Novanews dec2013

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NOVA News 4. edition. December 2013

4th edition! Novadan´s international e-newsletter to partners!

Innovators in Cleaning

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year! This is the fourth and last NovaNews in the year 2013. In the coming year, we will continue mailing you this quarterly newsletter with information about our concepts, company, products etc.


For the first time in the history of Novadan, we had a stand on an exhibition in Russia. The exhibition is called AgroProdMash and is the leading food exhibition to be on, if you want to do business in Russia. The exhibition was of course held in Moscow, and in addition to a lot of Russian visitors we met people from Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and especially Tatarstan!

In this edition, you can find articles about: • Moscow exhibition • Customer satisfaction survey • New foam- products • Products without phosphate • New legislation • Marketing news • Introduction of new cans According to our recently carried out customer satisfaction survey (which you can read more about in the newsletter), we can see that the generel opinion about NovaNews is positive. We are pleased to hear that and will do our best to live up to give you interesting and relevant information. Finally - we will wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year we are looking forward to continuing our good cooperation in 2014!

The exhibition was organized with a group of six other Danish companies through the Danish Food Tech Group, which was responsible for all the practicalities. They met the challenge very well, and every thing was arranged successfully with good treatment of our customers. To build an exhibition stand in Russia is a big challenge if you do not cooperate with companies who have tried it before. We had booked a 9m2 large stand but must conclude, that at the next exhibition we attend must have a stand at 12-15 m2 in order to have two meeting tables on the stand. The activity in Novadan’s stand was very good and we were more or less under permanent pressure with too little space. Our output of the exhibition looks so far very interesting as we met several interesting, potential distributors. The country is very large, and we are now looking at a geographical allocation combined with a segmented distribution of our products. Gert and I were very glad to be accompanied by Laimute Andersens as she masters the Russian language fluently, and with no one to speak the language, you should not be at the fair! Russians prefer to speak Russian, and preferably also to read Russian - therefore we had translated all our marketing materials before the fair.

by Jens L. Bramsen Business Unit Manager


There is no doubt that the Russian market will be interesting now and in the future. A lot of investments are currently made in the food production industry in the country and they have great respect for Scandinavian equipment and accessories (including cleaning detergents.) The challenge may eventually be the logistic issues that there are in Russia, and also requirements for registrations and approvals to the authorities. At present, we are fairly in time with the registration operations, but it is a heavy work and everything going on here is in Russian!



by Anja Nielsen, Registration, Quality and Innovators in Clean Environment Manager


These years, there are many changes in the European Union regulation concerning chemicals ex. REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization & Restriction of Chemicals), CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) etc. This has great influence on the documentation of all Novadan products. Several set of rules have influence, some things can be updated at the same time while other things have to wait. We have gathered new safety data sheets for all our raw materials in order to ensure that our data and information are updated.

By summer 2015, all chemical products have to get new labels and safety data sheets (again) because the new harmonized labeling system will become effective. That means that the orange hazard symbols will be replaced by new symbols. The figure (see below) gives an overview of which new symbols will replace the old. We have to calculate the new classification for each product.

Hazard symbols, safety data sheets and labels

CHANGES IN HAZARD REACH Our safety data sheets are now updated according to the new SYMBOLS

Very toxic

REACH-format. The most significant changes are: • In section 1, Relevant identified uses must be stated. The user codes and descriptions are a part of the communication chain an obligation according to REACH • The label information is given in section 2 instead of section 15. • There are a number of new headlines/subheadings and paragraphs which are to be filled out. • In the future, our data sheets will have more pages.

Extremely flammable


Longer term health hazards such as carcinogenicity and respiratory sensitisation.


Dangerous for the environment



Kemikaliets navn Artikel nr.

Dangerous for the environment



PUNKT 1: Identifikation af stoffet/blandingen og af selskabet/virksomhede


Udgivet dato

CIP ACID KA 12258, 12259, 12260, 55683

Kemikaliets navn Artikel nr.


1.1. Produktidentifikator CIP ALKA 60 12760, 12761, 12762, 12763, 12764

1.2. Relevante identificerede anvendelser for stoffet eller blandingen samt anvendelser, der frarådes

1.2. Relevante identificerede anvendelser for stoffet eller blandingen samt anvendelser, der frarådes

Produktgruppe Surt CIP rengøringsmiddel. Relevante identificerede anvendelser SU4 Fremstilling af fødevarer SU3 Industrielle anvendelser: Anvendelser af stoffer som sådan eller i kemiske produkter* på industri-anlæg PC35 Vaske- og renseprodukter (herunder opløsningsmiddelbaserede produkter) PROC2 Anvendelse i lukket, kontinuerlig proces med kontrolleret lejlighedsvis eksponering ERC7 Industriel anvendelse af stoffer i lukkede systemer ERC9A Udbredt indendørs anvendelse af stoffer i lukkede systemer Anvendelser der frarådes Ingen specifikke frarådede anvendelser er identificeret.

1.3. Nærmere oplysninger om leverandøren af sikkerhedsdatabladet

Produktgruppe Alkalisk CIP rengøringsmiddel Relevante identificerede anvendelser SU3 Industrielle anvendelser: Anvendelser af stoffer som sådan eller i kem produkter* på industri-anlæg SU4 Fremstilling af fødevarer PC35 Vaske- og renseprodukter (herunder opløsningsmiddelbaserede produkter) PROC2 Anvendelse i lukket, kontinuerlig proces med kontrolleret lejligheds eksponering ERC9A Udbredt indendørs anvendelse af stoffer i lukkede systemer Anvendelser der frarådes Ingen specifikke frarådede anvendelser er identificeret.

Novadan is now able to present a complete range for surface cleaning of sensitive surfaces like aluminium with 2 new products Foam 30 and Foam Alu CL along with 2 well-known products Foam 42 and Foam 13. 1.3. Nærmere oplysninger om leverandøren af sikkerhedsdatabladet Firmanavn Postadresse Postnr. Poststed Land Telefon Telefax E-mail Web-adresse

Firmanavn Postadresse Postnr. Poststed Land Telefon Telefax E-mail Web-adresse

Novadan ApS Platinvej 21 DK-6000 Kolding Danmark + 45 76 34 84 00 + 45 75 50 43 70

Novadan ApS Platinvej 21 DK-6000 Kolding Danmark + 45 76 34 84 00 + 45 75 50 43 70

Apart from aluminium compatibility, the common denominator for the 4 products is the excellent foaming and adherence properties as well as outstanding wetting of the surfaces to be cleaned. 1.4. Nødtelefon

1.4. Nødtelefon Nødtelefon


PUNKT 2: Fareidentifikation

PUNKT 2: Fareidentifikation

2.1. Klassificering af stoffet eller blandingen

2.1. Klassificering af stoffet eller blandingen Klassificering i henhold til 67/548/EEC eller 1999/45/EC Stoffets/blandingens farlige egenskaber

Giftlinjen. Besvares på dansk og engelsk hele døgnet.:+45 82 12 12 12

Giftlinjen. Besvares på dansk og engelsk hele døgnet.:+45 82 12 12 12

Klassificering i henhold til 67/548/EEC eller 1999/45/EC Stoffets/blandingens farlige egenskaber

C; R34

For yderligere information, se punkt 11.

C; R35

For yderligere information, se punkt 11.

2.2. Mærkningselementer Faresymbol

2.2. Mærkningselementer Faresymbol

The full range can be used in all segments: Food and pharmaceutical industry, HORECA, agriculture as well as the transport sector.


Cip AlkA 60

Max 35°

Min - 15°















LABEL: F12258.1309


BASíSKt CiP þVOttAeF mjög ætandi. Berist efnið í augu skal strax skola vandlega með miklu vatni og leita læknis. Notið viðeigandi hlífðarfatnað, hlífðarhanska og hlífðargleraugu / andlitsgrímu. leitið umsvifalaust læknis ef slys ber að höndum eða ef lasleika verður vart; sýnið umbúðamerkingarnar ef unnt er. inniheldur: Natríumhýdroxíð, Kalíumhýdroxíð.





AlKAliSCheS CiP reiNiguNgSmittel Verursacht schwere Verätzungen. Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren. Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzkleidung, Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzbrille/gesichtsschutz tragen. Bei unfall oder unwohlsein sofort Arzt zuziehen (wenn möglich, dieses etikett vorzeigen). inhalt: Natriumhydroxid, Kaliumhydroxid.

ŠArmiNė CiP PlOVimO Prie

Stipriai nudegina. Patekus į akis, ned gydytoją. Dėvėti tinkamus apsaugin akių (veido) apsaugos priemones. N nedelsiant kreiptis į gydytoją (jeigu Sudėtyje: natrio hidroksidas, kalio h


AluSeliNe CiP-SüSteemi P

Põhjustab tugevat söövitust. Silma pöörduda arsti poole. Kanda sobiva Õnnetusjuhtumi või halva enesetu näidata talle etiketti). Sisaldus: Naatriumhüdroksiid, Kaal


AlKAliSKt CiP reNgöriNgSmeDel Starkt frätande. Vid kontakt med ögonen, spola genast med mycket vatten och kontakta läkare. Vid olycksfall, illamående eller annan påverkan, kontakta omedelbart läkare. Visa om möjligt etiketten. Använd lämpliga skyddskläder, skyddshandskar samt skyddsglasögon eller ansiktsskydd. innehåller: Natrium hydroxid, Kalium hydroxid.



AlKAliSK CiP reNgjøriNgSmiDDel Sterkt etsende. Får man stoffet i øynene, skyll straks grundig med store mengder vann og kontakt lege. Ved uhell eller illebefinnende er omgående legebehandling nødvendig, vis etiketten hvis mulig. Bruk egnede verneklær, -hansker og -briller/ansiktssjerm. inneholder: natriumhydroksid, kaliumhydroksid. uteN FOSFAt.




AlKAliNe CiP CleANiNg AgeNt Causes severe burns. in case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. in case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the lable where possible). Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Contains: sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide.



AlKAliSK CiP reNgøriNgSmiDDel Alvorlig ætsningsfare. Kommer stoffet i øjnene, skylles straks grundigt med vand og læge kontaktes. Ved ulykkestilfælde eller ved ildebefindende er omgående lægebehandling nødvendig; vis etiketten, hvis det er muligt. Brug særligt arbejdstøj, egnede beskyttelseshandsker og -briller/ansigtsskærm. indeholder: Natriumhydroxid, Kaliumhydroxid. Pr-Nr. : 2099949.


Our detergent Notra Alka WS 20 (Maskinvask) which is used for cleaning of floors, engines, brakes and for washing of parts in industrial washing machines will change it name to: Notra Alka Wash!



1.1. Produktidentifikator


Gas under pressure





Side 1 af 8

PUNKT 1: Identifikation af stoffet/blandingen og af selskabet/virksomheden




We can now make EU- safety data sheets in approx. 20 languages.




Caution – used for less serious health hazards like skin irritation;


Highly flammable


Лужний СІП миючий за

Викликає сильні опіки. При потрап води й викликати лікаря. носіть ві захисту очей / обличчя. у разі нещ погано, негайно викличте лікаря ( можливо). містить: гідроксид натрію, гідрокс

ЩЕЛочноЕ СиП моюЩЕЕ

Вызывает сильные ожоги. ППри п обильным количеством воды и в одежду, перчатки и средства защи Вы чувствуете себя плохо, немедл вещества, если это возможно). Содержит: гидроокись натрия, гид

Un 17


AlKAliCzNy PrePArAt myjąCy DO SyStemóW CiP Powoduje poważne oparzenia. zanieczyszczone oczy przemyć natychmiast dużą ilością wody i zasięgnąć porady lekarza. Nosić odpowiednią odzież ochronną, odpo wiednie rękawice ochronne i okulary lub ochronę twarzy. W przypadku awarii lub jeżeli źle się poczujesz, niezwłocznie zasięgnij porady lekarza –jeżeli to możliwe, pokaż etykietę. zawiera: wodorotlenek sodu, wodorotlenek potasu.


5 703524 122580

24 KG

záSADitý CiP čiStíCí PrOStřeDeK způsobuje těžké poleptání. Při zasažení očí okamžitě důkladně vypláchněte vodou a vyhledejte lékařskou pomoc. Používejte vhodný ochranný oděv, ochranné rukavice a ochranné brýle nebo obličejový štít. V případě nehody, nebo necítíte-li se dobře, okamžitě vyhledejte lékařskou pomoc (je-li možno, ukažte toto označení). Sisaldus: Naatriumhüdroksiid, Kaaliumhüdroksiid.

1050 kG

Novadan Aps - Platinvej 21 - DK-6000 Kolding - Tlf.: +45 76 34 84 93 -

Ætsende/Corrosive/Etsende/Frätan Ætandi/Ätzend/Produkt żrący/Žírav Ardanti/ Sööbiv/Їдкий/ Едкий


Many people ask why we do not use the new rules already now. The explanation is in part that we are still waiting for some information from our suppliers before we can switch to the new labeling system. At the same time, until 1. June 2015, it is required by law that the safety data sheets are to have the old labeling whereas is it optional if the company wants to inform of the new labeling.

MARKETING NEWS CLEANING HANDBOOKS We are now proud to present cleaning handbooks in seven different languages: • • • • • • •

Danish English Swedish Norwegian Polish Spanish German

Complete instructions for correct and effective cleaning and control programmes.


We have made the handbooks for three different segments horeca, butchers and bakers. Currently, we have these ready in pdf-versions in all languages for the horeca segment - the butcher and baker-versions will be ready beginning of 2014. Developed by:

Novadan ApS Platinvej 21 DK - 6000 Kolding Tlf. +45 76 34 84 00

Side 1 af 8

The handbook provides detailed instructions for each individual area regarding the use of products and the cleaning process. That is: Complete instructions for correct and effective cleaning and control programmes.





NEW PRODUCTS Foam 30: Slightly alkaline cleaning agent without phosphate and EDTA. Especially suitable for cleaning of alkalisensitive equipment such as filling lines, slicers and plate freezers as well as refrigerator trucks. Foam Alu CL: Alkaline foam cleaning agent with chlorine. Especially suitable for cleaning of alkali-sensitive equipment such as filling lines, slicers and plate freezers as well as refrigerator trucks. max 35°

min - 10°

delsiant gerai praplau ti vandeniu ir kreiptis į nius drabužius, mūvėti tinkamas pirštines ir naudoti Nelaimingo atsitikimo atveju arba pasijutus blogai, įmanoma, parodyti šią etiketę). hidroksidas.


a sattumisel loputada koheselt rohke veega ja at kaitseriietust, -kindaid ja silmade või näokaitset. unde korral pöörduda arsti poole (võimaluse korral



плянні в очі негайно промити рясною кількістю ідповідну захисну одежу, рукавички та засоби щасного випадку або якщо Ви почуваєте себе (покажіть йому етикетку від речовини, якщо це

WELL-KNOWN PRODUCTS Foam 42: 719Neutral foam product without EDTA and phosphate. Foam 42 has excellent fat and dirt dissolving properties and can be used both manually and laid out as foam.

сид калія.

дроокись калия.

labEl: F12764.1203

Е СрЕдСтВо

попадании в глаза, немедленно промыть вызвать врача. носите подходящую защитную иты глаз / лица. При несчастном случае или если ленно вызовите врача (покажите ему этикетку от


nde/ vý/

5 703524 127646

produced in Denmark by: DK: NOVADAN ApS Platinvej 21, DK-6000 Kolding, Tlf. +45 76 34 84 00

Pl: itW NOVADAN Sp. z.o.o. ul. holenderska 4, 05-152 Czosnów, tel. +48 (0) 22 785 1002

Foam 13: Acidic foam cleaner without phosphate. Foam 13 effectively dissolves scale and protein deposits.

If you find this relevant for your business, please contact: Anne Heide Farre on mail: and you can get a copy of the pdf.

ACCESSORIES CATALOGUE Furthermore, we have elaborated an English version of our catalogue with accessories (brushes, wipers, cloths, mops, dosage equipment etc.). It is available in pdfformat and we will be happy to e-mail this to you, if you are interested. Again, please contact our sales service dept or Anne Heide Farre (- see contact details above.)

Customer satisfaction


Thank you very much for your help First of all, we would like to use this opportunity to thank all who have partificipated in our customer satisfaction survey. Every second year, we carry out a customer satisfaction survey among a group of customers - this time our international distributors. It has been very useful for us to get your opinion about how we are doing and in which areas we need to improve.

by Annette Høy, Marketing

The result We have elaborated a report based on the answers, and we are now evaluating the results. Here, we will share the most important findings from the survey with you: The overall impression of the cooperation with Novadan is positive, especially some areas are highly praised. These are ”The contact person’s competences”, ”Product quality/range”, ”Customers service dept.” and ”Novadan’s experience”. These are also areas that are of high importance to our distributors so we are happy about this performance-result. It is also clear that there are some areas where you could hope for improvement - these are: ”Registrated product in your market” and ”Training and education”. We are working hard on registrating the required products (disinfectants) and as to ”Training and education” we will thoroughly consider how to live up to your expectations. Currently, we are working on implementing webinar-courses which could work as a supplement to personal training programs. Furthermore, some of you ask for ”A higher information level from Novadan” and more ”Support regarding marketing materials/activities”. We hope to increase the information level by sending this quarterly newsletter but will also consider other means of giving you relevant information. Also regarding marketing materials are we planning new activities and in this and coming editions of NovaNews, you can read about new and relevant materials to use in your marketing efforts. If you like to give us further feedback, please feel free to do so.


Phosphate & phosphate free products by Majbritt Koch, Product Manager

The European Commission (EC) has made a study to address the current use of phosphates in detergents throughout the European Union (EU) and recommend appropriate measures to improve the current situation. The study covers the fifteen Member States of the EU and the three accession countries Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The aim of the study is to investigate the costs and benefits of substituting phosphorus in detergents with other appropriate builders and to provide recommendations on the most appropriate method of reducing phosphorus concentrations in surface waters, through either improving wastewater treatment, banning the use of phosphates as detergent builders, or a combination of the two approaches. The result of the study shows that the main sources of phosphorus entering surface waters are from municipal wastewater and agriculture. However, relative contributions vary depending on the nature of catchment landuse activities. For example, in areas without intensive agriculture, municipal wastewater is the major source of phosphorus and in these areas improved wastewater treatment has been effective in reducing eutrophication. A ban on the use of phosphate based detergents can achieve a phosphorus load reduction of up to 40% entering surface water bodies, which is not sufficient in isolation to result in any substantial improve- ments. Furthermore, improvements in wastewater treatment to fully comply with the UWWTD (Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive) would only result in typical phosphorus reductions of around 30%. As demonstrated by Switzerland, the USA and Italy, the greatest improve- ments in lakes and rivers were observed where a combi- nation of reduced detergent phosphorus and improved wastewater treatment were implemented, thereby achieving the required 70-90% reduction in external load.


The aims of both labels are similar and encompass encouraging business to market greener products.

The Nordic environmental label is a neutral, independent label which guarantees a certain environmental standard and works in close co-operation with the eco-label scheme and is run through the competent bodies as nominated Phosphates are used in detergents in order to by the members, (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Norway). counteract the water hardness and to make the detergents act more efficiently. The label helps consumers to identify the products that cause the least damage to the environment The problem occurs when phosphates are discharged amongst those in the market. As a result, into lakes and rivers, where they cause algal blooms manufacturers are stimulated to develop products that steal oxygen from other living organisms and also and production processes better for the environ- excrete toxins. ment.

In the traditional cleaning program, Novadan have 98 different formulations and 185 products which are phosphate free. Novadan have app. 50 products which have the Nordic swan label.

Please contact your national/local Novadan dealer or Novadan in Denmark for further information.

New canisters During 2014, we will switch to a new and improved can as to 10L and 20L. The can is constructed with reinforced sides and bottom, which provides a stronger can that is more robust when transported in multi-layers. Content in kg / L will remain the same as today on the various products. Furthermore, the can dimensions remain unchanged and the label surface is larger and provides a better attachment of the label. Jens Bramsen, Business Unit Manager

Upcoming exhibitions ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam is the world’s largest international exhibition for cleaning professionals. From machines to mops, solutions to monitoring, ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam has it covered. More than 670 leading global brands present their latest products along with specially designed seminars enabling you to enhance your business, deepen your knowledge and join a truly global network. The next edition of ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2014 will be held from 6-9 May 2014 and will be celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Jens Bramsen, Business Unit Manager

Novadan has booked a stand on the exhibition STAND NO.: 09.412!

Future exhibitions: NUTRIFAIR

22.-23. January 2014, Denmark


6.-9. May 2014, Amsterdam

FOODTECH 28.-30. Oct 2014, Denmark


11.-14. Nov 2014, Hannover

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