Despite the high visibility of the department, Judge Haines has operated Department 501 in most egregious and corrupt manner. If he is permitted to not follow the law, justice suffers as he in effect runs his own monarchy. To give an example, before a tenant can be evicted, there are legal procedures that any landlord must follow. The first thing is that they owner must issue a 3-Day Notice which must comply with strict requirements of law. Then, they must wait for the 3-Day period to expire; and then file an Eviction Action. A tenant normally has a right to discovery and jury trial. Upon conclusion of the trial, the determination is made, which is enforced by the Judge. In other words, the edict did not match what the law requires to be addressed. This is a problem. And my sister is afro American and a woman, and I don’t know if this mattered or not, but it is another sensitivity. Read more here