Elementary My Dear Watson

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Cover art by Faith Lustig

Writing Mystery & Detective Stories Fall 2019 Formulas for Fiction 1st Quarter Compass Homeschool Classes

Formulas for Fiction: Writing Mystery & Detective Stories Instructor: Anne Sharp Grade Range: 6th - 9th

In September, we began with an overview of mystery and detective fiction. Mysteries tend to be a little “softer”, while detective fiction can have an “edge”. We also talked about observation and deductive reasoning and how sleuths and detectives operate in a world of logic, reason—scientific analysis. Edgar Allan Poe created the first detective, C. August Dupin. From Dupin, we moved to Sherlock Holmes and the refinement of the detective character, then to Agatha Christie for her long-lived career and creation of the serial mystery. She holds the Guinness Book of World Records list as the best-selling novelist of all time, third to Shakespeare and The Bible, with 2 billion copies of her 66 novels sold around the world. As testament to the popularity of the mystery genre, we analyzed how sleuths and “the police detective” permeated popular culture and drifted down to kids and teens. We examined Dick Tracy, The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew and talked about “pseudonyms” and “ghost writing”. We finished with a look at how technology and science have changed crime solving procedures and how modern detectives use forensics to create a whole new approach to a long-loved genre of fiction. Through our journey into this genre, we examined the basic elements of a story: plot, setting, character, conflict. Some of our writing was begun in class, but we only met once a week, for an hour, for eight weeks (8 total hours of class time). And, along the way, we created our own detectives and mystery/crime plots. Here they are! Enjoy! Anne Sharp October 18, 2019

Compass Homeschool Enrichment Compass Homeschool Enrichment offers Northern Virginia homeschool families a menu of high quality extracurricular and enrichment classes to supplement the core academic material taught at home. All classes are taught by qualified outside instructors who teach multiple levels of interesting, experiential classes in science, technology, languages, history, art, music and more. Classes are taught in Oakton on Wednesdays in a 4-quarter, 30-week academic year. For more information on Compass Homeschool Enrichment, contact: Jenny Grove-Bradshaw P.O. Box 21 Centreville, VA 20122 Phone: 703-544-5332 Email: admin@compassclasses.com


Thrilling Fiction from Compass Homeschool Enrichment

Formulas for Fiction: Writing Mystery & Detective Stories Fall 2019

Elementary My Dear Watson Table of Contents

p. 5

The Kidnapping…………………………….…...by Ameen Hassan

p. 15

Jake King, P.I……………………...…………………..........by Faith Lustig

p. 31

The Thief.....................................................by Haidar Murtada



The Kidnapping By Ameen Hassan Age 11/7th grade

“Counsel to order, everyone quiet down. At this meeting of the detective counsel I have important news. Today, Yusef, our detective for 10 years, is reported missing and hasn't reported in for 5 days. His last mission was checking out a company that helped distribute electricity to residents of the town. This company mysteriously shut down. Hernandez, your mission is to find Yusef by checking in to the same hotel and looking around town. You may leave now.” I left Brazil to head toward Spain at about 2 o'clock am and I arrived at about 12pm. When I arrived at the city I was surprised at how rundown the town was. Most of the houses were missing shingles; one of the houses didn’t even have a roof! As I drove toward the hotel, I saw many people selling produce like carrots and cucumbers, so it seemed like today was market day.


As I arrived at the hotel, I noticed that it was very small and rundown. When I got in the hotel, I noticed that it was very dirty and grimy with only one couch that seemed like it was sat in one too many times. The carpet was all messed up and I would have picked a different hotel except this was the only one in town. I walked up to the clerk who was a middle-aged man with a goatee. He was wearing a blue tattered jacket. He was slouched on his desk and he did not seem to have much business. I was surprised he even had a computer! As I signed in, I noticed that there were only 10 rooms and only 4 were taken. I decided to take the room at the end of the hallway so I would avoid suspicion. After signing in (I put the fake name Herbert Grove so I would avoid detection), I went to my room at the end of the hallway and opened the door. Inside was a small dusty room with one bed, and directly opposite, the door of the bathroom with the sink outside. It seemed that the room hadn't been used for a while. I unpacked my bag and pulled out my cat carrier and out came Sanchez, my cat. “Mew.� I sighed and fed him some food. I unpacked my stuff (a toothbrush, toothpaste, my clothes, a few cans of cat food, and my radio and walkie talkie). A detective never carries too much in case of having to leave on short notice. I felt tired after a long flight, so I got in my bed and took a nap. I woke up 2 hours later hearing a loud noise next door.


I quickly rushed outside my room, and I saw a man wearing a blue jacket rush down the stairs, but he had too much of a lead, so I didn't bother giving chase. Instead, I knocked on the door of the room next to mine, but no one answered, so I tried the handle and it was unlocked. I opened the door and inside was a man, and he was dead. And I couldn't help feeling that this was meant for me. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the police. A couple minutes later one officer arrived and started to investigate the crime scene. I showed him my detective badge. “So…you say you are a detective?” “Yes, I am a detective you may have heard of me. My name is Hernandez and I have solved many crimes.” “No, I have never heard of you.” “Really? Ok, anyway let's look at the crime scene.” The room seemed like it was not messed up. There were no papers scattered around the room, no stuff all over the floor, and the only evidence of a murder was that the man’s desk had a sheet of paper that was ripped in half. There was a drawing on the paper that seemed like a landscape with trees and houses. But it was messed up and looked like the artist got surprised and accidentally smudged it.


“What I think happened here was that the murderer killed the man but then saw that he got the wrong person because this man was an artist so he ripped the paper and ran away” “So then who do you think the murderer was trying to kill?” “Me, because I am investigating a case here and the murderer is probably involved in that case and is trying to stop me from investigating.” “That is a big guess, but I agree that the murderer did get the wrong person. But did you see the murderer?” “No, I just saw his jacket; it was blue and very tattered.” “Well then let us go downstairs and see who has a blue jacket.” We went down the stairs and saw the clerk sitting at his desk wearing a blue tattered jacket. “Well, I think we have the murderer,” said the policeman. “Let's make sure,” I replied. We walked up to the clerk and started to question him. “Where were you twenty minutes ago and did you have your jacket on?” I asked.


“At the restaurant next door, but when I left, I took off my jacket and hung it up here because it is hot outside.” “But then why are you wearing the jacket again?” “Because this air conditioning is too cold. But when I tried to tell the manager he said to stop complaining.” I noticed that it was a bit cold inside. So that meant he was telling the truth. But we asked him a couple more questions. “Who else would stay here and wait?” “The bellboy.” So, we walked over to the bellboy, a teenager who was outside waiting. He told us that when he went to fill in for the clerk, the jacket was gone. But when he went to use the bathroom and came back, the coat was there again. So we asked him who was in the lobby when he went to the bathroom, and he said the man that is in room six. And he said that he was going shopping and he was carrying a bag. So, we went to room six and knocked on the door but no one answered. So we knocked again, but again no answer. In my pocket, I had lock-picking tools so we managed to unlock the door.


When we opened the door, we saw a messed up room with an unmade bed and a desk. When I looked around, I saw a piece of paper under the desk. When I read the paper, it seemed like a messed up note that was accidently left behind. The note read: I snuck into the room that I was told to and killed the person. But when I saw that the man was an artist I realized that I had the wrong person. So I am going back to headquarters. “That's interesting,” I remarked. “Yes, that's a big clue. Though we only have to figure out where headquarters is,” the policeman replied. “Well, do you know about the building that helped distribute electricity to the residents of the town?” “Yes, the one that mysteriously shut down.” “Yes, that one. I think that's the building they called headquarters.” “Ok, we should head there now. If we leave later, they will get more cautious.” “I agree.” We got in the police car (he let me bring Sanchez), then we drove to the building. It was only a 5-minute drive, so we arrived a short while later.


It was not a very big building. It was only one-story tall, and it wasn't very wide. It had a chain fence around it, but the entryway was open so we drove in. “When we looked inside the building after it shut down, it was empty,” the policeman remarked. Then we parked the car and we got out. As we walked into the building we coming from below us, though we could distinguish what they were saying. We building for a way down, but we could traces of people living there.

heard voices not searched the not find

The building had about four rooms, but they were all empty. It seemed like when the electricity company left they took everything. Then I heard Sanchez meow. I quickly ran to where I heard the sound and I saw Sanchez pawing at the ground. I looked and I saw a trap door that was about the same color as the ground. I called the policeman, and together we opened the trap door and saw a ladder leading to a light at the bottom. As we started to climb down (Sanchez could not climb down the ladder so he stayed on top waiting for us), we heard Sanchez meow and the next thing we knew, we heard a voice saying, “put your hands up.” We quickly looked up and saw a young man with a trimmed beard pointing a gun at us. “Keep climbing down the ladder.”


We quickly obeyed and climbed down the ladder. What we saw at the bottom was a room with lamps lit on the walls, and four men seated on chairs around a table. “Look what I found. Two people sneaking around with their cat.” All the men at the table turned to look at us. “Good work, Riccardo.” “We will take it from here.” The men got up and walked over to us. They were all wearing yellow hats and blue polo shirts, except for the man who spoke. He was wearing a red hat and a blue shirt and he had a scarred face with a grizzly beard. He looked at me and said, “You are Hernandez, right?” “How did you know?” “ Ha ha ha! I was listening to the whole council meeting. I put a listening device there before the meeting began.” “So you are the one who kidnapped Yusef?” “Yes, that was me. I to try and kill you, person I told him to you have fallen into

also sent one of my henchmen but after he got the wrong leave the note as bait and now my trap. Ha ha ha!”


“Actually no, you have fallen into my trap,” I remarked. And from above, we heard: “This is the police. Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up!” “We are down here!” I yelled. As the police were coming down the ladder, I explained, “When I read the note I knew that this was too obvious, so the policeman with me called the other police and told them that if we did not come out of the building in 15 minutes they were to come in the building and investigate.” Then the policemen came and handcuffed the henchman and their captain and Riccardo. And the police told me that this was a gang of robbers that they were trying to catch for a long time. After searching the place, we found Yusef bound with ropes in a different room. So after taking him to the hospital, and the doctor saying he was fine, we went to the police station.


At the police station, the captain of the henchmen explained that the company that distributed electricity wasn’t doing very well in business because their prices were too high, so the captain approached the company and offered to buy the building, and the company agreed and shut down. Then the captain and his henchmen moved in secretly and built the trapdoor with the room under it, but when they heard that Yusef was investigating, they kidnapped him so he would not figure that they used the place as a hideout. After everything, Sanchez, Yusef, and I flew back to Brazil to attend the detective meeting and there, I got a medal of honor for rescuing Yusef. After the meeting, Sanchez and I went home to wait for another case‌


Jake King, P.I. By Faith Lustig Age 13, Grade 8

Jake King, P.I., was mad. At what he still didn't know. But it just felt like one of those days. It had gone bad right from the start. First, Barry Clark, his annoyingly loyal secretary, gave him his morning statistics of how many cases Jake had solved in the past month, and how much money Jake had made in that time. This wasn't usually bad but due to the fact that the number was zero… it was one of the reasons for Jake’s bad mood. He had been in a slump for almost four weeks; unless you count “The Case of the Lost Lunch”. (Spoiler alert: it was in Barry stomach.) Jake was also grumpy for lack of his usually gigantic amount of caffeine. Barry had a cold and had sneezed in the coffee. Shortly after this, he sent Barry home. Jake figured he may as well just go get his own coffee, knowing that it wasn't likely that he would miss anything. The city of Greensburg was small, at least compared to other cities. Jake lived in a small apartment above his office, making his commute a rather short one. Jake’s office was on Casanel street, a few blocks away from the beloved coffee shop, Bailey’s. Jake stepped into the early morning light, the tall buildings making the shadows long and dark. The golden light streamed through the cracks in the gate in-between his building, and the brick one next to it. As Jake walked down the street, he thought. He wondered how much longer he could go without a case. He was already on the verge of snapping. Deep in thought, he almost passed right by the shop. He pulled open the door to the tiny cafe, almost knocking over a


small, nervous man in the process. The man stammered something like an apology. Jake gave him a look and got in line. At six-foot-four, Jake was pretty intimidating; his scowl not helping his looks much either. Once you got past the whole mildly terrifying part of his appearance, it was plain to see that he was attractive. He had messy, dark brown hair, wore a trench coat, that, although dirty was clearly fine quality. His fedora, tipped at a smart angle, cast a shadow over his greengray eyes that made him even scarier. When Jake got to the counter he ordered his usual, one everything bagel with cream cheese, and one extra-large coffee, black, of course. He sat down at a small table by the front window while he waited. His food didn't take long, and soon he was gulping down the giant, steaming cup of coffee. He ate the bagel thoughtfully. He had always loved the everything bagel at Bailey’s. It had been his breakfast every day for the past five years. He was a regular, although Barry usually got his breakfast and coffee. Jake came usually around lunch or at midnight, just before they closed. Just when Jake’s mood was lightening (his scowl had changed to a frown, thanks to the coffee), a police car passed by in the street. This instantly made his countenance grow dark. That’s because, this reminded him of two things. (1.) That he didn't have a case, and (2.) That his annoyingly perfect older (and favored over him) brother, a police officer, probably did. Now, Jake didn't always hate his brother. No, in fact there was a time when they loved each other. Jake had looked up to his older brother. Nevertheless, things went downhill fast. But that’s a story for another time. Jake couldn't take it anymore. If a case wasn't going to come to him, he was going to go to it. He set down his empty coffee mug, got up, and left. He walked swiftly


back to his office and found a very distraught-looking woman standing on his doorstep. He walked up to her. She spoke. “You’re Jake King, right?” “I am…” “Ah! Wonderful!” “And it’s wonderful because?” “Because I need your help.” Jake was stunned. At first, he thought she was joking. He was beginning to think he would never get a case. But then he remembered. She hadn't even said what is was exactly that she needed help with. For all he knew, she could just be looking for a lost cat or something. “Soooooo…. Are we just gonna stand here or are you going to help me?” she said. “Oh! Ah, yes, of course! Sorry. What is it you needed help with Mrs.- Um… What is your name, exactly?” Jake rambled. “It’s Miss, actually. And it’s Jane, Jane Morton.” she said, a little caught off guard by his stature. “I need your help with a very important case.” “And what case is that?” said Jake, rather impatiently. “My brother’s been kidnapped.” ………………………………………………


Jake led the way into the small office. He sat down in his big chair, motioning Jane to the one across from it. “So how long ago did this happen?” Jake asked. “Almost two weeks; at least from when I talked to him last.” “It’s been two weeks? Haven't you reported this to the police?” “I almost did. But considering the reason he’s missing… I think I’d just be getting him into more trouble.” “What exactly is that reason?” “Well, starting a few months ago, Mitch got a job at a casino. When he first told me, I knew it was trouble. There’s always something shady going on at those places. But he needed a job, and he had been looking for months, so he took it. At first, things were fine. But there was something going on there. I believe it’s a front for the Carrelli crime family. Victor Carrelli, the leader, is known for his shady dealings. I told Mitch to get out of there, but I think he saw something he wasn't supposed to, and then the Carrelli’s took him to keep him quiet. I’m afraid of what they might do to him! He’s just a kid, a good one. I don't want the police involved in case the Carrelli’s try to frame him, but I really need your help!” Jake had dealt with the Carrelli’s before. He had chased off some of Victor’s goons, after they had roughed up a arms dealer Jake had been after. “So you need me to rescue him?” Jake wasn't really sure how he was going to go about this. “I know it’s dangerous, but there really isn't anyone else I can turn to!”


“Don’t worry. I’ll do it. I just need a plan. And as much as I hate to say it… I need Barry.” …….……………………………………… “THIS IS SO COOL! Our first case in weeks and its a damsel in distress! Was she hot? Single? Possibly looking for a handsome, strong, debonair detective?” They sat in Jake’s office, a hour or so after his meeting with Jane. He had called Barry, and the second Barry heard they had a case, he was there. “Barry, I don't want to date her. I want to find her brother.” “I know you don’t! Your idea of a fun Friday night consists of hanging out with your dog and eating Chinese food. I was talking about me!” “Barry. How many times do I have to tell you. You. Are. Not. A. Detective! And what wrong with Bruno?” “Sigh. Well, never mind. What is it exactly you called me here for again?” “Ugh. Okay. So she said her brother got mixed up with the Carrelli’s. He might of found out something he shouldn't have, but, long story short- he’s missing.” “THE CARRELLI’S?!! Oh boy not good not good…” “Relax, I’ve dealt with them before.” “Well I haven’t! I heard they killed a few arms dealers, bankers, and spies from other companies. I’m not going anywhere near that place!” “You don't have to.”


“Then why am I here?” “Because I need you to help me think of a way in.” “Fine. Hmmm…. Do you think they know who you are?” “They shouldn’t. They probably know my name, but they haven't seen me.” “Okay… That means you need a name. How about… James Marshall? Not bad right?” “Not terrible. But know we need to figure out how to get in. Any ideas? We can’t just walk in there.” “You know what? I think that’s exactly what were gonna do.” ………………………………………………… “Are you sure this will work?” Jake whispered into his watch radio, Barry on the other end. “Trust me. It’ll work. Okay, so I hacked into their security cameras, I should be able to give you instructions on where to go, who’s who, and stuff.” Jake was wearing a black suit with a black bow tie, standing out prominently against the stark white of his neat white shirt. He looked pretty good, his tall, muscular figure filling out the suit well. Jake walked through the wide doors into the extravagant ballroom. A large crystal chandelier hung above him. The dark room was filled with people. The women in long dresses, their gold and silver jewelry shining in the light of the chandelier, the men, young and old, in dapper suits. Jake assumed most of them to either be playboys with money to spend, or dealers looking for


the Carrelli’s business. Jake walked down the gold staircase to the main floor. “Fine. So now that I’m past the entrance, what do I do?” Jake said quietly. Barry responded through the earpiece, “Just play it cool. Don't draw suspicion, go play some poker or something.” “This isn't my first casino mission, Barry. I meant where do you think the keep the money? Any back rooms, basements, large expensive penthouses, you know, stuff like that? They’re probably keeping the kid with the money.” Jake snapped. “Well I’m thinking Mitch is probably being kept in one of the rooms behind the door to your left.” Jake walked to the bar and grabbed a drink. “Really, Jake? A drink? We’re on a investigation!” Barry scolded. “Hey you wanna come down here and do this yourself? Plus, you said to play it cool, this is me playing cool.” Jake said sarcastically. “NEVERMIND.” Barry said quickly. Jake strolled casually towards the door Barry had mentioned, stopping at one of the many small tables in the room, to play a game, as a way to avoid being obvious. After the quick game of poker, which Jake won, due to his awesome poker face, which looks kind of like his normal one. “So we’re sure this is the right way?” Jake whispered quietly, grabbing a cracker with some sort of fancy cheese and fruit on it, from a passing waiter’s tray, and popping it into his mouth. Jake made sure no one was


looking, then opened the door quickly, sliding through and entering unnoticed. “Hey! So we have a problem… I can’t hack the cameras in the hallway! We’re flying blind.” Barry exclaimed. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to be careful. You can still hear right? Tape everything, in case we need to use it against them.” Jake responded. He slunk down the hallway, so fancily decorated it looked like a hotel. There were a few floors, all used for games and parties, except the top floor, which is where Victor Carrelli’s private suite was. Jake continued down the long hallway, listening at the doors he passed. He heard a few men arguing about a deal in one room, and a sports game blaring in another. Jake was about turn the corner, when he ran right into three huge guards. Now, Jake was pretty big, and fast too. He boxed, and was overall pretty strong, so that says a lot of the guards, considering a few minutes later Jake was bleeding and unconscious in the alley behind the casino. They had beat him up pretty bad. Since Barry could only go by sound in the back, he figured, due to the noises of a fight, and Jake’s lack of response a few minutes later, he should go get Jake and see what happened. He checked the tracker on Jake’s watch, which showed that he was in the alley. Pretty soon Jake was in the back of Barry’s car, although it took all of Barry strength, or lack thereof, to get Jake up, and into the small car. ………………………………………………… “Well THAT didn't work.” “Thank you, Barry, for stating the obvious.” Jake growled as he bandaged his cuts. “I think we’re gonna need a better plan. I mean what were you thinking! You can’t just walk in there!”


“Barry, that was your idea.” “Oh. Right. Well, at any rate we need a new one.” “I think we need to talk to Jane again, see if there’s anything else she knows that might help us. I need you to call her. Tell her to come here. I need to go do something.” “Do what?” “You’ll see.” ……………………………………….. Jake walked down the dark alley, the cold wind blowing through his jacket. It was almost dawn, the early morning light dim. Jake had talked Jane again, although it didn't help him much. He knew he was gonna need to find some serious dirt on the Carrelli’s. He was also gonna need to make a deal. A while back, Jake had gotten mixed up with a few arms dealers who happened to hate the Carrelli’s as much as Jake did. One of them was still working in the underworld. He wasn't a bad person, in fact he was one of the better men Jake had dealt with, and one of Jake’s best friends. However, being a dealer, he was still wanted by the police. Jake knew that if he could get his friend to go undercover, he might be able to make a deal to get Mitch out. Jake came to a old pub, where he was to find Charles Erving, the man who might just be able to save Mitch. Jake walked in, strolled to the bar, and sat down. He waited only a few seconds, before Charles sat down next to him. “Hey Jake, long time no see!” “Charlie, it has been a while, hasn't it?”


A few drinks later, Jake had explained everything. Charlie had agreed, knowing that he did owe Jake a favor. The plan was to get Charlie in, make a deal that would include some illegal weapons, and while this big deal was happening, Jake would grab Mitch. They planned to record the deal and send it to the police to prove that Victor Carrelli had been doing some shady business. …………………………………….. “So how does this thing work?” Charlie said to Barry, as they stood in Jake’s office. They were setting up the camera and earpiece they were to use during the deal. “Well, during the deal you won’t be able to talk to me, but I’ll be able to hear and see everything, through the camera on your shirt collar.” “Got it. So I just walk in, make the deal, and get out?” “That’s the plan.” Jake said as he walked in. “Okay Charlie, I think we’re all set. You ready?” Barry said as he stepped back and admired his work. The camera was almost impossible to detect. “As ready as I’ll ever be. Jake, are you ready?” “Always. Let’s go. Barry, go get the van.” ……………………………………… Jake snuck in the back, and since Charlie had make sure that most of the guards were at the deal, this wasn't hard. “Okay boys. Are you in?” Barry said over the coms.


“I’m in. Walking down the corridor,” Jake responded first. “Walking in. Don't ask me anything Barry, I can’t answer now.” Charlie waltzed in the front door looking very dapper, his suit well-kept. He walked down the stairs, glancing around. He carried a briefcase, which contained a new weapon. He was escorted to the back room Jake had heard men arguing in last time. Charlie sat down at the head of the table. He had brought a few of his coworkers, all men who were happy to help bring Carrelli down. Meanwhile, Jake crept through the halls, trying to avoid guards as best he could. He had a tranquilizer gun, which he figured would keep things quiet if he ran into any guards. “Everything going okay back there, Jake?” Barry said from the van across the street. “As far as I know. How’s the deal going?” Jake continued peeking through doors. “From what I can see, Charlie is trying to get a higher price, so you’ll have more time.” “Got it. I think I’m almost there anyway.” “Sooooo… Do I get a cut of this money? I mean if he’s making it higher than there’ll be plenty for me to get som-” “Barry we’re giving this money back to the people he stole it from. Hey- I think I found him.” Jake opened the door quietly, but he soon saw the two guards sitting at a table, staring at the intruder.


“ ‘Sup?” Jake said quickly. With two quick shots, the big men slumped over, out cold. Jake ran over to Mitch, who was attempting to say something, although he was failing, due to the duct tape over his mouth. Jake ripped it off, Mitch giving off a little yelp. “Who are you and why are you saving random college kids??” “Jake King, P.I.; your sister sent us.” “Really? Cool! Do you have a gun? Do I get a gun? This is so cool! Speaking of my sister, are you guys dating?” “It’s like Barry, but a thousand times worse…” Jake grumbled as he pulled Mitch to his feet. “Hey- I heard that! Ugh. Well, Charlie, you can wrap it u-” Barry was cut off. “Um, Barry? You still there? Charlie? I think we have a problem.” ….……………………………… “I wasn't doing anything! I was just… hanging out in my van! I mean that’s what everyone does on a Friday night, ha ha am I right?” “Come on. Were taking you to the boss.” Said the big guard who was currently dragging Barry across the street. “Ha ha boss? Boss? I don't think that’s necessary. Right guys? Ha ha pleasedontkillme…” They took Barry in the back way, Barry stammering the whole time.


“Will this guy ever shut up?” Said one guard. “We could make him…” “Hahahaha what?” Barry was terrified. “Get the duct tape.” “Shutting up. SHUTTING UP.” ………………………………. “Leave it to Barry to screw things up. Mitch, go through that door, to the van outside, wait there. I need to go get Barry. Charlie, you might want to go outside too. If Barry tells the plan, you could be in trouble.” Mitch ran off, happy to be free. Jake walked down the halls, trying to find Barry. “Okay. The deal’s over, I got some good stuff on tape. as long as Barry shuts up, this might work. I’ll get the tape to the police, see if they can get here.” “Fine. But make sure you tell them this was me. Wouldn’t want my brother taking all the credit again.” “Jake, I thought you were over that!” “I am! He’s just annoying. “He’s not that bad.” “Yes, he is.” “No, he’s not.” “Well, you didn't have to live with him.” “Fine. Just go find Barry. Be careful.”


“Will do.” It didn't take Jake long to find Barry, he could hear him from halfway down the hall. “Listen guys, is all this really needed? I mean I already told you everything I know.” “We don't believe you.” Jake jumped back when he heard this voice, because it just so happened to belong to Victor Carrelli. “Oh boy.” Jake whispered to himself, out in the hall. “Do you think I’m stupid? I’m just supposed to believe you were ‘hanging out in your van’?” Carrelli boomed. “Take him out. Then beat the answer out of him.” Carrelli was about to come out and Jake had nowhere to go. Carrel walked out, right into Jake. “I thought you’d be taller.” Jake said as he shot him with a dart. “Goodnight.” He heard the police sirens wailing just outside, and people scrambling in the casino, grabbing their money and running. They were all rounded up, and Jake knocked out the rest of the guards. “Great job Barry.” “Hey, this wasn't my fault! Plus, we still got’em right? Anyways… Can I still ask his sister out? I mean she is really hot.” ………………………………………… A few weeks later, everything was sorted out. The Carrelli’s were in jail, all the money they stole was figured out, and Jake had cases again. Jane was overjoyed at getting her brother back, and everything worked itself out.


Things went back to normal. “So what’s next?” Barry asked Jake as he sat in his office, sipping a big mug of coffee. “Well, we wait for a new case.” “Hope it doesn't take as long as last time.” “We unmasked a huge crime ring, I don't think we’ll be waiting long.” “Wait. Did you just say we? I did help! Ha!” “I was talking about Charlie, but yeah, okay whatever, Barry.” “I can see it now… Barry Clark, Private Investigator… It’ll be beautiful…” “Sigh… Barry. Just go pick up lunch.” “What font though?”

Case Closed.






Haidar Murtada 8th grade, Age:13

The Thief

Mario Ferrero was enjoying his dark black coffee on a rainy morning. Until he heard a really loud knock on his door. Mario rushed to see who was knocking so loudly. He opened the door and a depressed old man was next to the door. Mario asked, “what is going on”? The old man said, “around 7:00 I woke up from a loud thump. I went downstairs feeling a bit worried and afraid I get down and the only thing I saw was a man all in black with my 500 gold coins running away from my front door. Mario didn't know what to do and how he can solve the man's problem. Mario was thinking harder and harder. Until he thought about looking back in the past years on who was a thief and would rob a lot. He remembered a man by the name of Catcher, He immediately went to his house on a dark street. He asked if he can come in and Catcher let him in they talked and talked until Mario calmly asked him a question “did you steal the gold from the old man down the street.” Catcher jumped out of his chair and said that he didn't steal not one piece of gold!! Mario replied ok and walked away. A few days later past and not one clue was shown, the old man was eating his breakfast. When he finished, he whipped his mouth washed his hands and went to work. When he opened the door, he saw a shoe on the ground and thought to himself that it probably fell off the robber's foot when he was running out of the house! The man went to Mario and said that he thinks Catcher stole his gold because Catcher has 6 toes and there is a hole on the edge of the shoe and everyone in town knows that his 6th toe sticks out of the hole. Mario said that he went to his house and asked him and he said no. The man said he is obviously a liar what more proof do you need more than this!?


Mario told him to give him the shoe. He took it and the man walked away to work. Mario went to catcher again he knocked on the door. Catcher let him in. Mario placed the shoe on the table and said: “who is this for?” ] Catcher was surprised he didn't know what to say. “Are you going to reply to me?” said Mario, Catcher said its mine. Mario immediately said that you stole the gold there is no excuse. Where is the gold! Catcher said, “I don't have it,” someone, probably put the shoe to blame it on me! You can't just accuse me! Ok Mario said, Mario walked away very unsure but still had a feeling he stole the gold. Mario was on his way home, while he was walking down the street, he saw the shoe shop that was on the other side of the street. Mario past by the shop and the cordwainer called out his name “Mario” Mario came over to him and asked what he needed. The cordwainer said, “Is it true that you think Catcher stole the gold and that the shoe that the old man saw in front of his door also true”? “Yes,” said Mario or at least that’s what I think, but why are you asking? Because yesterday Catcher came to my shoe shop and bought a new pair of shoes. “what really!?” “yeah no joke,” said the cordwainer. Mario went back to Catchers house once again, he knocked on the door. Catcher opened the door and Mario went in. where is the gold!! Said Mario. “Not again,” said Catcher. ‘Look I went to the shoe shop and the cordwainer said that you went to the shop and bought a new pair of shoes. `` At this point, Catcher didn’t have an excuse. Catcher looked to his right where he hid the bag of gold, Catcher picked up a glass cup on the table and threw it across the room to make a distraction. Mario looked at the shattered glass cup. Catcher pushed Mario and ran out of his house with the bag of gold. Mario got up ran after him and took out his grappler hook shot it and it hooked on a tree to get closer he leaped onto the next tree he got down soon he was getting closer and closer and Mario pulled Catcher from his coat and pulled him on the ground and the gold bag slipped out of his hands. Mario was about to take the bag of gold but it was too late Catcher got a thick stick and hit him on the head. And there Mario was knocked out.


Two hours later Mario woke up feeling very dizzy. He got up very sore and uncomfortable and continued to walk. while he was walking he saw brightness coming from a bush on the left Mario took a couple steps closer, He moved the spikes on the bush and he saw a very shiny bright object he picked it up and it was a golden ring. Mario was thunderstruck by how stunning the ring looked. The ring had a nice pattern around it and it also had a little bright green stone in it. Mario put the ring on his finger and continued to walk and at the same time observing the ring. Mario was getting tired of walking so he lied to his back on a tree Mario rubbed the greenstone and his whole body camouflaged as into a tree. What…what happened to me?!??? Said Mario. Mario tried rubbing the ring on different objects so that made Mario know that the ring can make him camouflage and he also found out the ring can make him get into disguise as someone else. Mario continued to walk, it was getting darker and colder and Mario didn’t know where he was. Mario kept walking until he got to a dead end, and there he spotted a wooden house. Mario hid behind a tree and peeked, he saw about five armed men, it seemed that they were a gang or something. Mario rubbed his ring to camouflage Mario blended into the tree and walked camouflaging into whatever was next to him until I got next to the house. He once again peeked he took a step and stepped on a stick SNAP! All five men looked at him. “What the heck are you doing here” “Who the heck are you”, said one of the men.Ia..I…..a..I can explain!! said Mario. Get’ um boys!! said the Gang boss. oh shoot said Mario. Mario ran really fast and at the same time used his revolver to protect himself from all the bolts from their guns Mario got shot on his shoulder dang hard. He took out his grappler hook shot it at a mountain. “Darn it we lost him,” said the gang. Mario got on the top of the mountain and was in lots of pain, but luckily it wasn’t that bad because the bolt wasn’t all the way in his shoulder. Mario took a sharp stick and plucked the bolt out “OUCH!!” Mario said. He slept on the top of the mountain for the night.


Mario woke up the next morning got up and his shoulder felt better. He got down the mountain and went back to solve the case of the 500 gold coins. he headed towards the forest to see maybe find any clues, but it was very quiet to quiet. And every time he would start walking, he felt like someone was behind him. Mario saw a really large hole on the ground with stairs he decided to go inside it was dark and there were webs everywhere and it was a bit smelly, There were also torches and puddles of water. When Mario got to the end of the stairs there was a door creek!! he opened it and he saw a bag on the floor he looked in and it was the old man’s gold! Mario couldn’t believe his eyes…no way!! He took the bag turned around and their catcher took his dagger and stabbed him in the heart.




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