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4 profile



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Kannawidan Festival 2018 street dancing competition (photo by Jasper A. Espejo)


egion I is rich with culture and tra-

spend the money they earned more wisely. This

They will do whatever it takes to en-

dition and in this article, I will in-

behavior is heavily affected by their environ-

sure a better future for their children.

troduce you to some of their traits

ment and the state of their living. As a matter

know them better and to know what, why, and

of fact, their homeland in Ilocos region is situ-

The wedding tradition

how things are done differently in their region.

ated between the barren lands of the Cordille-

Panagpudno (formal announcement) is made

Ilocano’s are generally or “Bain” as what

ra mountain ranges and the South China Sea.

by the groom to the parents of his soon to be

they call it, they have this sense of shame

A land blessed with agricultural benefi ts, but

bride about his intention of marrying their

(amor propio) or fear of being a topic for gos-

with the rapid growth of population every year

daughter. Then both parents of the bride and

siping hence they prefer to be humble (pa-

it is not enough to support and contain them.

groom will meet to set the date of the wedding.

nagdaw) to avoid being envied by others.

Considering that they very far to the cen-

Usually, the parents consult a “planetario” (al-

Native Ilocanos are commonly a weaver,

ter of trade industry, it is a struggle for them

manac) to pick the best day for the wedding.

wood carver and an expert in pottery. Their

to deliver their products which are mainly

Britor is another wedding tradition where

native cuisines are the vegetable broth called

fruits and vegetable because it takes hours

the guests contributes money to the newly-

“dinengdeng”, the sticky “tinubong”, “po-

to get to the capital and when they get there,

weds by either dropping them in a plate or pin-

qui-poqui” (eggplant salad) and the exotic dish

the fruits and vegetable are no longer fresh.

ning the money into the clothes of the couple.

called “abu-os” which is made on ant eggs.


Ilocanos prefer to be simple rather than being all fancy, they are also hardworking and


these the


situations traits

have of



The death tradition A piece of ‘Atong wood is burned in fvront

empathetic. They are mostly known for being

On valuing education

stingy or “kuripot”, although it may seem like

It is common in most Asian countries to value

ment about the death of the family member.

a negative description, they just consider be-

education because they think it is their only

The fi re is kept burning until after the buri-

ing called “kuripot” as a joke among Filipinos.

option to have a better life. Ilocanos are no

al and then extinguished by white wine.

different, they are industrious not only in the

Before the body is buried the family members

fi elds but also in schools. Many people there are

pays respect either by kissing the deceased’s

Ilocanos prefer to be simple rather than be-

literate because their parents are very passion-

hands or putting its hand to the forehead (mano).

ing all fancy, they are also hardworking and

Being stingy (kuripot)

of the deceased house to make announce-

ate and would do all just to send their children

After burial, the guests and family mem-

empathetic. They are known for being stingy

to school and eventually a proper university.

bers must take another route from the one they

or “kuripot”, although it may seem like a neg-

All of this is due to the struggles their par-

have already taken to get back to the deceased’s

ative description, they just consider being

ents experienced, they want to provide better

home and upon arrival, they must wash their

called “kuripot” as a joke among Filipinos.

opportunities for their children other than

faces to remove the said “power of death”.

They value money so much that most

staying in the fi elds and working hard under

people see them as stingy, but in fact

the heat of sun just to provide to their families.

they are just being practical and want to

8 places



Paoay Sand Dunes

Paoay, Ilocos Norte


an 88 sq km parched paradise lies adjacent to Suba Beach and one of the two most popular sand dunes sites in Ilocos Norte

Burgos, Ilocos Norte

It means white in the local dialect, which is very apt due to the color of the rock formations. The formation is surrounded by the West Philippine Sea.

Bangui Windmills Bangui, Ilocos Norte

(a.k.a. NorthWind Bangui Bay Project) It is a project by the NorthWind Development Corporation as a “practice renewable energy sources and to help reduce the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.�



Bantay Church Bell Tower

Bantay, Ilocos Sur

This baroque-gothic style church was built by Augustinian Friars in 1590, it is considered as one of the oldest churches in Ilocos Sur.

Calle Crisologo Vigan, Ilocos Sur

(a.k.a. Mena Crisologo Street) A street lined with Spanish-style houses and other heritage houses belonged to prominent families in the ancient period.

Pinsal Falls

Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur

an 85-foot waterfall considered as the largest and grandest ones in the whole of Ilocos Region. Behind the main falls is a hidden cave where one can swim from.



Cape Bolinao Lighthouse

Bolinao, Pangasinan

This 100-year old lighthouse was erected in 1905 by the Filipino, American and British architects and stands 107-meter tall.

Hundred Islands Alaminos, Pangasinan

(a.k.a. Kapulo-puloan or Taytay-Bakes) A total of 124 islands are dispersed along the Lingayen Gulf but one gets submerged in water during high tide.

Sunflower Maze Tayug, Pangasinan

(a.k.a. the Tayug Eco Park) The Maze presents flowers of differents kind but is only open from February to June due to seasonal changes. Taoist temple, built in 1975, is named after a Chinese deity known as the Goddess of the Sea. This is the reason why the temple is positioned facing the South China Sea.



Baluarte Tower

Luna, La Union

This is a 400-year old national treasure with a 5.6-meter tall tower built to protect the Spanish colonizers against the Japanese, Chinese, and Moro pirates.

UrbiztondoBeach San Juan, La Union

This beach is famous for surfing community, (also the aspiring ones and try-outs) and party goers at beach night.

MaChoTemple San Fernando, La Union

This Taoist temple, built in 1975, is named after a Chinese deity known as the Goddess of the Sea. This is the reason why the temple is positioned facing the South China Sea.



18 tradition

20 tradition



22 food

A WALK THROUGH THE HISTORY OF ILOCOS EMPANADA The Ilocos empanada reflects history itself, since it is inspired by the Spanish empanada. Empanada is a typical snack that originated from Spain and its former Latin American colonies. An empanada is made with wheat flour and stuffed with meat, carrots, corn, cheese, and/or peppers. There’s a lot of variation with the stuffings, depending on the ingredients available in the area. As is often the case with any cultural exchange, the Spanish empanada has been modified to fit the local area’s culture and traditions. Since rice, longanisa (ground pork and molded into sausage links), papaya, mung beans, and eggs are abundant in Ilocos, these ingredients are used for the local empanada. And since baking is not a traditional way of cooking in ‘locos, the empanadas are deep-fried rather than baked. Making the Ilocos empanada is both an art and science, with many attesting to how difficult It is to make It is such a sight to behold to see the Ilocos empanada artisans creating each empanada by hand, and producing every piece into precision. The Ilocos empanada is indeed a jewel of the region, The making of an empanada is a craft on its own that must be passed from generation to generation to stay alive.



24 food



26 food

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