Low carb diet

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Low Carb Diet, Is It For You?

Many people have had great success with low carb diets but is it the right diet for you and your body? Here you will find information on low carb diets and what they could do for you and your weight loss goals.

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Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 The following steps help in forming a good diet plan.......................................... 2 The positives of these diet plans are as follows .................................................. 3 The disadvantages of low carb diet are as follows .............................................. 3 Doing a Low Carb Diet the Right Way .................................................................... 5 Low Carb Chicken Recipes...................................................................................... 7 How Does A Low Carb Diet Factor Into Your Lifestyle? .......................................... 9 About Low Carb Recipes ...................................................................................... 11 Diet Substitutions ................................................................................................ 13 Low Carb Chinese Recipes.................................................................................... 15 Low Carb Recipe of Chinese Green Beans ......................................................... 15 Low Carb Recipe of Lemon Chicken .................................................................. 16 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 17 Low Carb Diet Resources ...................................... Feil! Bokmerke er ikke definert.

Introduction Everyone nowadays wants to lose weight and to begin people start dieting. To most of the people dieting means to reduce eating but it is their wrong perception. A healthy diet must include sufficient amount of foods that contain calories from simple carbohydrates and more of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and foods that are good sources of protein. This forms the basis of a good low carb diet plan. The main purpose of a low carb diet is to limit carbohydrates like grains, starchy vegetables and fruits, and stresses on intake of protein and fat. There are various low carb diets and each has different restrictions on the types and amounts of carbohydrate intake. A low carb diet is generally related to weight loss. Some of the low carb diet states that they contain health benefits including weight loss. To start with a low carb diet certain steps should be followed to make the diet plan more effective.


The following steps help in forming a good diet plan

• Every meal should contain protein, between 60 to 85 grams. • Amount of carbohydrate intake should be kept low for weight loss, somewhere between zero to 30 grams daily. • If possible, choose raw and organic whole foods; The more fiber the better. • White food should be avoided such as potatoes, rice, bread, flour, sugar, popcorn. • Low carb fruits like berries, melon, peaches, kiwi etc should be taken at breakfast • If the stress is on losing weight then cream and butter should be avoided as far as possible. Processed oils should be avoided; instead olive and nut oils should be used. • Dinner should be taken early and should be minimal. Low carb diet plans provide a variety of benefits especially for weight loss.


The positives of these diet plans are as follows

• They increase fat loss because of increase in fat burning. • Achievement of significant amount of weight loss in a short span of time. • Health benefits like low cholesterol, low blood pressure and low blood triglycerides are provided. • Help in maintaining blood sugar levels, especially for diabetics. • Consistent energy levels are maintained. Everything has two sides to it, positive and negative. The disadvantages of low carb diet are as follows

• These plans result in muscle loss. It causes metabolism to decelerate which causes less burning of calories each day. • They cause body to become ketogenic, which is not good for health. • Long run restriction of carbohydrates may lead to major health problems. • Many of the important and necessary nutrients are not provided in them. • Decreasing muscle glycogen stores causes fatigue easily, making exercise and physical movement difficult. • Brain normally uses carbohydrates for proper functioning which cannot be done by the use of fats. • Maintenance of good muscle and skin tone is hard on a low carb diet plan.


At first, a low carb diet plan might sound like a great idea to lose weight instantly, but it should not be taken in high amounts in the beginning. The body might take some time to get used to the diet and respond to it, but once the body adapts it, its benefits surpass its disadvantages.


Doing a Low Carb Diet the Right Way Nowadays low carb diet food is highly sought after due to the increasing popularity and benefits. These diets give spectacular weight loss results, but before getting the desired results many dieters quit because of restricted meal options. Therefore, it is important to know the options available before starting any such diets. There is no particular definition of low carb diet foods but it can be defined as a food item which contains less than 40 percent of carbohydrates. All the food contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats. If the ratio of carbohydrate is low this means the ratio of proteins and fats is high. Almost every dieter gets confused about the food which they can eat on a low carb diet. Some essential food items must be included in one's low carb diet to ensure good health. You must include these things in your diet: VEGETABLES Best source of low carb diet foods are non starchy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber and celery should be included in the diet. Vegetables like potatoes, corn, peas, winter squashes and beets which contain starch should be prevented. FRUITS Fruits like lemon, limes, rhubarb and berries like raspberries, cranberries and blackberries can be included in the diet; Fruits which have comparatively low level of sugar like peaches, apricots, melons, nectarines and apples can be consumed but in limited quantity. Dry fruits and fruits with high sugar content should be prevented as far as possible.


DAIRY PRODUCTS Low carb diet plan promote the consumption of some of the fatty foods as it helps the body to absorb the carbs as energy and not hold it as fat. Some of the diet plans restrict the intake of fatty foods which differ from the low carb diet. Lowest carb ratios can be found in milk products from which the whey has been taken out such as cottage cheese and strained yoghurt. Dairy products should be consumed fairly because milk contains sugar in the form of lactose. MEAT, POULTRY, SEAFOOD AND EGGS Animal protein foods and red meats have low carbohydrate content, though some organ meats contain significant amount of carbohydrates and also in shellfish like oysters and mussels. It is important to remember that cured meats may also have added sugars. CEREAL GRAIN PRODUCTS Grain derived foods like bread; pasta, rice etc are rich in carbohydrates. Therefore their quantity of consumption should be looked upon. SWEET FOODS Sweet products usually comprise of lot of carbohydrates until and unless they are artificially sweetened. These include foods like chocolates and soft drinks and foods made of white sugar. In most of the food groups low carb diet food can be found, and by doing a careful study of the food options available, you can have a great weight loss regime by following a low carb diet without giving up the enjoyment of having nutritious and wide-ranging meals.


Low Carb Chicken Recipes Do you have an interest in cooking? Or, are you interested for some of the low carb chicken recipes? If so, then you have found the right page for your need. Why? Obviously, it is for the main reason that in this article you will find two of the favorite low carb chicken recipes that you can add to your low carb chicken recipe collection. It is also interesting to know that these provided low carb chicken recipes are taken from the most trusted resources on low carb chicken recipes. So read on for your great advantage. So here is one of the great low carb chicken recipes that will give you a sense of satisfaction before and after preparing it. Well, this low carb chicken recipe is named as Crunchy Pecan Chicken. Generally, this low carb chicken recipe is a skillet chicken recipe that has a coating of ground pecans and Parmesan cheese. Ingredients: one cup of ground pecans ½ cup of grated parmesan cheese ½ teaspoon of garlic salt ½ teaspoon of dried leaf basil that is crumbled lemon juice for dipping 4 boneless chicken breast halves that are also pounded to make flat and even in thickness and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. In terms of the procedures involved in this low carb chicken recipe, all you need to do is to combine the pecans, cheese, garlic salt and basil in a huge low dish. Then put the lemon juice in another low dish; dip the chicken in juice and then coat with pecan mixture. After that, you heat oil until moderately hot, and then add the chicken. The average period for each piece of chicken to be cooked is 3 to 5 minutes on each side or until golden. As simple as that!


The other notable low carb chicken recipe is what is known as Smacking Wings. Accordingly, this low carb chicken recipe is about wings that are tangy and sweet version of Buffalo wings. Ingredients: 16 chicken wings, ½ cup of salad oil ¼ cup of balsamic vinegar ¼ cup of honey 2 tablespoons of brown sugar 2 tablespoons of cane syrup or dark corn syrup 1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce ½ teaspoon of red pepper flakes ½ teaspoon of dried thyme 1 teaspoon soy sauce ¼ Worcestershire sauce, ¼ teaspoon cayenne ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg The directions for this low carb chicken recipe are just so simple and brief. You just need to cut off and discard the bony wing tips, and cut the remaining wings in half. Then in a large bowl combine the remaining ingredients and blend well. Marinate the wings in this mixture for one hour in the refrigerator and then grill in a medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes.


How Does A Low Carb Diet Factor Into Your Lifestyle? Advanced technology is affecting our life today by causing an appreciated increase in luxuries and facilities that result in more laziness and ultimately more people are becoming obese these days. It is one of the most rapidly thriving health problems of the 21st century. This heath problem is more serious in developed countries. One measure to cure this horrifying disease (one can say), as it causes serious heart problems and results in devastated effects on body, can be adoption of low carbohydrate diet; a diet containing lesser amounts of carbohydrates. Low carb diet enhances your body by shifting your metabolism towards the burning of fat instead of carbs. As fats are the primary cause of obesity so they must be removed to cure the effect. When your intake of carbohydrates; which are direct sources of energy to humans declines the body starts making fats itself as a source of energy. So as now high amount of fats are getting burned, this ultimately results in weight loss. Low carb diets are made up of foods having low sugary contents and simultaneously having high contents of proteins and fats like fish, eggs, red meat, salads etc. One should also take high fiber foods under observation when talking about low carb diet. A little exercise and weight-lifting will act as a catalyst with low carb diet, as it results in muscle formation and these are the best place for burning of fats as muscles do work even when one is resting. Such kind of plan can be made more effective with a slight advice from a dietician. While one is sustaining on low carb diet, high intake of water must be ensured; because if water percentage decreases in body, it will lead to immobilization of fats that will hinder the effect of low carb diet, environment conditions also causes loss of water from body. To maintain balance between micronutrients, diet should be adopted with great care.


Diet plan is different for everyone, so one should be careful while choosing according to his or her energy requirements. Wrong selection of constituents under low carb diet can lead to serious health problems. As carbohydrates are major sources of energy and if one is eliminating them, it can lead to weakness and completely exploits body reserves. A long term deficiency of carbohydrates derails the metabolism process and causes adverse effects on vital organs like the heart and kidney. Although with a bit of attentiveness, it can become an effective way to lose weight.

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About Low Carb Recipes The low carb diet is now considered one of the most commonly applied forms of dieting among the series of diet fads. Therefore there is no doubt that as many people were drawn to it, many companies that are concerned about the low carb diet have developed their low carb services by providing some of them to the people especially to the low carb dieters. Speaking of the low carb services, many companies are now providing some products like the low carb breads, pastas, drinks, and others along with low carb recipes. With the accompaniment of low carb recipes, the low carb recipes then becomes one of the most favorite low carb services of the consumers. As such, many low carb dieters today often look for some of the available low carb recipes. As we all notice, low carb recipes even invaded the domain of the internet. During the early times, prior to the advent of the internet, the low carb recipes are only found on several low carb books and other paper based resources. But today, wherever you look at, there are so many available low carb recipes on the web. Low carb recipes are now one of the common features of most of the online companies that deal with nutrition, foods, health, etc. Many resources for this one of the hottest thing in the diet arena are now opening to provide some of the available low carb recipes. There are even companies that offered this kind of service that even create their own low carb recipes just to serve the recipe junkies. In fact, on the web there are so many low carb recipes that are given for free, but there are also that requires some registration before one can fully access the site. Since the term “low carb recipes� is such a general term, that it may apply to different areas, it is then interesting to know that some of the accessible collections of the recipes provided by the online companies and even the nutritional and health books and other resources, include some of the low carb recipes that are among the personal favorites, some were even sent to most of the collectors, and others are taken from the best low carb cookbooks.

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And the many collections for the low carb recipes generally include some low carb recipes for treats and desserts, gravies and sauces, meats and entrees, appetizers and snacks, soups and salads, veggies and sides, great egg dishes, beverages and shakes, and breads and pastas. And usually these categories for low carb recipes are even coupled with some of the helpful ingredient equivalents.

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Diet Substitutions Fruits have always been vital elements of a healthy diet plan. They are the primary source of vitamins, minerals and other essential micronutrients. But what will be the substitute or alternate for people who want to adopt a low carbohydrates diet, as fruits are generally richer in carbohydrates. For a person adopting low carb diet plan, fruits having lesser amount of carbohydrates with higher amount of fibers are recommended, as intake of carbohydrates is restricted under the plan. Low carbohydrate fruits such as Rhubarbs, Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Salmon berries, Gooseberries and other berries and their derivatives must be taken into consideration. These are high in antioxidants and are very nutritious. Cherries are also low carb fruits having a bit higher sugar content but still they are included because of higher amount of fiber. Other fruits that are low in carbohydrates are Apples, Pears, Grapefruit, Apricots, Plums, Guava, Kiwi, Peaches, Figs etc. These are high sources of vitamins simultaneously provides high fiber content and also have preventive properties for diseases related to heart and pancreas and also some other chronic diseases. Other citrus fruits are also beneficial. Also there is a huge list of fruits out of innumerable types that are low in carbs, one can easily research on the internet about the fruits that are recommended in low carb diet plan. These fruits also help in losing weight, maintaining steady energy levels, and also in enhancing the mood and other emotions of a person and simultaneously fulfilling the vitamins and mineral requirements of human body. The sugar contents in these fruits are a bit different from that a person directly eats and also these help in maintaining sugar levels not only in diabetic patients but also in normal human being. Low-glycemic fruits can also be included in low carb diet plan.

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Fruits that are high in starch content should be avoided such as raisins, dates, mangoes and papayas. These fruits are high in starch content, which could lead to ruining your weight loss plan. While choosing fruits for your diet plan, you must be very careful and must be aware about the starch content of the fruit. You must select the fruits which are low on starch and high in fiber. One should have a thorough knowledge of the properties of fruits that are to be included in a low carb diet plan, as one also has to maintain energy level despite eating low sugary foods. Seeking the Help of a dietitian is preferable while choosing fruits in your low carb diet plan. So, the need is just to take a step to make your low carb diet plan a perfect one and also a healthier one with more of pros than cons!

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Low Carb Chinese Recipes Chinese cooking can be very healthy as it contains low carb as well as low fat dishes. Today, I am sharing with you two low carb Chinese recipes for Chinese green beans and Chinese lemon chicken, a classic in Chinese cooking. Low Carb Recipe of Chinese Green Beans

Ingredients: 1 pkg frozen green beans -- (16 ounce) 500g 1 chicken broth -- dry crystals 1 bunch scallion 2 lg garlic bulb 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp splenda 1 tbsp peanut butter -- creamy 1/8 tsp sesame oil -- Chinese Directions: In a 2-quart 2 liter microwave-safe casserole dish, combine green beans and broth granules. Cover and microwave on high for 4 minutes. Meanwhile, slice white bulbs of scallion into rings and mine garlic. In small bowl, combine ginger, soy sauce and SPLENDA. Add scallion rings and garlic. Set aside. Remove green beans from microwave and uncover. Pour sauce over beans and stir. Cover and microwave on high for 4 minutes. Stir in peanut butter and sesame oil until sauce coats the beans and serves immediately. Make 6 servings Nutritional information, per serving (excluding unknown items): 52 Calories; 2g Fat (29.4% calories from fat); 3g Protein; 7g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 143mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Grain (Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fat.

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Low Carb Recipe of Lemon Chicken

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons Dry sherry 4 green (Spring) onions, chopped 1 Piece of root ginger, shredded 500g (1 pound) boned chicken, cut into 1 inch strips 2 Celery sticks, sliced 125g (4oz) button mushrooms, quartered 1 Green pepper, cored, seeded, and sliced 2 tablespoons Light soy sauce Shredded rind of 2 lemons A few lemon slices to garnish 2 tablespoons oil for stir-frying Directions: Put the sherry, spring onions and ginger in a bowl. Add the chicken, toss well to coat, then leave to marinate in the bowl for 15 minutes. Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the celery, mushrooms, and the green pepper and stir-fry for one minute. Add the chicken and marinade then cook for 3 minutes. Stir in the soy sauce and lemon rind then cook for a further minute. To serve, pile into a warmed serving dish and garnish with lemon slices. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Preparation Time: 45 minutes Nutritional information, per serving 294 Calories; 6g Fat (20.0% calories from fat); 53g Protein; 3g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 144mg Cholesterol; 346mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Grain (Starch); 7 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat.

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Conclusion Everyone possesses a kind of life style consisting of general food habits and tendencies. To cope up with any kind of work, our body requires energy that comes from healthy food. But as all are not the same, every human being on this earth is one of a kind and we all require different kinds of foods that suit his or her body. A Low carb or low carbohydrate diet is one such type of food meant for people who require fewer carbohydrates than a normal human being's diet. It consists of fewer amounts of carbohydrate constituents, as low as 20 percent, and descended amount of carbohydrates is compensated by fat and protein constituents of the diet. A healthy low carb diet is made up of such a combination of micronutrients that provides enough energy to sustain despite the fewer amounts of carbohydrates, as carbs are major source of energy to our body because of their property of converting directly in glucose. It contains food that are high sources of fats and proteins such as seafood, meat, eggs, cheese, coconuts, avocado, nuts and other substitutes having high content of fiber like flax seeds and psyllium. Reason to include high fiber content foods in healthy low carb diet is that when a person is sustaining on such a type of diet, high intake of fat can cause health problems in long term, to avoid such kind of problems, food having high fiber contents must be included. While simultaneously food comprises of sugary elements must be avoided such as rice, candies, soft drinks, bakery products and vegetables that are high in starch content. A healthy low carb diet also lays emphasis on managing the levels of vitamins, minerals and other vital micronutrients required by body, as elimination of food items from a regular diet can result in deficiency of such micronutrients that can lead to serious side effects.

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Low carb diet lures the body to complete its energy requirements through breakdown of fats and shifts the metabolism towards high decomposition of fats as carbohydrates are no longer available for hormones to act. As now more fats are getting burned, a healthy low carb diet results in weight loss and can be one of the options for obese people to lose weight depending upon their bodies metabolism. It also helps in curing some diseases related to heart, but, as every coin has two sides, it also has side effects, as it can cause adverse effects on the functioning of the kidney and on bone strength due to high accumulation of proteins in the body.

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