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Clinical trial unit


Clinical Trials Units (CTUs) are specialist units that provide the expert methodological advice and coordination required to undertake successful clinical studies, both investigator-initiated and pharmaceutical trials.


Leader Siri Lillegraven, associate professor MD MPH PhD

The establishment of a CTU is central for the conduct of the research within REMEDY. The decision made by Diakonhjemmet Hospital in 2022 to establish the CTU as a separate unit within the hospital organization was a major milestone to secure the success of the CTU. This organizational change will be implemented from 2023. The unit receives additional funding from the NorTrials initiative through the hospital.


Silje W. Syversen, senior researcher MD PhD

One of the tasks of the CTU is to ensure that randomized clinical trials involving investigational medicinal products have to be performed in compliance with the EU Directive for Clinical Trials and International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) good clinical practice (GCP). In 2022, a substantial effort has been made by the CTU to prepare for the first

Highlights of the year

Organization: The decision was made by Diakonhjemmet Hospital to establish the clinical trial unit as a unit within the hospital organization

Hiring processes: Highly qualified staff members has been recruited to the unit

Biobank: Reorganization and planning of potential new biobank premises and technical solutions of our trials to enter the new Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) implemented by the European Medicines Agency. The CTU collaborates with the Regional Clinical Trial Unit and the NorCRIN network, especially with regards to external monitoring of trials. A collaboration has also been established with NorTrials with regards to participation in pharmaceutical clinical trials.

A number of biobanks are associated with REMEDY. Several initiatives have been made in 2022 to ensure that these biobanks will be optimized for future use and collaborative projects. The organization of the samples has been restructured, and plans have been made for potential upgrades in biobank premises and technical solutions.

Research coordinators, statisticians, study nurses, administrative personnel and a biobank coordinator is currently organized within the CTU. A dedicated leader for the unit has been recruited and further expansions of the personnel are planned for 2023.


To provide the support necessary to design, conduct, analyze and publish clinical trials in an efficient manner.

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