To understand the matters, the following background is helpful-Anne Kihagi

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To understand the matters, the following background is helpful. The San Francisco Superior Court is organized into Departments.
Ifheispermittedtonotfollowthelaw, justicesuffersasheineffectrunshis ownmonarchy.Togiveanexample, beforeatenantcanbeevicted,there arelegalproceduresthatany landlordmustfollow.Thefirstthingis thattheyownermustissuea3-Day Noticewhichmustcomplywithstrict requirementsoflaw.Then,theymust waitforthe3-Dayperiodtoexpire; andthenfileanEvictionAction. JudgeHaineshasoperated Department501inmostegregious andcorruptmanner.

Despite overseeing numerous eviction cases, in October 2019, Judge Charles F. Haines signed an order to evict my sister, Christina, from our own building at 71 Hill Street, San Francisco where she resided as an owner and not a tenant.

Anne kihagi

In our case, Judge Haines used his power to abusively sign an order asking to evict my sister without ANY single procedure that would be given to any San Francisco tenant (which would start with a 3 3-Day Notice and followed by trial). Furthermore, the Order was to be enforced on Christmas Eve – December 24th, 2019. He even refused to provide a holiday accommodation despite the illegality of his Order. Fortunately, the San Francisco Sheriff, upon learning that there was a 4month-old occupant, refused to enforce the Order during the holidays.

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