1 minute read

The digital and trusthworty Evidence Ecosystem

McMaster University

Systematic reviews / network meta-analysis with evidence summaries



Produced trustworthy guidance ready for submission and review


Potentially practice changing evidence published



Disseminate guidance to policy makers, clinicians and patients globally, ready for re-use and adaptation

E3 Implement guidance and decision support


Leticia Kawano-Dourado, Senior researcher, MD PhD

Furthermore, we see the current BMJ Rapid Recommendation as an opportunity to provide a global audience with trustworthy, accessible, and timely recommendations within the field of personalized medicine.



Eirik Klami Kristianslund, Postdoc researcher, MD PhD

REMEDY is dedicated to contributing to the implementation of the findings from our clinical research program. Partners Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Norwegian Rheumatism Association and MAGIC develop treatment recommendations originating from the high-quality clinical trials of the research center, in collaboration with the BMJ. A total

The development of the first REMEDY BMJ Rapid Recommendation, guiding proactive therapeutic drug monitoring of biologic drugs in autoimmune diseases was initiated in 2022 and will help to resolve the current inconsistency among published guidelines. Dose adjustments of biological drugs based on regular assessments of drug levels, namely proactive therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), has been suggested to improve the management of patients with autoimmune diseases due to sub-optimal drug levels. Two recently completed randomized controlled trials (NOR-DRUM A and B), published in the medical journal JAMA in 2021, hold the potential to change practice regarding TDM. The development of recommendations will optimize evidence-based decision making in the field and hopefully contribute to an implementation of a personalized medicine approach to treatment with biologic drugs.

Highlights of the year

• REMEDY and MAGIC teams met in person in Oslo in June 2022

• The process to create the first REMEDY BMJ Rapid Recommendation on TDM of biologic drugs for autoimmune diseases officially started in September 2022

Figure 1: The figure illustrates the Digital and Trustworthy Evidence Ecosystem, where the ultimate goal is to increase value and reduce waste in healthcare and research by facilitating the flow (arrows) from producing, synthesizing, disseminating and implementing evidence into practice.

• Preparatory meeting for the systematic review on efficacy in October 2022

• Panel composition work in November and December 2022

• Preparatory meetings to the first panel meeting held in November and December 2022

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