

For nationals, the medical team was instructed by EMTs in the Los Angeles area. Two weeks before nationals, the anatomage team placed top 8 in state. To Tanner Kruse (‘25) however, the best part about nationals was spending the trip with his friends. The team got interviewed in front of a camera as well, as if they were to advance, their interviews would have been shown on screen. “[I] just sat and talked in front of the camera…” said Kruse, “It felt great, [had a] nice talk to the guy, and it was good fun.”

Last year, the Eagle Med team placed a whopping third in Nationals, so they got invited this year to compete; the team practiced all year for the event. Conner Tolzman (‘25) joined the club because he was in the class and enjoyed what he was learning. He wants to be a physical therapist or athletic trainer for a professional sports team. The team placed 5th in the nation. “We were in one of the lessons they had at nationals about CPR and first aid”


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