Gondor Times

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Gondor Times is an independent magazine run by The Coco Plane Riders of Fiery Doom. Here at Gondor Times we put our best pieces of writing for you to read, enjoy, and share with others. We hope you are inspired to write and create pieces like these so that we can create a community of spectacular writers. Our Legendary team of writers have created 4 stunning stories for you to enjoy. Now, let the reading commence!

Gondor times

This amazing piece of writing is from the legend Nevyan Prabakar who created this terrifying masterpiece.

RAPTOR and the SURVIVAL By Nevyan Prabakar

It was a bitter cold night in Landset plains .The place was unreasonably strange .99% percent of the world population even though it was largely known for the Death Raptors . It is still an uncovered mystery of how they look .They come at night time to patrol the city and claim half of the land to them selves.Whenever a person walks outside idle at night they are killed by the Death Raptors. There are no signs of evidence whatsoever . After sometime they came out in the morning and were more recognizable .

Images taken by NINE LL

It had razor sharp teeth and had armor and killed a person when it winked an eye using its lazors. Only one man was brave enough to take a journey to kill the Raptor .His name is Veron Revolt. He knew if he defeated the Raptors he would be an all time hero and a very wealthy man. Not like many other Revolt wanted to be famous ,wealthy and a helpful man. Sadly he was killed by an unavoidable Raptor.He asked his son to take over his mission after he died .

Gondor times On June 16,2097 his son set off a war between humans and raptors .He leader of the army.Every day 50 men and 1 Raptor were killed . One day on war his son was by a poison dart .Luckily he was not killed.One day all the men and women rebelled and were killed .His son Bolt was thinking this would be the downfall of the human era .He found a path to get to the headquarters of the Raptors . It was a city guarded by ferocious Raptors and the headquarters was built out of pure diamond and crystal . There were many security cameras . One place at the headquarters was ‘’ HUMAN DEATH ZONE’’ . There were bodies of flesh and bones and a few dead humans .Bolt was terrified . He found a little cottage outside the headquarters .It old ,dusty,ragged and broken . There was a few gallons of water and bread,soup and pasta.Bolt stayed in the cottage . Two days later he found a bed to sleep on . After a few days of getting used to the cottage he headed to the headquarters . He killed all the guards with one poison dart. He was so close to killing all the Raptors but suddenly thrown into his cottage .He then was transferred to a lab with Raptors taking some DNA from Bolt and making human-like Raptors .He was transferred to his cottage back again . He was very upset that he was so close to victory and was stopped immediately .He also remembered his father who was a brave and noble man was killed right on the day of his mission . He was waiting for another day for victory . The next day he got dengue from an itchy mosquito . He took a break for one day and was to work the next day. `

!123RF LLC. He was a little more hopeful but still had little pride .He was scrapped by the king of the Raptor world . He had even more pride .He thought tomorrow this scar would defeat the Raptors for good.He was running out of food and water . He had an even more difficult life . He ate wild berries and drank pond water . He was a vegetarian so could not eat meat so the food supply would be enough . He started diets and realized he kept having food shortages. He knew he nor his mission would last for long started fainting often and also his mission kept weakening . But one day he would be an all time hero . Days

Gondor times passed by quickly nad one day he was confident but was very weak .He still believed his scar would be the all time hero . Would his assumption be right or wrong ? He still did not know for sure .He hid behind the Raptors private garbage can and started to freak out .He was becoming weaker and thinner .One day after he saw a stash of food and some water and ale he took the stash back to the cottage . He started to strengthen with the food he had and had set on another journey . He was full of courage and confidence . He knew that if his journey was a successes he would be know for his groundbreaking Journey and would be greeted as a hero and his fathers wish would come true . He headed toward the headquarters and managed to get 1 meter away from the king's room .The room was named King Raptor VII and in black it said : CAUTION ! DO NOT ENTER OR WILL BE JAILED OR REBELLED . He got a little bomb and it exploded the dyamond door . He slowly walked in and he saw many guards and then King Raptor VII . He had a death stick and command stick .Bolt was terrified and was very lucky . The Raptor king’s guards were taller than Bolt so he could run through the crevices between their legs .He managed to go through 89 of them but he still had to go through 11 more leg crevices .He managed to get through all th 11 legs and heard something mysterious that the king said . “ To Destroy the humans we have to say 43215646879 and it is the opposite for us . “ Nobody is watching so we are safe b”. But this turned out to be the key to solving the Raptor problem though Bolt . He climbed a steep wall and stepped on the keys that the Raptor king told the others . He heard a beeping sound and the walls started to collapse . The king started giving orders and he and the Raptor serviced the building with Bolt . When all the Raptors and the king escape they immediately are killed by Bolt’s poison arrow . He runs through his portal and comes to the Future City . He was surrounded by astounded people who were gasping and started cheering . His dream had come true that he would be an all time hero . He was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize and owned a mansion and a Lamborghini Aventador 6-9 V. This would change in many years . What will happen he will never know . He was in his mansion . Dzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd ! Ah!

Gondor times This epic piece of writing is from the legend Cole Urwongse who released a chapter of his amazing novel.

Raptors By Cole Urwongse Prologue: In the Mlara desert, on a very cold night, a raptor hatched. He was born in a very unusually colored egg for a desert raptor, instead of his egg being a dusty yellow, it was a silvery blackish gray. He had powers that had never been seen before, such as having venomous claws and paralyzing teeth, and he had a spray from his tail that was very acidic. His name was Sandstorm. On that same night, in the middle of the firelands, a group of soldiers roasted a chunk of wild boar on a stick. One of them said “What are we going to do when Horizon finds out about this?” Another one growled “ And how did one black raptor kill two of our soldiers, break another soldier’s ribs, and stab another’s throat with one of our poisoned daggers? Why did Horizon want that egg anyway?” Suddenly the fire rose high and turned blue. The wild boar sizzled and burned in the fire. Then a huge dragon with a long pole with blue writing on it and thousands of skulls attached to the pole blocked out everything in their view. All of the soldiers screamed and ran. One was to slow and the writing glowed, and a blue flame rose out of the pole, and hit him. He screamed as his body disintegrated, leaving behind a skull. With barely even a glance at the soldier he had killed, he looked at them. “Do you have the egg?” “Um,” one of them stammered, “The black raptor killed most of us, and gave birth to the egg before she died. The cave ceiling collapsed and we had to run away.” “Plus, we didn’t even think that was a good idea. Why did you want to steal it in the first place?” added one, and then snapped his mouth shut as he realized what he said. “Then you will burn!” said Horizon as he lifted up his weapon. As the other raptors tried to run away, the weapon glowed blue and shot out more flames. He lifted the skulls up easily and put them on the weapon. He shot a flame of blue into the black sky, and roared out his battle cry. “Incoris Flamora!” Suddenly ten winged blue flaming demons flew down and rested on his arm. Armies of pale white mindless, savage, snarling raptors carrying sharpened spears clawed at hidden metal bars inside a mountain, struggling to get free. Nameless creatures, deadly and unknown lay buried underneath the mountain, ready to be set free and wreak havoc on the world. And most of all, he had begun developing mountain raptor armies that could experiment and design new ways to expand his armies and conquer the world.

This spectacular piece of writing is from the legend Owais Oumera who released a chapter of his mythical novel.

Gondor times

The legend of dragΩn wars BY OWAIS OUMERA Age 12

Prologue: There was once a world named dragonia. It was a legendary universe filled with creatures that are beyond imagination. Dragons, the most powerful creatures of the universe, were bored and decided to give some creatures with the intelligence of the dragons. After trillions of years with the ultimate power they expected to control the creatures like everything else, but no they were wrong…

Carmatia An icy cold planet home to multiple breakthroughs in magic

A human, elf, and beast were walking up Mt. draconica. “Why are we taking Zendine?” the beast asked “I told you I’ll tell you when we get there Cronoid.” the human said . As they walked up the mountain the snow began to increase. “I’m fr-freezing ca-an we go b-back?” Zendine said. “No.” said the human “It’s ok Zendine, you'll be able to go home in a bit of time.” Cronoid said. “We’re finally here!” “what are you doing O---?” the beast asked. “shhh”the human said “What are you doing?” the elf asked. “Are you drawing runes? Grrr I told you they banned magic especially dark magic” The beast growled.

Gondor times The human turned his head slowly “heHEHAAHahHA…. You CAN’T stop me.” the human whispered ancient dark words that were so evil that it could make a dragons spine go up “GHAAaaaaa the pain!!” the elf yelled “STOP” Cronoid screamed he ran towards the human and was about to stab him but then the human snapped... KHCAAOW a giant bolt of lightning struck Cronoid and he fell down. The human then said a few words and punched the ground and a long blacked spike came out of the ground and went through Cronoid's corps like a piece of cheese. “N-NOOO-O” the elf cried “W-hy di-d you-u ki-ll him” “He tried to stop me so I killed him” “Wh-y are yo-u do-ing th-this” the elf screamed “You see… for 14 years I have searched for one soul from every race and elfs have escaped every attempt of me trying to kill them except for you… all that is left is a soul of a dragon and I am all powerful. And guess what, dark magic attracts dragons MEhaHAHHAHAHA. Your time's up`” The human screeched dark words and a white ball of light was coming out of Zendine he screamed and wailed then fell on the ground dead. Then he slowly turned to dust never to be seen again. The human chanted on and on until a plethora of bright white souls came out of him then came back in but this time their color was black. Seconds later a huge dragon came from the sky. As It touched the ground and the mountain rubled. The dragon rored “YOU HAVE USED FORBIDDEN MAGIC, PREPARE TO D-” SHHOOOOWW a giant black beam hit the dragon and slowly him to stone…“You fool… you started something that can’t be stopped. the dr-a-gon w-ars has begu- ” the human sucked its soul. He began to grow wings, his eyes turned black his skin became pale white he grew spikes on his spine. A black shadowy dust began to surround him. When he finished his transformation thousands of dragons appeared in the sky roaring with rage. He soared up into the air and yelled “DIE” with a smile…

500 years later

Gondor times

Nashifa This planet is home to the battle of Forsvar one of the largest battles to ever occur in the universe

I looked behind and saw my mother and sister waving goodbye hoping It would not be the last time they would see me. Before I could say goodbye back my quadrant began to leave the underground city. I looked around and saw my best friend Robertson. He was holding some toma roots. “What are they for?” I asked. “Oh I went to the market and got two for you and two for me. You know they say that they give luck in battle” he replied. “Oh I already had some paint pie. Before you ask, it's the dessert kind.” as I got out of the canyon my pupils constricted from the light. All I heard was marching. Then everybody stopped. I was in the front of the line so I saw them fly down at immense speeds and touch the ground. The two sides stood still and waited. After about thirty seconds the war horn was blown and the dragons blasted to the sky. As they soared down to kill us all the mages conjured very powerful orb-like shields for every quadrant and began to shoot magical giant glowing chains at the dragons. The mage in our quadrant finally chained a dragon and pulled it in. Right when it came in, about fifteen people including me climbed up the chains and stabbed its intervertebral disks (the space between two vertebrae). One person skewered the xiphoid process (the spot between both lungs). The dragon's mouth opened and It tried to blast fire at everyone else but instead I wheezed out smoke (this is because stabbing those parts of the dragon stopped it from blasting fire. It also keeps its mouth open. This only works on flame & ice dragons.) I ran in the mouth of the dragon, stabbed the tongue before it crushed me and ran deep into the throat. Then thrusted my claymore in the hard palate (the top of its throat), climbed out of the mouth. Then punctured the glowing spot in the forehead that appeared after stabbing the throat. Then It fell, dead. Everyone else came and ripped Its eyes, livers, heart, lungs, and fire pouch. Then placed them in a giant jar for selling If we survive the battle. We repeated the process many times except if It was a different type of dragon. I looked behind and saw hundreds upon hundreds of corpses which were mostly dragons. Then I heard cheering. I looked around and saw the dragons retreating. I was happy that I survived. I was thinking about what I was going to do later in the day. I was probably going to hang out with- RUMBLE RUMBLE…

Gondor times

This amazing piece of writing is from the legend Hewitt Lorvidhaya who created this melancholy masterpiece.

SUBWAY CRA-CRA By Hewitt Lorvidhaya

Age: 8

Have you ever felt… Well… A little… different? Do you feel like no one likes scorpions other than you? Have you ever felt like you are the only one afraid of a football? The only one who got an 11 out of 17 on a test? Then that means you're just like me. Hi. I’m witt. I definitely feel like that. But sometimes I feel confident. That’s when I made the greatest invention in the class: An egg carton… Turned into a car! It got so many reviews. I would just have to make it first. It was one day in engineering: We were making wheels and axles. I was practically the only one still doing my first one. I tried many times until I finally found an egg carton. At this time, most people were already adding decorations. What also took a while was trying to connect the wheels to the carton. Breaktime! Aah… A time to take a break! To eat a snack! To… “Get a 12 inch meatball sub from Subway, with an apple juice and chips!” said Mr. Johnny. “How did you even hear me?” I asked, “I wasn’t even talking.” “I’M WATCHING YOU… HEHEHE!” said Mr. Johnny.

Gondor times

We went back in,it was already time for math. We packed up and went to the math room. I logged onto ALEKS and did my geometry. Mr. Allan came over when I needed help. I was on Obtuse, Acute, and Right angles. “So, Witt,” he said, “Obtuse is “fat” acute is “cute” and right is 90 degrees. So this one is 90 degrees. What is it?” “Right,” I said. “No, it’s a 12 inch meatball sub from Subway, with an apple juice and chips!” Mr. Allan said. Lunchtime! I unpacked my macaroni and put it in the microwave. I brought it outside and saw my friends waiting for me. “What do you have, Nevyan?” I asked. “A 12 inch meatball sub from Subway, with an apple juice and chips!” Nevyan said. “Oooh, I also have a… No, I don’t have anything else.” “How about you, Carter?” I asked. “Me? Oh, I have a 12 inch sub from Subway on italian white bread and topped with lettuce, pickles, salami, mozzarella, shredded parmesan, ham, and a vinaigrette dressing,” said Carter, “Plus an apple juice and chips.” “Cole?” I asked. “I have a sub from Subway on whole wheat bread and topped off with ham, mayonnaise, bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, olives, and ketchup,” said Cole, “Plus an apple juice and chips.” “Does literally everyone have Subway but me?” I asked. I looked over. Mr. Ryan was eating a huge meatball sub. Alex was munching on a ham and cheese. Isaac was chomping down a salami and lettuce on whole wheat bread. It was very strange.

Gondor times

Only one person didn’t have Subway. I mean, I didn’t, but another person. It was Jai, my brother. He was nibbling a chicken nugget. He put it down. Then he picked up a ham and cheese from Subway. Come on! Someone had a pizza! I didn’t notice. It was Dr. Sarah. I thought I wasn’t alone having mac and cheese! Then I saw her pull out two pieces of sub bread. They were in a wrapper that said “Subway.” She stuffed the pizza in the bread and ate it. I sighed.

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